Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27

Extremely dangerous housing storage bug still exists! Don't delete your characters!

  • Ydrisselle
    Messy1 wrote: »
    Is there a fix . . . are there any other problems? Please just warn us now, either tell us to wait to use housing storage or give us the okay. DO NOT leave us in LIMBO!

    Well, before you delete a character, log in with one you want to keep, go with that toon to your house and open the storage (just to be sure). After logging out theoretically you can delete your unwanted character.
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    Messy1 wrote: »
    Is there a fix . . . are there any other problems? Please just warn us now, either tell us to wait to use housing storage or give us the okay. DO NOT leave us in LIMBO!

    The bug seems to happen on bound equipment. Now you might not have the space but if you have nothing bound in the chest you should loose nothing when you delete a character. In theory.
  • Phyllya
    Ydrisselle wrote: »
    Messy1 wrote: »
    Is there a fix . . . are there any other problems? Please just warn us now, either tell us to wait to use housing storage or give us the okay. DO NOT leave us in LIMBO!

    Well, before you delete a character, log in with one you want to keep, go with that toon to your house and open the storage (just to be sure). After logging out theoretically you can delete your unwanted character.

    I'm almost sure i did that before and still seems it didnt work.. logged in few main characters, stored stuff, relogged, delete, create, play, logged out, went to bed, next day : Puff. ( i didnt knew we could not play the game, didnt read about bugs )
    There are players saying that they got fixed already, and their items back by a roll back to the previous deleted character, i would like at least a response on my tickets.. :(
    Member of Fullmoon - Lunar Lattice - Prog. Raid
    Founder of Dark Scroll PT/ENG ESO Community
    Former Manager at ESO-PT Community ''IL'' 2014-2020
  • Merenwen_812
    I hope that as long as I don't delete a character my stuff is safe. *crosses fingers*
  • Tomg999
    To me, this is the worst bug I've seen, and I've been around since Beta.
    If you roll out storage, it needs to be secure. That is like game dev 101.
    You know that NPC guy that stands around at the bank in Elden Root & Marbruk saying "Do you mean that if I put something in your bank, when I come back it will be there?" - What he says.

    It's basic bug triage & prioritization. It's one thing if a new feature has a bug where the user doesn't get access to the new feature, reward, skill, etc. But if a bug is revealed in PTS that under common usage actually sets your users back, makes them worse off than before, costs them - and no one stands up and red flags it, then .....I don't know what to say.

    It boggles the mind.
  • Snowfaeriewings
    My deleted character had been restored and then PART of my items were there;. Which made me sad as that had totally fix the accounts of some people.
    So they bumped my ticket up for a thorough investigation.
    Last night I was in the game and my items were suddenly there!!! I don't know if I needed to log onto a different character that i had logged onto after the items had deleted that had used the chest before i discovered they had been deleted. But of course I had a weird magical fix that unfortunately won't much help.

    I am still afraid to put anything new in my chests or delete ANY characters even if they had nothing to do with the chests.

    And please ZOS just post something here to at least let ppl know that you know and care about this issue. Sure you may get the ppl their stuff back but its a hassle we shouldn't have to go through in the first place!

    I feel if the chests and coffers had duplicated our items the servers would have shut down immediately for a fix....But taking items away.... meh.. we will get to it..
    Edited by Snowfaeriewings on February 16, 2018 8:00PM
  • Jhalin

    This is the thread detailing how this bug occurs, with testing to replicate it.

    Bound items in storage chests are being falsely flagged as part of the inventory of the character that was most recently loaded into the house it's placed in.
  • AlienatedGoat

    Still no response I see.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    PC-NA Goat
  • Tavore1138
    I was wondering if there was an update - in the past when ZOS ignore broken crown related items for this long it tends to suggest they hope we will spend our money on something they have no clue how to fix it but don't have the basic moral decency to tell anyone... I hope I am wrong but the continued soviet style silence suggests that Gina and he colleagues have been told not to respond.
    GM - Malazan
    Raid Leader - Hungry Wolves
    Legio Mortuum
  • Theodorus
    Tavore1138 wrote: »
    I was wondering if there was an update - in the past when ZOS ignore broken crown related items for this long it tends to suggest they hope we will spend our money on something they have no clue how to fix it but don't have the basic moral decency to tell anyone... I hope I am wrong but the continued soviet style silence suggests that Gina and he colleagues have been told not to respond.

    You aren't wrong. I've been trying to get something from Zeni in this regard since the patch released and I bought two storage chests, filled them with a bunch of odds and ends of dungeon gear I'd been holding on to hoping for a full set, then deleted an old, unused character so I could get the levelling bonuses they included in the patch.

    They keep asking me to provide a list of the items I lost, and other than that won't even acknowledge the problem exists.

