Nerf Maelstrom Arena or give weapon drops on normal

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  • p_tsakirisb16_ESO
    hazelnuts wrote: »
    So my problem is that for every good dps pve build you need either Maelstrom Staff or Maelstrom Bow. But to complete Veteran Maelstrom Arena you need kinda good dps. So how should you complete it when you dont have the weapons to do good dps?
    My solution.... Nerf veteran Maelstrom Arena (maybe give bosses only half the hp they have now or give players who dont have a maelstrom weapon equiped a 20k dps buff) or make the weapons drop on normal Maelstrom Arena. So that we "noobs" also can get them.

    What gear are you using? Seriously is down to gear and you do not need vMA bow or staff.

    I followed Alcasts (and the rest) typical mantra of "Relequen + AY+ daggers" but that build only works on the dummy, and from personal experience doesn't work on real content, at least for me.

    Found Briar + Veiled + double maces (Precise both) + bow (infused) + infused jewelry (weapon damage) + Lover mundus + all stamina single stat glyphs, and it work wonders. Raising my DPS from 23K (AY + Rele) to 37K on single target in real vet content (I hate dummies), without using power potion and still using Stormfist for shoulder/helmet. (I am CP630)

    Edited by p_tsakirisb16_ESO on February 5, 2019 2:35PM
  • codestripper
    I don't think it should be nerfed, but it's definitely a huge pain in the ass to farm. It takes like 45-60 minutes to run once you've learned the ropes, which is forever (the problem isn't the difficulty, but the length of time it takes to farm vs. other content). When I was farming BSW, I would run it solo in a few minutes. Even faster with a group. You could comfortably get 6-7 runs in in an hour.

    I am amazed at the people that farmed vMA before transmutation. That must have taken some serious dedication.

    Anyway, I'm fine with leaving it as is to be fair to everyone who has farmed it. The weapons aren't so strong that not having them prevents you from hitting top DPS numbers. And maybe one day I'll be *** to run this enough times to get my flame staff (only to have the meta go back to shock staves).

    Funny enough, back when I started farming vMA Sharpened was meta. I got my sharpened lightning staff on my second run. Now I think I have a little over 500 runs of vMA under my belt. It just gets really fun after a while, my most recent runs have been with a classless character, no cp, and "gear as you go" so like, using only gear that you get in chests and at the beginning of the arena.

    Give it some more time and you'll find that you can do a run in under 30min eventually. Mine usually go around 25-30min depending on how I feel that night.
    Since everyone seems to be doing this,
    DPS Builds:
    - Magicka Sorcerer (Pet) [Flawless Conqueror @ 565CP] - 582k
    - Magicka Nightblade [Flawless Conqueror @ 780CP] - 575k
    - Stamina Sorcerer [Flawless Conqueror @ 420CP] - 560k
    - Magicka Classless [Flawless Conqueror @ 810CP] - 540k
    - Magicka Templar [Stormproof] - 550k
    - Magicka Warden [Stormproof] - 510k
    - Stamina Templar [In Development]
    - Stamina DK [In Development]
    - Stamina NB [Under 50]
  • Protossyder
    Mintaka5 wrote: »
    Yeah I would like this. I've attempted vMA so many times and have gotten to the point where it no longer interests me. I'll just go build on stuff I can complete. Even vDSA, all of the vet DLC dungeons, and vet trials are pretty much off limits to players like myself. I've hit a progression wall.

    Some say that ZOS panders to new players only, but I'm of the opinion that they pander to both newbs and veteran try-hards. Everyone else in the middle gets the boot in the ass treatment.

    I am running out of things to complete in this game, and due to the absolute failure of a progressive element in this game there's still tons of content I cannot complete.

