Oceanic Lag now 300-400 ms even with a vpn - was 250-300??


In in Australia - and my lag is way worse than a few months ago (took a break) - anyone else face this also?
I wonder if its local or a global issue ?
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on April 25, 2022 7:40PM
  • Banana
    A couple years ago mine was a constant 300. Now a variable 330 +. The lonely megaserver is a *** idea. Unless everyone lives near it.
  • Androconium
    I went from about 250 to 327. Despite having FTTH, my ISP showed in a different suburb everytime I logged in.
    So It's ISPs fiddling with the performance.

    NBNco are blaming online gaming for their lack of infrastructure investment. They now openly talk about Evening congestion.
    I blame cookies, myself.

    I'm going to SkyMuster next week. They openly say that it has a finite capacity. Yet, they are still taking on new customers.

    This is all Mr 16%'s fault for the partial sale of Telstra 20 years ago.
    Edited by Androconium on October 7, 2018 12:22AM
  • Davor
    Must be an Australia lag. After all you said "In in". :p
    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
  • LadyLethalla
    I'm on PS4 EU, no NBN until 2020 at least so I'm on cable broadband, to which I upgraded just after Summerset released.
    I had hoped that the upgrade would improve my lag but no... if anything, it's gotten worse. Last time I measured ping it was 360+ . Some nights it can take up to 20sec to deconstruct or craft an item - which is basically all I do these days when I login.

    And quite frankly I am bloody sick of it.
    x-TallyCat-x // PC EU DC - For the Covenant! // ESO Platinum trophy - 16th May 2017.
    Melbourne Australia - the land of Potato Internet.WTB ESO OCEANIC SERVER
  • GlorphNoldorin
    As far as I am concerned, over several years, latency has gone from 290 to mid high 300's due to degradation of the game...ie all the extra crap they put in it and lack of attention to severs.

    About 6 months ago I got nbn which did absolutely nothing for performance, I would say dsl was better.

    Recently I changed to a small isp that focuses on gaming and that made somewhat of a difference but that combined with using mudfish has seen me with ping regularly under 300.

    It still seems sluggish and unresponsive but the ping always looks good now.

    So I have to use a vpn and have 50mb down/25mb up speed to get the same latency I had on dsl 3 years ago.

    Along with all the *** the devs pull with regard to 'balance' I am waiting for Ashes or something that seems like it will work and hopefully have an oceanic server.
  • phairdon
    250 - 350 from New Zealand.
    Edited by phairdon on October 14, 2018 10:07AM
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • swaggasm
    Like @GlorphNoldorin has said https://mudfish.net/ seems to help with getting consistently lower latency, as well as being really cheap $3 for 18gb of data that lasts for a really long time.

    I think NBN's infrastructure has changed in the last few months or so. About a month ago I used to get consistently lower latency without a vpn like 220-280~ range this last month my default latency without a vpn is 370-450~. Using mudfish brings it down to what it used to be.
  • StackonClown
    Im with TPG and also have been using mudfish for nearly a year - but something must have happened over the last few months. I was previously consistently getting 250-290 ms with this combo, now the absolute minimum is ~300 and it fluctuates wildly up to 600ms at times... I wonder what went wrong :((

    At this rate with this lag, and the sorc nerfs, and lots of other stuff that was never fixed I may be packing bags soon sadly...
  • Gargath
    A global issue definitely :D .
    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • StackonClown
    yes - its happens globally in oceania
    Edited by StackonClown on October 7, 2018 11:47AM
  • DanteYoda
    317- 600- 999+ here Bris Aus

    Before summerset it was a steady 250.. permanently.
  • StackonClown
    ^^ Exactly!! once again zenny has rooted this
  • Kadoin
    Banana wrote: »
    A couple years ago mine was a constant 300. Now a variable 330 +. The lonely megaserver is a *** idea. Unless everyone lives near it.

    It's a bad idea even if you live near it from what I've heard. I honestly think the worsening lag is linked to the client. It seems like the client has a far lower threshold before kicking or stopping traffic than ever before.
  • Tan9oSuccka
    I ran a Vet dungeon with three Aussies the other day.

