ZOS_Edward wrote: »Hey @asterixchaos,
If you pre-order the physical Collector's Edition, you will receive the Nightmare Senche mount once Summerset launches. The difference with the digital CE is that that version receives the mount immediately since it's digitally tied to your account.
Hope this clarifies things!
ZOS_Edward wrote: »Hey @asterixchaos,
If you pre-order the physical Collector's Edition, you will receive the Nightmare Senche mount once Summerset launches. The difference with the digital CE is that that version receives the mount immediately since it's digitally tied to your account.
Hope this clarifies things!
ZOS_Edward wrote: »Hey @asterixchaos,
If you pre-order the physical Collector's Edition, you will receive the Nightmare Senche mount once Summerset launches. The difference with the digital CE is that that version receives the mount immediately since it's digitally tied to your account.
Hope this clarifies things!
nightstrike wrote: »ZOS_Edward wrote: »Hey @asterixchaos,
If you pre-order the physical Collector's Edition, you will receive the Nightmare Senche mount once Summerset launches. The difference with the digital CE is that that version receives the mount immediately since it's digitally tied to your account.
Hope this clarifies things!
The website said that you get the Senche mount immediately. Will you accept a proof of purchase for that? It seems to me that the most expensive buying option should not have limitations like this.
well this answer is odd as you can see on the official FAQ (https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/41401/kw/physical summerset senche) , the last line says :
Note: Your pre-order bonuses, including the Nightmare Senche, will be included in a key you will receive from your retailer.
I really wonder if this will be true...Amazon (or Fnac, in France) sending us special codes in email... why not but I am skeptical)
Can you confirm @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_Edward that the codes will be sent by retailers? and if so, why only at release date? it could be done beforehand, no?
I agree on the when, but I can't imagine the code being IN the box as there is no way for "a box" to know if it has been pre-ordered or bought after release so it has to be 'exterior' to the box content. (the collector digital content will be there for sure, not the queen's bounty+senche code which are conditional on pre-order status)
I agree on the when, but I can't imagine the code being IN the box as there is no way for "a box" to know if it has been pre-ordered or bought after release so it has to be 'exterior' to the box content. (the collector digital content will be there for sure, not the queen's bounty+senche code which are conditional on pre-order status)
Actually it is slightly different last year. The code you had to enter (quickly after receiving the box) was not a special code for preorder bonus but simply the activation code of the Chapter itself. (There was a SINGLE code in the whole morrowind CE). Of course the activation codes provided in those physical collector is recognized as a physical CE to ZOS and were the only one eligible for this confirmation. (entering a digital collector edition code or a physical standard would not have worked)
but everything else is true and this is the best system they could come up with.
asterixchaos wrote: »Since crates came out, the quality of the loot in them has been in decline. They already backed off of the limited-time exclusives by putting them in the crates. They backed off of "everything in a crate can be purchased for gems, so you're never 100% a slave to the RNG." They backed off of crafting being the best gear. I'm honestly not even surprised at false advertising claims at this point. I'm disappointed. I'm hesitant to give them any more money. I can say honestly that I enjoyed by business with Blizzard a lot better in World of Warcraft, even if I didn't enjoy the game as much.
There's a dangerous line that businesses cross that marks the beginning of their decline, when they stop seeing customers as people, and begin seeing us as merely revenue streams; it's only a matter of time in all of those cases before the entire customer base realizes that our satisfaction doesn't matter to them as long as we keep paying... And that's the point when people stop paying. If things keep on this trajectory, it's not a matter of "if," but "when."
Have fun with WOW, you will not be missed, in fact it will be the opposite, nothing like getting rid of some negativity!
blacksabsub17_ESO wrote: »Since most retailers don't charge you until item ships, one can pre-order, get the Senche then cancel their order. I assume this is why there is no instant Senche.
asterixchaos wrote: »blacksabsub17_ESO wrote: »Since most retailers don't charge you until item ships, one can pre-order, get the Senche then cancel their order. I assume this is why there is no instant Senche.
Then they should not advertise that there is.
ZOS_Edward wrote: »Hey @asterixchaos,
If you pre-order the physical Collector's Edition, you will receive the Nightmare Senche mount once Summerset launches. The difference with the digital CE is that that version receives the mount immediately since it's digitally tied to your account.
Hope this clarifies things!
It's just sad to see that those who paid well more for the physical collector's Edition ( 99€ in my case ) won't get the mount now
I mean, can't we just provide proof that we have Pre-order the Physical Edition, and so get the mount ?