dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »In the case of Nords and Bretons losing their pants all the time it might be comical but its also tired. I also somewhat dislike the way they seem to characterize the Nords as stupid buffoons in ESO. They might be brash warriors in the series but stupid seems to be quite the stretch and there is an awful lot of sexually and culturally idiotic Nords in the game.
VaranisArano wrote: »dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »In the case of Nords and Bretons losing their pants all the time it might be comical but its also tired. I also somewhat dislike the way they seem to characterize the Nords as stupid buffoons in ESO. They might be brash warriors in the series but stupid seems to be quite the stretch and there is an awful lot of sexually and culturally idiotic Nords in the game.
Nords losing their pants is a fine Elder Scrolls tradition from TES III: Morrowind. There's three of them in the game.
Shirtless & pantless Nords under the spoiler for anyone wanting to ogle.
Androconium wrote: »The worst dialogue is the 'tinderfort' discussion. The female voice is overtly 'sultry'; and the male voice is overly effeminate. The entire conversion is just annoying.
The female banker in Sentinel is way too perfect and continually makes reference to my heavy purse. Too much, I end up leaving all my deposits with Tordaman. He does indicate a preference for them.
Then there are the blatantly sexist and racist loading screens. You all know them well enough by now.
All the white characters are beautiful; all the thieves have dark skin; all the ugly people are animals.
The Lusty Argonian Maid is from TESIII, as is the Naked Nord.
There were a couple of things from Crassius Curio and Sheogorath that I haven't seen lying around.
VaranisArano wrote: »dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »In the case of Nords and Bretons losing their pants all the time it might be comical but its also tired. I also somewhat dislike the way they seem to characterize the Nords as stupid buffoons in ESO. They might be brash warriors in the series but stupid seems to be quite the stretch and there is an awful lot of sexually and culturally idiotic Nords in the game.
Nords losing their pants is a fine Elder Scrolls tradition from TES III: Morrowind. There's three of them in the game.
Shirtless & pantless Nords under the spoiler for anyone wanting to ogle.
On that female base model of a 1946 bikini design is used. I would rather see something that is more historically accurate and fitting for emulated clothing timeline. Here is an example of a mosaic from 286 - 305AD.
It is still tasteful but more accurate for the clothing choices.
...that one always makes me wish half of them were not aggroing but actualyl trying to -seduce- our player characters before starting the fighting. And leave it up to the players how they want to respond... (but it ought to be clear that accepting a BDSM session from a daedra who may sometimes skin people for fun may not be that good an idea... heh, call it "daedric roulette", and assume that one in six trysts with a dark seducer ends with a very painful respawn...
- Dark Seducers telling you, "You look like a sturdy one. Shall I treat you to my whip or my riding crop?"
That one is an ESO classic, and just as it is supposed to be (though I still wish we could have the rare illustrated version...
- Lorebooks titled "The Lusty Argonian Maid" with very suggestive content
The naked nord quest IS the one where you get sent to retrieve lost pants, the other quest of that sort was the barefoot breton as I recall.
- The quest involving the naked nord
- The quest involving the other nord who lost his pants
AoC was actually my first MMO (Yeah, our little town here got internet access able to handle online gaming a bit late...), so that is what I sort of measure others against...Ydrisselle wrote: »ESO is far from Age of Conan, if we are talking about MMOs...
TheShadowScout wrote: »
There are a few others, as has been noted by people in this discussion... also some more subtle ones, where you have to read between the lines to realize the sexual things that almost certainly happened behind the scenes... I always liked those... hinting at something without getting too obvious about it.
VaranisArano wrote: »On that female base model of a 1946 bikini design is used. I would rather see something that is more historically accurate and fitting for emulated clothing timeline. Here is an example of a mosaic from 286 - 305AD.
It is still tasteful but more accurate for the clothing choices.
Historical. Accurate. But those women don't exactly seem to have, ahem, huge tracts of land.
All I really want is the ability to say *** without it being censored...
We're all adults here, I'm sure we can handle a bit of naughty language
Though I will say, I honestly prefer the veiled innuendo over overt sexualisation. I mean I enjoy finding novel uses for emotes as much as anyone, but walking through a town and seeing a Khajit actually getting railed by an Orc is a tad off putting.
It seems like it's in a reasonable place to me. I mean, it's rated M, so they could probably get away with a fair bit more, and not just in the way of lewdness, but also vulgarity. Not that I'm looking for any of that in particular, but let Queen Ayrenn say ***.
The game's "sexually implying" content makes me giggle at the most - it's mostly suggestive puns that most teenagers will most likely miss.
Outfits and costumes were never line-crossing for me. The highly debated Nocturnal outfit looked more like it was missing pants rather than it was being sexy (those side slits are just not well done enough for that), and did not live up to the original image and concept. Also, there's is no gender restriction on what kind of character can wear any of the more revealing outfits - so no sexism is noticed for me so far.
I would personally like a little more profanity and rudeness like other TES games, and game's lore-appropriate insults are hilarious. Again, most people starting out the the game will not even realize it was an actual supposed insult in most cases - so i say it's fine as is, but the game definitely could capitalize on its M rating a little heavier.