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  • AhPook_Is_Here
    The game's content is appropriately humorous
    I think it's about right, but maybe a little immersion breaking in that all the cultures in the game are very modern and politically correct, you'd think they'd be more sensitive about their humor. I don't find the humor itself inappropriate, just that it seems awkward in such a perfect society with solid 2018 norms.
    -Unknown American
  • Aeph
    The game's content is appropriately humorous
    Honestly I feel that the game's content isn't overly sexual at all - women aren't wearing next to nothing or portrayed as damsels in distress while the male characters save the day, women are depicted as equal warriors to men and are in positions of power, etc. They never feel like they're there purely to serve as eye candy, which is annoyingly still the case with some games.

    The innuendos are never in your face and I don't think they're ever offensive or over the top. If anything, I'd say it leans pretty tame given its age rating, but I wouldn't describe it as too prudish.
  • Sinolai
    The game's content is too prudish
    The guy who gives you the "Sweetroll killer" quest in Gold Coast is one of my favourites (Reman something). Cant remember it word by word but it was something like "Yes, you look like well eqipped man. I am talking about your gear of course." and "Gold is not the only way I am willing to pay". :D (sorry, you should see it yourdelf. that guy is just awesome)
    Edited by Sinolai on February 25, 2018 11:49PM
  • Doctordarkspawn
    The game's content is appropriately humorous
    Of all the things to complain about, you pick this?

  • erliesc
    "Queen Ayrenn is a serious hotty - even my thick-as-brick Nord thinks so."

    Still haven't figured out what happened to the top of her head.....guess no one wants to be the first to mention it? Crown too heavy???
    I know nutting....
  • Grimm13
    The game's content is too prudish
    erliesc wrote: »
    "Queen Ayrenn is a serious hotty - even my thick-as-brick Nord thinks so."

    Still haven't figured out what happened to the top of her head.....guess no one wants to be the first to mention it? Crown too heavy???

    It's like she was dropped on her head as an infant. I would suspect her brother did it but I can't remember if he was younger or not.

    If he was younger, puts a different light on his actions and what his true motivation was. There are some things families just don't talk about.

    Season of DraggingOn
    It's your choice on how you vote with your $

  • DoctorESO
    The game's content is appropriately humorous
    Edited by DoctorESO on September 22, 2018 10:48PM
  • Kiralyn2000
    The game's content is appropriately humorous
    shrillowl wrote: »
    You haven't seen overly sexualized until you've played Blade and Soul Scarlet Blade.

    ...speaking of silly/P2W/grindfest f2p MMOs... o:)

    (of course, that one was so mediocre that even endless gratuitousness couldn't keep it from dying)


    I'm still having a hard time believing that the OP thinks an NPC saying something like "Oh, that's a great story. It's got lots of innuendo and a little black dress", is somehow risque or 'sexualized'. /eyeroll

  • Twenty0zTsunami
    The game's content is appropriately humorous
    The worst dialogue is the 'tinderfort' discussion. The female voice is overtly 'sultry'; and the male voice is overly effeminate. The entire conversion is just annoying.

    The female banker in Sentinel is way too perfect and continually makes reference to my heavy purse. Too much, I end up leaving all my deposits with Tordaman. He does indicate a preference for them.

    Then there are the blatantly sexist and racist loading screens. You all know them well enough by now.
    All the white characters are beautiful; all the thieves have dark skin; all the ugly people are animals.

    The Lusty Argonian Maid is from TESIII, as is the Naked Nord.
    There were a couple of things from Crassius Curio and Sheogorath that I haven't seen lying around.

    lol @ sexist/racist undertones.
  • Katahdin
    Other (explain below)
    The game is rated Mature
    That means it is for mature audiences

    The box clearly states the game has:

    Blood and Gore
    Sexual Themes
    Use of Alcohol

    If you arent mature enough to handle the content, you have the choice not to play.
    Beta tester November 2013
  • Lylith
    no complaints with any of the listed content.

  • Jade1986
    The game's content is appropriately humorous
    I dont think I have ever seen an American game be too sexual. Aside from Duke Nukem. Witcher is super sexual, but so is RL.
  • Glurin
    The game's content is too prudish
    Katahdin wrote: »
    The game is rated Mature
    That means it is for mature audiences

    The box clearly states the game has:

    Blood and Gore
    Sexual Themes
    Use of Alcohol

    If you arent mature enough to handle the content, you have the choice not to play.

