No tab targeting on consoles. That was always a LTP issue though. You deal with a swarm of pets the same way you deal with a swarm of adds when you need to focus the boss. If a player can't do that, it's on them--but all those players whine on the forums. (And I suspect a few of them might be devs, given the sheer maliciousness of this latest update.)
Amdar_Godkiller wrote: »@Nefas has chimed in a few times in the werewolf threads since pts started and new reps announced.
But who knows how frequently the reps actually get to relay the information and feedback they have gathered.
He appears to agree with the nerfs and hasn't played WW in years, so really he's the opposite of a WW class rep.
you can ask any "pve-rep" and they´ll all say werewolf is overperforming to a certain degree, even though werewolf has never been used in any serious raiding scene.....
Really sad that none of the reps (or devs) have little to no insight in neither the PvE or PvP perspective of werewolf, hence why the feedback and responses to werewolf get so skewed.
Amdar_Godkiller wrote: »@Nefas has chimed in a few times in the werewolf threads since pts started and new reps announced.
But who knows how frequently the reps actually get to relay the information and feedback they have gathered.
He appears to agree with the nerfs and hasn't played WW in years, so really he's the opposite of a WW class rep.
you can ask any "pve-rep" and they´ll all say werewolf is overperforming to a certain degree, even though werewolf has never been used in any serious raiding scene.....
Really sad that none of the reps (or devs) have little to no insight in neither the PvE or PvP perspective of werewolf, hence why the feedback and responses to werewolf get so skewed.
If werewolves are currently over performing in PVE i guess I'm playing them wrong. Name me a PVE trial where a group is specifically looking for werewolves because they over perform compared to other classes. A werewolf dps is about 15-20k lower than current stam classes running in trials. You cant tank as a ww, and you can only heal yourself, so dps it is.
If you are talking solo pve then I'm not sure how we "over perform". Yes we can be tank in VMA, yet ww scores are significantly less on the leaderboards. A Sorc ww is the highest dps, yet even in fast flawless runs my scores are 50k lower than other sorcs running vma. How are the other sorcs not "over performing"?
FenrisWolf1136 wrote: »No tab targeting on consoles. That was always a LTP issue though. You deal with a swarm of pets the same way you deal with a swarm of adds when you need to focus the boss. If a player can't do that, it's on them--but all those players whine on the forums. (And I suspect a few of them might be devs, given the sheer maliciousness of this latest update.)
Press and hold R3... allows you to hard target. Not as convenient but still works. (For ps4 anyways. Not sure about xbox)
FenrisWolf1136 wrote: »No tab targeting on consoles. That was always a LTP issue though. You deal with a swarm of pets the same way you deal with a swarm of adds when you need to focus the boss. If a player can't do that, it's on them--but all those players whine on the forums. (And I suspect a few of them might be devs, given the sheer maliciousness of this latest update.)
Press and hold R3... allows you to hard target. Not as convenient but still works. (For ps4 anyways. Not sure about xbox)
Yeah, I know about that and it does work on Xbox, but there's no way to cycle through targets the way you can on PC. They get all the training wheels nifty features. I'm curious if the non-targetable direwolves will still block right stick targeting, or if you'll be able to highlight/lock-on to werewolf players through them now.
As for DPS, like I've said before I don't know how guys like Alcast got the numbers they claimed. The dev's are really missing the mark by continuing to treat werewolf like a class, when it's much more limited than that. Werewolves have an extremely narrow toolkit compared to any other build in the game and that needs to be taken into account when trying to balance them.
Im a console player and im truly disappointed with this patch i love my WW character and it is in no way OP compared to every other dps spec. Ww is my lowest dps, my stamcro, magblade, stamsorc, magdk all hit alot higher. Pvp u just get focused by everyone so u have to build tankier but then u loose some damge, seems to me ww got nerfed because under 50 cyrodil/bgs.
Pvp > pve
Pvp > pve
Disagree entirely. If I wanted a laggy circle jerk with no dialogue I'd go to a swinger's club.
PVP is only a small fraction of the content in this game and a good portion of the user base isn't interested in it. It's never been the main draw of ESO and the devs' disproportionate focus on it is another of their many boggling decisions.
seems to me ww got nerfed because under 50 cyrodil/bgs.
