Haashhtaag wrote: »Just freaking stop with the faction hopping threads. It’s not ruining campaigns or effecting anything. Oh boo hoo about a scroll on a dead campaign.
Haashhtaag wrote: »Just freaking stop with the faction hopping threads. It’s not ruining campaigns or effecting anything. Oh boo hoo about a scroll on a dead campaign.
a dead campaign? Kyne is the PIPELINE for new PvP players...
If you have a coherent rebuttal or counter-proposal, by all means STATE IT!
[edit] Thank You in advance
a dead campaign? Kyne is the PIPELINE for new PvP players...
If you have a coherent rebuttal or counter-proposal, by all means STATE IT!
If u aren't capable of at least that, kindly keep quiet please.Thank You in advance
Kyne is a pipeline of zergling players who refuse to go to sotha or shor or Vivec because they can use their golded lowbey gear and pick on new players. That’s it.
a dead campaign? Kyne is the PIPELINE for new PvP players...
If you have a coherent rebuttal or counter-proposal, by all means STATE IT!
If u aren't capable of at least that, kindly keep quiet please.Thank You in advance
Haashhtaag wrote: »Kyne is a pipeline of zergling players who refuse to go to sotha or shor or Vivec because they can use their golded lowbey gear and pick on new players. That’s it.
In reality, that is the minority.. no reason to make big changes in game or develop to cater to them. The vast pool of potential PvP players get turned off to PvP totally by those few gold-geared rerollers on Kyne logging cross-faction alts to "farm" them.
Big part of why I'm requesting a timer...
For those saying the game is dead.. that doesn't matter if the devs still working on it.. they need to fix broken stuff.. (esp since they adding new content quite often)
Crispen_Longbow wrote: »
Easy fix for this...
Make it so that if your "Account" has every had a character over 50 they aren't allowed into Kyne even if that character was deleted. Problem solved. Kyne will only be populated with beginner players. Once you have a character that caps out you cap out.
Haashhtaag wrote: »Just freaking stop with the faction hopping threads. It’s not ruining campaigns or effecting anything. Oh boo hoo about a scroll on a dead campaign.
This would require a massive overhaul and please a small fraction while isolating a whole bunch of people from playing their characters they earned.
The game was released without this intent 5 years ago, and 5 years (and probably thousands of "faction lock" threads) later, they still are not budging on that. Can you not just be happy with playing and developing your own characters? Why is it so necessary to try to control how other people play?
This would require a massive overhaul and please a small fraction while isolating a whole bunch of people from playing their characters they earned.
The game was released without this intent 5 years ago, and 5 years (and probably thousands of "faction lock" threads) later, they still are not budging on that. Can you not just be happy with playing and developing your own characters? Why is it so necessary to try to control how other people play?
I'm guessing you're one of those people that says they only switch to play with their friends or for a challenge, but yet only play solo or on whatever side is winning. Just a coincidence hmmmmm
No "massive overhaul" required. The timer mechanisms already exist as anyone that played since launch knows. They devs just neglected (or maybe forgot) to turn them back on.
Haashhtaag wrote: »
I actually tend to play the weaker faction in campaigns as it gives us much more of a challenge.
What do you think faction locking will achieve, when it can be circumvented so easily by just spending a few dollars and a few hours of time on a second, or third account? It’s not the panacea I think people are hoping for.