    No, no. That's not how things are done anymore. Didn't you get the memo? Now if you can't handle the content, you're supposed to *** and cry and launch twitter campaigns and boycotts and lobby politicians until they throw their hands up in frustration and say "FINE! YOU WIN! WE'LL BAN IT! HAPPY!?!?"

    And if you can handle the content, you're supposed to actively look for something that you can make yourself not able to handle. Then just follow through with the "can't handle the content" process from there.
    Edited by Glurin on February 26, 2018 3:45AM
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."
  • TheShadowScout
    The game's content is too prudish
    Oddly enough, Cocky Purple Haired Guy isn't even wearing a helmet! Given Axe In Head's injuries, that seems a concern on that battlefield.
    Heh, true, and actually that was what I had been thinking myself when I first saw that one! ;)
    (If I had the skill to draw that well, I definitely would have drawn him in full plate armor on the battlefield!)
    In this game, I would have expected Cocky Purple Haired Guy to be like "Why didn't you stack damage shields, sorc lady? L2Play!"

    I mean, its not like this game doesn't let my medium armor stam sorc surround themself with a wall of wind for protection, or my magsorc turn into a lightning storm, or vampires turn into mist, or a dragonknight turn scaly or stony and blast spikes out of their back for protection. To say nothing of the alteration spells and enchantments for protection from the other elder scrolls games.

    When you bring magical protections into the discussion, armor design doesn't have to follow real world norms any longer.
    That one is a viable argument for robe-clad mages who expect only short encounters and not drawn out warfare...
    (Or demi-gods like the tribunal who could keep up damage shields forever and never run out of MP no matter how many standard mobs beat on them)

    But the fact remains that anyone making actual -armor- is gonna make it for -coverage-, so it will fulfill its purpose even after the damage shield is depleted, right?

    I mean, you -could- go adventuring with a wooden pucket on your head and swinging a broom while otherwise nakesd as a drunk nord... (and some people have done that for the lulz) but it won't be quite as effective in keeping your HP in your HP gauge and not leaking all over the mobs weapons, right?
    Aeph wrote: »
    Honestly I feel that the game's content isn't overly sexual at all - women aren't wearing next to nothing or portrayed as damsels in distress while the male characters save the day, women are depicted as equal warriors to men and are in positions of power, etc. They never feel like they're there purely to serve as eye candy, which is annoyingly still the case with some games...
    And one of the good points, that Tamriel obviously never developed an exclusively patriarchal society, probably through magic being a great equalizer in the "power" department. Not that easy to make women fear being burned at the stake when they challenge male notions of who ought to be in charge when said women can burn you where you stand with a spell if you try to intimidate them, right? ;)

    And thus Tamriel is a great font of equality. And yes, when I say I do like less prudishness in some corners where it makes sense backstory wise... I do mean for both sides, not just the often used and abused "girly bits eye candy" where many games like to reduce female NPCs to "notches on the bedpost" of the male protagonist (I expect you know what game I am talking about, where you get a naughty memoriel card for each of your characters bedchamber "conquests"), but keep it equal, and have pretty boys shake their booty right next to the female nightflowers! Or have a quest where the sexual abuse is not merely implied to have happened to girl captives, but a boy as well (though I must say, Stibbons encounter in a certain coldharbor place is a good step in that direction... I just wish they had dared to make it more lewd... since it definitely would have fit That story... ;):naughty: ).
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    The game's content is too prudish
    Im usually a little confused by the people who cry out about bikini armor. In ES traditional mage armor is a robe. It might as well be a bikini for all it is worth. I get it if you don’t like it. Or say it isn’t lore friendly, since mages didn’t actually wear bikinis. Fine. But to say it isn’t realistic because it wouldn’t protect as well as the random piece of cloth I made this robe out if, is dumb.

