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What to do if you cant Light Attack Weave / Light Attack animation cancel

  • RedRook
    Well, you're not alone. My PVP partner has been struggling with and working around LA weaving for more than a year. (Arthritis.) It didn't used to matter that much in PVP, but that time is over with this patch.

    Whatever their intention is, buffing LA and so buffing weaving is only going to widen the skill gap. People who were already pulling high numbers will pull even higher ones, and content difficulty will have to be adjusted. At the other end of the spectrum, the kid standing in the corner of the dungeon plinking away with his bow is still going to do 3k DPS, because what's Empower? And the people in the middle - the great majority - I guess we'll see, but I'm not optimistic.

    Good luck, OP. I hope you find something that works for you.
  • Karasawa
    Soul Shriven
    Uviryth wrote: »
    What is it now. Pressing at the same time, or clcking then pressing?

    Do not press at the same time. Click, then press.

    The tempo is “one, two” in sequence as quickly as you can.

  • BretonMage
    red_emu wrote: »
    It simply takes practice. Don't forget you are trying to cancel light attack animation with the skill and not the other way round.

    Another player with weaving problems here, I only manage to do it successfully 20% of the time. So does this mean you should really be pairing your attacks like LA/ability - LA/ability etc... with the ability following almost instantaneously from the light attack?
  • Cously
    Cously wrote: »
    Honestly I can't use the keyboard anymore, it just feels so counter intuitive to use 1-6 there.

    You do realize you can rebind your controls, right?

    I use Q, E, C, X, Z, R for my skills. Tab for consumable and left Alt for synergy. Dodge roll and weapon swap bound to back/forward buttons on mouse.

    Yes I'm aware, however I'd have to use my left hand anyways. That one is reserved for reading the Lusty Argonian Maid. For me is much better to have all workload on one hand. It's how my brain works and I found much more enjoyable and comfortable to play the game which in turn allowed me to perform better. Maybe is the same for the OP.
  • Valen_Byte
    red_emu wrote: »
    Don't forget you are trying to cancel light attack animation with the skill and not the other way round.

    This is the main reason people have trouble with weaves. Read this a million times until it is stuck in your head.



    ***Dixon Kay MagDK FORMER EMPEROR***Deca Dix MagDK FORMER EMPORER***Valonious MagPlar FORMER EMPEROR***
    GM of BYTE
    And alien tears will fill for him, Pity’s long-broken urn, For his mourners will be outcast men, And outcasts always mourn
  • kaiage
    Pray to Jebus all your hits are crits.
    an anonymous EP nightblade and Templar...
    also; a warden and nightblade of the aldmeri flavour.

    "there's a dragon with matches, that's loose on the town..."
    "it's no easy road, this struggle and strife... we find ourselves, in the show of life" - tab @ the tab
    If you've been fallen by my steel or blade - sorry there's no tomorrow for yeh!
    Kidding;) don't take it so bad, I've been doing this a long time
  • exeeter702
    lynog85 wrote: »
    Uviryth wrote: »
    first of all, this is not a cry-post, I´m being sincere here.

    Here is my problem: I cant light attack weave, no matter how much I practice. The combination of mouseclick and keyboardpress just isnt doable for me (I dont know, maybe my brain doesnt work in that manner).

    Up until now I could play Stamina-DPS very well, because of Heavy Attackweaving. Unfortunately, since the patch, no matter how hard I try, I cant get past 25k.

    So, my question is. Is there something I can do? Like use a specific class, or a specific itemset to get my dps back?

    Thanks in advance.

    There is no not being able to do it. Its really easy. Just practice.

    You clearly don't play with your ping sitting above 320 at all times purely because of geographical location do you?

    Some people cannot weave due to disability, others because they don't want to embrace the ridiculous concept, and then there are those of us who are limited due to the terrible optimization of the game coupled with ping issues.

    I can ping test to Dallas Texas from Sydney and ill get 203 Ping.. I get in ESO.. it's 317 on a good day.

