all i want is some *** STAM MORPHS FOR STAM DK.
ZOS_RobGarrett wrote: »I’m guessing many of you will be interested to know more about the racial balance changes. While we aren’t ready to share specific details yet, here’s a peek at the goals driving the team’s effort:
- When selecting a race, players should have multiple effective options for any given gameplay role.
- The combat power provided by each race should be more equalized.
- Players should feel a stronger sense of power progression through racial passives as they level up.
- The unique feeling and flavor each race provides should be retained and enhanced where possible, and remain faithful to established lore.
That's all for now. Feedback, as always, is welcome.
ZOS_RobGarrett wrote: »The Combat team is focusing specifically on the combat-related passive abilities. We currently don't have any changes planned for the non-combat racial passives.
- Update 23Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
Just get rid of the passives per race and let players select 4 passives they like and for a moderate fee of gold, they just can change them whenever they want.
John_Falstaff wrote: »@Aluneth , if having whiskers or tail or dark skin isn't enough of a difference between races for you, then I don't know why you're even playing this game. It's not a single player game, it's a competitive MMO in addition to being RPG, so of course some fine points of lore have to be sacrificed for balance. It comes without saying.
It actually feels weird to read all this unjustified negative stuff when you know what's gonna happen
ZOS_RobGarrett wrote: »When selecting a race, players should have multiple effective options for any given gameplay role.
PouletRico wrote: »
Right ? Damn, everyone crying about Argonians, but what I read is:
So maybe, they'll buff an other race to be viable for tanking. Guys, this post is good new actually...
John_Falstaff wrote: »@Aluneth , then you're just not playing the competitive side of it. Doesn't mean such side doesn't exist. So next time you're sitting by D&D table, imagine DM telling you - oh, you're huge orc, but see, in this campaign, we need you to be an effective mage, so either stop being orc (and I assume you enjoy being an orc, else again, why do you even bother playing?) or GTFO.
In other words, if your imagination and knowledge of lore doesn't provide you with enough flavor for races and you need crutches in form of actual in-game passives, then the problem is on imagination's part.
SaintSubwayy wrote: »
Of course its good that they finally want to make a big step towards race balance.
However we have seen in the past how ZOS did their balancing....get the bulldozer and nerf Top performing sets, passives, Classes and Races into oblivion.
So its actually more fearing that they will continue this trend, rather than buffing underperforming things (which they might finally do with U21, atleast they stated that).
Predicting the future by looking at the past.