Nerf Maelstrom Arena or give weapon drops on normal

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  • josiahva
    hazelnuts wrote: »
    So my problem is that for every good dps pve build you need either Maelstrom Staff or Maelstrom Bow. But to complete Veteran Maelstrom Arena you need kinda good dps. So how should you complete it when you dont have the weapons to do good dps?
    My solution.... Nerf veteran Maelstrom Arena (maybe give bosses only half the hp they have now or give players who dont have a maelstrom weapon equiped a 20k dps buff) or make the weapons drop on normal Maelstrom Arena. So that we "noobs" also can get them.

    You can do sufficient DPS to pass any content in the game with garbage white non-set gear. Its not gear that leads to good DPS, its rotation. Good gear just pushes DPS higher.
  • tactx
    "I want what others have, but I'm not willing to do what they did to get it." - Pathetic

    Edit: Before I decided to go into vMA to get my bow, I used the bow of agility since it had the most stamina which was in turn the most damage. vMA bow increased my damage, yes, but not nearly what you seem to be thinking... Even RNG on crits can have more variance in dps than having the vMA weapon.

    Edited by tactx on February 4, 2019 8:26PM
    “No one's happiness but my own is in my power to achieve or to destroy.” - John Galt, Atlas Shrugged
  • kypranb14_ESO
    hazelnuts wrote: »
    So my problem is that for every good dps pve build you need either Maelstrom Staff or Maelstrom Bow. But to complete Veteran Maelstrom Arena you need kinda good dps. So how should you complete it when you dont have the weapons to do good dps?
    My solution.... Nerf veteran Maelstrom Arena (maybe give bosses only half the hp they have now or give players who dont have a maelstrom weapon equiped a 20k dps buff) or make the weapons drop on normal Maelstrom Arena. So that we "noobs" also can get them.

    While we're at it, lets make solo versions of all trials. After all, I should be entitled to have all those weapons without meeting people and forming a team.

  • Mintaka5
    Yeah I would like this. I've attempted vMA so many times and have gotten to the point where it no longer interests me. I'll just go build on stuff I can complete. Even vDSA, all of the vet DLC dungeons, and vet trials are pretty much off limits to players like myself. I've hit a progression wall.

    Some say that ZOS panders to new players only, but I'm of the opinion that they pander to both newbs and veteran try-hards. Everyone else in the middle gets the boot in the ass treatment.

    I am running out of things to complete in this game, and due to the absolute failure of a progressive element in this game there's still tons of content I cannot complete.
  • codestripper
    Mintaka5 wrote: »
    Yeah I would like this. I've attempted vMA so many times and have gotten to the point where it no longer interests me. I'll just go build on stuff I can complete. Even vDSA, all of the vet DLC dungeons, and vet trials are pretty much off limits to players like myself. I've hit a progression wall.

    Some say that ZOS panders to new players only, but I'm of the opinion that they pander to both newbs and veteran try-hards. Everyone else in the middle gets the boot in the ass treatment.

    I am running out of things to complete in this game, and due to the absolute failure of a progressive element in this game there's still tons of content I cannot complete.

    Don't give up yet, make a post on the forums on something you would like to progress on. A lot of people (including myself) are willing to help and share our knowledge. A few of us are even down to do trial runs. my PMs are always open too.
    Since everyone seems to be doing this,
    DPS Builds:
    - Magicka Sorcerer (Pet) [Flawless Conqueror @ 565CP] - 582k
    - Magicka Nightblade [Flawless Conqueror @ 780CP] - 575k
    - Stamina Sorcerer [Flawless Conqueror @ 420CP] - 560k
    - Magicka Classless [Flawless Conqueror @ 810CP] - 540k
    - Magicka Templar [Stormproof] - 550k
    - Magicka Warden [Stormproof] - 510k
    - Stamina Templar [In Development]
    - Stamina DK [In Development]
    - Stamina NB [Under 50]
  • Stebarnz
    If you cannot complete the easy VMA then the least of your worries is a VMA weapon.
    Practice first, moan about RNG later.
    If you cant complete VMA but can complete vdsa or other group content you are being carried.
    Learn mechs and movement and rotation, this is more important than any weapon.
    Edited by Stebarnz on February 4, 2019 9:57PM
  • TheInfernalRage
    Oh crap. This reminds me. I need to get a set there to experiment on.
  • Tsar_Gekkou
    If you can't beat vMA, then you aren't doing the content that you'd "need" vMA weapons for.
    Xbox NA healer main
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMoL HM | vHoF HM | vAS+2 | vCR+3 | vBRP | vSS HM | vKA HM | vRG HM |
    Flawless Conqueror | Spirit Slayer | Dro-mA'thra Destroyer | Tick-Tock-Tormentor | Immortal Redeemer | Gryphon Heart | Godslayer | Dawnbringer | Planesbreaker |
  • MLGProPlayer
    I don't think it should be nerfed, but it's definitely a huge pain in the ass to farm. It takes like 45-60 minutes to run once you've learned the ropes, which is forever (the problem isn't the difficulty, but the length of time it takes to farm vs. other content). When I was farming BSW, I would run it solo in a few minutes. Even faster with a group. You could comfortably get 6-7 runs in in an hour.

