Add faction locked 7-day campaign or put 48-72 hour acct cooldown on hops in same campaign

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  • Beardimus
    "Team switching" should not be the case if we are talking about team based PvP game. Why we even have to discuss that ? Is not that obvious ?

    When the game originally launched (2014)
    PvP had this kind of restiction and it was much better (campaigns were alliance - locked). People were playing to win campaign. That was the main goal. Today we have came to a point where only thing that matters is AP... It should not be like that. Farming AP should not be the main goal of a 30-day campaign imho.

    Couldnt agree more @Tommy_The_Gun but yet people defend against it as they enjoy the status quo.
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • Elong
    Beardimus wrote: »
    Whilst Im being constructive Ill throw another idea out, disable campaign impact for players that do switch. AP gain, and Alliance score.

    Wouldn't stop the cheating, but would stop boosting which is a big part of the issue.

    I'm sure the boosters gonna flame this one haha :)

    Why don't you understand yet that the game isn't going to be changed to play how you want it?
  • Haashhtaag
    Beardimus wrote: »

    Honestly though why does that bother you?

    The lengths a handful of posters go to to flame the idea of a lock, how it wont change anything and sky will fall - BUT there's no counter argument at all to a timed lock. 24-48 hours. Or a lock to the campaigns that some people don't seem to care about.

    If it doesn't affect you why get so defensive over it, as switching for nefarious reasons DOES impact those that want to play legit.
    why is having another dead campaign so important to you?

    When factions locks existed off campaigns were literally 1 all yellow, 1 all blue, 1 all red. It was pointless and very under populated so ZOS did away with the locks and some of the campaigns.

    Not to mention that even when it did exist all you had to do was have a buddy group q you into the campaign. Imo there wasn’t a fix for that, which wouldn’t break the group q mechanic.
    Edited by Haashhtaag on March 15, 2019 12:24PM
  • Haashhtaag
    Enkil wrote: »

    If by “dead” you mean not full of zergs, then sure. I think that if one such campaign existed, the more faction loyalist types might gravitate toward it and it would maybe be a medium pop campaign on most platforms.

    I, like many other PvPers, want to play on a campaign where your loyalty/hopping is locked in for the duration (7days).

    Anyone that likes the current FFA hopping (I know it’s not even really relevant on Vivec) can go about play as normal. Those that like FFA have all the campaigns already.

    Why the F are y’all so staunchly opposed to us having at lease ONE locked campaign that could be a home to people by want to play for a certain faction?? Can u please explain this vocal opposition to giving us a place we want to play?

    because it has existed before and only created dead campaigns. One faction would claim it as their home camp, gate everything, have all scrolls. You and a group of friends let’s be modest here with a 6-10 group size would home it for a week go try to take Bloodmayne for example, only to see 24+ show up with emp to kill you rinse and repeat.

    The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. There were locks before and the campaigns were dead.
  • Haashhtaag
    Beardimus wrote: »
    Whilst Im being constructive Ill throw another idea out, disable campaign impact for players that do switch. AP gain, and Alliance score.

    Wouldn't stop the cheating, but would stop boosting which is a big part of the issue.

    I'm sure the boosters gonna flame this one haha :)

    I would assume the amount of “boosters” is less than half a percent of the campaign population.
  • Haashhtaag
    Beardimus wrote: »
    How about we change the narrative and focus on part of the problem constructively.

    Which is : Some of us would prefer Alliance loyalty to mean something, to encourage decent play as a team, common goal towards something.

    It feels that's how the game is intended, it might not feel that way for everyone but there are enough that this should be viable for those that want it - without impacting those that don't care. One suggestion is one faction locked campaign. Any downside?

    Loyalty - Why doesn't that happen right now?. Why do people feel the need to switch about? Is AP as a currency to farm the issue? Instant gratification of just wanting a fight? With battleground a great place for instant fights seems unlikely.
    Beardimus wrote: »
    How about we change the narrative and focus on part of the problem constructively.

    Which is : Some of us would prefer Alliance loyalty to mean something, to encourage decent play as a team, common goal towards something.

