There aren't enough players left for this, everyone is too busy playing Apex.
PC/NA is so dead, in the Vivec campaign the AD nerds rob the EP scrolls every night and cap the map.
First sign of a dead campaign, people stop playing when they can't win, and Apex is a sh*t-ton more fun.
The faction hopping is occurring en masse where players are going from low pop faction to high pop or Emp faction with daily frequency, on weekends, and during prime time. It's absolutely ridiculous on Kyne NA-PC.
Sure, some want to faction hop so they can play with friends or even play on underdog but those are by far the minority. This absence of any restrictions whatsoever has been continuously and totally abused by the majority of those that do so.
Will you all please do something? Put a 48 or 72 hour timer on accounts for hopping on same account alt from another faction on the same campaign. SIMPLE & VERY REASONABLE!!!!
(won't solve all but will help minimize)
What I see here is nothing. Someone that wants something without any justification just because they think might be causing problems yet they have no clue if anything significant is happening.
Sure, they say it is SIMPLE & VERY REASONBLE which makes sense because they want it but they do not even bother to provide any actual justification for it nor do they even provide any measurement of how much it will solve of whatever their make believe problem is.
It's not the exploitation of AP and crystals that bothers me with faction swapping, it's the dirty and immoral behaviour that it helps provide. A small window where you're not allowed to enter a pvp zone on a different faction would help alleviate a lot of these problems.Mudcrabber wrote: »People grind through Vivec on all their characters in all factions because the same amount of AP earns you 5x the end-of-campaign reward. 50 transmute crystals instead of 10, etc.
The "winning" side. What exactly do players get for switching to the winning side? 100k AP and they are at tier 3. So switching to the winning side benefits them for all of 2 or 3 hours at worst. This argument has never and will never make sense. Winning the campaign is utterly meaningless unless you are pushing the leaderboard or you have all of your characters in that faction. The only reason people really want this is out of some absurd sense of faction loyalty. Just fight whoever is fighting against you and fight with whoever is fighting with you and get over it already.
Again, as ever on this topic, no argument made for remaining as os actually stacks up.
Yet introducing a lock, albeit it a short one 24-48hr has nothing but gains.
Give us something @ZOS_BrianWheeler please!!
This would require a massive overhaul and please a small fraction while isolating a whole bunch of people from playing their characters they earned.
The game was released without this intent 5 years ago, and 5 years (and probably thousands of "faction lock" threads) later, they still are not budging on that. Can you not just be happy with playing and developing your own characters? Why is it so necessary to try to control how other people play?
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
Easier fix, Remove the scaling for gear quality in Kyne.
There are lots of valid arguments made for the system to remain as is. You just choose not to accept them because they don’t resonate in your echo chamber.
If there was ever going to be a lock implemented. Lock Shor as it is only 7 days and leave Vivec non-lock for the faction hopping AP farmers.
This way you get a team oriented server and a free for all AP farm server. your opinion.
In mine if i want that ill go play a FPS or street fighter 2.
This is an MMORPG and the tactical play around the map, and alliance gains is where its at for many.
If all you care for is instant gratification then remain in BattleGrounds, Cyrodiil is a place for more than that. And alliance matters, things that break that need to change.
By the same token, those players swapping for instant gratification, or T1-T3 rewards, are spending only a couple hours on the campaign, and are not capable of influencing the result as much as you claim.
They can spy, muck about with scrolls, boost, flip keeps and flip it back to pass emp about etc etc - plenty enough to make new players and old think what's the point.
Not the absolutle answer. But its an answer. And ill recap - a lock for 24-48 hours (min) has no real downside.
- fix CP being boring and broken so we can delete unbalanced nCP.
- remove all campaigns except for the lowbie one.
- add 1 additional new campaign with free-for-all rules
- all keeps to have doors removed.
- increase dmg on siege and ultimates so that players die faster to help combat lag
- add ways to teleport across the map to interesting locations
- add unique cyro items so PVE players have reason to enter lol
And ill recap - a lock for 24-48 hours (min) has no real downside.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »If you're lonely, if you're sad. Even if you are a bad.
If you zerg or if you solo. Even if you are a yolo.
Just take a look, we're right around the bend.
You can be. . . a FAIR WEATHER FRIEND ™