    I am amazed at the people that farmed vMA before transmutation. That must have taken some serious dedication.

    Anyway, I'm fine with leaving it as is to be fair to everyone who has farmed it. The weapons aren't so strong that not having them prevents you from hitting top DPS numbers. And maybe one day I'll be *** to run this enough times to get my flame staff (only to have the meta go back to shock staves).
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on February 5, 2019 6:10AM
  • Undefwun
    Mintaka5 wrote: »
    Yeah I would like this. I've attempted vMA so many times and have gotten to the point where it no longer interests me. I'll just go build on stuff I can complete. Even vDSA, all of the vet DLC dungeons, and vet trials are pretty much off limits to players like myself. I've hit a progression wall.

    Some say that ZOS panders to new players only, but I'm of the opinion that they pander to both newbs and veteran try-hards. Everyone else in the middle gets the boot in the ass treatment.

    I am running out of things to complete in this game, and due to the absolute failure of a progressive element in this game there's still tons of content I cannot complete.

    @Mintaka5 - this might help... i got my first vMA clears on a magsorc....
    Drank Sinatra Sr - PvP Magblade - DC
    Juggathot - PvP Mag Sorc - DC
    Jedi Mind Crits - PvP A-Hole Bowblade - DC
    Dollar Store Thor - PvP Stamplar - DC
    The Bone Sumpremacy - baby Stamcro - DC
    Wârden Freeman - PvP Stamden - DC (on hold)
    Lauryn Heal - PvE Magplar DPS - DC

    Lil Orc Chop - PvP Stam Sorc - EP
    Hamuel L Jackson - PvE DPS & PvP Stam DK - EP
    Chandler Bling - PvP Magden - EP

    Mahalia Lightborn - exiled crafting toon - cos you know, she's AD
  • Gnortranermara
    I'd be ok putting "Imperfect" weapons in normal, and converting current weapons to "Perfect" versions with a stat bonus. That's a benefit for everybody, veteran or not.

    But ZOS probably won't revisit old gear anytime soon.
  • Sabbathius
    I'm very passionate about vMA, and feel it shouldn't be nerfed. It was, and is, entirely doable, without anything special. But just speaking for myself, it made me a much, much, much better player, when I started clearing it, and I was still improving until I started getting flawless runs. It is a fantastic player training tool, with rewards lucrative enough to make it worth running.

    Leave this one thing in the game, that is both solo (so you cannot get carried through it) and sufficiently challenging, so that people are forced to learn to play, and improve. If anything, I'd argue we need MORE of these, and just as hard, if not harder. Not less, or nerfing what we have. There's been so many fun mechanics in DLC dungeons over the years, that they could build a whole new solo arena centered around just those.
    Edited by Sabbathius on February 5, 2019 3:13AM
  • Wildbloom
    I don't have a vMA weapon, I've never completed it once, I've never tried, but I want the bow pretty bad. I think they should stay as they are. I love having something to work towards and look forward to taking on, a challenge that must be grinded into the dirt for hours on end to achieve the best weapons in the game. That's pretty special, if you ask me.
    "Hello, Skellington Pal! How are you today? Bone dry, you say? I’d offer you a glass of water, but it’d all fall through! I need more coffee."

    ZOS_GinaBruno, patch 5.0.1 PTS patch notes, 4/22/2019
  • Sigtric
    How did anyone get their first MA weapons before they had them? They went in and learned how to do the content.

    If you can not beat VMA chances are the MA weapons aren't going to help you in any way.

    Stormproof: Vibeke - 50 EP mDragonknight | Savi Dreloth - 50 EP Magsorc | Sadi Dreloth - 50 EP Magblade | Sigtric Stormaxe - 50 EP Stamsorc | Valora Dreloth - 50 EP Magplar | Sigtric the Unbearable 50 EP Stam Warden
    Scrub: Chews-on-Beavers - 50 EP DK Tank | Vera the Wild - 50 EP magicka Warden | Sigtric the Axe - 50 EP Dragonknight Crafter | Sigtric the Blade - 50 EP Lost Nightblade | Sigtric the Savage - 50 EP magicka Templar | Vibeka Shadowblade - 50 Ep Stealthy Ganky Nightblade |

