VaranisArano wrote: »
Those proc sets have been nerfed and others took their place. And I can't speak to your particular lag, but I certainly still have it.
So, yes, still an issue.
Thanks VaranisArano. If those proc sets were nerfed, I might be able to cope with that lag for a while.
Althought, I must be quite far behind in CPs... I quess I had something like 500 of them when I left.
VaranisArano wrote: »
Don't get me wrong, proc sets still exist and some can be rather powerful. But ZOS did nerf a lot of the old ones that overperformed in Battlegrounds like Viper, Red Mountain, etc.
We've been asking for campaign locking since day one, but ZoS hasn't this in their scope. They want you to be able to switch
if you wanna meet up with friends on another campaign.
which leads to people just exploiting the campaign system so they can say "oh well im bored everyone else has a bigger zerg than us" "lets join the winning side" for campaign rewards and AP gains, winning side usually has the most AP gains aswell. Usually.
Most people who play all 3 factions play on the team that is losing, as they want the better fights.
VaranisArano wrote: »
Most people who want good fights and play on all 3 factions play the underdog,
Most people who want AP and dont care about faction loyalty play whichever faction they think will get them the most. Usually the winning team.
Personally, I suspect the players who just want easy fights to make AP on the winning faction, outnumber the people seeking challenging fights on the losing faction.
You usually make more ap on the losing team.
Gotta PvDoor them home keeps and resources back after getting double teamed by Team Purple/Green/Orange and faction hacking cheaters all day!!!
DisgracefulMind wrote: »PvP is actually decent because you have the ability to go and fight for the more outnumbered side. Don't lock the black faction out, we're a good thing.
There may well be a few white knights that do this, but sadly its used for more harm than good. Or more, the impact of the harm those do outweighs the good the number top up guys can do.
Question : Would you still top up those sides if got no AP, no personal gain?
There may well be a few white knights that do this, but sadly its used for more harm than good. Or more, the impact of the harm those do outweighs the good the number top up guys can do.
Question : Would you still top up those sides if got no AP, no personal gain?
If the choice is to play the top faction and zerg everyone to their gates or play the faction getting zerged non-stop, most people that would normally play the underdog just won't play. Your small man group may be able to take on 25 or 30, but not 90.
Let's reverse that: would you still play the dominant faction if whomever had the most population made no AP?
VaranisArano wrote: »
Personally, I would play EP whether we made AP or not. Because I'm faction loyal, win or lose. I dont expect other people to be faction loyal, but I am.
IDGAF what you do with rewards or how over/underpopulated EP is, nothing will convince me to touch AD or DC with a ten foot pole. I'd sooner quit.
So the only thing you can do to balance players like me is to punish us for wanting to play loyally for our faction when we have the high population.
This isn't applied to you at all Varanis, just an observation from a point you just made. Since I've swapped to DC, the most vile and toxic people I've found are the faction loyal ones.
This isn't applied to you at all Varanis, just an observation from a point you just made. Since I've swapped to DC, the most vile and toxic people I've found are the faction loyal ones.
I’ve mained AD for years and then switches to DC for the better part of a year before going back AD. Can confirm this is absolutely true.
Not exclusively, though. Some of the faction loyalists do have some chill.
VaranisArano wrote: »
I suspect that's probably because those are the people most likely to get invested in an "Us vs Them" mentality.
Sort of like how die-hard loyalist sports fans can get to fans of the opposing teams. Its just s human nature thing.
I try to combat that in myself by remembering that its a video game and that I'm pretty sure every faction has about the same amount of good players, scrubs, spies, jerks, and genuinely nice people.
VaranisArano wrote: »
I suspect that's probably because those are the people most likely to get invested in an "Us vs Them" mentality.
Sort of like how die-hard loyalist sports fans can get to fans of the opposing teams. Its just s human nature thing.
I try to combat that in myself by remembering that its a video game and that I'm pretty sure every faction has about the same amount of good players, scrubs, spies, jerks, and genuinely nice people.
Yeah it's definitely because of no faction locks that is causing pvp to die. It's definitely not the horrible lag and performance problems, the bugs that go unfixed for months, the terrible balances changes, and lack of decent rewards and incentives to pvp.
allstarplayergk wrote: »Here is why you need faction lock, and yes it does suck that many people want to jump alliances in search of better fights and playing with thier friends. Sure locking campaigns might drive some casuals away, but watch this video, and keep in mind this went on for 3 straight days now(went on all last night). After this has happened each of the last 3 nights I watched all three factions lose 2 bars of pop apiece. 2 players...using the cross alliance system to cheat, cleared an entire server...
I am quite certain most pvpers would agree with u. Lets just hope ZOS does something sooner rather than later.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »PvP is actually decent because you have the ability to go and fight for the more outnumbered side. Don't lock the black faction out, we're a good thing.