seigneurbacon wrote: »Here are my thoughts on the subject :
While I like the idea and it makes a lot of sense, I don't think it would work. I foresee that people would start their own guilds and run alone to be a "group" leader and have a shot at emperorship rather than coordinating their effort properly for their faction, just as they rather farm AP than fight the war. Also, as long as DC is concerned (haven't played other factions so I can't tell, but I guess it would be the same), there is already much divide between group as on how the war should be led. Adding politics and emperorship elections will only throw oil on the fire.
These are my two cents, feel free to disagree!
People earning 100ks per hour and swapping back and forth on toons to flip things.
we never run a "full raid" lol, we don't even have 24 ppl in the guild or space on teamspeak for that.
ServerusEcru wrote: »How it will work. A player can only achieve LP by owning a guild. His guild must commit to the same faction for the duration of the campaign. And together the guild will gather LP points for their leader. Whoever gathers the most points will qualify for Emp. But it must be a faction decision voted on by the top five active guild leaders who achieved enough points to vote.
ServerusEcru wrote: »These five guild leaders must vote on which guild leader will become the Emp and they will all get buffs as well as the Emp’s High Council.
*removing my tin-foil hat*
I'm convinced there is a guild out there that is dedicated to just this. It's really easy to spot, because on a day to day basis, you will see one faction completely dominate, then the pendulum swings the other direction to another one. One of the tells for me are the ball-zerg. On EP it's AP, led by some guy with crow in his name. I've seen the same tactics carried out on other factions, and it's too similar to be a copy cat zerg.
Then there are the swapping regulars that play OP builds, and you see them everyday on a different alliance. They are the spais, or just squirrels being a distraction. One day a few weeks back I remember taking a series of AD keeps on our way to crash their gate, and I swear DC showed up on our heels every time with a small group of squirrels taunting the siege line. They were basically AD alliance members swapping to DC toons to pull us off the keep or distract us. I'm not saying that there shouldn't be spies or turncoats, but honestly that's not how it works in real war. You want to spy then you need to remain one for the duration of the campaign, or don't spy at all.
I would love to see this game implement or bring back campaign locks. It wouldn't stop faction swapping but would keep cheats from exploiting the failures of this game's design. You people need to establish some boundaries, for real.
First of all we weren't playing AD on Sundays because of the queue. Secondly we never run a "full raid" lol, we don't even have 24 ppl in the guild or space on teamspeak for that.
Ahnastashia wrote: »
So, my immediate thought when reading this was.. that basically, you're saying only guild leaders will have the opportunity to be emps... and everyone in the guild is working to get their leader emp each month. Wow... where would you find enough shepple who are willing to "work" to get you emp?
This is what really is all fracked up in your "solution" -> all the guild players' efforts go to glorify and emp their guild leader (i.e.)you... Seriously... really???
At this point.. I'm just shaking my head in amazement... I'm wondering what happens if/when huge amounts of players want to be emp each month? So... they make a guild.. gather their own sheeple who can work to get them emp.. ohnos!!!.. now you will have a smaller pool of sheeple who are being worker ants for you!! I don't know about you.. but that seems like an unholy and unfair "solution" to me.
Also.. what happens with the players who are in multiple PvP guilds? Do they have to pick which egotistical/god complex guild leader they "worship" the most and drop all their other PvP guilds.. so that all their efforts in the campaign go to the one true god... oops... I mean guild leader each month?
Ok.. so how long do you think it would take for that oh so "special" council to become a good ol' boys & girls system? That is.. if it didn't start out as that right from the beginning where the counsel leaders take "turns" being emp (assuming they win the campaign). Again.. that seems like an unholy and unfair mess to me.
I do agree that the emp system needs to be changed somehow.. but whatever that change might be.. (imho) it needs to be an equal opportunity for every player who plays in the campaign and not some guild leaders only.. ego boosting BS of "I have more sheeple than you do who are pitiful enough to stroke my ego and "work" to glorify me and make me emp each month..
