Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.2.2 on the PTS on Monday at 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC).

PTS Patch Notes v4.0.0

  • Merlin13KAGL
    Minno wrote: »
    awww prisoner rags changes. Need to test if this causes any bugs.

    both rags and cowards were broken and were abused by some garbage players. glad they bothered fixing those sets.
    The sets weren't broken. The asinine implementation that considers standing still while holding Shift to be "sprinting."

    Sprint implies movement, this just fixes the not-problem.

    (No, I've never used these sets as such, but things like loss of Regen while not moving is equally asinine.)

    No movement - no sprint...

    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • BlackStar300
    Apache_Kid wrote: »
    So it looks like Maelstrom/Asylum/Master weapons aren't getting a buff. This is nice. I understand the frustration of those wanting these to be godly, but when 1% of this stuff is locked (even paid because some ppl don't have money for the carries) it really makes it nice to others able to use other means.

    Least that is what I read from that bit about the weapons. We will see if ZOS caves in and buffs...them... -_-

    Also, amen to that CP300 DLC dungeon cap. That SS info was great, but these are my 2 take away points from the whole notes!

    It is not about being "godly" without a buff most of these weapons are WORSE than an additional 4 and 5 piece bonus. Which means these weapons which were hard to get are going in the bank for the time being.

    And your point being? I've done vMA and vDSA, but until they give ppl a guaranteed item choice for those its stupid. Especially vMA and yes I know many were upset that you grinded out your traits and now can change them, but when you look at how many ppl can complete this content a good majority fail and some can't do it and the veteran dungeons they put out ever since HotR ups the difficulty tons.

    Ppl need others ways of being viable than buying carries for ridiculous amounts of money with no guarantee drop etc. Yes, we have normal dungeons, but anyone who does normal even if you're only doing like 20k DPS or even 15k is that they are super easy.

    Having jewelry being crafted allows players to get gold now without the hassle of vet trials per se so I say this is a step in making the player base not so divided. I'm just hoping ZOS doesn't falter and buff these things up otherwise what's the point in trying to make ppl run 5/5/2 if these weapons are going to overshadow them still...

    The most difficult weapons in the game to get should be His. You say people need options other than buying carries, Why can't they just just complete the content? Plenty of us have ran the content and gotten the drops. It's do-able. You make the weapons BiS so people have an excuse to run difficult content. If I can get better results with 5-5-2 and all set gear, What is the incentive to re-run content like dragonstar? Or trying to get perfected asylum weapons?

    Content should be difficult and content should be challenging and I don't disagree with them having the weapons, but the content they are locked behind can realistically be said that a VERY select amount can obtain them by their own means. Joining VERY judgmental trial guilds and doing things their way is almost a chore in itself (I speak for myself and others I talk to on PS4) and they feel the same. These guilds are not worth trifling with.

    Why can't everyone do the content if you can? Well, I'll tell ya. Not everyone can... You know how?
    I can definitely work, but me being a millionaire working retail is just not gonna happen, but it doesn't mean being a millionaire can't be obtained now can it? Or we can move to sports. I can be a sports athlete, but not good enough to make nationals/regional teams. Catch my drift?

    This is just one example, but just because you can and so can many others doesn't mean that EVERYBODY can. This is the most flawed logic ever. Unless you want this game to be nothing, but OP elitists then that is the direction you want this to be with them making a 2nd vMA as I hear ppl talk about + wanting more end game content. There needs to be a balance for those unable to achieve the tops.

    You know what you guys who strive for top position get? Leaderboard rankings and skins and money (since you can sell those or not -- up to your guild etc). This is a classic example of the rich get richer and the poor get poorer...

    But anyone can complete this content. It isn't inherently impossible. You know how you complete it. PRACTICE... THAT, is the difference between you and the "elitist" players. Practice. Not skill, not talent, not God's great gift. It is practice and dedication to achieving something. Some people are old fashioned in that they like working towards something, progressing, growing themselves and their characters. ANYONE can complete this content with the right amount of dedication and truth be told it was just as difficult for those who have it on farm now there first time, as it was for you your first time. But rather than balking and crying to the forums they buckled down and grinded it out. Learning the mechanics and systems put in place by the devs until they could successfully complete it. And I'm sorry but the game should reward dedication to it. Just as farming gets gold for mats, trading make money off dealing and wheeling, questing gives achievements and titles, pvp gets renown and leader boards as well as pvp centric sets, thus should dungeons and arenas put in place to test your competence in combat reward your effort with combat centric drops in a tight association of the greater the test the greater the reward.