    Man, that was painful. The trashpacks were super confused. LOL

  • Troneon
    They can't even get EU Servers into a good state and I am from UK. In any other game I get 1-10 pings.....60-90 in ESO sometimes spikes of 100-150+...You guys are SOL. Worse in PVP.

    On US servers in other games I get max 80-120 pings...usually around 60-70.

    Edited by Troneon on October 7, 2018 7:02PM
    PC EU AD
    Master Crafter - Anything you need!!
    High Elf Magicka Templar Healer/DPS/Tank
    Trials / Dungeons / PVP / Everything
  • kentgreigrwb17_ESO
    With ping this great, it’s a good thing they didn’t buff light attack weaving! Oh, wait...
  • Coggo
    I've been running Battleping for 4 years to optimise my connection from Melbourne to the server. Yet, despite national infrastructure upgrades, a new more powerful rig and a change of provider my ping has crept up to permanently in the red (320*average).

    I love this game & the people in my guild but at this rate it feels like there is an approaching end point for my relationship with both. A terminus not of my choosing but one when the game degrades to a point it's simply unplayable.
  • Androconium
    swaggasm wrote: »
    Like @GlorphNoldorin has said https://mudfish.net/ seems to help with getting consistently lower latency, as well as being really cheap $3 for 18gb of data that lasts for a really long time.

    I think NBN's infrastructure has changed in the last few months or so. About a month ago I used to get consistently lower latency without a vpn like 220-280~ range this last month my default latency without a vpn is 370-450~. Using mudfish brings it down to what it used to be.

    I expect that they are throttling some destinations to cover the lack of investment.
    I went from 100Mbps back to 25 twelve months ago and didn't see a big performance drop.

    I think a letter of denial is required from the relevant Minister.
  • spikesaurus
    Yeah, I was consistently getting 275-330 ping for over a year... then over the last 6 months or so it has slowly & consistently become worse, now averaging 395-540. RIP any DPS parse... this is where being a tank & having the capacity to perma block comes in handy. Sadly tho, it is with sadness that I will probably also leave the game soon.

    This is simply untenable, especially in veteran trials. I love the game & I've made some great friends in the community & enjoyed helping many to achievements, but when the game becomes completely unplayable in any fashion...

    It's time to salute & leave.

    I feel it's only a matter of time for myself. The ping & lag combined with dozens of bugs that were reported well over a year ago still being live + other issues... (excluding any balance issues people may feel) is just too much.

    I hope things change, but I can't see it happening. Good-luck with your RNGeeesus peoples.
  • SirDopey
    Yes! Actually looking to see if something like this had been posted.

    Something has definitely happened within the last month or so. Use to consistently get 240 - 270ms in game (180 - 210 doing a tracert in cmd, the client pretty consistently adds 30ms which is probably pc performance related).

    Currently in game I very rarely see it dip below 280 and most the time its above 300, tracert has also gone up in line with these numbers.

    I have an ASUS modem with WTFast built into it, when I switch this on it brings my latency down to around 230/240 BUT the game kicks me back to login screen everytime I change zones which isn't practical.

    I'm with Leaptel NBN 100mbs connection (I believe they just piggyback off telstra)
    NA PC | AD
    xx Doc Holliday xx
  • swaggasm

    I expect that they are throttling some destinations to cover the lack of investment.
    I went from 100Mbps back to 25 twelve months ago and didn't see a big performance drop.

    I think a letter of denial is required from the relevant Minister.

    Wouldn't surprise me if majority of ISP's are over selling bandwidth then throttling users to make a profit. I'm still annoyed that I missed getting FTTP by one suburb :( FTTN sucks.
  • MrGarlic
    It's shocking today.

    PC/NA and the PTS are unplayable, with massive latency in the seconds, whereas PC/EU is fine.
    'Sharp Arrows'Mr.Garlic
    Hidden by darkness, a shadow in the night,A sped arrow dissecting the gloom,Finding it's target, such delight.
  • Androconium
    swaggasm wrote: »
    Wouldn't surprise me if majority of ISP's are over selling bandwidth then throttling users to make a profit. I'm still annoyed that I missed getting FTTP by one suburb :( FTTN sucks.

    I had FTTH at my last house in Gunghalin, one of the original NBN suburbs + 100Mbps link.
    It made no difference.