    It feels that's how the game is intended, it might not feel that way for everyone but there are enough that this should be viable for those that want it - without impacting those that don't care. One suggestion is one faction locked campaign. Any downside?

    Loyalty - Why doesn't that happen right now?. Why do people feel the need to switch about? Is AP as a currency to farm the issue? Instant gratification of just wanting a fight? With battleground a great place for instant fights seems unlikely.
    AP being bankable, one Tamriel.

    I do miss the days of the capital cities being dead when you could only see your faction there.
  • ZOS_RogerJ
    Greetings! Just a reminder to keep the thread on-topic, constructive, and civil. While we completely understand everyone has their own opinions, thoughts, feelings and even frustrations, we want the forums to be a civil and constructive platform for the game and it's community as a whole.

    After removing several posts, any further derailment of the thread will lead to it being locked.
    Edited by ZOS_RogerJ on March 15, 2019 2:45PM
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site
    Staff Post
  • esotoon
    Beardimus wrote: »
    However in direct response to you Faction lock changed once before, around feedback for people to play how they want - so all we are asking for is the same approach, and in way that doesnt impact others - 1 faction locked campaign, and if thats not on the table other solutions.

    The problem is, you are asking for it based on the faulty premise that it will solve the issues you have repeatedly complained about in this thread. Given, as has also been stated in this thread, that those same problems existed back when we did have faction locks (and without subscription it is even easier/cheaper to 'cheat' by having multiple accounts now), of course people are going to argue against your premise, and you are giving ZOS no valid reason to implement it. If every demand for a faction locked server is calling for it in order to solve certain issues with PVP, but you know from past experience it wouldn't solve those issues, why would you spend time and resources implementing it?

    I say this as someone who Is faction loyal in PVP and wouldn't mind a faction locked server, but in my opinion, the fundamental reason more people do not call for faction locked servers, based on nothing more than WANTING faction based servers, and why it won't happen, is simply lack of demand.

    The game itself doesn't encourage faction loyalty. There is nothing in the main game which makes your choice of faction mean anything. The main storyline is about going on a tangent from what the factions are doing and working with the Council of Five and the guilds to save the whole of Nirn. And the Zone storylines are all "You're an outsider who saves the day and gets rewarded with a potato and 3g, before moving on". You even get to play the storylines from all 3 factions, so there is no uniqueness to belonging to a certain faction. The introduction of One Tamriel made things even worse, by removing the need to play your faction's zones first, and mixing you in with players from all factions. And then the Expansions made it so that you no longer even start the factions quests. You start in the expansion zones where it is possible to level to 50 without even touching faction side of things. So currently there is absolutely nothing to make you faction loyal, other than your own head cannon.

    Then you have the fact that ZOS have done next to nothing to promote or improve faction based PVP since IC, and as a result, five years on you are left with a PVP population that is extremely small, and made up of a big proportion of players who have been playing for a long time and don't care about faction loyalty, they just want to have fun and/or make AP. This also creates a jaded player base that keeps doing what it has been doing for years with little motivation to change. I can't speak for other platforms, but on PC NA Vivec is often crowded and Shor is often empty. If people are more willing to wait in a queue *not* PVPing in order to get onto a laggy, overcrowded server, than they are to switch to playing on a server where they can get in straight away and have much better gaming experience due to improved performance, what is there to indicate that they would have any inclination to move to a faction locked server to have a better experience?

    You also have the problem now of faction balance. I obviously have no figures to go on, but given that (with the release of Elsweyr) 2 of the 3 expansions are AD based, and 1 is EP based, I would imagine that when it comes to faction population, AD have the most, EP second and DC third. That wouldn't be so much of a problem if PVP was teaming with players and a new faction based server would be pop locked all the time, but as that's not the case, it means the odds are stacked in ADs favour from the start. Once they start winning all the time, without a sense of faction pride amongst the whole player base to rally the troops, that will stay the trend. And if one faction is consistently winning and consistently having larger numbers, that both discourages players from other factions to play, and encourages the kind of behaviour you are complaining about.

