So my problem is that for every good dps pve build you need either Maelstrom Staff or Maelstrom Bow. But to complete Veteran Maelstrom Arena you need kinda good dps. So how should you complete it when you dont have the weapons to do good dps?
My solution.... Nerf veteran Maelstrom Arena (maybe give bosses only half the hp they have now or give players who dont have a maelstrom weapon equiped a 20k dps buff) or make the weapons drop on normal Maelstrom Arena. So that we "noobs" also can get them.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »I don't think it should be nerfed, but it's definitely a huge pain in the ass to farm. It takes like 45-60 minutes to run once you've learned the ropes, which is forever (the problem isn't the difficulty, but the length of time it takes to farm vs. other content). When I was farming BSW, I would run it solo in a few minutes. Even faster with a group. You could comfortably get 6-7 runs in in an hour.
I am amazed at the people that farmed vMA before transmutation. That must have taken some serious dedication.
Anyway, I'm fine with leaving it as is to be fair to everyone who has farmed it. The weapons aren't so strong that not having them prevents you from hitting top DPS numbers. And maybe one day I'll be *** to run this enough times to get my flame staff (only to have the meta go back to shock staves).
@MintakaYeah I would like this. I've attempted vMA so many times and have gotten to the point where it no longer interests me. I'll just go build on stuff I can complete. Even vDSA, all of the vet DLC dungeons, and vet trials are pretty much off limits to players like myself. I've hit a progression wall.
Some say that ZOS panders to new players only, but I'm of the opinion that they pander to both newbs and veteran try-hards. Everyone else in the middle gets the boot in the ass treatment.
I am running out of things to complete in this game, and due to the absolute failure of a progressive element in this game there's still tons of content I cannot complete.
Yeah I would like this. I've attempted vMA so many times and have gotten to the point where it no longer interests me. I'll just go build on stuff I can complete. Even vDSA, all of the vet DLC dungeons, and vet trials are pretty much off limits to players like myself. I've hit a progression wall.
Some say that ZOS panders to new players only, but I'm of the opinion that they pander to both newbs and veteran try-hards. Everyone else in the middle gets the boot in the ass treatment.
I am running out of things to complete in this game, and due to the absolute failure of a progressive element in this game there's still tons of content I cannot complete.
No, I've not farmed vMA numerous times for the destructions staves so they can nerf them just because sh****s like you can't get it done. Get good. Either they buff the current ones to perfected or they leave the whole thing as it is like now.It has been suggested Zos make a "perfect" vMA weapon and offer the current one on normal.
Zos seems to be considering this idea, or something similar, as they have commented they understand the current special weapons are not really performing all that great. It has also been attributed to a class rep that Zos has been considering the idea as they want to revamp the content in some manner before changing the weapons. iirc, it was to create a new level or difficulty.
However, vMA has been nerfed overtime by means that we have been buffed heavily by the power creep. This has made vMA significantly easier. vMA weapons has also been nerfed by means that all 2H weapons now get 2 set bonuses. While I agree with the idea of offering a perfect vMA (and master weapon) with the current ones being offered in normal, what OP is asking does seem to smell of entitlement.
Facefister wrote: »No, I've not farmed vMA numerous times for the destructions staves so they can nerf them just because sh****s like you can't get it done. Get good. Either they buff the current ones to perfected or they leave the whole thing as it is like now.
Facefister wrote: »I don't care who he is or was.
What gives you the idea that I struggle with vMA? I farm that stuff but RNG isn't my friend. I don't like the idea that someone comes around the corner and demands a re-grind just because one of his friends or two can't complete it. Why is that my problem?
That's a good attitude. For that exact reason, if they do add perfected versions I'd love it to require completions on an increased difficulty, especially for you.
That's a good attitude. For that exact reason, if they do add perfected versions I'd love it to require completions on an increased difficulty, especially for you.
codestripper wrote: »
I'd love an increased difficulty on vMA, or better yet just give us a new arena. It's about time.
codestripper wrote: »
I'd love an increased difficulty on vMA, or better yet just give us a new arena. It's about time.
Facefister wrote: »What gives you the idea that I struggle with vMA? I farm that stuff but RNG isn't my friend. I don't like the idea that someone comes around the corner and demands a re-grind just because one of his friends or two can't complete it. Why is that my problem?
codestripper wrote: »
I'd love an increased difficulty on vMA, or better yet just give us a new arena. It's about time.
So my problem is that for every good dps pve build you need either Maelstrom Staff or Maelstrom Bow. But to complete Veteran Maelstrom Arena you need kinda good dps. So how should you complete it when you dont have the weapons to do good dps?
My solution.... Nerf veteran Maelstrom Arena (maybe give bosses only half the hp they have now or give players who dont have a maelstrom weapon equiped a 20k dps buff) or make the weapons drop on normal Maelstrom Arena. So that we "noobs" also can get them.
Naw should be required for zoning into Normal or vet trials.
I want to see craglorn die overnight.
I am still working to complete vMA, and I find it difficult, but I do not want it nerfed or to have a 2 man mode, so someone could carry me through. It is an optional challenge. There are so many builds that work great without the vMA weapons. Even more, I can bet my gold that Elseweyr will bring new sets which will be more desirable and fun than the vMA weapons. The bad thing about the vMA weapon is that it forces you to give up a monster set or a 5 set bonus. Sometimes the monster set is quite good to have, other times the 5 bonus is really good, and the dps increase is not worth it overall. But it is a matter of choice and preference. If you are struggling with MA then the dps increase will not matter much, because your dps is zero if you are dead.
Try to complete it on normal, learn each stage, find the build that suits you, and if you feel comfortable with doing the normal, then you can run vMA, or just go right for vMA, but don't expect to be easy, because it is not meant to be easy.
mustangmorgan31 wrote: »
Was it you that took weeks to complete normal?? You can't disagree and say it is not terrible that someone couldn't even complete normal when there are people on this thread staying only flawless conquerors should be able to queue for vet dungeons. lol
exeeter702 wrote: »
Seeing as vma was being cleared at 400cp and we are now at 810 cp. I fail to see how this is an issue. Healers spec into magicka attribute and there is plenty of crafted gear options for newer players like julianos that upu can throw together to clear it. No one worth a damn would spare a thought like this. Healers switching to a magicka setup suited for vma is childs play.
Fusharji_Seht wrote: »The fact that you also state you would accept nerfing the VMA weapons to bring people down closer to you, shows that really you want the game to revolve around you. Thank goodness it doesn't.