where did i said that? nerfed vma weapons wouldnt really solve my problem.......
So my problem is that for every good dps pve build you need either Maelstrom Staff or Maelstrom Bow. But to complete Veteran Maelstrom Arena you need kinda good dps. So how should you complete it when you dont have the weapons to do good dps?
My solution.... Nerf veteran Maelstrom Arena (maybe give bosses only half the hp they have now or give players who dont have a maelstrom weapon equiped a 20k dps buff) or make the weapons drop on normal Maelstrom Arena. So that we "noobs" also can get them.
flawless conqueror title should be mandatory for queuing in vet dungeons.
If you haven't got flawless conqueror title you don't know how to play yet.
I haven't done vMA yet but what puts me off is all that work for the possibility of a useful weapon and the likely hood of a weapon that is of no use to me at all. If I could choose my weapon on completion I would run it tomorrow but I won't be running vMA until my success will give me choice of weapon . That's not really a nerf though....is it?