I use lethal arrow, but I don't "spam" it. A one second cast time is hardly spam. I use it mosly around keeps to counter range attacts on the seige line. And unless the person is low health already or in all light divines with less than 16k health, they aren't gona die. If you're full health and dying to snipe it's L2P.
They do need to fix the desync though, which is the real issue..proteinexe wrote:No nerf of damage, but an increase cost like you said - just like streak
You mean the streak that a mag sorc can spam 5-6 times at least? Don't tell me they can't because I've played mag sorc and have done it many times.
Bow is the only damn ranged stamina option, of which 2 skills are even useful in pvp.
Let's nerf reach, crushing shock, mages wrath, radient destruction, javlin and every single ranged magicka ability in the same way you propose for bow
How does one “L2P” when affected by a health desync bug? Most people who go from 100% health to 0 in one second while being hit by Snipe spam are affected by said bug.
I’m really tired of posting video footage of the bug in question, so feel free to look it up on YT before spouting further nonsense.
Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
Coined by Maxwell
gamerguy757 wrote: »Look I'm not saying to nerf the move, but the spamming on it is a little out of hand. I mean, you cry that we spam SHIELDS and they are OP, so here we go again with a move that is OP spammable and you defend it? OK here's my proposal.
Plant a masterfully aimed arrow into an enemy's vital spot, dealing X Physical Damage. (Nerf initial damage by 15%) Activating this ability within 1.5 seconds increases the cost by 20%.
Focused Aim
Increase damage by up to 15% based on distance to target.
Lethal Arrow
No change
Thats not remotely balanced, it should be: higher risk, higher reward. And the risk by using snipe is nearly 0 und the reward is way to high for this.
gamerguy757 wrote: »Look I'm not saying to nerf the move, but the spamming on it is a little out of hand. I mean, you cry that we spam SHIELDS and they are OP, so here we go again with a move that is OP spammable and you defend it? OK here's my proposal.
Plant a masterfully aimed arrow into an enemy's vital spot, dealing X Physical Damage. (Nerf initial damage by 15%) Activating this ability within 1.5 seconds increases the cost by 20%.
Focused Aim
Increase damage by up to 15% based on distance to target.
Lethal Arrow
No change
Thats not remotely balanced, it should be: higher risk, higher reward. And the risk by using snipe is nearly 0 und the reward is way to high for this.
The risk using snipe is only 0 if
A, you made a build that has no ranged capability, which is on you, and
B, you are the only enemy capable of attacking the sniper (which is rarely true)
So yes. It is possible to artificially construct a scenario in which the risk of using snipe is 0. But in most practical situations, the safety of range is an illusion.
Thats not remotely balanced, it should be: higher risk, higher reward. And the risk by using snipe is nearly 0 und the reward is way to high for this.
The risk using snipe is only 0 if
A, you made a build that has no ranged capability, which is on you, and
B, you are the only enemy capable of attacking the sniper (which is rarely true)
So yes. It is possible to artificially construct a scenario in which the risk of using snipe is 0. But in most practical situations, the safety of range is an illusion.
Most melee builds have no range capability. Stamdk, StamWarden have literally nothing to close the gap to a cloaked sniper. Stamplar may have spear to cc the sniper and try to run to him but mostly the sniper is long gone before he reaches him.
Snipe is just to strong in combination with cloak/stealth.
Thats not remotely balanced, it should be: higher risk, higher reward. And the risk by using snipe is nearly 0 und the reward is way to high for this.
The risk using snipe is only 0 if
A, you made a build that has no ranged capability, which is on you, and
B, you are the only enemy capable of attacking the sniper (which is rarely true)
So yes. It is possible to artificially construct a scenario in which the risk of using snipe is 0. But in most practical situations, the safety of range is an illusion.
Most melee builds have no range capability. Stamdk, StamWarden have literally nothing to close the gap to a cloaked sniper. Stamplar may have spear to cc the sniper and try to run to him but mostly the sniper is long gone before he reaches him.
Snipe is just to strong in combination with cloak/stealth.
Of course melee builds have no range capability, thats why they are melee builds. That does not mean snipe is too strong however, that just means you made yourself weak to it.
In other words, don't make a melee build and then complain people attack you from range.
Thats not remotely balanced, it should be: higher risk, higher reward. And the risk by using snipe is nearly 0 und the reward is way to high for this.
The risk using snipe is only 0 if
A, you made a build that has no ranged capability, which is on you, and
B, you are the only enemy capable of attacking the sniper (which is rarely true)
So yes. It is possible to artificially construct a scenario in which the risk of using snipe is 0. But in most practical situations, the safety of range is an illusion.
Most melee builds have no range capability. Stamdk, StamWarden have literally nothing to close the gap to a cloaked sniper. Stamplar may have spear to cc the sniper and try to run to him but mostly the sniper is long gone before he reaches him.
Snipe is just to strong in combination with cloak/stealth.
Like it has alreay been mentioned, channeling snipe should remove you from stealth/cloak. Now it only reveals you when the snipe hits your target and you can instantly cast cloak again before your target breaks the CC.