    So again, to be clear, if you want a Faction locked server, that is great, but you have to give ZOS a valid reason to implement it. And IMHO until you get more players taking pride in their factions, and until you get more people playing PVP, I just don't see ZOS having a reason to do so. And sadly, those are not changes the player base can make happen. They are things that will only happen if ZOS themselves have a major shift in the way they are designing the game and where they chose to focus their resources.

    Edited by esotoon on March 15, 2019 3:47PM
  • Katahdin
    Beardimus wrote: »

    Ok then, if other campaigns don't matter then we can lock those right? Glad you agree.
    And if no one is switching in vivec as you say, well then a 24-48hr lock on vivec won't hurt?

    Glad you support faction lock across the board. TY.

    NO I absolutely DO NOT support faction lock whatsoever....

    It will never solve any of the supposed problems you bring up. It didn't solve them when we had faction lock, it will never solve them, ever.

    The only reason you want faction lock is because you want to see the entire map painted red 24/7 and you know that's exactly what will happen with a faction lock.

    The only way to solve Cyrodiil's embalance is with dynamic population levels so that population is equal all the time and one faction can't completely overwhelm the map.

    If you home faction is full, go to another one
    Edited by Katahdin on March 15, 2019 5:23PM
    Beta tester November 2013
  • Beardimus
    Katahdin wrote: »

    The only reason you want faction lock is because you want to see the entire map painted red 24/7 and you know that's exactly what will happen with a faction lock.

    The only way to solve Cyrodiil's embalance is with dynamic population levels so that population is equal all the time and one faction can't completely overwhelm the map.

    @Katahdin totally Incorrect, faction winning has zero to do with my motivations. Faction loyalty win or loss does - as ive repeatedly said. No one wants a dead campaign. I want a legit campaign stopping (reducing) cheats and boosters whose behavior annoys long term players into alliance loyalty like me. And repeatedly undermines Cyrodiil to new players we support through guilds into PvP saying 'whats the point if people do that to win' etc. That my sole motivation. Reducing the dodgy behavior somewhere for folks that care.

    Your second point I'm all for, sounds good. And as ive said previously I'm pro stopping faction swap for nefarious behavior reduction BUT Im ALL for other methods of stopping that if it's not lock, happy with all suggestions to reduce it.

    My point to you was if you don't care about low 'dead' pop campaigns why would you care if they were locked as they are the ones were the worst stuff can happen.
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • Enkil
    Some of you seem to be commenting on this this from a vivec only/mainly perspective as no other campaign gets locked pops unless it’s midyear mayhem.. this doesn’t even apply to vivec because it doesn’t have these issues being poplocked on some factions. That should be understood but now i’ve made that clear.

    My real hope (that is also a good compromise) is to just give us one locked 7-day campaign and leave all the rest as it. You can’t compare it to what it was before, because before onetamriel the hopping issues didn’t really exist much.

    I have previously made a “give us a NEW locked campaign thread and poll” and many of the same vocal opposition that have posted here, posted against that. What gives?!?

    I respect the desire to have FFA campaigns.. I, however, want to play on a locked campaign. Quite a few other players do too. They are by no means mutually exclusive.

    They can do both and leave most of the FFA campaigns untouched.

    [side note: I asked the mods to close and lock the thread if people keep trolling it... be respectful, present your arguments and let it be after that.... don’t be petty, disrespectful or try to derail my thread please]

    Edited by Enkil on March 17, 2019 8:25PM
  • TheValar85
    Why do you guys want to riun other players experiance with faction hopping?

    Thats bascily exploiting the game. considered ZOS didnt realy wanted to imploment this at the first time if you need fact cheks ask for your self from a pvp contetn representatives.

    Im honestly utterly disgusted by the traitorus alliance hopper, not becasue some of your firend are palying in other factions, it is why you use this an an exuse fo faction hopping. becasue this is what it is. the rest is just a made up excuse and no reasons at all behind of this except to messung up the whole AvA campains.