    Perhaps if we had a got the Great Big Carbon tax, then the money would have been there to pay for the promises.

    As it is, my new home is less than 600 km from either Sydney or Melbourne, yet there isn't even any legacy copper system to support ADSL; or just a regular phone.

    Only Telstra provide mobile coverage here and Satellite is a compromised "NBN" solution. More like "NNN".

    As ever, the Big End Of Town in Australia wants to take the profits, but expects the government to commit taxpayers to footing the investment bills.

  • Bhaal5
    swaggasm wrote: »

    Wouldn't surprise me if majority of ISP's are over selling bandwidth then throttling users to make a profit. I'm still annoyed that I missed getting FTTP by one suburb :( FTTN sucks.

    Try missing out by one block (4 houses away) :'(
  • LadyLethalla
    My NBN connection date has been delayed 2 years so far, now expected early to mid 2020 - and yet houses 1km either side of me have it already. The only good thing I read recently about the delay is that they have upgraded my area to FTTK instead of using existing Foxtel cabling. And I live in eastern suburbs Melbourne - not even outer east. Scared to check it now in case they have downgraded it again.

    But yeah... for the nonce I'm pretty much limited to questing, writs and the occasional dungeon. Maybe a little PVP, but not in the evenings. If I'm feeling particularly masochistic I might venture into VMA... 486 soul gems later I might be lucky if I have some hair left.

    So... I'm trying to wean myself off with SP games.
    x-TallyCat-x // PC EU DC - For the Covenant! // ESO Platinum trophy - 16th May 2017.
    Melbourne Australia - the land of Potato Internet.WTB ESO OCEANIC SERVER
  • MakoFore
    same boat (or is that island) here as @GlorphNoldorin and @swaggasm - and daresay every other aussie. basically paying for what was standard a few years ago. something definitely going on atm though- cant connect at all- and error 200s every time i can
    Edited by MakoFore on October 10, 2018 3:22AM
  • Elong
    Will add to the people above that my ping from NZ has increased from 250 to 300-320 over 4 years of this game.
  • Audrena
    Latency from Australia has always been an issue, but it used to be manageable. Then ZOS got DDOS'd, and responded by routing all game traffic through some sort of Akamai DDOS protection that instantly added another 40ms of latency, so from here in Melbourne on fibre I'd gone from around 200-220ms to 230-250. Still manageable, even if I often had to die my way through world boss one-shot spam.

    In the last week or two, the average latency is now almost permanently in the red, sitting at 300-320, and only very occasionally dropping to 290 or so.

    Needless to say, doing dungeons for the upcoming event is something worth saving up those freebie Crown Repair Kits for ;)

    I would not be surprised if this was Akamai's fault again - though I am noticing a ~40ms rise in latency to WoW's US servers as well, implying that this could in fact be a routing issue (I'm with an ISP that uses Telstra Global for its international traffic, if that helps).

    One thing it definitely NOT at fault is the NBN. Overseas routing is up to your choice of ISP, not the NBN.

  • whatmeta
    Soul Shriven
    Mainly playing PVP in ESO nowadays. The lag has gotten worse since last week. It wasnt just me, zone chat has been complaining about the same.

    This is the last straw for me Zeni, my characters constantly get nerfed, if you cannot fix the lag in Cyro then its time for me to unsub.

    Thanks for the laughs!
  • jcm2606
    Internet speed really doesn't matter for online gaming, as the packets sent are a few dozen bytes at the most. So going from 100Mbps down to 25, 15, or hell, even 5 Mbps, it makes sense you generally wouldn't see ping change much, as the packets sent are way under even 1KB (1Mbps = 125KB/s).

    What matters for online gaming is connection stability, routing, and the time it takes for a packet to reach its destination. I'm on a 5Mbps connection in my area, and usually sit around 250-300 ping, but Telstra has been doing work on the lines in my area (NBNCo is getting ready to start NBN installation, and so are messing about in the pits, which has affected the stability of my connection, and to top it off it has been raining a lot the past week or so, which has made stability that much worse), and so my ping has been jumping all over the place, with today being by far the worst over the past week, with ping being a steady 999+, spiking to 5000-10000 while running dungeons.
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