ServerusEcru wrote: »
What Leadership Points does is bring respect and appreciation to all of the hard working guild leaders who (have respectful jobs in RL) have been fighting for five years in Cyrodill to win for their faction and never got rewarded for it. And after having their experiences ruined by exploiters and AP farmers, these players deserve some kind of repayment for their dedication to the actual faction.
ServerusEcru wrote: »
• How it will work. A player can only achieve LP by owning a guild. His guild must commit to the same faction for the duration of the campaign. And together the guild will gather LP points for their leader. Whoever gathers the most points will qualify for Emp. But it must be a faction decision voted on by the top five active guild leaders who achieved enough points to vote.
Iron Legion 1,000 LP
Guardians of Daggerdall 900 LP
Elder Skills 850 LP
Order of the Candle 700 LP
Rats of Tobruk 690 LP
These five guild leaders must vote on which guild leader will become the Emp and they will all get buffs as well as the Emp’s High Council.
How to dethrone an Emp?
Each member of the High Council will choose a keep to claim for their guild and based on how many Leadership Points the guild has such will determine the strength of their keeps defense. This will make it challenging to take a keep. Rival factions must turn all five keeps at the same time including the Emperors stronghold to dethrone Emp.
Zos, your thoughts and I’d like to hear the communities thoughts?
Ahnastashia wrote: »
Also.. I would say that there are people who run groups and try to help their campaigns win who are not guild leaders.. what do they get in your system?
I do understand and get what you're saying... we just don't happen to see eye to eye about the role/importance a leader should have and what "rewards" they should get.. that no one but them gets because.. well.. they're just such a fabulous "leader" and "make things happen" for the "little people" under their command/leadership. My view comes from my own personal stubbornness and my "gods help you if you try and control me" attitude. Under your system, I would have a very difficult time being one of the little cogs in the big machine..ServerusEcru wrote: »
Great Leadership. They will get guild leaders who not only care about winning for their faction but they are committed to the campaign and not just out to farm AP. Not everyone is designed to be a leader. That’s why it’s called Leadership Points, content for PvP guilds and their respective guild leaders. The Emp seat should be the same. It should not be placed in the hands of a tyrant or a 10 year old who is only out to get his AP then go buy cool stuff. It should be for a player who is respected in the eyes of PvPers—one who contributes in Cyrodill and plays the campaign right.
The term leadership is often devalued in our modern society. And here you devalue it by saying that an average player should be able to jump in and achieve what the leaders should have achieved long ago thus were robbed from it due to a faulty system. What about the situation now? It’s not designed for the leaders or for the PvPers. It’s designed for organized AP farmers. Sadly the players who care about PvP will never get a chance to be Emp because they are more concerned about winning instead of farming. And so they fight the good fight and hope that one day Zos will hear them.
Sometimes fairness and equality can’t exist in MMO’s and we get that. But at least if we are going to take away fairness and equality it should affect those who are not serious about Cyrodill content and help those who are committed.
The players who want to support their guild and leaders will do so because they care about PvP as well and they care about the leaders who make things happen. There is already a lot of stuff to achieve for PvEers. Now is the time for the PvPers to rise up and take back Cyrodill. But we can’t do it without the support of loyal PvPers and the wonderful Zos staff members who care and listen.
Have a good day. And thanks for your comments.
I see how this can add up, but I think its not enough of an incentive. I would propse a much stronger tool: When you play in a campaign and relog to a character of another alliance in the same campaign, your AP earned for campaign ranking (not for the char itself) are being reset. This would allow you to play different chars on the same alliance and be rewarded, but if you play part-time against your alliance, you loose the (campaign) ranking you earned.
- Loyalty rewards for remaining on one faction. Say +10% AP per day up to say 30% bonus. This allows players to swap if they need to or if they don't care about AP and at the same time benefits those who remain loyal to their faction.
I like the uniqueness of emperor, its something to go for. Handing out buffs for the top10 (of all alliances, not only the one owning emp!) would be a niced added incentive to push for the highest rankings. But mainly I would make the whole ranking list much more dynamic by giving the last 24 hours of eanred AP a massively increased weight. You can still count up all AP earned during a campaign for the final rewards, but such a change would finally enable weekend-players or ppl with a bit of a vacation to push for emp even if they cannot be online 3 weeks in a row. I would also tightly tie AP gain to population balance.