    Show Me Your Dunmer
  • LadyLethalla
    If I can do VMA multiple times on two different sorcs and a magblade - I'm pushing 50 and my first clear was on a crappy ADSL2 connection - VMA needs no nerf. Honestly.

    x-TallyCat-x // PC EU DC - For the Covenant! // ESO Platinum trophy - 16th May 2017.
    Melbourne Australia - the land of Potato Internet.WTB ESO OCEANIC SERVER
  • Dreyloch
    A small search with that crazy Google thing will show you builds, tactics, and walkthru's for vMA. Full video's etc can be found on Googles' cousin Youtube =)

    I can tell you this OP. I learned it on a stam sorc. It was difficult. But once I finally beat it, it was a proud day for me. You don't even need to do it in one sitting. Bring a TON of crystals for ressing. Bring a TON of tri-pots (at the very least, some kind of damage/sustain pots). Bring a decent amount of gold with you or lots of repair kits. Even the most novice player should be able to get thru the first 4 maps in it. Just by watching the mechanics in a video. Use the power-up's. Eventually you'll get to know when to use them most effectively. Because your not going for score. Your just going for completion.

    As I mentioned, you don't need to do it all in one shot. I got thru the first 4-5 stages and took a year long break. As long as you don't delete the quest, you can return whenever you like. I'm not gonna lie to you. My first time thru the later maps was fustrating. You will swear, you'll want to punch small fury animals, and maybe bruise a hand on your desk from slamming your fist on it. But once you get it down, it becomes very reasonable. There is a very easy build/class for it. But I'll let you search that on your own.
    "The fear of Death, is often worse than death itself"
  • max_only
    I just want to reunite Fa-Nuit-Hen with all his beautiful barons.
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • mocap
    it's only +3k dps, assuming you won't staying on backbar too long.
  • exeeter702
    Trust me when I tell you this........

    Vma weapons are not going to put you at top tier dps.

    And not having top tier dps is not why you cant beat vma.
  • exeeter702
    Adzer2 wrote: »
    Spare a thought for us healer builds, will never get a chance to complete VMA as we are, I always have to keep my attitubes/CP/Skills on Healing for when I'm needed for Trials/Dungeons at a moments notice

    There needs to be a function to that you can swap all gear, CP's and skills at the push of one button, so I can gather a DPS set and have that ready for when I want to run solo content, swapping back and forward is too time consuming.

    Seeing as vma was being cleared at 400cp and we are now at 810 cp. I fail to see how this is an issue. Healers spec into magicka attribute and there is plenty of crafted gear options for newer players like julianos that upu can throw together to clear it. No one worth a damn would spare a thought like this. Healers switching to a magicka setup suited for vma is childs play.
  • HappyLittleTree
    They wrote on class rep threat that ZOS is looking into Arena Weapons.
    I guess they'll add them as norm reward too and a perfected like the rest of the new gears.
    But you'll have to wait.

    As for now best thing is to learn the mechanics get decent gear and just try to improve everytime.
    We've all been there and in a much worse spot with lower Cp and weaker gear.
    So you see that it was possible even then.

    Thuu chakkuth lod Hajhiit c’oo? Hajhiit gortsuquth gorihuth thuu gooluthduj thdeitoluu!

  • Taleof2Cities
    Facefister wrote: »
    Lol, youre naive. People these days want a reward for mere participation.

    You’re right, @Facefister.

    In fact there is a reward for mere participation ... the daily login rewards.

    But, some players managed to not log in for nine (9) days last month ... to collect their “participation” reward of 100k gold. Then, they managed to post in the forums that it was ZOS’s fault because the EU server was down one of those nine days.

    But I digress ...

    Edited by Taleof2Cities on February 5, 2019 7:09AM
  • Qbiken
    I don't think it should be nerfed, but it's definitely a huge pain in the ass to farm. It takes like 45-60 minutes to run once you've learned the ropes, which is forever (the problem isn't the difficulty, but the length of time it takes to farm vs. other content). When I was farming BSW, I would run it solo in a few minutes. Even faster with a group. You could comfortably get 6-7 runs in in an hour.

    I am amazed at the people that farmed vMA before transmutation. That must have taken some serious dedication.

    Anyway, I'm fine with leaving it as is to be fair to everyone who has farmed it. The weapons aren't so strong that not having them prevents you from hitting top DPS numbers. And maybe one day I'll be *** to run this enough times to get my flame staff (only to have the meta go back to shock staves).

    I actually enjoyed the content after my first clear..... :/
  • Rylisin

    You don't require vMA weapons to hit good dps, and if you can't beat vMA then it's clear you don't need them. They don't add that much in the grand scheme of things either. vMA is all about mechanics, and once you learn them it's honestly not as terrible as people make it out to be. I consider vMA more to be a training ground for people who want to progress into vet hm dlc dungeons and vet trials. It teaches you how do deal with mechanics and dps at the same time.