    Well kudos for you guys just dont be suprised when in time people gettign enough of that sheet fest and decide to leav pvp and then you can qq about the low population issues once again. while clearly it seems no one is realising the fact that it hase been arenged by the players them self. Bascily enjoy what you cooked.

    I have to agree on the faction locks. And no one have a reason to change my mind on that subject. And thankfuly i am not the only one who wnats this. BTW if i rember correctly ZOS already promissed this some time ago so its going to happen anyway. Reguardless how you guys are against it.

    Be loyal to your faction and fight for your kings or queen with honor, becasue what you do with faction hopping is everything just not honorus. Your faction leadres are disgusted and dissapointed as well :D how do i know that? :D well just do some lore chek behind of them and you will see.

    Thats all i can add for this conversation right now. on that note i did not meant to direspect or dishonor anyone from any factons, but the fact stands faction hopping is NOT good for this game and for the majority of the player base whos playing in a competative enviroment with loyal hart to its own alliance faction, and never betraying that. Why? Becasue Their Blood is for their Kings and for their Queen, For The Ebonheart Pact! For The Dominion! And For The Daggerfall Covenant! Keep those in mind. And play nicly for your own sake if you dont want pvp to end up dead.

    Kindly Reguards.
    Edited by TheValar85 on March 17, 2019 11:59AM
    GM Of The Lusty Argonian ERP
    GM Of THe Alessia Dynasty PVP Guild
    GM Of The Guardians Of MiddleEarth
    My Smiling Emperor Profile Picture:
  • Elong
    TheValar85 wrote: »
    Why do you guys want to riun other players experiance with faction hopping?

    Thats bascily exploiting the game. considered ZOS didnt realy wanted to imploment this at the first time if you need fact cheks ask for your self from a pvp contetn representatives.

    Im honestly utterly disgusted by the traitorus alliance hopper, not becasue some of your firend are palying in other factions, it is why you use this an an exuse fo faction hopping. becasue this is what it is. the rest is just a made up excuse and no reasons at all behind of this except to messung up the whole AvA campains.

    Well kudos for you guys just dont be suprised when in time people gettign enough of that sheet fest and decide to leav pvp and then you can qq about the low population issues once again. while clearly it seems no one is realising the fact that it hase been arenged by the players them self. Bascily enjoy what you cooked.

    I have to agree on the faction locks. And no one have a reason to change my mind on that subject. And thankfuly i am not the only one who wnats this. BTW if i rember correctly ZOS already promissed this some time ago so its going to happen anyway. Reguardless how you guys are against it.

    Be loyal to your faction and fight for your kings or queen with honor, becasue what you do with faction hopping is everything just not honorus. Your faction leadres are disgusted and dissapointed as well :D how do i know that? :D well just do some lore chek behind of them and you will see.

    Thats all i can add for this conversation right now. on that note i did not meant to direspect or dishonor anyone from any factons, but the fact stands faction hopping is NOT good for this game and for the majority of the player base whos playing in a competative enviroment with loyal hart to its own alliance faction, and never betraying that. Why? Becasue Their Blood is for their Kings and for their Queen, For The Ebonheart Pact! For The Dominion! And For The Daggerfall Covenant! Keep those in mind. And play nicly for your own sake if you dont want pvp to end up dead.

    Kindly Reguards.

    Mate if you want to roleplay, may I suggest visiting the tavern in Riften?
  • Sy1ph5
    Yall can lock the factions as long as I can play all of my characters on the faction I choose regardless of what they were at creation. Otherwise its ridiculous to ask me to only play some of the characters I have because of your RP.
  • DisgracefulMind
    TheValar85 wrote: »
    Why do you guys want to riun other players experiance with faction hopping?

    Thats bascily exploiting the game. considered ZOS didnt realy wanted to imploment this at the first time if you need fact cheks ask for your self from a pvp contetn representatives.