Pvp > pve
Disagree entirely. If I wanted a laggy circle jerk with no dialogue I'd go to a swinger's club.
PVP is only a small fraction of the content in this game and a good portion of the user base isn't interested in it. It's never been the main draw of ESO and the devs' disproportionate focus on it is another of their many boggling decisions.
As someone who spends 95+% of his playtime doing PvP activities, i really don't know where you get the feeling that devs have "a disproportionate focus on PvP".
If i had to throw a wild guess, i'd say that PvP represents 20-30% of overall play time, and less that 10% of overall dev time.
seems to me ww got nerfed because under 50 cyrodil/bgs.
TBH I think it got nerfed because a few folks were claiming that WW turned vMA into "easy mode". Obviously they aren't going to adjust vMA, so I believe they actively nerf any situation players stumble upon that even hints at trivializing their pet arena project.
Pvp > pve
Disagree entirely. If I wanted a laggy circle jerk with no dialogue I'd go to a swinger's club.
PVP is only a small fraction of the content in this game and a good portion of the user base isn't interested in it. It's never been the main draw of ESO and the devs' disproportionate focus on it is another of their many boggling decisions.
As someone who spends 95+% of his playtime doing PvP activities, i really don't know where you get the feeling that devs have "a disproportionate focus on PvP".
If i had to throw a wild guess, i'd say that PvP represents 20-30% of overall play time, and less that 10% of overall dev time.
From the fact that complaints from PvPers drive the majority of balance changes in this game, while PvE related feedback is pointedly ignored. Changes are frequently made based on PvP feedback with no consideration for how those changes will affect PvE. Meanwhile, there are major, progress-halting bugs in PvE dungeons and questlines that have gone unfixed and largely un-adressed for years.seems to me ww got nerfed because under 50 cyrodil/bgs.
TBH I think it got nerfed because a few folks were claiming that WW turned vMA into "easy mode". Obviously they aren't going to adjust vMA, so I believe they actively nerf any situation players stumble upon that even hints at trivializing their pet arena project.
If only it had.
I'll admit it's pure speculation as to why the devs made the changes they have. (Dementia, maybe?) But for my money there were a lot more posts and threads complaining about pack leaders in BG than there were people claiming WW made vet maelstrom too easy.
You have a good point about new players coming in and getting wrecked by werewolves in <50 BGs and no-cp cyrodiil, though I'd argue that's less about werewolves themselves and more about a difference in skill. In my experience, werewolf takes a lot of work to make viable, especially because it lacks the tools so many other classes have. Highly skilled players 'slumming it' are liable to wreck their competition no matter what they play. Not to mention that a lot of those angry posts were from single players in a PUG group who got matched up against a coordinated team.
As for vet maelstrom, I've spent too much time swearing and punching my couch to this week to agree with you there. Just being a werewolf does not make vMA 'easy.' It's still frustratingly hard even for a werewolf with a pretty good build and literally years of practice. Again, if you're finding it easy, I'd say that has more to do with your skill as a player. I'd be curious to see what you're running though.
Overtuned for pvp always top dps beating every othere spec by tons
Update #2: (PvP related)
I´ll start this comment by asking a simple question:
What´s the point of playing werewolf in PvP when you barely have enough single target pressure to take down a single opponent in a 1v1? I´m even running two damage sets in PvP and all my single target DoT-damage is outhealed by activating Vigor once. And god forbid if my opponent decides to run something like Troll-king......
Werewolf´s nische used to be the ability to take down tanky targets and bringing that high single target pressure that no one else could, and now werewolf has nothing.
* No damage since werewolf DoT´s have been nerfed to the ground (which is ironic since everyone else have DoT´s hiting for more than twice as much). Add reduced damage on light attacks as well. I do less damage in werewolf form than I do outside of it. Just make the werewolf bleed ignore resistance again.
* No Group-utility, still. Because we haven´t been asking for werewolfs to bring good stuff to a group for over a year already...
* No self-healing to speak of, because it was such a brilliant idea (/sarcasm) to make the werewolf heal (a magicka based heal on a stamina base playstyle) the 2nd most expensive skill in the game, while nerfing it´s potency at the same time. What makes it even more ironic is that everyone else got buffed heals through vigor and rapid regen..........
* Add all the bugs and malfunctioning mechanics werewolf have and theyér in such a sad state that you´re better of playing literally anything over werewolf if you want to have a good experience in PvP.