This would reduce the effectiveness from this combination but "good" snipers can still use the skill effective by choosing a good position to shot from and force a crit by using cloak 1 sec before the impact.
Remove stealth nightblades from game completely. Problem solved
Thats not remotely balanced, it should be: higher risk, higher reward. And the risk by using snipe is nearly 0 und the reward is way to high for this.
The risk using snipe is only 0 if
A, you made a build that has no ranged capability, which is on you, and
B, you are the only enemy capable of attacking the sniper (which is rarely true)
So yes. It is possible to artificially construct a scenario in which the risk of using snipe is 0. But in most practical situations, the safety of range is an illusion.
Most melee builds have no range capability. Stamdk, StamWarden have literally nothing to close the gap to a cloaked sniper. Stamplar may have spear to cc the sniper and try to run to him but mostly the sniper is long gone before he reaches him.
Snipe is just to strong in combination with cloak/stealth.
Like it has alreay been mentioned, channeling snipe should remove you from stealth/cloak. Now it only reveals you when the snipe hits your target and you can instantly cast cloak again before your target breaks the CC.
This would reduce the effectiveness from this combination but "good" snipers can still use the skill effective by choosing a good position to shot from and force a crit by using cloak 1 sec before the impact.
Stam DK has critical rush, all bow abilities, Fiery Grip, Inferno, Stone Fist, Ash Cloud and Dragon Leap at their disposal.
Stamden has all bow abilities, Critical Rush, Dive, Scorch, and Swarm.
So tell me again how they can't engage at range?
Thats not remotely balanced, it should be: higher risk, higher reward. And the risk by using snipe is nearly 0 und the reward is way to high for this.
The risk using snipe is only 0 if
A, you made a build that has no ranged capability, which is on you, and
B, you are the only enemy capable of attacking the sniper (which is rarely true)
So yes. It is possible to artificially construct a scenario in which the risk of using snipe is 0. But in most practical situations, the safety of range is an illusion.
Most melee builds have no range capability. Stamdk, StamWarden have literally nothing to close the gap to a cloaked sniper. Stamplar may have spear to cc the sniper and try to run to him but mostly the sniper is long gone before he reaches him.
Snipe is just to strong in combination with cloak/stealth.
Of course melee builds have no range capability, thats why they are melee builds. That does not mean snipe is too strong however, that just means you made yourself weak to it.
In other words, don't make a melee build and then complain people attack you from range.
I didnt complain they attack me from range. I did complain about snipe overperforming in combination with cloak.
Ignoring the fact that this still causes health desync it is possible to shoot 2 snipes from stealth without the target known for the huge incoming damage and just cloak away before your target breaks the CC. There is no counterplay for it cause you never know when it will come. And no class can sustain 24/7 Wings or shimmering just to counter a sniper who may or may not hides completly save in stealth charging snipe on you.
Thats not remotely balanced, it should be: higher risk, higher reward. And the risk by using snipe is nearly 0 und the reward is way to high for this.
The risk using snipe is only 0 if
A, you made a build that has no ranged capability, which is on you, and
B, you are the only enemy capable of attacking the sniper (which is rarely true)
So yes. It is possible to artificially construct a scenario in which the risk of using snipe is 0. But in most practical situations, the safety of range is an illusion.
Most melee builds have no range capability. Stamdk, StamWarden have literally nothing to close the gap to a cloaked sniper. Stamplar may have spear to cc the sniper and try to run to him but mostly the sniper is long gone before he reaches him.
Snipe is just to strong in combination with cloak/stealth.
Of course melee builds have no range capability, thats why they are melee builds. That does not mean snipe is too strong however, that just means you made yourself weak to it.
In other words, don't make a melee build and then complain people attack you from range.
I didnt complain they attack me from range. I did complain about snipe overperforming in combination with cloak.
Ignoring the fact that this still causes health desync it is possible to shoot 2 snipes from stealth without the target known for the huge incoming damage and just cloak away before your target breaks the CC. There is no counterplay for it cause you never know when it will come. And no class can sustain 24/7 Wings or shimmering just to counter a sniper who may or may not hides completly save in stealth charging snipe on you.
I just don't see what the problem is. You can make a melee build capable of wiping zergs in seconds with DB+shalks+execute. Yet when you can not kill a single sniper who shoots you twice and then runs away it makes him overperforming? I mean, really...
Thats not remotely balanced, it should be: higher risk, higher reward. And the risk by using snipe is nearly 0 und the reward is way to high for this.
The risk using snipe is only 0 if
A, you made a build that has no ranged capability, which is on you, and
B, you are the only enemy capable of attacking the sniper (which is rarely true)
So yes. It is possible to artificially construct a scenario in which the risk of using snipe is 0. But in most practical situations, the safety of range is an illusion.
Most melee builds have no range capability. Stamdk, StamWarden have literally nothing to close the gap to a cloaked sniper. Stamplar may have spear to cc the sniper and try to run to him but mostly the sniper is long gone before he reaches him.