    If I can complete it with-subpar dps due 300-400 ping and 999+ spikes to get my Inferno / Lighting staves and bows for various toons then I'm pretty sure you can do it too. However asking it be made easier or weapons on normal is somewhat a slap into the face for the people who worked hard to beat it and farm those weapons. It's one of the only challenging solo content in the game and nerfing it is not the solution.

    I believe it took me over 6 months to beat it the first time and each time after that it got easier, even though i was at the mercy of NZ / AUS ping, so RIP to any flawless runs. It's more about you as a player rather than the arenas difficulty in my honest opinion.
    PC | NA - NZ Player. Played since mid 2016, CP 1380+ An autistic, tired, coffee driven Kiwi. I draw a lot of fantasy and things.Cirion Adaine - Warden / Crafter | - Niryahil Adaine - NB healer - Ciara Ruhaerin - Nightblade something something, and a few alts for good measure.
  • relentlessyouthofficialneb18_ESO
    no need to nerf it and you dont need a lot of dps for it. I got flawless conqueror at 500cp with 15k dps. Sorc shield does wonders. Just look up guides and builds for arena and farm away. It gets really easy once you do it a few times.
  • zvavi
    poor op, he posted a vMA weapon's easier access and all he got are people telling him that there is no reason to do it. and i agree. no reason to nerf weapons to nMA, plenty of ways to cheese it out anyway (iceheart, plague+necro pet build on sorc, etc)
    Edited by zvavi on February 5, 2019 10:05AM
  • dovakiin5574
    I can hit 40k DPS on stamina consistently without vMA bow... Slot vigor and go dude maybe wear briarheart and seventh legion if you're having a bad time (stamina).
    PAPSMEAR - Positively Against Paws SMEAR campaign - Say YES to crown crates
  • Protoavis73
    Did nMA now 2 times, 1st time I did go in blank and had no idea what to expect (and sure I died a few times).
    Did a 2nd run of nMA knowing what to expect and only died at the poison flower level and the one where all those little spider came, the rest was no problem actually.
    I think I'll start vMA somewhere this week and expect it to be harder, but thats the whole point imo. I don't want it to be easier.
    Rewards for hard work. Same as in real life.

    What might be an idea, is that at the start of vMA you get the choice if you want it to receive a vMA weapon (bow or staff or anything) and if you complete the run you get to keep it. I don't know just a crazy idea.
    But as others said, the vMA weapon doesn't magically gets you through easy through the arena or any trial for that matter.
  • richo262
    idk wrote: »
    It has been suggested Zos make a "perfect" vMA weapon and offer the current one on normal.

    Zos seems to be considering this idea, or something similar, as they have commented they understand the current special weapons are not really performing all that great. It has also been attributed to a class rep that Zos has been considering the idea as they want to revamp the content in some manner before changing the weapons. iirc, it was to create a new level or difficulty.

    However, vMA has been nerfed overtime by means that we have been buffed heavily by the power creep. This has made vMA significantly easier. vMA weapons has also been nerfed by means that all 2H weapons now get 2 set bonuses. While I agree with the idea of offering a perfect vMA (and master weapon) with the current ones being offered in normal, what OP is asking does seem to smell of entitlement.

    I hope you mean the other way round. I do not want the weapons I already have to become the normal drop. I'd be okay with the current ones being renamed to "Perfect Maelstrom", and a new nerfed version can be dropped on normal. Else all those who actually can beat vMA will have to re-farm. If ZOS wants to introduce a nerfed version on normal, thats is fine by me, but punishing those who have already done it and gotten their vMA weapons is not right.
  • kind_hero
    hazelnuts wrote: »
    well, since so many of you are against to make vma easier for newer players. How about making it a 2man arena? So that newer player (like me) could go in there with someone of you vma pros.

    I am still working to complete vMA, and I find it difficult, but I do not want it nerfed or to have a 2 man mode, so someone could carry me through. It is an optional challenge. There are so many builds that work great without the vMA weapons. Even more, I can bet my gold that Elseweyr will bring new sets which will be more desirable and fun than the vMA weapons. The bad thing about the vMA weapon is that it forces you to give up a monster set or a 5 set bonus. Sometimes the monster set is quite good to have, other times the 5 bonus is really good, and the dps increase is not worth it overall. But it is a matter of choice and preference. If you are struggling with MA then the dps increase will not matter much, because your dps is zero if you are dead.

    Try to complete it on normal, learn each stage, find the build that suits you, and if you feel comfortable with doing the normal, then you can run vMA, or just go right for vMA, but don't expect to be easy, because it is not meant to be easy.
    Edited by kind_hero on February 5, 2019 12:29PM
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
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