Instead of listening to the people who actually play werewolf in PvP, ZOS decides to listen to people that are too incompetent to deal with them......
I´m still laughing at the "Werewolf should feel 25% more powerful......." - statement from the patch notes. It´s just a bad joke at this point, and just shows that ZOS either:
a) Doesn´t play their own game
b) Doesn´t listen to the veteran/experienced part of the player base
c) Both of the above
ZOS has once again managed to kill Another unique playstyle for PvP just to cater to a crying/complaining casual audience, that couldn´t bother L2P in order to deal with werewolfs in PvP. I personally think that werewolf should be so powerful that you can barely survive in a 1v1 against them in PvP. It´s a werewolf for god sake.........
If you´re reading this KD9, I agree with you, delete werewolf from the game or make it a cosmetic option only. Because there´s no reason to play it in PvP atm.
Swen_von_Walhallion wrote: »Update #2: (PvP related)
I´ll start this comment by asking a simple question:
What´s the point of playing werewolf in PvP when you barely have enough single target pressure to take down a single opponent in a 1v1? I´m even running two damage sets in PvP and all my single target DoT-damage is outhealed by activating Vigor once. And god forbid if my opponent decides to run something like Troll-king......
Werewolf´s nische used to be the ability to take down tanky targets and bringing that high single target pressure that no one else could, and now werewolf has nothing.
* No damage since werewolf DoT´s have been nerfed to the ground (which is ironic since everyone else have DoT´s hiting for more than twice as much). Add reduced damage on light attacks as well. I do less damage in werewolf form than I do outside of it. Just make the werewolf bleed ignore resistance again.
* No Group-utility, still. Because we haven´t been asking for werewolfs to bring good stuff to a group for over a year already...
* No self-healing to speak of, because it was such a brilliant idea (/sarcasm) to make the werewolf heal (a magicka based heal on a stamina base playstyle) the 2nd most expensive skill in the game, while nerfing it´s potency at the same time. What makes it even more ironic is that everyone else got buffed heals through vigor and rapid regen..........
* Add all the bugs and malfunctioning mechanics werewolf have and theyér in such a sad state that you´re better of playing literally anything over werewolf if you want to have a good experience in PvP.
Instead of listening to the people who actually play werewolf in PvP, ZOS decides to listen to people that are too incompetent to deal with them......
I´m still laughing at the "Werewolf should feel 25% more powerful......." - statement from the patch notes. It´s just a bad joke at this point, and just shows that ZOS either:
a) Doesn´t play their own game
b) Doesn´t listen to the veteran/experienced part of the player base
c) Both of the above
ZOS has once again managed to kill Another unique playstyle for PvP just to cater to a crying/complaining casual audience, that couldn´t bother L2P in order to deal with werewolfs in PvP. I personally think that werewolf should be so powerful that you can barely survive in a 1v1 against them in PvP. It´s a werewolf for god sake.........
If you´re reading this KD9, I agree with you, delete werewolf from the game or make it a cosmetic option only. Because there´s no reason to play it in PvP atm.
you forgot add one thing, WW ulti is most expensive ulti in game, bc show me ulti where you must spend ove 20 skilpoint for fully work ....
Update #2: (PvP related)
I´ll start this comment by asking a simple question:
What´s the point of playing werewolf in PvP when you barely have enough single target pressure to take down a single opponent in a 1v1? I´m even running two damage sets in PvP and all my single target DoT-damage is outhealed by activating Vigor once. And god forbid if my opponent decides to run something like Troll-king......
Werewolf´s nische used to be the ability to take down tanky targets and bringing that high single target pressure that no one else could, and now werewolf has nothing.
* No damage since werewolf DoT´s have been nerfed to the ground (which is ironic since everyone else have DoT´s hiting for more than twice as much). Add reduced damage on light attacks as well. I do less damage in werewolf form than I do outside of it. Just make the werewolf bleed ignore resistance again.
* No Group-utility, still. Because we haven´t been asking for werewolfs to bring good stuff to a group for over a year already...
* No self-healing to speak of, because it was such a brilliant idea (/sarcasm) to make the werewolf heal (a magicka based heal on a stamina base playstyle) the 2nd most expensive skill in the game, while nerfing it´s potency at the same time. What makes it even more ironic is that everyone else got buffed heals through vigor and rapid regen..........
