i actually think Nord requires 5% block and bash cost reduction to balance it out and 500 health for redguard and 1000 stam for Argonian. For Argonian i would of left the potion amount as on live and left the healing done and received the same as live as well.
so redguards have best stam regen while blocking and cheap weapon skills
imperials have low stam regen and low cost reduction on everything
nords have best cost reduction for blocking and the ultimate
argonians have the potion sustain and healing
thats fairly balanced to me.
Nords? Over powered? God no.
They are, however, in a hot race with both argonians and imperials (only after the recent imperial changes)
But that's the only thing they have going for them... Very questionably the top tank race, equally as uncertainly the 2nd or 3rd.
All in all, very balanced in terms of tanking and underperforming in literally all other things.
Tbh I'm ashamed of myself for even posting in this thread to even entertain the notion of nords being over powered.
totally agree. In most cases the 950 stam/5 seconds & cheap taunts/heroic will trump everything else. Without a way to generate some stam while blocking nord wont even be in the running.
it might not be required but no group will turn it down and no one will tell you not to do it if you can.
lol, there are very few fights perma-blocking is required...you should only be blocking when needed, as for whether Nord is in the running or not I cant say yet
5% bash and block reduction is virtually worthless for tanks...we just went through this with Imperial
5% bash and block reduction is virtually worthless for tanks...we just went through this with Imperial
profundidob16_ESO wrote: »Nord in combination with Stonekeeper monster set will allow for very good selfsustain while stil hitting the cap easy which is not possible with imperial right now.
WikiMeister wrote: »Absolutely not. There's a reason Nord has not been touched even the slightest since PTS 4.3.0, whereas several other races have underwent multiple revisions, and still are for some. (I'm looking at you Khajiit & Bosmer).
Summarily, as of PTS 4.3.3, the current iteration of Nord in terms of numerical stats goes as follows:
+1500 stamina
+5 ultimate every 10s of damage intake
+1000 HP
+2310 Cold Damage Resistance. Immune to 'Chilled' status effect
+3960 Physical Resistance
+3960 Magical Resistance
ZOS have elected (and I agree with their decision thus far) to leave Nord exactly how they originally redesigned it in 4.3.0, and for good reason. They are easily one of the most well weighted and balanced races for their sheer rugged constitution and ability to shrug off blows... and be rewarded for it.
While their stats are oriented towards a BiS tank with ultimate generation and even non-buff locked resistance bonuses which stack with Major Ward/Resolve, they can fill a niche role of a 'tough' DPS albeit with no assistance to sustain, which can be problematic if a Nord player wanted to perform as a competitive DD.
It seems like a lot of people are only looking at things from a PvE perspective. When it comes to PvP - at least the current "meta" in Battlegrounds - I think Nords are indeed overpowered. Being immune to the absurd amounts of root spam coming from Wall of Frost is huge - if you can't get chilled, you can't be rooted (Chilled is also far and away the #1 most common source of Minor Main, for -15% damage).
If/when the absurdity of the Wall of Frost roots gets taken care of, I don't think Nords would necessarily be overpowered anymore, but they'd still be quite strong - including for Magicka builds. The Ultimate generation (including from all the random little AOE hits), 3,960 resists, 1,500 Stamina, 1,000 Health, and immunity to Chilled will all remain quite good; there's really nothing there that's wasted.
On Live the most suitable overall tanking passives are on the Argonian and so it is META.
On the PTS many of the races have suitable passives for tanking. Nord is the only one with ultimate generation.
The imperial, for its 3% ultimate cost reduction is arguably equal in Warhorn up-time but the DK (the only tank in this game) benefits from every point of ultimate spent so a cheaper ultimate is less beneficial to them. So Nord>Imperial.
Olupajmibanan wrote: »
Everything FALSE!
Battle Roar resource restore is based on base ultimate cost. You may freely use Akaviri Dragonguard, Vampire Stage 4 or onther ultimate cost reducers and still get full resources.
The 3% Imperial reduction brings your Warhorn cost from 250 to 243. 20 seconds on Nord are needed to beat that. No tank can generate enough ultimate for Warhorn in 20 seconds.
@profundidob16_ESOprofundidob16_ESO wrote: »not without sacrificing needed utility or in any way that makes sense for as far as I can see. For instance it would not make sense to get that 4K as imperial extra resistance by changing to "protection" trait on 2 pieces of jewelry because that would mean losing too much health stats.
Neither would it make sense to invest too many points into heavy cp because you would lose them in the dmge reduction area.
Neither would it make sense to replace sturdy on all your gear.
in all curiousness and as a genuine question, what would you change in order to hit the cap on a DK imperial tank ? I remind you that we're talking specifically about hitting cap while wearing stonekeeper monster set so that cannot be changed in any scenario you present. Anything else I'm open to suggestions
As I said, the amount of rooting that happens due to Wall of Frost + Chilled is absurd (so yes, overpowered), and being completely immune to that - as well as the Minor Maim that comes along with it - is quite a huge deal. There are some matches where I'm rooted constantly while in combat, and it's solely because of Wall + Chilled. If there's a player/team spamming Talons, Bombard, etc...then sure a Nord may be rooted just as much as everyone else, but that's typically not as common as the Frost roots are. I think that roots in general are a problem right now, but the Frost rooting in particular stands out due to its frequency of use.Silver_Strider wrote: »
This speaks more of the OP nature of snares/roots in PvP than it does of Nord. I mean, a Nord can still be rooted by Destructive Clutch, Crippling Blast, Talons, etc. and while the rest of Nord's stat look good on paper, that means nothing if you can't sustain yourself, which Nord offers 0 help in.
They're immune to the root not the snare, and not being chain rooted for an entire fight is quite the advantage, yes. The roots are a real problem, and need to be toned down, but who knows when/if that'll happen. Until such a time comes, that Nord racial is incredibly good; actually being able to aim my shalks reliably when facing someone cheesing Wall of Frost + Frost Enchant + Charged weapon + potentially other frost damage would be oh-so-nice.Nords OP because they can resist the chill effect and thus the snare of ice wall in BGs? I’m sorry what. >.>
As I said, the amount of rooting that happens due to Wall of Frost + Chilled is absurd (so yes, overpowered), and being completely immune to that - as well as the Minor Maim that comes along with it - is quite a huge deal. There are some matches where I'm rooted constantly while in combat, and it's solely because of Wall + Chilled. If there's a player/team spamming Talons, Bombard, etc...then sure a Nord may be rooted just as much as everyone else, but that's typically not as common as the Frost roots are. I think that roots in general are a problem right now, but the Frost rooting in particular stands out due to its frequency of use.
And while it's true that Nords don't have any sustain bonuses, it's not like people haven't been coping with that already on various setups. All of my Magicka characters are Breton, and while 3% cost reduction is certainly better than 0% cost reduction, it's not some kind of massive game changer. In fact, if that racial stayed at 3% instead of more than doubling to 7% for the upcoming patch, I wouldn't hesitate to say that Nords were hands down superior for Magicka PvP builds.
If Frost Staves ever get nerfed to the point of becoming irrelevant (which I hope does not happen), then Nords will lose a bit of their potency. However, if ZOS can get Frost to the point where it's good for utility but without having the crazy amount of rooting, I think Nords will still be a really good choice. Being hit with Minor Maim less often is good (especially since there aren't any other really common sources of that debuff right now), as are the other racial bonuses.
But until something changes with Wall of Frost, I would say that Nords are indeed overpowered in PvP. 'Course that's more of an issue with how Wall + Chilled works than it is Nords in particular, so that's where the efforts to change things should be focused.