    To answer your question, OP. Two options
    1. Go support class.
    I have 1 Tank, 1 Healer, 1 Hybrid Tank Healer, an a Pet Tank in the works.
    I have 1 thief that is only there to pick people's pockets and cut their throats.
    I have 1 PvE DPS for adventures.
    I have assessed my situation and resided myself to never being able to weave due to things that are out of my control and as such, tend to focus on support roles.

    2. Design a non meta build that will allow you to get there. It will not work for others, but it will work for you.
    I tried Alcast's builds.. I don't pull the numbers due to weaving, but at the same time, I pull more with my own set up on my mag sorc than I do with Alcasts, and that is a comfortable 30K DPS without having to weave, self buffed.

    1) you can weave with one hand only using the mouse

    2) high ping, while unfortunate, is a personal problem

    3) there is nothing ridiculous about the concept of making auto attacks in an mmo not automatic.
    Edited by exeeter702 on May 26, 2018 5:39PM
  • danno8
    danno8 wrote: »
    Cously wrote: »

    Great for both manual and macro use. In fact it allows so much independance playing with one hand that I often eat my dinner as I do trials and bgs. Don't bother with macros if your latency is high. If have no money then there is a less buttom version.


    There are other brands if you need to go even cheaper, I use a Brazilian one. Honestly I can't use the keyboard anymore, it just feels so counter intuitive to use 1-6 there.

    Failing training of muscle memory, failing help from hardware...go Tank or Heals if you want to go for leaderboard or complete achievements. 25K is enough to complete trials on normal and veteran, you might be unable to do hard mode, will depend a lot on guild skill / mood.

    If you suck on everything make friends with people, lots of my friends carry my ass all day long on vet dungeons and trials :P I do carry them on pvp though.

    While I think gaming mice are great for the general population, if someone is having trouble LA weaving suggesting they get a gaming mouse so they can do it all with one hand is like suggesting they play the game with one hand tied behind their back.

    If they are having trouble using two (functional) hands, why would doing it all with one hand be easier? Using a gaming mouse raises the ceiling on what you can do, but it doesn't make it easier imo.

    To the OP, 4 years ago when people realized that LA weaving was a huge portion of DPS it took me several weeks of forcing myself to do it before it became second nature. Now if I try to NOT do it I can't!

    MMO mice do not raise your skill ceiling. An FPS mouse raises your skill ceiling in shooters by objectively improving tracking. An MMO mouse doesn't do anything better than a traditional KB+M setup.

    A mouse where all your skills can be applied to the mouse buttons allows you to move around using the keyboard without having to hit skill buttons with the same fingers that are controlling your movement.

    So in your example where you have "Q" as skill 1, what happens when you are using the "A" button with either your pinky or your fourth finger to strafe left but need to hit "Q"?

    If you are using your fourth finger for "A" I personally can't bend my pinky to hit "Q" (or "1" for that matter) while keeping my finger on "A". Most people would have to momentarily slip there finger off of "A" and hit "Q" (or "1").

    An mouse that has 1-9 on the thumb area means you don't have to do that. So it raises the ceiling on what you can do.
  • notimetocare
    'no matter how hard I practice I cant do it' means you are not practising. You are expecting to know how and magically do it. Its called muscle memory. Unless you have a disability like ALS or MG, muscle memory is very easy to train. Start slow, speed up over time
  • Avalon
    Any suggestions for people with controllers? I have arthritis, as well as other problems, so LA is a pain (literally), but doable. I have been doing kind of a 'dirty' way of HA weaving that has been working, but not sure if it is the way I am supposed to be doing it (might be): hold down HA, and wait for wind-up, then use ability? How to do LA weaving? Cannot just hold down attack, and rapid pressing = severe pain after playing a bit... sometimes I wonder if ZOS is specifically telling old people to go screw themselves lol
  • zaria
    I thought PC had add-ons that allowed for weaving and cancelling ?
    No but you have mouse and keyboard with macros, you can even get this for controllers.
    This let you do LA then ability 0.05 second later.
    Note this is likely against the rules but unless you use it in PvP with high success who is very unlikely, none will complain.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • maltinkilic
    Unless I have lag, I can weave. Go to a training dummy and practice. First click for light attack then use skill. Then again and again. The key is you don't have to wait light attack to finish to use skill. As you practice more you get better results.
    Click and skill.
  • Loves_guars
    ZOS : There's something wrong with a game when someone asks how to achieve an expected basic mechanic and many answers are "buy a mouse with side buttons" or "use macros".
  • srfrogg23
    ZOS : There's something wrong with a game when someone asks how to achieve an expected basic mechanic and many answers are "buy a mouse with side buttons" or "use macros".

