What do you think about animation cancelling as a means to increase DPS?

  • Aurielle
    dsalter wrote: »
    Maelstrom Staff was designed around it.

    Actually a lot of stuff is designed around it. Nb bow skill, for example. Even the way ulti gain works forces you to use attacks between skills. Back in the days it was tied to crits but then it was changed to attacks/blocking/healing someone who is gaining ult.

    thats weaving. AC is a different thing.

    Yeah but people in this thread claim its the same. :D

    Yup. He and another poster got reeeeal salty about it in the thread I made yesterday reminding people that light attack weaving is not an exploit. "No one's complaining about weaving! Learn the difference between weaving and animation cancelling!"

    And yet, here we are...
  • Dymence
    dsalter wrote: »
    i'v been in groups that will literally kick you for not doing it because you just wont meet damage amounts without it.

    It sounds like you're just an inadequate player. No worries, practice will get you there.

    Since you said you don't classify weaving as animation cancelling, that doesn't leave a lot of room for you to clutch onto.

    Barswap cancelling perfectly will only give you <1k DPS more. Block cancelling abilities gives you no DPS increase whatsoever. To say that you won't meet damage requirements without animation cancelling is simply a ridiculous statement based on extreme amounts of ignorance and misinformation.
    Edited by Dymence on February 20, 2018 3:11PM
  • Izaki
    Camb0Sl1ce wrote: »
    I can hit 40k and its not from block cancelling an animation its from weaving, "cancelling an animation with block" will not bypass a skills gcd. I believe there was an old thread I read where @Izaki (could be wrong though) said he had met a guy that actually increased hia dps when he was asked to weave instead of jerky block cancelling.

    Oh yeah completely forgot about that story :D Was pretty hilarious actually!
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
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