    I don't see how that is so hard to grasp?

    And this is where I know I'll make people upset. I already knew this. I've done the content, but I just really hope ZOS doesn't change the tooltip and leaves it as is. You can find something else to brag about your superiority. Like completing vMA with no deaths. That is still a fine accomplishment (and guess what? you still get a weapon)
  • lonewolf26
    SteinAsle wrote: »
    Eidetic Memory - only 1 book fixed???

    Orders to Halskar Military Orders and Reports Blindsided Fort Morvunskar, Eastmarch; cannot locate post-quest location
    Information Request from Emeric Military Orders and Reports Location outside of DC base?
    Updated Instructions from Dortene Military Orders and Reports Location outside of DC base?

    Guess I'll be missing these until nex DLC at least :smile:

    You and me both. ☹️ The only books I'm missing on live are Orders to Halskar, Information Request from Emeric and Updated Instructions from Dortene. I hope ZoS gets a chance to address these this patch.
  • Destyran
    Destruent wrote: »
    So it looks like Maelstrom/Asylum/Master weapons aren't getting a buff. This is nice. I understand the frustration of those wanting these to be godly, but when 1% of this stuff is locked (even paid because some ppl don't have money for the carries) it really makes it nice to others able to use other means.

    Least that is what I read from that bit about the weapons. We will see if ZOS caves in and buffs...them... -_-

    Also, amen to that CP300 DLC dungeon cap. That SS info was great, but these are my 2 take away points from the whole notes!

    It is not about being "godly" without a buff most of these weapons are WORSE than an additional 4 and 5 piece bonus. Which means these weapons which were hard to get are going in the bank for the time being.

    IIrc most of them are even worse than a 4pc. Otherwise most of them would be usefull atm...but they are mostly not :/

    Pretty sure MA is still BiS for pve and you want it to force Proc front bar when dots are up with spammable so that makes VMA staves still BiS doesn’t it?
  • highnds
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Can you please explain the logic of nerfing two-handed light attacks if staff and one-handed weapon light attacks are getting a buff in damage??? This question has come up multiple times by multiple players on this post and the forums and I've yet to see one response about it....did I miss something?
    Edited by highnds on April 17, 2018 9:53PM
  • killmove
    The only thing that matters for me is the performance improvement
    Hope i'll be playing at 60 fps all the time
  • itscompton
    Hi all, we ran across some missed patch notes that we'll be adding to the original post, but wanted to call them out here so it's clear what got added:

    • Screaming Cliff Racer: Increased the travel speed of the Cliff Racer by approximately 33% to make up for the fact that it cannot be dodged.

    Is this really only going to apply to the magic morph or will this apply to Dive and Cutting Dive too since those can now be dodged as well?
    Edited by itscompton on April 17, 2018 11:26PM
  • sneakymitchell

    • Fighters Guild
      • Silver Leash (Silver Bolt morph): This ability will now fire a bolt that, upon hitting and damaging an enemy, will instantly pull them toward you and apply a snare on them.

    So will it do the same damage? Like before the initial hit and the pull damage?
    NA-Xbox one- Ebonheart Pact- Nord Tank DK
    PC-NA Ebonheart Pact Nord Stam Templar
  • spiiros
    What's the mindset with ruining stamina for endgame? Especially with a new "mini" trial, which from vAs experience is more magicka based anyway...
    Edited by spiiros on April 18, 2018 1:54AM
  • ccfeeling
    Thanks all pvper , Earthgore nerfs to ground :smile:
  • Schattenfluegel
    spiiros wrote: »
    What's the mindset with ruining stamina for endgame? Especially with a new "mini" trial, which from vAs experience is more magicka based anyway...

    It isnt ruined. Ive been in the new trial yesterday with my stamsorc and the game itself is almost playable. You only have to optimate your sets. I had got 18229 pen with the lover, kragh and 23 points in piercy. Dont forget, you have more cp than on live. I guess a better setcombo is almost possible, too.

