Besides, your best friend, Death or Grim Reaper, is always watching your back.
VaranisArano wrote: »
Look, if you want necromancy, ask for necromancy. Its been available in the form of summoning skeletons in plenty of Elder Scrolls games and Skyrim allowed players to reanimate the dead.
Necromancy. A beautiful thing, actually. The art to interact with the deceased. With the fallen .... With the dead.
Imagine what we could do, with this great power in our hands AND with today society. The truth we would reveal. The lies we would destroy.... The war we would rage.
For some, a dreadful meanness. Sure. A quick thinking characteristic. But quickfing is not ALWAYS good. Like Damage. There is a time for direct damage, and a time for damage over time. Yes, that separates a Warlock from a Necromancer. One, loves havoc and sought destruction and chaos. And the other one.... heck, through Necromancy, you could achieve everything you all always want.
Eternal life. Eternal friends. A whole destiny without a single end.
Anyway, Necromancy is the interact with the dead. You can talk with them. You can raise them. You can command them. You name it. Besides, your best friend, Death or Grim Reaper, is always watching your back. Unlike priests, that can save others but when facing their Deaths, can't save themselves, a skilled Necromancer can..... "persuade" Death for a second time before ending his journey. Or at least bring the one who got him killed with him. You know, for "company". Who knows what you gona find on the beyond....
I am stretching this "post" too much. I know, you all caling me names and such. And who the oblivion gives a skeever about Necromancers? Since they are the bad guys and such. Mannimarco... Well, Necromancy aint the bad guy, you know?
All I saying is, it is not the power that drives one to the evil side. Is ones heart that get corrupted and tempted to do so. If some do not resist the evil, they break and follow its path. Necromancy could be use for greater good. Give the recent fallen a second time to avenge their own deaths. Could decay and rot the very flesh of the ones who seeks to destry this world-OUR WORLD.
It is not the power who makes people evil. People do.
All I know that nothing is permanent. Not even lore. Principaly lore. For history is only written by the Winners side....with the blood of the defeated. History can be changed. Necromancers can be part of the light side again.
Everyone deserves a second chance. IF they are willing to take it....
All I want this year, is to bring the Necromancers back to the Elder Scrolls. To have a fresh start on this game.
Thank you for attention.
I might write more of "my view" towards this beloved underrated at... might...
Sr NeKro.
LukosCreyden wrote: »
Well, if I cannot raise dead things in game, I'm sure as heck gonna do it in the forums.
Isn't Mannimarco (worm cult) the one who created necromancy on ESO ?
Because we get bored of the same five classes all the time. Five classes isn't that many to choose from.Anyone can explain me necromancer fanboys motivation? What exactly such class would have to offer? Sorcerer have deadras in his service, skeletons and zombies (apart of cool look) are big downgrade comparing to deadra. So whats the point?
I'm sure there will eventually be a Mannimarco/King of Worms DLC or Chapter. I hope chapter, the King of Worms exists throughout TES games, he deserves more than just a small DLC content.
Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised to see a Necromancer class added with a King of Worms Chapter one day.
4th, about Death doesnt like us to use his domain. Well, you can view that way. Or, or, listen carefully for this one. Death actully taught the first genaration of Necromancers and they pass this knowlege to future genaration. It's not like Death can't handle it's job, but have a legion of people following, it sure helps the process. Just like the whate ever God priests follow, the light for example, wouldn't like to see some random dude healing another random dude.
VaranisArano wrote: »
As an Elder Scroll Lore Fan, what?
You need to look at the actual in-game lore of necromancy. Start here:
There's plenty to like and enjoy about necromancy in the Elder Scrolls. Tons of lore. But it has very little to do with this generic necromancy fanboy stuff you've got going on here.
"Death doesnt like us to use his domain. Well, you can view that way. Or, or, listen carefully for this one. Death actully taught the first genaration of Necromancers and they pass this knowlege to future genaration"
No. Just no. That's not how that works in the Elder Scrolls. For one thing, you've got the Ideal Masters, an early Merethic era of necromancers who became ascended beings ruling the Soul Cairn where the souls of those trapped in soul gems wind up. And then you've got Mannimarco, the first of the famous necromancers, no hints of how he learned necromancy, only that he did but who becomes a lich and then eventually the God of Necromancers. Oh, and Arkay, the god of life and death, who absolutely, positively despised necromancy in all its forms. Plus the Dunmer/Chimer ancestor worship/magic that totally isn't necromancy, no serjo, not at all.
(There is no "Death" figure in the Elder Scrolls. Just Arkay, who despises necromancy, and Sithis, who is the Void and the primordial state of chaos who doesn't have anything to do with necromancy.)
That's a taste. There's a ton of fascinating Elder Scrolls lore about necromancy, which major subplots focusing on necromancy in Daggerfall and Oblivion, with plenty of necromancy in Skyrim and Morrowind, to say nothing of its presence in the entire base game of ESO. There's more than enough actual lore to justify including necromancy as a player ability in ESO.
But this generic necromancer fan stuff is bugging me when there is so much more interesting necromancer stuff in the actual Elder Scrolls lore. Call me a lore purist if you want, but if I'm going to support a necromancer class in the Elder Scrolls Online, I insist that the necromancers have to be Elder Scrolls necromancers.
Alright, first of all "Why so much hate towards the Necromancer? Can't a guy raise a family in peace?"