* Add all the bugs and malfunctioning mechanics werewolf have and theyér in such a sad state that you´re better of playing literally anything over werewolf if you want to have a good experience in PvP.
Instead of listening to the people who actually play werewolf in PvP, ZOS decides to listen to people that are too incompetent to deal with them......
I´m still laughing at the "Werewolf should feel 25% more powerful......." - statement from the patch notes. It´s just a bad joke at this point, and just shows that ZOS either:
a) Doesn´t play their own game
b) Doesn´t listen to the veteran/experienced part of the player base
c) Both of the above
ZOS has once again managed to kill Another unique playstyle for PvP just to cater to a crying/complaining casual audience, that couldn´t bother L2P in order to deal with werewolfs in PvP. I personally think that werewolf should be so powerful that you can barely survive in a 1v1 against them in PvP. It´s a werewolf for god sake.........
If you´re reading this KD9, I agree with you, delete werewolf from the game or make it a cosmetic option only. Because there´s no reason to play it in PvP atm.
Overtuned for pvp always top dps beating every othere spec by tons
Swen_von_Walhallion wrote: »Update #2: (PvP related)
I´ll start this comment by asking a simple question:
What´s the point of playing werewolf in PvP when you barely have enough single target pressure to take down a single opponent in a 1v1? I´m even running two damage sets in PvP and all my single target DoT-damage is outhealed by activating Vigor once. And god forbid if my opponent decides to run something like Troll-king......
Werewolf´s nische used to be the ability to take down tanky targets and bringing that high single target pressure that no one else could, and now werewolf has nothing.
* No damage since werewolf DoT´s have been nerfed to the ground (which is ironic since everyone else have DoT´s hiting for more than twice as much). Add reduced damage on light attacks as well. I do less damage in werewolf form than I do outside of it. Just make the werewolf bleed ignore resistance again.
* No Group-utility, still. Because we haven´t been asking for werewolfs to bring good stuff to a group for over a year already...
* No self-healing to speak of, because it was such a brilliant idea (/sarcasm) to make the werewolf heal (a magicka based heal on a stamina base playstyle) the 2nd most expensive skill in the game, while nerfing it´s potency at the same time. What makes it even more ironic is that everyone else got buffed heals through vigor and rapid regen..........
* Add all the bugs and malfunctioning mechanics werewolf have and theyér in such a sad state that you´re better of playing literally anything over werewolf if you want to have a good experience in PvP.
Instead of listening to the people who actually play werewolf in PvP, ZOS decides to listen to people that are too incompetent to deal with them......
I´m still laughing at the "Werewolf should feel 25% more powerful......." - statement from the patch notes. It´s just a bad joke at this point, and just shows that ZOS either:
a) Doesn´t play their own game
b) Doesn´t listen to the veteran/experienced part of the player base
c) Both of the above
ZOS has once again managed to kill Another unique playstyle for PvP just to cater to a crying/complaining casual audience, that couldn´t bother L2P in order to deal with werewolfs in PvP. I personally think that werewolf should be so powerful that you can barely survive in a 1v1 against them in PvP. It´s a werewolf for god sake.........
If you´re reading this KD9, I agree with you, delete werewolf from the game or make it a cosmetic option only. Because there´s no reason to play it in PvP atm.
you forgot add one thing, WW ulti is most expensive ulti in game, bc show me ulti where you must spend ove 20 skilpoint for fully work ....
The cost of the ultimate has never bothered me, since all my werewolf builds focus around staying in werewolf form for as long as possible. So once I transform it´s easy to stay in form as long as mechanics allows (not much you can do when you de-transform when traveling between Imperial City district to sewers or vise versa). The ultimate could cost 500 ultimate for all that I care, as long as it gives me some kind of advantage or nishced context where it can perform well. At the moment werewolf is just a way to gimp yourself in PvP.
And in terms of actual ultimate cost, Reanimate (necromancer Living Death ultimate) cost more than the Werewolf transformation, but I get your point
I really dont want to say it or even think of it, but... maybe once ZOS will add fully levelled Werewolf skill line to cash crown store, (as they already stated they will do in future), maybe they will buff WW to increases income. Currently you can "buy" fully levelled guild skill lines and those were buffed this update...And ZOS actually charges money for this.