Maura_Neysa wrote: »The Warden is the weakest PVE damage build, and the class only has 4 DPS skills. So as much as PVP wants nerf, PVE wants buff. That why the only changes to the class have been a nerf to Healing Thicket and buffs
The reason Screaming Cliff Racer is undogable is because its extremely telegraphe. Unlike Power Lash, which can be so effectively weaved you don't see the animation at all. Because its is so telegraphed block is an extremely easy counter to it.
That death recap is nothing but cliff racers, which means that death comes down to being caught in a bad place, by a not so good build. Where is the LA between each Cliff Racer, Subterranean Assault, Fletcher Flies, Wall? Anything to make me believe this wasn't a staged Death Recap.
Honsetly you can't cry nerf until that thing is no longer the very worst dps class both flavors stamina and magicka
So you only play one part of the game. Noted, moving on!
I've been hit with 7k cliffracers to it really needs changing
noone should ever die to a spammed ability - Spamming is not effective in this game (at least if your opponent can handle himself...). A skilled warden doesn't spam birds either. It is weaved in a rotation. So first of all you didn't face a skilled opponent.
There remains basically one reason why you died there: You weren't paying attention - Not going defensive (going out of line of sight?, blocking?!, shielding?). The fact that the player hit you with almost always the same dmg value tells me that you didn't block a single of these cliff racers...
I mean seriously guys. Stop coming to forum to cry for nerfs if the solution is to use your brain... cliffracer is undodgable? some scrub is spamming it on you? easy: simply block it/ shield it and apply counter pressure with dots and timed burst.
It is an ability that is clearly visible and good to react to. But if people keep dodge rolling like maniacs even so they know the used ability is undodgeable... its a learn to play issue.
So please guys... Stop coming to forum crying for nerfs when even the photo proof shows nothing more than the OP's failure to react to the attacker AT ALL...
And no, I am not trolling or trying to be arrogant but all the "fast" complaints by people brought our pvp combat meta to the bad spot we are in today. Because ZOS simply applies nerfs according to outcry. Less asking for nerfs, more brain! If you don't know how to react to birds. Ask for help on forums. But don't cry for nerfs as first step...
so, I try to just try run away on flat groud, so now I should to block it? to almost immobilize myselfwith block my most important regen? (in medium armor and no shield ofc)
shielding? please give me stamina scale damage shield at fine then
even if cloak...again, not working always because of broken lag issues with server or just det potion and gg, can I have potion to ignore people blocking or shields please?
medium armor isnt to blok every spammable hit like cliffracer, we have big big problem with just stamina to block full soul assault channel with blocking our stam regen so what now with just blocking every spammable hit?
I've run warden in pvp a lot (and fought them in pvp a lot), you have to be pretty bad to die from nothing but cliff racer spam tbh. Either get in the fight or get out, and once you are in, if you decide to try and run, dodge rolling shouldn't be auto win for those running away from fights they started. If you are in the face of the warden pressuring them, this isn't going to happen - which is why it's not as OP as some try to paint it - it's very situational as a spammable. There is a reason when you fight a warden in a normal fight, they do other stuff than just spam this one skill.
Also - posting a death recap means NOTHING in the way of proving any points - get tired of seeing them with people pointing to them like "A-Ha!". We don't know how good or bad either play is or (all of) the gear of both players. We don't know the context - is someone on a keep wall and this guy was seiging and not worrying about what was happening. etc. - and not just talking about this post, but every time someone uses it as proof a skill is strong. It's horrible proof and the only real use of these types of caps are for amusement.
If the skill was going to be made dodgeable, then it definitely needs to be reworked completely or it would just be worthless for pvp with as slow as it is. But it really isn't that bad as is. Every player that can't handle losing to a particular thing they can't master in pvp games makes this complaint - seen it in every player vs player game I've ever been in - it's never on them, it's always this skill or this piece of gears fault for their loss.
