When someone makes a post, and u reply to it it, u might want to actually reply in a coherent manner rather than conjure some nonsense made-up straw-man argument no one is thinking about.. DUH
These post about legit arguments aren't here to boost your troll post count.
People in your own faction can spy and muck about with scrolls, boosting is hardly a thing these days, there's not enough of them to flip keeps back and forward and if there is enough to do this to pass Emp around it's clearly a dead campaign where Emp and the score has no meaning.
The amount of influence these players have is so diminished from what they are accused of.
That said, maybe a 1 hour lock would be okay.
Except it stops you from being able to play with friends when you want.
It stops you being able to play with guilds when you want.
It stops you the freedom of playing the play style you want if your characters are on different factions.
It stops you from countering scroll trolls.
It stops you from switching to other factions when your current faction starts dominating or doing things you don't approve of (gate camping, etc.).
It makes setting up group v group fights more difficult.
Whilst you may not consider these downsides, to other players they are.
Guys I really don't get the point and issue that faction hopping induces. Can you please be more clear what kind of "cheating" can be exploited by changing factions?
I for myself also played since beta, and I have toons spread over all alliances. I love pvping in Cyro and coulndnt care less about the actual score of a faction, since its literally meaningless which faction wins the campaign at all?! I go into Cyro to enjoy great fights, with friends or by myself, on whatever faction my desired character was created on. Since there's only one campaign that is playable anyways (vivec - all others are dead), a timer would force me to not play other toons for said time - so I'm strongly against that.
So what are the actual problems and how can they be addressed??
The justifications crack me up
If you don't care about those campaigns then a full lock, let alone a 48hr should be cool then right? Won't impact you.
Keep Vivec as is for the boosters and zergs, and let the small scales enjoy some legit fights. Like your suggestion.
I don't think you addressed a single one of my points like I did to you original post, but I guess I'm not the one who has to accept this is how the game is and the silent majority are quite content.
The way Vivec is now, no one is switching factions during prime time to sit in a 1-2 hour que to get in again.....Yea Vivec is so dead....
No one is flipping Emp in Vivec either
If it's happening in a "dead" campaign, so what? The campaign is dead
Agreed, those that wanna keep hoping for dodgy reasons keep quiet, agreed there. And those that actually want to vocalise their frustration with cheats, will continue to try.
Boostings a thing, alliance switching for nefarious reason is a thing (revealing stealth players, turning round siege, scroll moving, flipping keeps) i don't need to address your points as you don't make any, you make sweeping judgements that mine were invalid, and where i play they aren't.
I'm not saying faction lock is a silver bullet, answer to all the cheating in PvP - it's an improvement however and an option. Your counter argument is based upon it being fine as it is - thus you condone the behavior or try to deny it happens.
Some solutions rather than denial would be a better counter, id happily hear your views. Or ignoring this thread, as those that want faction lock don't want it for any mythical made up legacy arbitrary reason. They want it as they are done with cheats.
There's nothing to fix!!!!!!!
Exactly. Why fix what is not broken. Even OP acknowledges above that they cannot support the statement made in the OP.
The main thing is that they keep saying it's cheating when it's firmly established and encouraged by ZOS to play different factions, otherwise it wouldn't be a promoted option. If you don't like it, play another game IMO.
Just an FYI, I only play DC and have done so exclusively for 6 months now, bar the odd hour or two at the end of an already decided campaign to get some Transmute gems.
I do not faction hop either. I merely point out that statements like what is made in the OP are baseless and empty.
I think it speaks volumes with how few agree with their opinion.
Haashhtaag wrote: »
You want a more dead campaign than Shor, that’s how you get it.
I do not faction hop either. I merely point out that statements like what is made in the OP are baseless and empty.
I think it speaks volumes with how few agree with their opinion.
You can disagree all you want but you and the small band of people who are of the same opinion of the OP make similar bold claims like the OP in this thread with little but empty words to support the claims. It is really sad.'
Their threads also end up with a small number of supporters as well. Most people understand it is just crying wolf and that there is no real issue so most have no reason to bother with such threads.
So in the end, here is my point. Zos sees actual numbers and if there is an actual issue and it seems pretty clear they see no reason for a change. So unless you have something more than the empty words most of these threads are based on then there is no justification for change. It is that simple.
If by “dead” you mean not full of zergs, then sure. I think that if one such campaign existed, the more faction loyalist types might gravitate toward it and it would maybe be a medium pop campaign on most platforms.
I, like many other PvPers, want to play on a campaign where your loyalty/hopping is locked in for the duration (7days).
Anyone that likes the current FFA hopping (I know it’s not even really relevant on Vivec) can go about play as normal. Those that like FFA have all the campaigns already.
Why the F are y’all so staunchly opposed to us having at lease ONE locked campaign that could be a home to people by want to play for a certain faction?? Can u please explain this vocal opposition to giving us a place we want to play?