Deserter Penalties Need To Change

I get the penalty the minute I match Dungeon, I've checked. Most of these last longer than the penalty so it's not an issue. But if you get kicked for lagging our. Or ESO decides you have no internet despite being in party chat. You end up with penalties of 20 minutes for Dungeons and Battlegrounds. Change it to only punish people who intentionally leave the group, who intentionally log out (you must see who does or does not get an error message.

It's tiring with a game that logs you out so much randomly that you also get punished for the instability of the XBox EU server.
  • Fischblut
    Agree! :/

    There is also a bug when the match never starts - and you're forced to either waste all your time waiting for nothing, or leave the group and get penalty... Few days ago I had horrible sequence: queue, get into the group and travel to map, wait ~10 minutes cause other groups have only 2 members (you can also wait indefinitely), leave and get 20 minutes penalty; after penalty is gone, queue again, get into group and get another bugged instance with neverstarting match... Leave and get penalty again :| After 20 minutes queue again... So 1 quick daily random match took me an hour :/Is it so hard to add auto-disband for groups if the match doesn't start after ~2 minutes? I know something like this should already be in game, cause before this update, I had a case when we all were kicked from the group after waiting ~1 minute in bugged instance. Nobody got penalty and we could queue again instantly. It only happened 1 time though - all other times only option is to leave and get penalty for nothing.
  • Dubhliam
    Other people should not be penalized because the game matched them with people that have poor internet.
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • Lieblingsjunge
    Copying this from another thread:

    I played in a duo. Got placed against a 3-man premade. The 3 premade ragequit because they lost badly.
    The 20 minute deserter penalty is well-deserved. You shouldn't suddenly leave a BG, especially since the 4v4v4 is so important in most cases. Losing one player is rly destructive for the team.

    (Edit: The BG also closed shortly after, because there weren't enough players in the BG. Does that seem fair to you? That the BG closes for everyone else, just because some people cant handle losing?)

    The only time I could agree to not get a deserter penalty - is if you'd get disconnected to login-screen or something. But except that - any force close of the game or ragequit *should* have severe penalty.
    Edited by Lieblingsjunge on August 17, 2018 9:31PM
    Ignorance is the greatest weapon of tyranny.
    PC - EU.
    Lieblingsjunge(AD) - Racechanged Argonian :< | AR 50 - No double AP or Bleakers involved |
    Sits-On-Cacti(DC) - Problem?
    Fail-With-Tail(AD) - Healing Springs-spammer :<
    Tiny Liebs(EP) - Very Tiny. Also heals.
    Lieblingsmädchen(DC) - Magplar is love.
    The Dominàtrix(AD) - Chains, whip, whip, whip.
    Fluffy Furball Kitten(DC) - Kittycat, meow.
    Your Face(EP) - People make bad jokes about my name =(
    Liebs-With-Trees(AD) - Male argo with a big tail :>

    Officer/Sandwitch of Zerg Squad
    My title: The Maneater, Destroyer of Maneuvers, Bane of Potatoes, she who devours them, The Black Hole, the humorless, first of her name.
  • Diasflac666
    Copying this from another thread:

    I played in a duo. Got placed against a 3-man premade. The 3 premade ragequit because they lost badly.
    The 20 minute deserter penalty is well-deserved. You shouldn't suddenly leave a BG, especially since the 4v4v4 is so important in most cases. Losing one player is rly destructive for the team.

    (Edit: The BG also closed shortly after, because there weren't enough players in the BG. Does that seem fair to you? That the BG closes for everyone else, just because some people cant handle losing?)

    The only time I could agree to not get a deserter penalty - is if you'd get disconnected to login-screen or something. But except that - any force close of the game or ragequit *should* have severe penalty.

    This is exactly where it should apply. But I should not be punished because the server kicked me out for no reason. I'm not even defending leaving with a crap team. Happens to me all the time, I get XP either way but to not give me the losing XP because of the server problems then barr me for 20 minutes is ludicrous.
  • Lieblingsjunge
    Copying this from another thread:

    I played in a duo. Got placed against a 3-man premade. The 3 premade ragequit because they lost badly.
    The 20 minute deserter penalty is well-deserved. You shouldn't suddenly leave a BG, especially since the 4v4v4 is so important in most cases. Losing one player is rly destructive for the team.

    (Edit: The BG also closed shortly after, because there weren't enough players in the BG. Does that seem fair to you? That the BG closes for everyone else, just because some people cant handle losing?)

    The only time I could agree to not get a deserter penalty - is if you'd get disconnected to login-screen or something. But except that - any force close of the game or ragequit *should* have severe penalty.

    This is exactly where it should apply. But I should not be punished because the server kicked me out for no reason. I'm not even defending leaving with a crap team. Happens to me all the time, I get XP either way but to not give me the losing XP because of the server problems then barr me for 20 minutes is ludicrous.

    Well, you can't say "It should apply there, but not there" because for ESO, it's no way of telling. I mean, if you wouldnt get it on every ESO-crash, you could easily Task Manager-exit your game and ragequit for free.