    Im honestly utterly disgusted by the traitorus alliance hopper, not becasue some of your firend are palying in other factions, it is why you use this an an exuse fo faction hopping. becasue this is what it is. the rest is just a made up excuse and no reasons at all behind of this except to messung up the whole AvA campains.

    Well kudos for you guys just dont be suprised when in time people gettign enough of that sheet fest and decide to leav pvp and then you can qq about the low population issues once again. while clearly it seems no one is realising the fact that it hase been arenged by the players them self. Bascily enjoy what you cooked.

    I have to agree on the faction locks. And no one have a reason to change my mind on that subject. And thankfuly i am not the only one who wnats this. BTW if i rember correctly ZOS already promissed this some time ago so its going to happen anyway. Reguardless how you guys are against it.

    Be loyal to your faction and fight for your kings or queen with honor, becasue what you do with faction hopping is everything just not honorus. Your faction leadres are disgusted and dissapointed as well :D how do i know that? :D well just do some lore chek behind of them and you will see.

    Thats all i can add for this conversation right now. on that note i did not meant to direspect or dishonor anyone from any factons, but the fact stands faction hopping is NOT good for this game and for the majority of the player base whos playing in a competative enviroment with loyal hart to its own alliance faction, and never betraying that. Why? Becasue Their Blood is for their Kings and for their Queen, For The Ebonheart Pact! For The Dominion! And For The Daggerfall Covenant! Keep those in mind. And play nicly for your own sake if you dont want pvp to end up dead.

    Kindly Reguards.

    I feel like I need to repost this jingle jangle:

    If you're lonely, if you're sad. Even if you are a bad.
    If you zerg or if you solo. Even if you are a yolo.
    Just take a look, we're right around the bend.
    You can be. . . a FAIR WEATHER FRIEND ™
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • Universe
    Sadly, given it's been asked for on thousands of different occasions, it appears that the developers are not inclined to implement a lock.
    Here are last 2 posts @ZOS_BrianWheeler posted about a campaign alliance lock(April 2018):
    Campaign lockouts based on Alliance swapping on a temporary level have been discussed and are still on going.
    We are still discussing Alliance association and Campaigns.

    Almost a year has passed...
    I understand that development can take a very long time, but a year for a lock ?
    It looks like ZOS decided back then or sometime later that a such lock is not needed or it will do more harm than good(which is obviously not correct).

    I suggested a way to implement an alliance lock back then too.
    My post from back then:
    Universe wrote: »

    It will be great if you would implement a campaign alliance lock(account based) so we will once again have more alliance loyalty and less treason/plays all sides kind of gameplay.
    I would suggest the following:
    Char example 1 joins campaign 1. Char example 1 Alliance: AD
    Char example 2 can't join campaign 1 for the duration of the campaign. Char example 2 Alliance: EP
    Char example 3 can't join campaign 1 for the duration of the campaign. Char example 3 Alliance: DC

    *If char example 1 abandoned campaign 1(penalty of ap, 500K-1M/other AP), only then it is possible to join campaign 1 with other alliance chars(only if they are all same alliance) and only after 24-72 hours have passed since char 1 abandoned the campaign.
    *Once the campaign has ended, all players will receive a campaign reset(free of charge) so they may choose with which alliance to play(Only one alliance, AD/EP/DC). This reset will encourage to play until the end of campaign and not use the above option.

    Nothing happened since then, the lack of any official response on the matter from the developers speaks volumes...
    Edited by Universe on March 19, 2019 12:59AM
    Some videos I recorded for fun: Main character:
    PC EU main: Universe - AD magicka Sorcerer, Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, The Merciless, Trial Bosses Solo Champion
    Top alts: Genius(stamina/sagicka Dragonknight) The Force(stamina Nightblade) and other chars.
    PC NA main: The Magic - AD magicka Sorcerer
    Started playing ESO in beta & early access
    User_ID: Daedric_Prince
  • Destyran
    Enkil wrote: »
    The faction hopping is occurring en masse where players are going from low pop faction to high pop or Emp faction with daily frequency, on weekends, and during prime time. It's absolutely ridiculous on Kyne NA-PC.

