Any of the disco mounts.
DeadlyRecluse wrote: »The nix ox. Ugly as sin.
...I like the new lizard guar, but that's the one that makes the most sense and is least novel. Oddly, I think the lizard camel looks okay, too, if you don't think of it as a camel at all.
ForMalacath wrote: »
I bought 4 crates and got the Lizard Guar and I adore it! probably one of my fave mounts thus far
I do have a thing for Guars though
Any bear. Vomit machines, pretty much. They make the camel's gait look like a hovercraft.
Also they are ugly because they're bears.
Haashhtaag wrote: »Any form of camels.
Easily_Lost wrote: »
Any of the disco mounts.
Sheezabeast wrote: »Frost Draugr Senche mount. It looks like a dead cat someone pulled out of their freezer.