    "absolute failure of a progressive element"... big words for someone who doesn't know what he is talking about. Just because you are too stupid to progress it does not mean that there is no progression in the game. You are the problem here.
    Characters worth mentioning:
    Daedrós - Magicka DK - Altmer - PvE & PvP - Emperor - IR - GH - TTT
    Dragybor - Stamblade - Redguard - PvE (first char)
    Yondaime Raikage - Stamsorc - Redguard - PvP
    Zerg Overmind - Magblade - Altmer - PvE - GH
    Yenari - Magsorc - Altmer - PvE - Flawless Conqueror
    Devoured-his-siblings - DK Tank - Argonian - PvE - Unchained
    Valkyrja Valhalla - StamDK - Redguard - PvE
    Hyperion der Obere - Magplar - Altmer - PvE
    Affa al'Dschinni - Stamplar - Orc - PvP
    Enjoys-the-slaughter - Templar Healer - Argonian - PvE
    Hades Adamastos - Stamcro - Orc - PvE
    Khaba the Cruel - Magsorc- Altmer - PvP
    Hekate Ourania - Magcro - Atlmer - PvE - TTT
    Arenas: vDSA (~46k) - vMA (~586k)
    Trials: vAA hm - vHRC hm - vSO hm - vMoL hm (~161k) - vHoF hm (~218k) - vAS+2 (~114k) - vCR+3 - vSS hm - vKA hm

    PC - EU
  • BNOC
    Mintaka5 wrote: »
    Yeah I would like this. I've attempted vMA so many times and have gotten to the point where it no longer interests me. I'll just go build on stuff I can complete. Even vDSA, all of the vet DLC dungeons, and vet trials are pretty much off limits to players like myself. I've hit a progression wall.

    Some say that ZOS panders to new players only, but I'm of the opinion that they pander to both newbs and veteran try-hards. Everyone else in the middle gets the boot in the ass treatment.

    I am running out of things to complete in this game, and due to the absolute failure of a progressive element in this game there's still tons of content I cannot complete.

    Doesn't sound like you're running out of things to complete - It just sounds like you're running.
    That's a really weak mentality - This arena is balanced around 300CP and basic sets like Julianos and willpower (if magic) - With today's advantages, extra perks and the 100's of literal step-by-step guides, I'd question whether you are middle-ground if I were you.. but don't give up on it, it's too easy.

    Anyway... this long after it's release, a token system or some way to get weapons even quicker than you can now with trait changing (A change which already sped this process up massively) would be fine imo.

    On topic, vMA doesn't need nerfed (unless the above is considered a nerf, I don't think so) and I can easily list out 20+ nerfs that have already happened.
    More importantly than that though is that NOTHING should be rewarded for nMA - You can be butt naked in nMA using only a spammable and a heal, standing in all of the damage and finish it no problem.

    Edited by BNOC on February 5, 2019 2:13PM
    vMSA - Magplar - Xbox EU - 15/11/16
    578,000 - 36 Minutes 58 Seconds (Top 2 World?)

    vMSA - Magplar - Xbox NA
    569,000 - 40 minutes (350CP, Non optimised runs)
  • Kilnerdyne
    Bit of a fun run with a 6 Pet Build. 2H + Bow.
    - Mostly just dancing about doing Light attacks.
    - 5x Defiler, 5x Morkuldin, 2x Maw of Infernal.
    - Storm Atronach, Flying Pet, Scamp.

  • Facefister
    idk wrote: »
    It has been suggested Zos make a "perfect" vMA weapon and offer the current one on normal.

    Zos seems to be considering this idea, or something similar, as they have commented they understand the current special weapons are not really performing all that great. It has also been attributed to a class rep that Zos has been considering the idea as they want to revamp the content in some manner before changing the weapons. iirc, it was to create a new level or difficulty.