    Sure, some want to faction hop so they can play with friends or even play on underdog but those are by far the minority. This absence of any restrictions whatsoever has been continuously and totally abused by the majority of those that do so.

    Will you all please do something? Put a 48 or 72 hour timer on accounts for hopping on same account alt from another faction on the same campaign. SIMPLE & VERY REASONABLE!!!!

    (won't solve all but will help minimize)

    Or... just add or change one campaign to be an acct faction locked 7-day campaign for the duration.

    [side note: I asked the mods to close and lock the thread if people keep trolling it... be respectful, present your arguments and let it be after that.... don’t be petty, disrespectful or try to derail my thread please]

    I would t have to faction change if transmute stone were easier to come by
  • Enkil
    Universe wrote: »
    Nothing happened since then, the lack of any official response on the matter from the developers speaks volumes...

    Yeah, well we just need to keep asking though if they are actively making new chapters and new players are coming. I think just one faction locked 7- day campaign is a reasonable ask and doesn’t interfere with all the Free-For-All players.

    Destyran wrote: »

    I would t have to faction change if transmute stone were easier to come by

    U get so many from reward emails I often have to delete them. How much transmuting you really need?
    Edited by Enkil on March 19, 2019 3:50AM
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    Universe wrote: »
    Sadly, given it's been asked for on thousands of different occasions, it appears that the developers are not inclined to implement a lock.
    Here are last 2 posts @ZOS_BrianWheeler posted about a campaign alliance lock(April 2018):
    Almost a year has passed...
    I understand that development can take a very long time, but a year for a lock ?
    This feels apt.
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Banana Squad (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Roleplay Circle)
  • Elong
    Maybe they have had a look and, you know, decided it's part of the game?
  • Universe
    . This feels apt.

    LOL :)
    Treebeard and his Entmoot are actually better in communication than ZOS! :D
    Some videos I recorded for fun: Main character:
    PC EU main: Universe - AD magicka Sorcerer, Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, The Merciless, Trial Bosses Solo Champion
    Top alts: Genius(stamina/sagicka Dragonknight) The Force(stamina Nightblade) and other chars.
    PC NA main: The Magic - AD magicka Sorcerer
    Started playing ESO in beta & early access
    User_ID: Daedric_Prince
  • Diundriel
    i want to fight everyone at any time; can’t do that if i can’t switch factions
    My YT:

    GM of former Slack Squad PvP Raid Guild
    Our Vids:

    Zoe'la- AD Magplar AvA 50 x2.5
    Not Zoe'la- DC Magplar AvA 27
    Worst Healbot EU- EP Magplar AvA 20
    Diundriel- AD StamNB AvA 39
    Pugs Got Bombed- AD ManaNB AvA 36
    Cause we have dots- AD ManaSorc AvA 35
    Red Zergs Again- AD StamDen AvA 30
    Synergy Spam Bot- AD MagDK AvA 17
    Heals of Cyrodiil- AD ManaDen AvA 14
    Nawrina- DC StamDK AvA 26
    Not Ganking- StamNB PVE DD
    Stack Pls- DC ManaNB AvA 20
    Der Katzenmensch- AD AvA 30
    Der kleine Troll- DC StamDen AvA 25
    and some I deleted and new ones I am to lazy to add so well above 250 Mio AP and 7 Former Emperor Characters

    PvE: multiple Flawless Conqueror Chars, Spirit Slayer, vAS +2, vCloudrest +3, vRG, vKAhm etc
  • Universe
    Diundriel wrote: »
    i want to fight everyone at any time; can’t do that if i can’t switch factions

    That's treason!
    Queen Ayrenn/High King Emeric/High King Jorunn will not approve of this XD