Nihility42 wrote: »I agree with this. I play stamden in PVP and the only people I ever kill with Cutting Dive spam are people standing by keep walls during a siege that make no effort to move out of range, block, or heal. Or sometimes people that try to run from a fight and, again, make no effort to heal, block or do anything other than run. If you die with nothing but cliff racer on the death recap, 100% chance it's because you suck or fell asleep while PVPing.
Nemesis7884 wrote: »fine nerf the racer but then BUFF other warden stuff for pve and give us back the physical damage bonus
Undodgeable Cliffracers annoyed me a lot, especially when outnumbered.
Still I think they should remain as they are, because it's all that magicka Wardens really have.
If we compare it to other spammable damage abilities, cliffracers offers nothing other than being undodgeable. It applies no debuff, utility or secondary effects. It's just straight damage.
Maura_Neysa wrote: »The Warden is the weakest PVE damage build, and the class only has 4 DPS skills. So as much as PVP wants nerf, PVE wants buff. That why the only changes to the class have been a nerf to Healing Thicket and buffs
The reason Screaming Cliff Racer is undogable is because its extremely telegraphe. Unlike Power Lash, which can be so effectively weaved you don't see the animation at all. Because its is so telegraphed block is an extremely easy counter to it.
That death recap is nothing but cliff racers, which means that death comes down to being caught in a bad place, by a not so good build. Where is the LA between each Cliff Racer, Subterranean Assault, Fletcher Flies, Wall? Anything to make me believe this wasn't a staged Death Recap.
Honsetly you can't cry nerf until that thing is no longer the very worst dps class both flavors stamina and magicka
Nemesis7884 wrote: »fine nerf the racer but then BUFF other warden stuff for pve and give us back the physical damage bonus
Why do people keep crying buff wardens in PvE, they already make great tanks and healers and stam warden dps isn’t the absolute best but it’s also still competitive same with mag warden. Not every class can be the best min max at everything. DKs make *** healers and you never hear any whining about that.
Joy_Division wrote: »Nemesis7884 wrote: »fine nerf the racer but then BUFF other warden stuff for pve and give us back the physical damage bonus
Why do people keep crying buff wardens in PvE, they already make great tanks and healers and stam warden dps isn’t the absolute best but it’s also still competitive same with mag warden. Not every class can be the best min max at everything. DKs make *** healers and you never hear any whining about that.
Most people who play the game are DPS and mag warden dps isn't competitive.
I don't like Cliff Racers either, but the skill doesn't do anything but damage. While that sounds good, it's only good because it is undodgable. The moment it become dodgeable is the moment it is outclassed in every way by Crushing Shock. The skill would have to be rethought if it were to be made dodgeable.
noone should ever die to a spammed ability - Spamming is not effective in this game (at least if your opponent can handle himself...). A skilled warden doesn't spam birds either. It is weaved in a rotation. So first of all you didn't face a skilled opponent.
There remains basically one reason why you died there: You weren't paying attention - Not going defensive (going out of line of sight?, blocking?!, shielding?). The fact that the player hit you with almost always the same dmg value tells me that you didn't block a single of these cliff racers...
I mean seriously guys. Stop coming to forum to cry for nerfs if the solution is to use your brain... cliffracer is undodgable? some scrub is spamming it on you? easy: simply block it/ shield it and apply counter pressure with dots and timed burst.
It is an ability that is clearly visible and good to react to. But if people keep dodge rolling like maniacs even so they know the used ability is undodgeable... its a learn to play issue.
So please guys... Stop coming to forum crying for nerfs when even the photo proof shows nothing more than the OP's failure to react to the attacker AT ALL...