    Or you could pull the plug for your internet - and still have no deserter penalty.
    Ignorance is the greatest weapon of tyranny.
    PC - EU.
    Lieblingsjunge(AD) - Racechanged Argonian :< | AR 50 - No double AP or Bleakers involved |
    Sits-On-Cacti(DC) - Problem?
    Fail-With-Tail(AD) - Healing Springs-spammer :<
    Tiny Liebs(EP) - Very Tiny. Also heals.
    Lieblingsmädchen(DC) - Magplar is love.
    The Dominàtrix(AD) - Chains, whip, whip, whip.
    Fluffy Furball Kitten(DC) - Kittycat, meow.
    Your Face(EP) - People make bad jokes about my name =(
    Liebs-With-Trees(AD) - Male argo with a big tail :>

    Officer/Sandwitch of Zerg Squad
    My title: The Maneater, Destroyer of Maneuvers, Bane of Potatoes, she who devours them, The Black Hole, the humorless, first of her name.
  • Diasflac666
    Copying this from another thread:

    I played in a duo. Got placed against a 3-man premade. The 3 premade ragequit because they lost badly.
    The 20 minute deserter penalty is well-deserved. You shouldn't suddenly leave a BG, especially since the 4v4v4 is so important in most cases. Losing one player is rly destructive for the team.

    (Edit: The BG also closed shortly after, because there weren't enough players in the BG. Does that seem fair to you? That the BG closes for everyone else, just because some people cant handle losing?)

    The only time I could agree to not get a deserter penalty - is if you'd get disconnected to login-screen or something. But except that - any force close of the game or ragequit *should* have severe penalty.

    This is exactly where it should apply. But I should not be punished because the server kicked me out for no reason. I'm not even defending leaving with a crap team. Happens to me all the time, I get XP either way but to not give me the losing XP because of the server problems then barr me for 20 minutes is ludicrous.

    Well, you can't say "It should apply there, but not there" because for ESO, it's no way of telling. I mean, if you wouldnt get it on every ESO-crash, you could easily Task Manager-exit your game and ragequit for free.

    Or you could pull the plug for your internet - and still have no deserter penalty.

    ZOS will have an error log, if you get an error of a certain kind, you don't get the penalty. If you time out, or pull the plug as you call it, then you get the penalty. Not to mention this is XBox EU and it takes nearly 20 minutes to log back in anyway.
  • Lieblingsjunge
    Copying this from another thread:

    I played in a duo. Got placed against a 3-man premade. The 3 premade ragequit because they lost badly.
    The 20 minute deserter penalty is well-deserved. You shouldn't suddenly leave a BG, especially since the 4v4v4 is so important in most cases. Losing one player is rly destructive for the team.

    (Edit: The BG also closed shortly after, because there weren't enough players in the BG. Does that seem fair to you? That the BG closes for everyone else, just because some people cant handle losing?)

    The only time I could agree to not get a deserter penalty - is if you'd get disconnected to login-screen or something. But except that - any force close of the game or ragequit *should* have severe penalty.

    This is exactly where it should apply. But I should not be punished because the server kicked me out for no reason. I'm not even defending leaving with a crap team. Happens to me all the time, I get XP either way but to not give me the losing XP because of the server problems then barr me for 20 minutes is ludicrous.

    Well, you can't say "It should apply there, but not there" because for ESO, it's no way of telling. I mean, if you wouldnt get it on every ESO-crash, you could easily Task Manager-exit your game and ragequit for free.

    Or you could pull the plug for your internet - and still have no deserter penalty.

    ZOS will have an error log, if you get an error of a certain kind, you don't get the penalty. If you time out, or pull the plug as you call it, then you get the penalty. Not to mention this is XBox EU and it takes nearly 20 minutes to log back in anyway.

    If that works consistently, then I would agree. But when my game crashes - I usually don't get an error code. It just dies :> But it sounds like an idea, if it's consistent.
    Ignorance is the greatest weapon of tyranny.
    PC - EU.
    Lieblingsjunge(AD) - Racechanged Argonian :< | AR 50 - No double AP or Bleakers involved |
    Sits-On-Cacti(DC) - Problem?
    Fail-With-Tail(AD) - Healing Springs-spammer :<
    Tiny Liebs(EP) - Very Tiny. Also heals.
    Lieblingsmädchen(DC) - Magplar is love.
    The Dominàtrix(AD) - Chains, whip, whip, whip.
    Fluffy Furball Kitten(DC) - Kittycat, meow.
    Your Face(EP) - People make bad jokes about my name =(
    Liebs-With-Trees(AD) - Male argo with a big tail :>

    Officer/Sandwitch of Zerg Squad
    My title: The Maneater, Destroyer of Maneuvers, Bane of Potatoes, she who devours them, The Black Hole, the humorless, first of her name.
  • Hotdog_23
    I would just be happy if they would let you re-que if you did the dungeon in under 15 minutes.
  • Franieck
    Agreed! Especially after the latest update, I've been running into endless loading screens whenever joining dungeons/battlegrounds. I then have to restart the game and have to face the deserter penalty due to ZoS's mistake. It does annoy me quite a bit.
  • xilfxlegion
    agreed --- would also add that we shouldnt get a penalty when the " failed , instance is full " crap happens
  • NyassaV
    Copying this from another thread:

    I played in a duo. Got placed against a 3-man premade. The 3 premade ragequit because they lost badly.
    The 20 minute deserter penalty is well-deserved. You shouldn't suddenly leave a BG, especially since the 4v4v4 is so important in most cases. Losing one player is rly destructive for the team.

    (Edit: The BG also closed shortly after, because there weren't enough players in the BG. Does that seem fair to you? That the BG closes for everyone else, just because some people cant handle losing?)

    The only time I could agree to not get a deserter penalty - is if you'd get disconnected to login-screen or something. But except that - any force close of the game or ragequit *should* have severe penalty.

    I'm sorry there are some people I refuse to fight not only because it's not fun but because I don't want to feed their toxic habits or ego

    It needs to go. Period. End of Statement
    Flawless Conqueror ~ Grand Overlord
    She/Her ~ PC/NA | I record things for fun and for info
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