    Edited by vyndral13preub18_ESO on February 26, 2018 9:14AM
  • OlafdieWaldfee
    The game's content is too prudish
    I'm european.
    So most american game/movie/TV-content seems prudish to me. :)
    ESO has nearly as much q*ueer-content ("q*ueer"gets censored .. WTF???) as SWTOR but I still would like to see more casual adult-ness.
    Edited by OlafdieWaldfee on February 26, 2018 6:24AM
  • JasmineMoldovia
    Other (explain below)
    I voted other because your poll is flawed, I wouldn't call it "Humorous." I think it is very sexual, and I love it for being sexual. I wouldn't mind it More sexual, but I wouldn't call it prudish.
  • altemriel
    Other (explain below)
    DoctorESO wrote: »
    Do you think the game's content is overly sexualized, appropriately humorous, or too prudish?

    Some examples:
    • Dark Seducers telling you, "You look like a sturdy one. Shall I treat you to my whip or my riding crop?"
    • Constant references to "sleek Khajiit" and "sweet meat."
    • Queen Ayrenn's reference to an incident involving a purple velvet dress and a drunken schoolmarm.
    • Lorebooks titled "The Lusty Argonian Maid" with very suggestive content
    • Spider daedra bosses telling you they are waiting in anticipation and not to keep them waiting any longer
    • Womanizing-like comments on the part of Razum-Dar
    • Abnur Tharn saying he has an appointment with a young lady
    • The quest involving the naked nord
    • The quest involving the other nord who lost his pants
    • Other similar examples (feel free to list below)

    I don`t care about these, it is ok
  • WuffyCerulei
    The game's content is appropriately humorous
    ESO is one of the few MMOs that doesn't oversexualise all the female characters and their armor. As for it's mature jokes and whatnot, it IS rated M. What do you expect?
    Sorcerer's pretty much been the same for years. Nerf Rush of Agony and Saints&Seducer's
  • Fermian
    The game's content is too prudish
    A bit more realism wouldnt hurt.
  • Minyassa
    The game's content is appropriately humorous
    Well, *I* think it's funny!

    Even funnier was the time that apparently someone got caught thieving in the Rosy Lion at the same time that this one Undaunted dude was telling me something like "I've got a monster for you in my breeches", so right after he said this some lady gasps in horror and yells "someone call the guards!"
  • A_Silverius
    The game's content is appropriately humorous
    I think ESO has just the right balance, and maybe even a little bit forced with some characters. Just be glad ESO isn't as modable like Skyrim is. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    All over Tamriel, theres a sudden spike in Bosmers getting caught for their crimes. A sad day indeed... #FightForYourRite Give Bosmers back our stealth!
  • YamiKuruku
    The game's content is appropriately humorous
    looks like someone never played witcher lol
    i like ESOs humor and stuff, its pretty SFW so i don't know what someone should worry about that, also if i remember right it's rated M?

    i also like the hints in some dialogues like..wait, did that NPC just...?
    -{ PC EU }-
    CP 810+
    x Khazadaar > lvl50 EP | Khajiit magblade | Main&Master Crafter | Bloodletter
    x Mazayee-Kajthux > lvl 50 EP | Argonian Warden Healer | Godslayer
    x Margaux the Undying > lvl50 DC | Breton Templar Healer | Tick-Tock Tormentor
    x Fendryn Olms >lvl 50 EP | Dunmer Necro Healer | Gryphon Heart
    xCassius Pavo > lvl50 EP | Imperial Necrotank | Bringer of Light
    x Haj Xal >lvl50 EP | Argonian Healblade | Immortal Redeemer
    x Caessia>lvl 50EP | Imperial Warden Tank | Bringer of Light
    x Andre Valere >lvl 50 AD | Breton SorcTank | Gryphon Heart
    x S'zhan'ir >lvl 50 EP | Khajiit StamDen| Alpha Predator
    x Ri'zaad Sajhan >lvl 50 EP | Khajiit DKTank | extinguisher of flames
    x Mi'ra-Do>lvl 50EP | Khajiit magPlar | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor
    x Minwe Elsinor>lvl 50EP | Altmer MagDen | Dovahkriid
    x Velen Dres > lvl50 EP | Dunmer Magcro | Voice of Reason
    x Perathea > lvl50 AD | Argonian MagDK
    x Myvth >lvl 50 EP | Dunmer StamDK | Plague of Peryite
    x Nephaal Telvanni > lvl50 EP | dunmer MagSorc | Voice of Reason
    x Ko'haana > lvl50 AD | Khajiit Magsorc
    x Zasha gra-Lashk > lvl50 EP | Orc Stamcro
    xCassius Pavo > lvl50 EP | Imperial Necrotank | Bringer of Light
  • Seraphayel
    The game's content is appropriately humorous
    As I said on page one, female NPCs are the "perverts" in this game. They're making so many dirty jokes. Just quested in Morrowind and I think I already encountered 2 or 3 females making raunchy puns. And I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • Feanor
    Other (explain below)
    If you consider the game has been rated “M” by the ESRB (which means 17+) it’s astonishingly tame. There is more sexual content on your standard average commercial.
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 50 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1900+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • WakeYourGhost
    The game's content is too prudish
    Sixty5 wrote: »
    All I really want is the ability to say *** without it being censored...