    You can play with camoranthrone and a heavy gearpart, too. Additional a liveglyph an you will hit 18,5 k hp and 35k stamina (i got one infused on juwellry) on a stamsorc, with 1349 stamina reg, buffed weapondmg was around 4,9k
    Edited by Schattenfluegel on April 18, 2018 4:40AM
    Love my Stamsorc
  • Barbaran
    Put wrote: »
    Incap working as intended omegalul

    But does that 6 second 20% dmg increase count as an empower? I hope so, if they only get increased light attacks after I'll take it.
    Bad enough it's a semi truck hit, stun and defile. At least count it as part of the empower nerf
  • Moog
    GRONK was Here!!!
  • The_Saint

    Dark Shade:

    First: german client is still the same description of the skill. And

    You reworked this skill. it has magic damage, used magicka. Why you make him a stamina "looking" shade with daggers and steeltornado?
    So you will make it a stamina skill in next step?

    I hope (not able to test) that the shade now really works right. Used Spellcrit, scale with CPs etc....
    Edited by The_Saint on April 18, 2018 8:45AM
    Samuel Crow - Nachtklinge - PC-EU-DC
    Saint_Crow Twitch / Youtube
    ESO Stream Team Partner
  • lotusevora
    Soul Shriven
    Hey everyone, just a reminder that we keep the PTS patch notes thread open for you to comment in order to gather feedback or identify issues before we go live. It is not intended to post non-constructive comments or bash the development team. If these rules cannot be followed, we'll close the patch notes thread for commenting. Thanks for your understanding.

    You’ve already gathered streamers and major community members to the studio for feedback. You’ll get feedback from players here. But what’s the point if you guys don’t even listen. It’s like the team doesn’t even play the game, you brought the bashing unto yourselves.

    Pls address these:
    1) stamina penetration cap, please monitor stamina viability in endgame content.
    2) warden viability, questionable changes.
    3) Underwhelming trial sets, procs can’t crit.
    4) Monitor light and heavy attack change closely
    5) Maelstrom, master, perfected asylum might need changes to match 5/5/2.
    6) Thanks for finally admitting to server integrity and suboptimal coding. Please continue to work on base game performance issues before anything else.

    Thanks for your understanding.
  • Peekachu99
    That last minute Earthgore nerf. It’s overdue, and needed, though.
  • invictus913
    Soul Shriven
    hey all,

    so i've been trying to download the PTS for the beta but keep running into issues with the download, it keeps showing the MB counter dropping but shows there being a 0.0mbps download speed, the progress bar keeps moving but it never actually makes there it usually hangs up at 11% despite the fact that the counter shows 29000mb left to download of the 60000mb total download... is anyone else running into this issue?
  • ZoM_Head
    Anyone actually tested the magicka DK yet?

    I heard rumors that they are not top magicka DPS classes, or is that false hope and hype as every update?

    PTS still downloading for me so i can not test.
    mDKs still need a lot of love!
  • HonorTheDead
    Still no reliable templar stun? And is the 7000 cost on healing ritual a typo? Also are templars able to repent the same body or are templars going to have to continue to fight between themselves to see who gets the stamina and health?
  • Anhedonie

    Sload’s Semblance
    2 – 1096 Maximum Magicka
    3 – 1096 Maximum Stamina
    4 – 129 Spell Damage
    4 – 129 Weapon Damage
    5 – Damaging an enemy has a 10% chance to put a Leeching Shadow on them, dealing 853 Oblivion Damage every 1 second for 6 seconds. This effect can occur every 6 seconds.

    Also where the hell is a stam whip for stam dks?

    Never ever going to happen. Stamwhip terrifies Wrobel.
    Profanity filter is a crime against the freedom of speech. Also gags.
  • M'Hael
    A typo?

    Soul Siphon (Soul Shred morph): Increased the radius of the heal applied by this morph to 28 meters from 15 seconds.
  • Valenor
    I am honestly excited about the changes to dragonknight and nightblade. I've always wanted to make a heal / tank for regular pug dungeon runs (I am not into dlc vet or trials yet) and getting a few class heals on top of energy orb might be a great addition. Also can't wait to try tava's with nocturnal on a nightblade tank :smiley:
  • ZOS_JesC
    hey all,

    so i've been trying to download the PTS for the beta but keep running into issues with the download, it keeps showing the MB counter dropping but shows there being a 0.0mbps download speed, the progress bar keeps moving but it never actually makes there it usually hangs up at 11% despite the fact that the counter shows 29000mb left to download of the 60000mb total download... is anyone else running into this issue?

