How about a skill lines instead of a new Class?
Necromancy used to just be part of Conjuration. Now Conjuration, like destruction, is splitting apart in this system.
Look after they added the Necromancer personality in Dragon Bones DLC they are going to have to add the playable gameplay feature for it as well.
Honestly I do not like how Classic ES skill lines and Magic schools are being split apart.
Why is ice, lightning, and fire split between 3 classes?
Why does it feel like everyone is a Caster?
If I pick sorcerer I have to level all of my class skills. I can't be a pure lightning master. This class system does not feel roleplayer friendly. What if I want to be a pure lightning caster and I don't want anything to do with Daedra?
I like the weapon skill lines. Having Dual wield and 1h & shield skill lines makes sense.
What I think ESO needs is another stamina based skill line and another magicka based skill line.
Stamina: Spear
Magicka: Necromancy OR Spellsword (1h weapon + 1h spellcasting)
Go to 52:00 in this video:
but I forgot to quote you... and now I don't know how to do it, sorry :c
How about a skill lines instead of a new Class?
Necromancy used to just be part of Conjuration. Now Conjuration, like destruction, is splitting apart in this system.
Look after they added the Necromancer personality in Dragon Bones DLC they are going to have to add the playable gameplay feature for it as well.
Honestly I do not like how Classic ES skill lines and Magic schools are being split apart.
Why is ice, lightning, and fire split between 3 classes?
Why does it feel like everyone is a Caster?
If I pick sorcerer I have to level all of my class skills. I can't be a pure lightning master. This class system does not feel roleplayer friendly. What if I want to be a pure lightning caster and I don't want anything to do with Daedra?
I like the weapon skill lines. Having Dual wield and 1h & shield skill lines makes sense.
What I think ESO needs is another stamina based skill line and another magicka based skill line.
Stamina: Spear
Magicka: Necromancy OR Spellsword (1h weapon + 1h spellcasting)
Well, necromancy IS indeed a subset of conjuration, so... no surprise.Remember that necromancer in the college of Winterhold? He isn't really evil but it is heavily implied that necromancy is his thing together with conjuration.
VaranisArano wrote: »
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Necromancy. A beautiful thing, actually. The art to interact with the deceased. With the fallen .... With the dead.
Imagine what we could do, with this great power in our hands AND with today society. The truth we would reveal. The lies we would destroy.... The war we would rage.
For some, a dreadful meanness. Sure. A quick thinking characteristic. But quickfing is not ALWAYS good. Like Damage. There is a time for direct damage, and a time for damage over time. Yes, that separates a Warlock from a Necromancer. One, loves havoc and sought destruction and chaos. And the other one.... heck, through Necromancy, you could achieve everything you all always want.
Eternal life. Eternal friends. A whole destiny without a single end.
Anyway, Necromancy is the interact with the dead. You can talk with them. You can raise them. You can command them. You name it. Besides, your best friend, Death or Grim Reaper, is always watching your back. Unlike priests, that can save others but when facing their Deaths, can't save themselves, a skilled Necromancer can..... "persuade" Death for a second time before ending his journey. Or at least bring the one who got him killed with him. You know, for "company". Who knows what you gona find on the beyond....
I am stretching this "post" too much. I know, you all caling me names and such. And who the oblivion gives a skeever about Necromancers? Since they are the bad guys and such. Mannimarco... Well, Necromancy aint the bad guy, you know?
All I saying is, it is not the power that drives one to the evil side. Is ones heart that get corrupted and tempted to do so. If some do not resist the evil, they break and follow its path. Necromancy could be use for greater good. Give the recent fallen a second time to avenge their own deaths. Could decay and rot the very flesh of the ones who seeks to destry this world-OUR WORLD.
It is not the power who makes people evil. People do.
All I know that nothing is permanent. Not even lore. Principaly lore. For history is only written by the Winners side....with the blood of the defeated. History can be changed. Necromancers can be part of the light side again.
Everyone deserves a second chance. IF they are willing to take it....
All I want this year, is to bring the Necromancers back to the Elder Scrolls. To have a fresh start on this game.
Thank you for attention.
I might write more of "my view" towards this beloved underrated at... might...
Sr NeKro.
Conjurations should be its own skill line that has both daedric summoning and undead. ES games gave you both and having both did not make either one pointless.
If anything making daedric summoning and necromancy divided between two classes would make No Sense. As a summoner, Why wouldn't I want to know how to do both?
Keep in mind, Player Characters are an exception to the norm. What you said isn't "incorrect" but the point is that there is a specialization decision in the thought process of a practitioner. In the TES games, the large majority of conjurer NPCs focus on a specialized power. "Conjurers" summon Daedra. They study specifically in Daedric magicks, and strive for deals and favors with Daedric Prince(s). "Necromancers" focus on resurrecting/summoning of the dead. They focus on gathering the souls of the mortal races and cheating death.(Lichdom)
So to put into perspective of the ESO class system, it makes sense that Sorcerers focus on Daedric Summoning(I cringe to say this as the whole skilline, and the summons themselves are horribly implemented and balanced, but I digress.) while Wardens focus on Animal companionship/nature magic. Thus, Necromancer would focus on Undead summoning/Mysticism.
Thanks for making a case for it being a skill line by comparing it to skill lines!
Keep in mind, Player Characters are an exception to the norm. What you said isn't "incorrect" but the point is that there is a specialization decision in the thought process of a practitioner. In the TES games, the large majority of conjurer NPCs focus on a specialized power. "Conjurers" summon Daedra. They study specifically in Daedric magicks, and strive for deals and favors with Daedric Prince(s). "Necromancers" focus on resurrecting/summoning of the dead. They focus on gathering the souls of the mortal races and cheating death.(Lichdom)
So to put into perspective of the ESO class system, it makes sense that Sorcerers focus on Daedric Summoning(I cringe to say this as the whole skilline, and the summons themselves are horribly implemented and balanced, but I digress.) while Wardens focus on Animal companionship/nature magic. Thus, Necromancer would focus on Undead summoning/Mysticism.
TheShadowScout wrote: »Thanks for making a case for it being a skill line by comparing it to skill lines!
Sorcerors do not "focus" on conjuration, but also have dark magic and lighting to play with. Wardens also have ice magic with their fauna and flora type nature magic.
Thus it follows... necromancy would be a mere skill line as well.
And since the lore -does- treat it as subset of conjuration, as I repeatedly mentioned... it -would- make sense if it was optional further specialization for sorcerors. That way some sorcerors might specialize in this, others in that, and others still in necromancy.
Works for me.
Due to the severty of the issue. I made three posts. One to explain the mechanics, one to explain the lore and one to resume both points of view.
Here you can see the third post, the shorter version. Through it, you can find the Lore and Mechanics.
I just hope to shed some light on to this subject and to easy the hatred a little bit. And mostly important, to help you guys understand the beauty of this elegant class.
timborggrenlarsenb16_ESO wrote: »The Class will never come. (But i love to see it happen)
The reason for that is a true Necromancer are able to take on a hole faction on his own = So how can they add a class like this ?
Well on the bright side you were wrong and you got the necromancer class, just like this thread got nerco posted