"Queen Ayrenn is a serious hotty - even my thick-as-brick Nord thinks so."
Still haven't figured out what happened to the top of her head.....guess no one wants to be the first to mention it? Crown too heavy???
You haven't seen overly sexualized until you've played Blade and Soul Scarlet Blade.
Androconium wrote: »The worst dialogue is the 'tinderfort' discussion. The female voice is overtly 'sultry'; and the male voice is overly effeminate. The entire conversion is just annoying.
The female banker in Sentinel is way too perfect and continually makes reference to my heavy purse. Too much, I end up leaving all my deposits with Tordaman. He does indicate a preference for them.
Then there are the blatantly sexist and racist loading screens. You all know them well enough by now.
All the white characters are beautiful; all the thieves have dark skin; all the ugly people are animals.
The Lusty Argonian Maid is from TESIII, as is the Naked Nord.
There were a couple of things from Crassius Curio and Sheogorath that I haven't seen lying around.
The game is rated Mature
That means it is for mature audiences
The box clearly states the game has:
Blood and Gore
Sexual Themes
Use of Alcohol
If you arent mature enough to handle the content, you have the choice not to play.
Heh, true, and actually that was what I had been thinking myself when I first saw that one!lordrichter wrote: »Oddly enough, Cocky Purple Haired Guy isn't even wearing a helmet! Given Axe In Head's injuries, that seems a concern on that battlefield.
That one is a viable argument for robe-clad mages who expect only short encounters and not drawn out warfare...VaranisArano wrote: »In this game, I would have expected Cocky Purple Haired Guy to be like "Why didn't you stack damage shields, sorc lady? L2Play!"
I mean, its not like this game doesn't let my medium armor stam sorc surround themself with a wall of wind for protection, or my magsorc turn into a lightning storm, or vampires turn into mist, or a dragonknight turn scaly or stony and blast spikes out of their back for protection. To say nothing of the alteration spells and enchantments for protection from the other elder scrolls games.
When you bring magical protections into the discussion, armor design doesn't have to follow real world norms any longer.
Agreed.Honestly I feel that the game's content isn't overly sexual at all - women aren't wearing next to nothing or portrayed as damsels in distress while the male characters save the day, women are depicted as equal warriors to men and are in positions of power, etc. They never feel like they're there purely to serve as eye candy, which is annoyingly still the case with some games...
Do you think the game's content is overly sexualized, appropriately humorous, or too prudish?
Some examples:
- Dark Seducers telling you, "You look like a sturdy one. Shall I treat you to my whip or my riding crop?"
- Constant references to "sleek Khajiit" and "sweet meat."
- Queen Ayrenn's reference to an incident involving a purple velvet dress and a drunken schoolmarm.
- Lorebooks titled "The Lusty Argonian Maid" with very suggestive content
- Spider daedra bosses telling you they are waiting in anticipation and not to keep them waiting any longer
- Womanizing-like comments on the part of Razum-Dar
- Abnur Tharn saying he has an appointment with a young lady
- The quest involving the naked nord
- The quest involving the other nord who lost his pants
- Other similar examples (feel free to list below)
Oakmontowls_ESO wrote: »WakeYourGhost wrote: »All I really want is the ability to say *** without it being censored...
We're all adults here, I'm sure we can handle a bit of naughty language
Though I will say, I honestly prefer the veiled innuendo over overt sexualisation. I mean I enjoy finding novel uses for emotes as much as anyone, but walking through a town and seeing a Khajit actually getting railed by an Orc is a tad off putting.
Adults is debatable, any any game.
One of my Guild Mates is a 12 year old - Another member is her father.
Of course, in the Game, you can turn Censor On or Off in the options last time I checked.
A game company does not have to cater to people who ignore the age rating on the box. Zos can (and should) assume that everyone who plays their game is ok with the level of adult content described by the rating. It would make no sense to encourage people to ignore the posted rating. As for the 12 year old you described, their father is ok with letting their child play a m rated game.
A_Silverius wrote: »I think ESO has just the right balance, and maybe even a little bit forced with some characters. Just be glad ESO isn't as modable like Skyrim is. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)