And no, I am not trolling or trying to be arrogant but all the "fast" complaints by people brought our pvp combat meta to the bad spot we are in today. Because ZOS simply applies nerfs according to outcry. Less asking for nerfs, more brain! If you don't know how to react to birds. Ask for help on forums. But don't cry for nerfs as first step...
so, I try to just try run away on flat groud, so now I should to block it? to almost immobilize myselfwith block my most important regen? (in medium armor and no shield ofc)
shielding? please give me stamina scale damage shield at fine then
even if cloak...again, not working always because of broken lag issues with server or just det potion and gg, can I have potion to ignore people blocking or shields please?
medium armor isnt to blok every spammable hit like cliffracer, we have big big problem with just stamina to block full soul assault channel with blocking our stam regen so what now with just blocking every spammable hit?
I haven't been speaking of perma blocking... the key is to block tactical.
Your example: A Warden attacks you in open field, no possibility to go out of line of sight. Your reaction as StamNB should be: Turn around block maybe first 2 cliffracers while getting closer to the warden, vigor, gapclose, fear, apply counter pressure. I guaratee you if he keeps spamming just 2 more birds after you are on him he is done... and thats just an example to react according to your given example.
In general: when pressured in open field all you can do is applying counter pressure asap. If one ofc just stands there and perma blocks birds, one will die.
Magicka can easily react with shield spamming for instant defense.
My point being: Eveluate the fight and react to it. As long as you are not zerged down and pressured by multiple enemies one guy spamming cliff racers on you should NEVER be a problem.
Just because the "usual way" to avoid dmg in medium armor (dodging) doesn't work for a skill, doesn't mean its op. Simply react accordingly.
arkansas_ESO wrote: »
arkansas_ESO wrote: »
No, because no stam warden with birds ever hits that hard.
Something like that. Imo the more damage from distance is absolutely not needed there at all. For undodgeable ability, basic birds are doing fine damage.
Maura_Neysa wrote: »The Warden is the weakest PVE damage build, and the class only has 4 DPS skills. So as much as PVP wants nerf, PVE wants buff.
Honsetly you can't cry nerf until that thing is no longer the very worst dps class both flavors stamina and magicka
Chilly-McFreeze wrote: »Maura_Neysa wrote: »The Warden is the weakest PVE damage build, and the class only has 4 DPS skills. So as much as PVP wants nerf, PVE wants buff.
Honsetly you can't cry nerf until that thing is no longer the very worst dps class both flavors stamina and magicka
@Maura_Neysa Now please tell me exactly at which spot a PvE warden DD would suffer from dodgeable cliffracers. Dodgebility is a no issue in PvE.
Ragnarock41 wrote: »arkansas_ESO wrote: »
No, because no stam warden with birds ever hits that hard.
Something like that. Imo the more damage from distance is absolutely not needed there at all. For undodgeable ability, basic birds are doing fine damage.
rewarding people for being cowards shouldn't be a thing.
If anything it should do more damage on closer ranges.
in my opinion reflect abilties should at least deflect the birds.
Popping wings on a sDk , just to get hit for 5-7k birds isn't fair.
Maura_Neysa wrote: »The Warden is the weakest PVE damage build, and the class only has 4 DPS skills. So as much as PVP wants nerf, PVE wants buff. That why the only changes to the class have been a nerf to Healing Thicket and buffs
The reason Screaming Cliff Racer is undogable is because its extremely telegraphe. Unlike Power Lash, which can be so effectively weaved you don't see the animation at all. Because its is so telegraphed block is an extremely easy counter to it.
That death recap is nothing but cliff racers, which means that death comes down to being caught in a bad place, by a not so good build. Where is the LA between each Cliff Racer, Subterranean Assault, Fletcher Flies, Wall? Anything to make me believe this wasn't a staged Death Recap.
Honsetly you can't cry nerf until that thing is no longer the very worst dps class both flavors stamina and magicka
you are proving my point
so you are going to make snipe undodgable like ciffracer?
you are proving my point
so you are going to make snipe undodgable like ciffracer?
No, If cliff racer were to be dodgeable. the projectile speed would have to be speed up otherwise why use it over snipe?
you are proving my point
so you are going to make snipe undodgable like ciffracer?
No, If cliff racer were to be dodgeable. the projectile speed would have to be speed up otherwise why use it over snipe?