    However, vMA has been nerfed overtime by means that we have been buffed heavily by the power creep. This has made vMA significantly easier. vMA weapons has also been nerfed by means that all 2H weapons now get 2 set bonuses. While I agree with the idea of offering a perfect vMA (and master weapon) with the current ones being offered in normal, what OP is asking does seem to smell of entitlement.
    No, I've not farmed vMA numerous times for the destructions staves so they can nerf them just because sh****s like you can't get it done. Get good. Either they buff the current ones to perfected or they leave the whole thing as it is like now.
    Edited by Facefister on February 5, 2019 3:22PM
  • BNOC
    Facefister wrote: »
    No, I've not farmed vMA numerous times for the destructions staves so they can nerf them just because sh****s like you can't get it done. Get good. Either they buff the current ones to perfected or they leave the whole thing as it is like now.

    I get the sense that the player you're quoting doesn't struggle in this content - I think you took that wrong.
    vMSA - Magplar - Xbox EU - 15/11/16
    578,000 - 36 Minutes 58 Seconds (Top 2 World?)

    vMSA - Magplar - Xbox NA
    569,000 - 40 minutes (350CP, Non optimised runs)
  • Facefister
    I don't care who he is or was.
  • BNOC
    Facefister wrote: »
    I don't care who he is or was.

    That's a good attitude. For that exact reason, if they do add perfected versions I'd love it to require completions on an increased difficulty, especially for you.
    vMSA - Magplar - Xbox EU - 15/11/16
    578,000 - 36 Minutes 58 Seconds (Top 2 World?)

    vMSA - Magplar - Xbox NA
    569,000 - 40 minutes (350CP, Non optimised runs)
  • Facefister
    BNOC wrote: »

    That's a good attitude. For that exact reason, if they do add perfected versions I'd love it to require completions on an increased difficulty, especially for you.
    What gives you the idea that I struggle with vMA? I farm that stuff but RNG isn't my friend. I don't like the idea that someone comes around the corner and demands a re-grind just because one of his friends or two can't complete it. Why is that my problem?
  • codestripper
    BNOC wrote: »

    That's a good attitude. For that exact reason, if they do add perfected versions I'd love it to require completions on an increased difficulty, especially for you.

    I'd love an increased difficulty on vMA, or better yet just give us a new arena. It's about time.
    Since everyone seems to be doing this,
    DPS Builds:
    - Magicka Sorcerer (Pet) [Flawless Conqueror @ 565CP] - 582k
    - Magicka Nightblade [Flawless Conqueror @ 780CP] - 575k
    - Stamina Sorcerer [Flawless Conqueror @ 420CP] - 560k
    - Magicka Classless [Flawless Conqueror @ 810CP] - 540k
    - Magicka Templar [Stormproof] - 550k
    - Magicka Warden [Stormproof] - 510k
    - Stamina Templar [In Development]
    - Stamina DK [In Development]
    - Stamina NB [Under 50]
  • mairwen85

    I'd love an increased difficulty on vMA, or better yet just give us a new arena. It's about time.

    I think it should be a thing. New zone has 6 wb, 2 trials, 2 dungeons, 1 public dungeon, 6 story enemy spawn points, 6 delves, and a solo arena -- and loads of overland questing :smile:
    Edited by mairwen85 on February 5, 2019 3:49PM
  • Facefister

    I'd love an increased difficulty on vMA, or better yet just give us a new arena. It's about time.

    As long as you get better weapons, that would be a cool idea.
  • BNOC
    Facefister wrote: »
    What gives you the idea that I struggle with vMA? I farm that stuff but RNG isn't my friend. I don't like the idea that someone comes around the corner and demands a re-grind just because one of his friends or two can't complete it. Why is that my problem?

    I never said you struggled with VMA. He also never demanded a re-grind because people can't complete it, he was talking about the potential of an extra difficulty being added to the content with relative rewards.

    I'd love an increased difficulty on vMA, or better yet just give us a new arena. It's about time.