    Alliance war without a faction lock is open to far too many abuses which could potentially impact the different alliances scoring and the enjoyment from Cyrodiil AVA in general.
    Now it's not even an AVA, there is team purple almost anywhere ROFL :D
    Edited by Universe on March 19, 2019 6:03PM
    Some videos I recorded for fun: Main character:
    PC EU main: Universe - AD magicka Sorcerer, Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, The Merciless, Trial Bosses Solo Champion
    Top alts: Genius(stamina/sagicka Dragonknight) The Force(stamina Nightblade) and other chars.
    PC NA main: The Magic - AD magicka Sorcerer
    Started playing ESO in beta & early access
    User_ID: Daedric_Prince
  • MipMip
    Diundriel wrote: »
    i want to fight everyone at any time; can’t do that if i can’t switch factions

    I feel exactly the same
    PC EU ∙ PC NA

    'My only complaint about ball groups is that there aren't enough of them. Moar Balls.'
    - Vilestride
  • Bridges1120
    I find most everyone who "wants to fight anyone, anytime" seems to only gravitate towards the "anyone" being "whoever is currently already outnumbered" and tend to fight alongside "whoever is already winning."

    At this current moment of posting, in Sotha Sil and Vivec DC has less than a quarter of the map and in Kyne they're being pushed back to the home keeps. I clearly can only assume by all the "I don't want faction locks because I want to be able to play on the underdog to get the best fights!" bravado that everyone is currently logging into DC.

    Edited by Bridges1120 on March 24, 2019 10:18PM
  • DisgracefulMind
    I find most everyone who "wants to fight anyone, anytime" seems to only gravitate towards the "anyone" being "whoever is currently already outnumbered" and tend to fight alongside "whoever is already winning."

    At this current moment of posting, in Sotha Sil and Vivec DC has less than a quarter of the map and in Kyne they're being pushed back to the home keeps. I clearly can only assume by all the "I don't want faction locks because I want to be able to play on the underdog to get the best fights!" bravado that everyone is currently logging into DC.


    That's not true at all, there are so many people who swap to the outnumbered faction. We have a whole guild dedicated to that sort of thing. Whether EP, DC or AD, there are tons of people who swap to be outnumbered.

    Issue is there's too many faction rpers and not enough people willing to swap when it's needed.
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • Beardimus
    Good news @Enkil did you see @Turelus update from the London event?

    Faction locked campaigns are on the way, and in particular they want to cut down on faction hoping shenanigans. (multiple emps on one campaign one account etc)
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • Universe
    We will get our Campaign Alliance Lock!!! B)
    Incredible news, thanks @Shimmer for the Elsweyr Cyrodiil Update News!

    Thanks @ZOS_BrianWheeler :)

    Video to mark our victory of convincing to implement campaign alliance lock! rejoice!
    Some videos I recorded for fun: Main character:
    PC EU main: Universe - AD magicka Sorcerer, Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, The Merciless, Trial Bosses Solo Champion
    Top alts: Genius(stamina/sagicka Dragonknight) The Force(stamina Nightblade) and other chars.
    PC NA main: The Magic - AD magicka Sorcerer
    Started playing ESO in beta & early access
    User_ID: Daedric_Prince
  • Enkil
    Awesome news!! Hopefully this will be a much needed breath of fresh air to Cyrodiil just as Elsweyr brings in new people and in time for midyear mayhem. This even makes the currently dead 7-day campaign into a place for the FFA style players to go and bring that campaign back to life.

    Win-Win I'd say..

    Thanks @ZOS_BrianWheeler & team.
  • DisgracefulMind
    Enkil wrote: »
    Awesome news!! Hopefully this will be a much needed breath of fresh air to Cyrodiil just as Elsweyr brings in new people and in time for midyear mayhem. This even makes the currently dead 7-day campaign into a place for the FFA style players to go and bring that campaign back to life.

    Win-Win I'd say..

    Thanks @ZOS_BrianWheeler & team.

    Players can still go on any campaign though with any alliance they just can't home multiple alliances homed on the 30-day. What about in Oceanic when the map is d e a d, the non-locked camps won't be active at all. PvP is dying in this game, kill it more I guess?

    It's not going to stop anyone from swapping around, because most players who swap do it for fights and don't care about rewards anyways. Shor won't be active in the off-hours, but I guess most people don't care about Oceanic anyways.
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
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