    First, are any of you in the habit of keeping an updated spreadsheet for the items you hold in your in-game storage? If so, get help. Second, this was a known issue based on feedback from the PTS, Zeni released the product for sale anyway, while at the same time creating a situation (levelling incentives) which encouraged the behavior that triggered the bug.

    No wonder they don't want to talk about it.

    The response will probably be to lock this thread...

    Walking Dead survival tip ... just run faster than Otis
  • ZOS_Edward
    Community Rep
    Hey everyone!

    We understand that this is an important issue for everyone and the team already has a fix ready to deploy with Monday's incremental patch as confirmed in this thread.

    If you run into any other issues after the patch, please let us know!
    Staff Post
  • Ermiq
    ZOS_Edward wrote: »
    Hey everyone!

    We understand that this is an important issue for everyone and the team already has a fix ready to deploy with Monday's incremental patch as confirmed in this thread.

    If you run into any other issues after the patch, please let us know!

    I appreci... "agree".
    One of the two of us definitely has gone mad. It only remains to define whether this one is the whole world or just me.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    Sick&tired of being kicked off from your house when you complete a dungeon? ComingBackHome addon is what you need!
    Me is russian little bad in english :b
  • AlienatedGoat
    ZOS_Edward wrote: »
    Hey everyone!

    We understand that this is an important issue for everyone and the team already has a fix ready to deploy with Monday's incremental patch as confirmed in this thread.

    If you run into any other issues after the patch, please let us know!

    Thanks for responding. Hope the fix is successful.
    PC-NA Goat
  • karios525
    Well I have just told them flat out that it is 110% their fault and expect for all my items to be returned, I seriously hope they will learn their lesson and start fixing things properly and really hope they start losing their player base this year which they deserve to. I love the game but the sheer volume of stuff I lost including 4 fully golded out sets plus my velidreth set has left me really angry at their utter incompetence, not prepared to waste my time farming all that stuff again including the legendary crafting upgrades due to their sloppy programming. Raging over gonna go find a working game, neverwinter enhanced
  • NolaArch
    I had a storage chest with 60/60; deleted mule; 18/60. LOLFOREVER. Well, that's a thing that happened :(

    For reference: Ring of Mara, gold motif books, scrolls, etc. gone. I also saved every quest disguise (and that shadow gem thing), gone. RIP.
    Edited by NolaArch on February 18, 2018 5:51PM
    Ardat-Yakshii EP Stam NB
    36k anchovy club
    Mash the buttons, hope for the best!
    I have some achievements
  • DoctorESO
    karios525 wrote: »
    Well I have just told them flat out that it is 110% their fault and expect for all my items to be returned, I seriously hope they will learn their lesson and start fixing things properly and really hope they start losing their player base this year which they deserve to. I love the game but the sheer volume of stuff I lost including 4 fully golded out sets plus my velidreth set has left me really angry at their utter incompetence, not prepared to waste my time farming all that stuff again including the legendary crafting upgrades due to their sloppy programming. Raging over gonna go find a working game, neverwinter enhanced

    Any luck?
  • DoctorESO
    NolaArch wrote: »
    I had a storage chest with 60/60; deleted mule; 18/60. LOLFOREVER. Well, that's a thing that happened :(

    For reference: Ring of Mara, gold motif books, scrolls, etc. gone. I also saved every quest disguise (and that shadow gem thing), gone. RIP.

    Well, I am not going to buy housing storage after all. This is very sad.

  • Supertoy31
    a lot of stuff gone for me.
    Today they fixed the bug, but nothing for those that have been very impactacted by it (understand : lost item ).
    at least for me :D:D:D:D
    Thx Zeni, great job :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

    We, french commu, can fell your awesome love to us.

  • DoctorESO
    Supertoy31 wrote: »
    a lot of stuff gone for me.
    Today they fixed the bug, but nothing for those that have been very impactacted by it (understand : lost item ).
    at least for me :D:D:D:D
    Thx Zeni, great job :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

    We, french commu, can fell your awesome love to us.

    Is it any consolation that you have the gratitude of hundreds of other players on this forum who, because of your experience and report to ZOS, never lost their items? And that you saved millions of other unaware players from the same fate? Basically, you saved the world but only a select few people will ever know it (like the movies).
  • ManicDee
    300-odd items gone.

    ZOS restored the deleted character, but the items didn't come back. The character had obviously been rolled back (or restored from a backup older than the deletion time) since I deleted it after finding out it was the wrong alliance upon entering Cyrodiil, but the restored character is level 9 (thus couldn't have entered Cyrodiil).

    All my higher level characters now have full inventories (part of the restoration process is for you to completely empty your bank and storage) and I can't play anymore :P Woe is me!

    Here's hoping ZOS can find an actual fix for this so I don't have to fear the reaper.
  • ZOS_MattL
    This bug was fixed and with that, we have decided to close this thread.
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