    I hear that! I'd be all for it as well. Have been since it came out!
    vMSA - Magplar - Xbox EU - 15/11/16
    578,000 - 36 Minutes 58 Seconds (Top 2 World?)

    vMSA - Magplar - Xbox NA
    569,000 - 40 minutes (350CP, Non optimised runs)
  • RusevCrush
    No way. VMA is the one thing you have to earn. It would be a shame to cheapen that because someone doesn't want to put the work in. Said many times but if you can't beat it, you don't need that weapon.
  • Stebarnz
    flawless conqueror title should be mandatory for queuing in vet dungeons.
    If you haven't got flawless conqueror title you don't know how to play yet.
    Edited by Stebarnz on February 5, 2019 6:02PM
  • Bouldercleave
    hazelnuts wrote: »
    So my problem is that for every good dps pve build you need either Maelstrom Staff or Maelstrom Bow. But to complete Veteran Maelstrom Arena you need kinda good dps. So how should you complete it when you dont have the weapons to do good dps?
    My solution.... Nerf veteran Maelstrom Arena (maybe give bosses only half the hp they have now or give players who dont have a maelstrom weapon equiped a 20k dps buff) or make the weapons drop on normal Maelstrom Arena. So that we "noobs" also can get them.

    Just remember - everyone that has a Maelstrom weapon obtained it by beating vMA without it.
  • karekiz
    Stebarnz wrote: »
    flawless conqueror title should be mandatory for queuing in vet dungeons.
    If you haven't got flawless conqueror title you don't know how to play yet.

    Naw should be required for zoning into Normal or vet trials.

    I want to see craglorn die overnight.
  • codestripper
    karekiz wrote: »

    Naw should be required for zoning into Normal or vet trials.

    I want to see craglorn die overnight.

    Should be required for zoning into the tutorial. Plebs trying to play this game without beating vMA yet? UHG!
    Since everyone seems to be doing this,
    DPS Builds:
    - Magicka Sorcerer (Pet) [Flawless Conqueror @ 565CP] - 582k
    - Magicka Nightblade [Flawless Conqueror @ 780CP] - 575k
    - Stamina Sorcerer [Flawless Conqueror @ 420CP] - 560k
    - Magicka Classless [Flawless Conqueror @ 810CP] - 540k
    - Magicka Templar [Stormproof] - 550k
    - Magicka Warden [Stormproof] - 510k
    - Stamina Templar [In Development]
    - Stamina DK [In Development]
    - Stamina NB [Under 50]
  • SoLooney
    kind_hero wrote: »

    I am still working to complete vMA, and I find it difficult, but I do not want it nerfed or to have a 2 man mode, so someone could carry me through. It is an optional challenge. There are so many builds that work great without the vMA weapons. Even more, I can bet my gold that Elseweyr will bring new sets which will be more desirable and fun than the vMA weapons. The bad thing about the vMA weapon is that it forces you to give up a monster set or a 5 set bonus. Sometimes the monster set is quite good to have, other times the 5 bonus is really good, and the dps increase is not worth it overall. But it is a matter of choice and preference. If you are struggling with MA then the dps increase will not matter much, because your dps is zero if you are dead.

    Try to complete it on normal, learn each stage, find the build that suits you, and if you feel comfortable with doing the normal, then you can run vMA, or just go right for vMA, but don't expect to be easy, because it is not meant to be easy.

    Elsweyr is most likely only going to include a new trial, sunspire

    Its gonna also most likely be 5 piece sets, not special weapons

    So until some content is introduced that replaces maelstrom staves and bows, i dont see maelstrom weapons going out of style soon. They've been BiS for years now
  • templesus
    Or, just hear me out on this one, it might be a bit far fetched, but you COULD just get better and complete it like the rest of us did.
  • IronWooshu
    Oh God the participation medalist specialist is making demands now wanting to get weapons that should be earned to be easy.

