Savos_Saren wrote: »No, this isn't one of those "that guy's using cheat engine" posts or "that person ran the scroll in the opposite direction I thought it should go" (because I understand the tactics behind making factions go after each other) posts.
This is for that one *** who was on an AD character (PC/NA) and was running to people's defensive siege and turning it around while we were trying to defend Sej as EP was attacking. That's straight up *** gameplay. Get back on your EP or DC character and help them out. Don't sabotage another faction. For ***'s sake, man.
Savos_Saren wrote: »No, this isn't one of those "that guy's using cheat engine" posts or "that person ran the scroll in the opposite direction I thought it should go" (because I understand the tactics behind making factions go after each other) posts.
This is for that one *** who was on an AD character (PC/NA) and was running to people's defensive siege and turning it around while we were trying to defend Sej as EP was attacking. That's straight up *** gameplay. Get back on your EP or DC character and help them out. Don't sabotage another faction. For ***'s sake, man.
Savos_Saren wrote: »(because I understand the tactics behind making factions go after each other) posts.
Doing something I don't like =/= Cheating
I dont understand the point? Blatant cheating? So a troll?
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
Maybe it was strategically important to lose sej so that EP focused on DC again rather than retaliating for the zerg PvDing that AD had just performed.
Oh? Which group?@Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO It's funny that you're commenting on here. The EP group that was sieging Sej just so happened to be quite a few people we both know.
I came here hoping to see a game play video of the new Cheat Engine circa 2019.
I feel so used.
I've had my siege turned around and fired in the opposite direction while shooting Ash milegate on my DC toon. In an MMO there are going to be reprobates. What they are doing is more along the lines of a deviant psychology in general than cheating for a specific purpose it seems. Or more simply you are likely talking about a psychopath since what they do makes no sense but hurts others and gives them pleasure.
Stratforge wrote: »
SkyrimFan1999: *shoots siege in the wrong direction, generally performs poorly in the alliance war*
Rucky: Sir! Sir! I've consulted my DSM-IV which I keep by my computer for normal reasons and I've diagnosed you as a psychopath. Please remit yourself to the nearest State Institution at your earliest convenience.
redspecter23 wrote: »Annoying to be sure, but that's small time. If they want to take that troll to the next level, they need to get a group of 20 down there, each on their own siege and turn it away and just hold it there. That way you can't even place any that are pointing in the proper direction at all. They could even all have a guild tag so the opposing faction knows not to kill them. A bunch of AD all running around with the guild tag "Team Purple" and doing this on a regular basis would be horrifying and hilarious.
Savos_Saren wrote: »
Honestly- I've seen some pretty crappy sabotage in Vivec. There was one guy who would put up a ton of camps in random places- just to keep people from putting up effective camps. (What a waste of AP, right?)
But it would be pretty *** of someone to hop on a different faction and set up 16 oils on the ground so that the faction can't defend their own keep. There's got to be rules in place for this cross faction trolling/sabotage. I get it, though. I'm sure there's plenty of AD/DC/EP people that hop on alternate characters and spy for their home faction. Seems like it would be pretty boring, though.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
Why would anyone want to spy? The campaigns really aren't that serious, man. There are no spais.
redspecter23 wrote: »
Imagine the most productive, awesome thing you can. Someone out there will do that. Now imagine the most worthless, idiotic thing. I guarantee someone does that.
An average person will probably play this game in a predictable way somewhere in the middle. It's the outliers you have to watch out for. You don't have to understand why they do what they do. Just recognize that they exist.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
Why would anyone want to spy? The campaigns really aren't that serious, man. There are no spais.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »Oh? Which group?
Personally the only time I remember seeing you there I didn't see any groups sieging sej just ep pugs including 3 of us getting teir 1 rewards on random chars
Savos_Saren wrote: »
No. There's definitely people who are willing to spy. A while back, DD actually kicked a few new recruits who said that they'd pop on EP toons to help us. I mean, it's "play as you want"- but there's still a sportsmanship to even video games, you know?