    Nah. The OP said they were having issues weaving between left mouse clicks and keyboard presses. Those are solid suggestions for someone who has trouble doing that. It’s just not applicable to people who prefer to do it the other way.
  • firedrgn
    Start with one ability and LA .. once u can do it repeatedly then add a secone skill. Dont move on untill ita second nature. Rinse and repeat.
  • MaleAmazon
    If you really, really cant LA weave, do a heavy attack weave. Press the attack button and keep it pressed all the time, then click skill buttons halfway through the heavy attack(s) (while not releasing the attack button). AFAIK this results in full heavy attack damage and resource restore (youll see the bubbles) but animations are cut short. Since you heavy attack between each skill use you dont need to invest in regeneration, so just enchant with damage glyphs.

    I like to do it with dual wield, on one bar it can become something like

    Press and hold LMB - HA - shrouded daggers - HA - blood craze - HA - bloodthirst - HA - beast trap - release LMB

    (ok i usually only do one skill type but thats just cause Im lazy ;) )
    Edited by MaleAmazon on May 26, 2018 7:49PM
  • GreenhaloX
    Use heavy attack weave or heavy attack animation cancel.. problem solved.
  • MaleAmazon
    So does this mean you should really be pairing your attacks like LA/ability - LA/ability etc... with the ability following almost instantaneously from the light attack ?

    You click Light attack and immediately click skill. Basically as fast as you can. When you hear the light attack hit sound you have already tapped the skill key. That fast. Youll barely see the light attack on screen. If you have damage numbers on or an addon you can verify that you return numbers from the light attack. You almost dont see it on screen.
    Edited by MaleAmazon on May 26, 2018 8:02PM
  • Smasherx74
    Wow, really? I never realized how much of an issue it was to weave for casuals. I have some really elaborate rotations that when properly canceling can take DPS to another level.
    Master Debater
  • adeptusminor
    Something that might help you with the timing--With how this game does heavy and light attacks, light attacks go off when you release the mouse button, not on mouse button click. So the timing goes like "mouse click/release--ability button press"
    Edited by adeptusminor on May 26, 2018 8:58PM
  • Linaleah
    what can you do OP? accept that you are stuck with the rest of us casuals.

    I cannot light attack weave. the timing of it is beyond me - neither my mind, nor my fingers are fast enough (or more like, i can weave in that I can so the sequence of LA>ability, but so slowly that there is essentially no animation canceling or boost to dps). I also cannot use multi button MMO mice. 2 side buttons is my limit and even then I have been know to occasionally fat finger then wrong one.

    as a result i have accepted that i'm mainly stuck in normal dungeons with exception of occasional vet healing. sure i cannot contribute as much dps as some expect, but I can still heal and buff, so there's that.

    the good thing is that vast majority of the game requires exactly zero weaving or high dps. as long as you pay attention your surroundings and what the mobs are doing, you can slow and steady your way through quite a bit, including Craglorn story quests/delves that are 2+

    the bad thing is if you want to do most veteran content... well.. 25k is still plenty enough for most of it, just not DLC hardmodes/latest trials.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • MaleAmazon
    I have to say that barring some physical disability, light attack weave shouldn´t be hard to learn. I have my 2 most used skills on ALT and space. Just lift left thumb and right index finger, then tap them down at the same time with the index finger hitting slightly before the thumb. It´s almost meditative.
    Edited by MaleAmazon on May 26, 2018 9:34PM
  • Raideen
    OP, this is one of the reasons I cancelled my ESO+ sub recently (imo summerset is a dismal failure).

