The ability to join a campaign as a guest will also be removed. There will be changes to the Emperor system and Alliance locked campaigns.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »All the faction rpers have succeeded with this is that they cut off all the actual rpers and pvers from getting all their crystals from one campaign. We'll still be able to port in on any faction for a 30-day, just not home it on every faction. Soooo, what did this accomplish? Nothing, and this PvP scene is dying anyways, so why do people want to cut off even more PvP?
fAcTiOn PrIdE, SpIeS, ReEeEeEeEeEeEeEeE gIvE mE fAcTiOn LoCk So I cAn ZeRgSuRf HaRdEr.
You guy understand people who play different factions can still play on any campaign right? Just don't get the transmute gems.
People are still going to troll you. I hope they do.
I'm 100% up for faction lock, but the way its being done is odd, surely Kyne, Sotha, Shor would make sense and leave the herds who don't care about factions in Vivec.
Odd to promote hopping in a 7 day were Its rife anyway!
Regardless I'm happy
All campaigns except Shor are affected by this.
So everyone that has friends on other campaigns is kinda bound to play on Shor now.
The diehard PvDoor-Friends and Zerglings will stay in Vivec and Sotha anyways.
Might be a good thing, at least for Shor.
I know this is something that is intended to appease a segment of the games population that typically lacks a high level understanding of PVP