    There is a thread about this issue here.
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  • highnds
    highnds wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Can you please explain the logic of nerfing two-handed light attacks if staff and one-handed weapon light attacks are getting a buff in damage??? This question has come up multiple times by multiple players on this post and the forums and I've yet to see one response about it....did I miss something?

    @ZOS_JesC can I please have some clarity on my previous post??? ^^^
  • MaximusDecimus
    I've taken my time looking at the changes to Sunder's and Night Mother's Gaze and from a trial runner's standpoint this breaks stamina diversity and pushes for an all magicka DD meta. The reason why I like bringing stam into trials is because typically they hit harder. They also tend to be less survivable but that is the trade off. By changing night mother's gaze you've just made every stam character toss a set into the trash can. Sunder's will be relegated to when your group lacks a stamplar. I subscribe to the theory that you just need to add more useful sets to encourage us to drop these sets in exchange for something else. You need to increase the options for diversity not decrease them. Revert these changes please and add additional sets to compete for the same slots instead. Make stamina damage groups coordinate for maximum damage and gives a reason to run in trials. Maybe help us buff our magicka based allies. Maybe cause sunderflame to have enemies take 2% more magic damage or something. Just please stop decreasing diversity.
  • Lord_Eomer
    I've taken my time looking at the changes to Sunder's and Night Mother's Gaze and from a trial runner's standpoint this breaks stamina diversity and pushes for an all magicka DD meta. The reason why I like bringing stam into trials is because typically they hit harder. They also tend to be less survivable but that is the trade off. By changing night mother's gaze you've just made every stam character toss a set into the trash can. Sunder's will be relegated to when your group lacks a stamplar. I subscribe to the theory that you just need to add more useful sets to encourage us to drop these sets in exchange for something else. You need to increase the options for diversity not decrease them. Revert these changes please and add additional sets to compete for the same slots instead. Make stamina damage groups coordinate for maximum damage and gives a reason to run in trials. Maybe help us buff our magicka based allies. Maybe cause sunderflame to have enemies take 2% more magic damage or something. Just please stop decreasing diversity.

  • ankeor
    I've taken my time looking at the changes to Sunder's and Night Mother's Gaze and from a trial runner's standpoint this breaks stamina diversity and pushes for an all magicka DD meta. The reason why I like bringing stam into trials is because typically they hit harder. They also tend to be less survivable but that is the trade off. By changing night mother's gaze you've just made every stam character toss a set into the trash can. Sunder's will be relegated to when your group lacks a stamplar. I subscribe to the theory that you just need to add more useful sets to encourage us to drop these sets in exchange for something else. You need to increase the options for diversity not decrease them. Revert these changes please and add additional sets to compete for the same slots instead. Make stamina damage groups coordinate for maximum damage and gives a reason to run in trials. Maybe help us buff our magicka based allies. Maybe cause sunderflame to have enemies take 2% more magic damage or something. Just please stop decreasing diversity.

    I completely agree what he/she says but you don't have to revert the items, I have another suggestion. You can convert them to something like Morag Tong set.
    For example 5 set bonus of NMG can be
    "When you deal critical damage you cause the enemy to take (X%) more damage from physical critical damage."
    And Sunderflame can be
    "" bla bla bla... enemey takes (X%) more damage from direct melee damage"
    These are examples ofc, you can make a bit different changes but as they are right now they are useless.
  • highnds
    highnds wrote: »
    highnds wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Can you please explain the logic of nerfing two-handed light attacks if staff and one-handed weapon light attacks are getting a buff in damage??? This question has come up multiple times by multiple players on this post and the forums and I've yet to see one response about it....did I miss something?

    @ZOS_JesC can I please have some clarity on my previous post??? ^^^

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_BillE @ZOS_GaryA @ZOS_Wrobel and anyone else on the ZOS team....

    All I want is a simple answer to help me and other players understand why light attacks for everything else is buffed, but the 2h light attack damage is nerfed. Can someone please explain?
    Edited by highnds on April 19, 2018 2:54AM
  • Cayea87
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for a chance to Test!!!!
  • Valkysas154
    ZOS Balancing
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