Need to add a Werewolf Lord skin with fangs, claws, pointy ears exactly like on the werewolf lord polymorph in the crown store! The pts skin looks too vampiric for a lycanthrope skin.
Tmk because it’s a skin, they can’t add morphological changes to it (or would have to edit the base model to allow for them, which with how customized character models are, I would guess isn’t a feasible endeavor). I don’t have a super strong background on the concept, but as I understand it, you have your model, which is the shape of an object, and then you have the skin, which is the coloring of an object. Because the base model doesn’t have pointed teeth or claws or ears, there’s nothing that the skin can overlay there. It’d be like trying to put a hood ornament on your car with only a paint job.
Polymorphs are different because they completely replace the model and skin of your character, instead of just adding/replacing another skin.
Had ZOS implemented fangs/claws/pointed ears to the base character model and then simply had invisible textures over those specific bits of the model in the base character skins, then they wouldn’t appear unless a skin is applied to the character that includes non-invisible textures for those bits. You can see this most often when using the blackmarrow skin from SP. It’s with the barbaric windblown hair in particular iirc where you can see that the extremeties of the base hair skin use invisible textures, which the bm skin has non-invisible textures for, making the hair appear longer.
If this is the *** they're going to release, I'd really rather they just didn't. Drop this gods awful skin, send whatever devs would have worked on this to instead look at some of the many issues folks have regarding the odd ways in which certain armors dye.