Yes, it's the lack of faction lock killing pvp, and totally not the performance.
How do you leave Cyro?
I think people have misread what I put. I too have multiple faction toons. I don't, however, switch to a different color because I want to spy, or feel like I'm getting killed too much on my chosen color.
The spying thing has happened for a long time, but only now is it becoming even more prevalent than before. Mini zergs keep one player on each faction with themselves at all times now. Especially in the daytime when there is practically no-one on in even the busiest campaign.
Talking of which, peak PVP time in the evenings in Vivec and it's incredibly dead (even right now). I'm so bored I'm having to come to the forums to entertain myself.
Joy_Division wrote: »
So let me get this straight. These zergs have convinced two people to just do nothing but follow them around to prevent enemy Nightblades from sneaking on them?
Are they scared that one of their members might get ganked? How exactly do these two other players follow the zerg when it teleports from Bleakers to Drake?
Few, if any, have left ESO because of lack of faction locks. It is just a weak attempt to try to gain steam on an otherwise non issue
idk how you correlate account campaign locks with regrowing the pvp population :thinking_emoji:
VaranisArano wrote: »PVP is going to continue losing players until ZOS fixes the lag and persistent performance issues.
I'm not very good at farming ap but farming salt I'm one of the best!
I think people have misread what I put. I too have multiple faction toons. I don't, however, switch to a different color because I want to spy, or feel like I'm getting killed too much on my chosen color.
The spying thing has happened for a long time, but only now is it becoming even more prevalent than before. Mini zergs keep one player on each faction with themselves at all times now. Especially in the daytime when there is practically no-one on in even the busiest campaign.
Talking of which, peak PVP time in the evenings in Vivec and it's incredibly dead (even right now). I'm so bored I'm having to come to the forums to entertain myself.
I think people have misread what I put. I too have multiple faction toons. I don't, however, switch to a different color because I want to spy, or feel like I'm getting killed too much on my chosen color.
Odd thread this one, really is. Lots of deflection / straw man responses. The OP isn't saying lag / performance isn't an issue, clearly that needs fixing as well.
However cheating in Cyrodiil certainly impacts longevity of play in particular with new PvPers. I've been supporting a fee players new to Cyro recently in guild runs etc and AP boosting alone & switching to support it ruins peoples experience / wish to stay.
Sure performance needs sorting out, however any competitive game that allows cheating that's mega visual is always going to lose folks interest.
I get all the play with friends reasons for switching etc etc heard them all before. But sadly that excuse is used by all the nefarious alliance hoppers too.
Haven't played this games for couple of years but I used to play it alot. Playtime around 150 days since prelaunch.
I really loved Cyrodiil but the server lag made it nearly impossible to play and those proc sets were the last bullet.
Are those proc sets and server lag still an issue?