    We're all adults here, I'm sure we can handle a bit of naughty language

    Though I will say, I honestly prefer the veiled innuendo over overt sexualisation. I mean I enjoy finding novel uses for emotes as much as anyone, but walking through a town and seeing a Khajit actually getting railed by an Orc is a tad off putting.

    Adults is debatable, any any game.
    One of my Guild Mates is a 12 year old - Another member is her father.

    Of course, in the Game, you can turn Censor On or Off in the options last time I checked.

    A game company does not have to cater to people who ignore the age rating on the box. Zos can (and should) assume that everyone who plays their game is ok with the level of adult content described by the rating. It would make no sense to encourage people to ignore the posted rating. As for the 12 year old you described, their father is ok with letting their child play a m rated game.

    That is one hell of a tangent, my friend.

    I simply debated the point that “we are all adults here”, and pointed out that the game allows censorship to be turned off last time I looked.
    Never said anything even slightly close to the ideas you are suggesting, nor did I slip anywhere in to the realm of that debate.
    See my earlier “nude dremora” comment for my stance on content.

    I frankly don’t care who plays the game, what age, or what reason - Not my buisness, and not my problem. Just sayin’, it’s a little silly to think that everyone in the game is an adult. Expect young kids, angsty teens, and trollbabies everywhere you go.

    And, again, to assure there are no further misunderstandings or straight-outta-nowhere defensive comments - I very much want the M rating to allow for increased levels of Nudity, an extra hint of gore, and maybe even some horrible implication kind of content. Perhaps also more Skooma use.
  • vlakipn
    Other (explain below)
    I think that everything is fine (on that side).
    Its the world which got infected with sjw and other cancers.
    Luckly, majority still think normaly.
    Edited by vlakipn on February 26, 2018 11:00AM
  • Bam_Bam
    The game's content is too prudish
    Overtly sexualised? Are you living in a nunnery?
    Joined January 2014
    PC EU - PvE & BGs & PvP (Vivec)
    Grand Master Crafter


    Lims Kragm'a
    Bam Bam Bara
  • Lysette
    Other (explain below)
    I think ESO has just the right balance, and maybe even a little bit forced with some characters. Just be glad ESO isn't as modable like Skyrim is. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    It doesn't help though, because the devs mess the game up anyway with ridiculous crown stuff - glowing mounts, special effects, which are so out of place and so not-TES. So what players don't do in this case, the DEVs are perfectly capable of, they will convert TES-style ESO into a asian-MMO-like mess over time - just look at some of these ridiculous mounts.
  • winterscrolls229prerb18_ESO
    The game's content is too prudish
    I've always thought eso was way to prudish, but forgave it under some sort of lore integrity (all the standard points who people who like frumpyness quote every time it comes up).

    The same sex stuff seems like they're doing is the same thing as bioware / ea do but with a more measured hand. Giving a bone to the social justice warrior psychos without falling for the cause.

    That's it. Any other sexuality in the game gets washed out, its used as technique to deliver a point in narrative, but never dwelled on after that (at least i haven't come across any romance plots yet).

    Why i say prudish? I miss skimpy armor dammit. There are other games that can create skimpy armor that doesn't upset the lore for those that want it.. i think eso hasn't tried enough there :)
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