Puncturing Sweeps,Jabs and Dark Flare are all broken. Not OP. BROKEN. Video of Dark Flare added.

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • MrUntouchable
    Ashtaris wrote: »
    I’m glad it wasn’t just me who noticed this. I took my healer into Banish Cells I to farm Sanctuary and thought to myself that jabs seemed really clunky. Enough that I noticed it and I usually don’t use Punturing Sweep on my healer that often.

    Nope not just you. I can't wait for it to be fixed. I hate it.
  • mustangmorgan31
    I hope this is fixed on the next maintenance. It is really starting to neg me out. Can't even try out a new build for my templar because the jab issue really messes up my rotation. :(
  • React
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Gilliam

    Tagging everyday until we get a response on this.
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • MrUntouchable
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Gilliam

    Tagging everyday until we get a response on this.

    Did it release on console with the same issue? I don't even know if murkmire released on console but I am assuming it has.
  • Moloch1514
    This is still getting 0 attention from ZOS?

    @ZOS_RobGarrett @ZOS_SarahHecker @ZOS_Gilliam please help us!
  • MrUntouchable
    Moloch1514 wrote: »
    This is still getting 0 attention from ZOS?

    @ZOS_RobGarrett @ZOS_SarahHecker @ZOS_Gilliam please help us!

    Pretty much.
  • MrUntouchable
    Bump yet again. Zos employees seem to have the time to comment and address the silliest things, but when it comes to something that is affecting their customers ability to enjoy the game they don't say anything. Gaming companies have such poor customer service. I don't know if it has to do with the lack of any face to face contact or if they just think that a majority of their community are not 18 or older. I get better customer service from my local grocery store. We as the community are spending our money towards this company through purchasing the game, subscriptions and various cash shop items and yet when something comes up that is directly affecting our ability to enjoy what we pay for, it goes ignored and unaddressed for a long time. I mean I believe we have every right to be upset with how this is going unaddressed with no feedback or fix, we are literally paying your bills. Why customer service means less within the gaming communities when directly compared to say a business like a grocery store or an airline is beyond me. If you don't have the staff to communicate with us then hire more. It's not like you don't have the money, let's be honest. And it is probably because we the community put up with this type of crap service because it has somehow become the norm. I am personally not renewing my sub to this game until you address our concerns, confirm a fix is in the works and give us a rough eta as to how long that will take. Communication would get you as a company so far. And if there is a thread that exists that you have already done those things then maybe you should have guided us there. I hope one day we as gamers, customers and the community stop tolerating poor customer service from companies that literally depend on it's player base in order to even exist in the first place.
  • React
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • j3crow
    I was hoping that the last patch would have fixed the problem with jabs. Apparently it did not. I hope that they let us know that they are at least aware of it
  • Ashtaris
    I think we need to tag some of our Templar class reps about this, @Joy_Division are you listening? :)
  • MrUntouchable
    Ashtaris wrote: »
    I think we need to tag some of our Templar class reps about this, @Joy_Division are you listening? :)

    We need something, because I can't pvp at all with sweeps performing like this. Pve isn't so bad, but pvp with the lag that comes with that already makes sweeps unusable for me.
    Edited by MrUntouchable on November 2, 2018 10:39PM
  • MrUntouchable
    I really hope this doesn't go live on console. I used to play on console and if I hate it in pvp on pc then I know for a fact you guys on console are going to hate it in pvp. Maybe even pve on console you'll hate it.
  • Kimba_Do
    There is definitely a delay between the ending of one series and the start of the next. Rather disconcerting as I play a melee magplar, but at least with public dungeon-level stuff it is still workable. Haven't tried it in DLC-level stuff but I'm usually just an AOE spam for those runs anyway. Still, hope they fix it in Monday's patch. Quite unnerving, to tell the truth.
    Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy, and good with catsup.
    You're all just a bunch of pixels. Turn off the power and you cease to exist.
    White Lions. Bringing the jungle fame for over 50 years.
  • MrUntouchable
    Kimba_Do wrote: »
    There is definitely a delay between the ending of one series and the start of the next. Rather disconcerting as I play a melee magplar, but at least with public dungeon-level stuff it is still workable. Haven't tried it in DLC-level stuff but I'm usually just an AOE spam for those runs anyway. Still, hope they fix it in Monday's patch. Quite unnerving, to tell the truth.

    Yes, I play melee magplar as well and I can do pve no problem. The problem still exists in pve but it can be managed, isn't an excuse to not be fixed, but it is possible to work around for sure. But when you go into open world pvp, for me, it's impossible to use. I live in Alaska too so my ping normally outside of pvp is like 160-180, but in pvp it's like 200-220. So add that type of ping on top of a broken skill in pvp while being pressured by another player and there is no way to come out of that with an enjoyable experience. This needs to be fixed.
    Edited by MrUntouchable on November 2, 2018 11:02PM
  • Parrot1986
    I’m not getting the delay as such but I am getting stuck in an animation of almost doing a heavy attack when trying to light attack weave with sweeps. Been like this since Murkmire and post Monday’s patch.
  • MrUntouchable
    Parrot1986 wrote: »
    I’m not getting the delay as such but I am getting stuck in an animation of almost doing a heavy attack when trying to light attack weave with sweeps. Been like this since Murkmire and post Monday’s patch.

    Well since you weave you wouldn't notice it as much.
  • React
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • Aektann
  • Boun
  • React
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • Aektann
    And no fix or at least answer. Communication with players is just at the highest level ZOS.
  • Boun
    Aektann wrote: »
    And no fix or at least answer. Communication with players is just at the highest level ZOS.

    During maintenance, I was hoping it would be fixed now ... well, we'll have to wait for a long, long time ...
  • React
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • Volckodav
    Also, I meet kind of the same bug, if I do Jesus beam, HA, Jesus beam my chars is completely stuck with the HA animation and stay with his staff on the air for like 1/2 sec without charging or firing anything.

    Will try to do a video of that this evening and submit a bug report.
  • JimmyJuJu
    I was farming the Bok-Xul world boss in Murkmire yesterday hoping to get some bright-throat staves or jewels (sadly, got none). Anyway, that particular encounter spawns a lot of undead (Skyreach-esque) and I noticed both sweeps and jabs were performing terribly. Frame rates also dropped way down. So, still a problem.

    On the upside, empowering sweep on my stamplar was good. I could really feel the Major Protection buff and my ulti regen was marvelous with all the undead dropping. The individual repent is a nice change, too.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Hey guys, just wanted to confirm we have seen this thread and are currently investigating some potential fixes for this issue. Thank you!
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • JimmyJuJu
    Hey guys, just wanted to confirm we have seen this thread and are currently investigating some potential fixes for this issue. Thank you!

    I <3 this news
  • kip_silverwolf
    JimmyJuJu wrote: »

    I <3 this news

    Me too! Thankyou @ZOS_GinaBruno !! I look forward to enjoying my templars again! :smile:
    "I'm going to live forever..or at least die trying"

    drunken Nord & Tamriel streaker since Arena

  • Cinbri
    Meanwhile you can use any of those
    Cinbri wrote: »
    But this cooldown can be bypassed by either:
    1. weaving light attacks
    2. preemptive press next jab button before final 4th tick animation.
    In this case it work as good as it should:
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