    I hope all you snowflakes melt and real men with drive to succeed come back.
  • Mettaricana
    Cleared it on stam sorc full heavy armor
  • CultOfMMO
    vma done with no gear whatsoever

    vma done with no skills slotted whatsoever

    so @hazelnuts whats your excuse for not being able to clear?????
    Edited by CultOfMMO on February 5, 2019 8:05PM
    vHoF HM 202k Tick-Tock Tormentor (Stamblade)
    vAS HM 111k Immortal Redeemer (Magplar)
    vCR HM 129k Gryphon Heart (Magblade/plar)
    vSS HM 245k NA 2nd Godslayer (Stamcro)
    Magblade vMA 601k
  • Icy_Waffles
    It’s really more about mechanics, enemy spawns/ enemy priorities, and where your character moves that clears vma. I used VO, Briarheart, and veli on my Stam Sorc and rocked the hell out of it during the last double drops event to get all my vma drops that I wanted.
  • DocFrost72
    @hazelnuts Mag sorc right? In the thread is linked a one bar build. Check out Joy Division's guide. You can search that here on the forums, or on Google and you should find it.

    Mag sorc was my second clear, and although yes second clear is far easier than the first, mag sorc > stam templar.

    Focus on surviving and dealing damage through dots. Heavy attack lots to maintain ward and maybe surge/backbar mutagen. I promise you, you can do it. You have a random stranger on the Internet telling you you can, doesn't that fill you with hope?!
  • Amphithoe
    Never used a vMA weapon, and had no trouble hitting 20-30k with crafted and overland gear. So ignore MA if you don't like it. ESO is nerfed enough as is.
    Guildmaster: School of Julianos
  • codestripper

    Was it you that took weeks to complete normal?? You can't disagree and say it is not terrible that someone couldn't even complete normal when there are people on this thread staying only flawless conquerors should be able to queue for vet dungeons. lol

    I see you can't read a signature, but that's fine. Anywho, as you can see a few posts above I was also poking fun of those people you mentioned saying you need to be flawless to queue for vet, but at the same time, everyone learns at their own pace. I know some chill guys that can't do nMA yet, and that's fine, It's an accomplishment nonetheless.
    Since everyone seems to be doing this,
    DPS Builds:
    - Magicka Sorcerer (Pet) [Flawless Conqueror @ 565CP] - 582k
    - Magicka Nightblade [Flawless Conqueror @ 780CP] - 575k
    - Stamina Sorcerer [Flawless Conqueror @ 420CP] - 560k
    - Magicka Classless [Flawless Conqueror @ 810CP] - 540k
    - Magicka Templar [Stormproof] - 550k
    - Magicka Warden [Stormproof] - 510k
    - Stamina Templar [In Development]
    - Stamina DK [In Development]
    - Stamina NB [Under 50]
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    exeeter702 wrote: »

    Seeing as vma was being cleared at 400cp and we are now at 810 cp. I fail to see how this is an issue. Healers spec into magicka attribute and there is plenty of crafted gear options for newer players like julianos that upu can throw together to clear it. No one worth a damn would spare a thought like this. Healers switching to a magicka setup suited for vma is childs play.

    On my alt account, I cleared it at 160 CP on a mageblade (no undaunted and some of my skill lines werent even at 50) in purple crafted gear (gold front bar staff), and I am far from the best at this place. Yes I know the place, but that's exactly it. I know it because I banged my head against it when it first came out.

    We are night and day more powerful now than we were then, so blaming CP and gear is laughable. Only person I know that cleared it in their first attempt (not saying there arent others) was Jace AKA Streak, and he was the best in the game at it for a long while.

    If you arent willing to put in the time, you dont deserve the weapons. Period.

    Also, wonder if people remember how bad it was when you could not transmute and you weren't even guaranteed a weapon drop from the final chest. I First cleared right before christmas (it launched in november). I ran that place almost every day for 3 months before I got a fire staff (in a bad trait I couldnt change). I didnt get a sharp fire staff (meta at the time) for almost a year.
    Edited by Oreyn_Bearclaw on February 5, 2019 9:49PM
  • hazelnuts
    The fact that you also state you would accept nerfing the VMA weapons to bring people down closer to you, shows that really you want the game to revolve around you. Thank goodness it doesn't.

    where did i said that? nerfed vma weapons wouldnt really solve my problem.......
    Edited by hazelnuts on February 5, 2019 9:51PM
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