- Emp system. Rework it entirely. The current system rewards a single player for what is essentially a pve based system in a pvp environment, which is ridiculous. idk what the best fix is. I previously suggested that top 10 players get a scaling buff, a bit like a council of rulers. Reward those who put in the effort and not just 1 person. This is not a dictatorship after all.
- Rework the faction points system. The current one is imbalanced and easily manipulated by back capping. Make your home keeps much stronger based on how many frontline layers of owned keeps you have. 1 layer = 50% stronger back keeps to discourage back capping. If 2 layers then the rss become immune to capping. This will prevent players from exploiting the rss flips before tick and essentially deciding the faction winner (another reason why the current point system is broken). We don't want players pveing in pvp, which is what is currently happening.
100% agree on the rework, but not connected to population bars. Nobody know what those bars are standing for, my best estimate is 1 bar for 0-9 players online, 2 bars for 10-25, 3 bars to 26-50+ players per alliance. They are definitely not showing even-spaced 1/4, 2/4 and 3/4 to pop-lock as many ppl assume. Display real-time player numbers on each alliance and use those for balancing calculations.
- Faction balancing rework. Remove the current dinosaur low pop bonus and replace it with a dynamic AP scale based on pop imbalance. The bigger the pop difference the more AP the low pop factions get. Say 25% bonus for each bar difference.
ServerusEcru wrote: »
Great Leadership. They will get guild leaders who not only care about winning for their faction but they are committed to the campaign and not just out to farm AP. Not everyone is designed to be a leader. That’s why it’s called Leadership Points, content for PvP guilds and their respective guild leaders. The Emp seat should be the same. It should not be placed in the hands of a tyrant or a 10 year old who is only out to get his AP then go buy cool stuff. It should be for a player who is respected in the eyes of PvPers—one who contributes in Cyrodill and plays the campaign right.
The term leadership is often devalued in our modern society. And here you devalue it by saying that an average player should be able to jump in and achieve what the leaders should have achieved long ago thus were robbed from it due to a faulty system. What about the situation now? It’s not designed for the leaders or for the PvPers. It’s designed for organized AP farmers. Sadly the players who care about PvP will never get a chance to be Emp because they are more concerned about winning instead of farming. And so they fight the good fight and hope that one day Zos will hear them.
Sometimes fairness and equality can’t exist in MMO’s and we get that. But at least if we are going to take away fairness and equality it should affect those who are not serious about Cyrodill content and help those who are committed.
The players who want to support their guild and leaders will do so because they care about PvP as well and they care about the leaders who make things happen. There is already a lot of stuff to achieve for PvEers. Now is the time for the PvPers to rise up and take back Cyrodill. But we can’t do it without the support of loyal PvPers and the wonderful Zos staff members who care and listen.
Have a good day. And thanks for your comments.
visionality wrote: »@Sacredx: I like a lot of your suggestions, but not all:
I see how this can add up, but I think its not enough of an incentive. I would propse a much stronger tool: When you play in a campaign and relog to a character of another alliance in the same campaign, your AP earned for campaign ranking (not for the char itself) are being reset. This would allow you to play different chars on the same alliance and be rewarded, but if you play part-time against your alliance, you loose the (campaign) ranking you earned.
biminirwb17_ESO wrote: »My solution is a timer for faction swaps that increases each time you swap, 1,2,4,8,16 hrs etc per campaign. Lets people swap a few times to play with friends but removes blatant actions.
ServerusEcru wrote: »
Great Leadership. They will get guild leaders who not only care about winning for their faction but they are committed to the campaign and not just out to farm AP. Not everyone is designed to be a leader. That’s why it’s called Leadership Points, content for PvP guilds and their respective guild leaders. The Emp seat should be the same. It should not be placed in the hands of a tyrant or a 10 year old who is only out to get his AP then go buy cool stuff.
visionality wrote: »
This is a terrible idea and basically an outcry of 'I cannot make emp myself, pls, better guildies, carry me there!' If you are a good PVPer with a good guild around you - no matter whether you're the guild leader or not - you can make emp. If you cannot, you dont deserve the title.