Snipe is just to strong in combination with cloak/stealth.
Of course melee builds have no range capability, thats why they are melee builds. That does not mean snipe is too strong however, that just means you made yourself weak to it.
In other words, don't make a melee build and then complain people attack you from range.
I didnt complain they attack me from range. I did complain about snipe overperforming in combination with cloak.
Ignoring the fact that this still causes health desync it is possible to shoot 2 snipes from stealth without the target known for the huge incoming damage and just cloak away before your target breaks the CC. There is no counterplay for it cause you never know when it will come. And no class can sustain 24/7 Wings or shimmering just to counter a sniper who may or may not hides completly save in stealth charging snipe on you.
I just don't see what the problem is. You can make a melee build capable of wiping zergs in seconds with DB+shalks+execute. Yet when you can not kill a single sniper who shoots you twice and then runs away it makes him overperforming? I mean, really...
Just cause DB + Shalks + Execute can wipe some pugs and is indeed strong doesnt make snipe less overperforming.
Snipe already has a cast and travel time. You can get off more damage in the time it takes for snipe to cast and travel twice to the target by spamming Force Pulse and light attacks.
Thats not remotely balanced, it should be: higher risk, higher reward. And the risk by using snipe is nearly 0 und the reward is way to high for this.
The risk using snipe is only 0 if
A, you made a build that has no ranged capability, which is on you, and
B, you are the only enemy capable of attacking the sniper (which is rarely true)
So yes. It is possible to artificially construct a scenario in which the risk of using snipe is 0. But in most practical situations, the safety of range is an illusion.
Most melee builds have no range capability. Stamdk, StamWarden have literally nothing to close the gap to a cloaked sniper. Stamplar may have spear to cc the sniper and try to run to him but mostly the sniper is long gone before he reaches him.
Snipe is just to strong in combination with cloak/stealth.
Of course melee builds have no range capability, thats why they are melee builds. That does not mean snipe is too strong however, that just means you made yourself weak to it.
In other words, don't make a melee build and then complain people attack you from range.
I didnt complain they attack me from range. I did complain about snipe overperforming in combination with cloak.
Ignoring the fact that this still causes health desync it is possible to shoot 2 snipes from stealth without the target known for the huge incoming damage and just cloak away before your target breaks the CC. There is no counterplay for it cause you never know when it will come. And no class can sustain 24/7 Wings or shimmering just to counter a sniper who may or may not hides completly save in stealth charging snipe on you.
I just don't see what the problem is. You can make a melee build capable of wiping zergs in seconds with DB+shalks+execute. Yet when you can not kill a single sniper who shoots you twice and then runs away it makes him overperforming? I mean, really...
Just cause DB + Shalks + Execute can wipe some pugs and is indeed strong doesnt make snipe less overperforming.
Actually yes, yes it does. You are complaining about a peashooter while dropping A-bombs left and right.
IF I CAN NOT KILL IT IT IS OVERPERFORMING is the message you are sending here. All the while you are orbiting a rock at mach 5 kiting multiple enemies to their deaths with ulti dumps. Absolutely no sympathy here.
Thats not remotely balanced, it should be: higher risk, higher reward. And the risk by using snipe is nearly 0 und the reward is way to high for this.
The risk using snipe is only 0 if
A, you made a build that has no ranged capability, which is on you, and
B, you are the only enemy capable of attacking the sniper (which is rarely true)
So yes. It is possible to artificially construct a scenario in which the risk of using snipe is 0. But in most practical situations, the safety of range is an illusion.
Most melee builds have no range capability. Stamdk, StamWarden have literally nothing to close the gap to a cloaked sniper. Stamplar may have spear to cc the sniper and try to run to him but mostly the sniper is long gone before he reaches him.
Snipe is just to strong in combination with cloak/stealth.
Of course melee builds have no range capability, thats why they are melee builds. That does not mean snipe is too strong however, that just means you made yourself weak to it.
In other words, don't make a melee build and then complain people attack you from range.
I didnt complain they attack me from range. I did complain about snipe overperforming in combination with cloak.
Ignoring the fact that this still causes health desync it is possible to shoot 2 snipes from stealth without the target known for the huge incoming damage and just cloak away before your target breaks the CC. There is no counterplay for it cause you never know when it will come. And no class can sustain 24/7 Wings or shimmering just to counter a sniper who may or may not hides completly save in stealth charging snipe on you.
I just don't see what the problem is. You can make a melee build capable of wiping zergs in seconds with DB+shalks+execute. Yet when you can not kill a single sniper who shoots you twice and then runs away it makes him overperforming? I mean, really...
Just cause DB + Shalks + Execute can wipe some pugs and is indeed strong doesnt make snipe less overperforming.
Actually yes, yes it does. You are complaining about a peashooter while dropping A-bombs left and right.
IF I CAN NOT KILL IT IT IS OVERPERFORMING is the message you are sending here. All the while you are orbiting a rock at mach 5 kiting multiple enemies to their deaths with ulti dumps. Absolutely no sympathy here.
Oh, you know me ingame or how can you tell i do this?