    They implemented new skills in the psijic order to help "force" players to use animation cancelling, which was a side effect and never intended in game. I am like you, I find the back and forth button pushing between the mouse and the keyboard uncomfortable and seemingly impossible to get used to. I always end up hammering the keyboard and mouse harder than is necessary to get that quick click or button push in while simultaneously losing finesse in my movement. Its tiresome on the hands/wrists and overall not a fun mechanic.

    Instead of fixing the issue like other games have done, they instead made it a feature. In Summerset animation cancelling or weaving is more important than ever and this is a huge issue for those who do not animation cancel.

    I have already witnessed on more occasions than I can count some elitist CP cap player crying about another persons DPS in a dungeon. This will only get worse between the people who animation cancel as the dps difference will grow significantly (mostly which is done by 3rd party programs or macros...both against the TOS/EULA).

  • pdebie64b16_ESO
    When i was invited to the beta weekends one thing was clear to me very fast, the combination keyboard/mouse for combat didnt work for me. What did i do, buying an mmo mouse and it made everything much easier. It takes abit of practice to get used to this sort of mouse but for me the combat part is much easier.

    Now animation canceling needs some practice to, but if you got the hang of it it will be second nature.
  • idk
    Astrid_V wrote: »
    Bind light attack on mouse, instead of keyboard?
    Practice more?
    Stop playing as DD?

    Light attacking is bound to the mouse by default. His skills is what would be on his keyboard which is also by default.

    I suggest practicing for medium attack weaving and get comfortable with that. That along will increase your dps some.

    Then start working on refining it to get the light attacks.
  • Radiance
    I have the same issue due to poor internet connection from living in a rural area. There are rare moments when I have no lag and everything is running smoothly and I feel invincible because I've gotten so used to coping with a time delay... Anyway, Just reading Gamers talk about "Muscle Memory" is hilarious to me... LOL What muscle?
  • Raideen
    Radiance wrote: »
    I have the same issue due to poor internet connection from living in a rural area. There are rare moments when I have no lag and everything is running smoothly and I feel invincible because I've gotten so used to coping with a time delay... Anyway, Just reading Gamers talk about "Muscle Memory" is hilarious to me... LOL What muscle?
  • Uviryth
    Something that might help you with the timing--With how this game does heavy and light attacks, light attacks go off when you release the mouse button, not on mouse button click. So the timing goes like "mouse click/release--ability button press"

    That tip actually helped a lot! No one ever even mentioned that. but with that trick it really works way better.

    Thanks for all the tips in the Thread, and to the "git gud"people, thanks for a funny read :wink:
  • Uviryth
    After an hour of testing I can confirm that adeptusminors tip was the answer to my problems (one of the YouTubers should really put that in a guide or something), pressing the keys when releasing the mousebutton works.

    One other question. With this new LArotations, should you animation cancel Endless Hail and Razor Caltrops, or instead let the animation play out and LAweave instead?
  • Enslaved
    Uviryth wrote: »
    first of all, this is not a cry-post, I´m being sincere here.

    Here is my problem: I cant light attack weave, no matter how much I practice. The combination of mouseclick and keyboardpress just isnt doable for me (I dont know, maybe my brain doesnt work in that manner).

    Up until now I could play Stamina-DPS very well, because of Heavy Attackweaving. Unfortunately, since the patch, no matter how hard I try, I cant get past 25k.

    So, my question is. Is there something I can do? Like use a specific class, or a specific itemset to get my dps back?

    Thanks in advance.

    you need to practice it at slow pace.
    try it with spammable skills first.
    After that, try it with long duration ground effects.
    if setup you use to combat in ESO is not good enough for you, change the keybindings or even hardware you use ( different keyboard, MMO mouse etc)
    Be persistant. Truly talented players can get it right fast, average need more time. if you do not suffer injuries of tendons/fingers or do not have some disability, you will do it. It requires dedication and time.
    Believe me, the satisfaction of doing it right is real.
    Do not give up.
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