about the arkay thingy, as I said, lore/history can be re-writen. As nothing is permanent on life. That said, just saying that the grudge arkay have towards Necomancer, it seems impossible to hold for ever. I get the point, me too if I was the god of Death, and see humans miss using necromancy (towards evil for example) I would too be pissed. Maybe, further on the lore, some one willr rise up and stand up for the "good"/rightfull use of Necromancy, and Arkay might change it'ts mind. Or maybe not, either way, all I want is to play as a Necromancer. All type of Necromancers are good for me. IF they raise a horde of undead and wear light armor and staff.
about the arkay thingy, as I said, lore/history can be re-writen. As nothing is permanent on life. That said, just saying that the grudge arkay have towards Necomancer, it seems impossible to hold for ever. I get the point, me too if I was the god of Death, and see humans miss using necromancy (towards evil for example) I would too be pissed. Maybe, further on the lore, some one willr rise up and stand up for the "good"/rightfull use of Necromancy, and Arkay might change it'ts mind. Or maybe not, either way, all I want is to play as a Necromancer. All type of Necromancers are good for me. IF they raise a horde of undead and wear light armor and staff.
SydneyGrey wrote: »Because we get bored of the same five classes all the time. Five classes isn't that many to choose from.
OK, well here's another argument then. Role-players would love it. Some people might want to run around pretending they're a necromancer, even if other people might think that's silly. So now you have two arguments why a necromancer class would be awesome. I'm not a role-player, but I have to admit, I do make stories for my characters in my head sometimes and have a character that I'd LOVE to turn into a necromancer if I could. It would just be fun.Weak argument. You will got bored of six classes aswell if five aint enough. Each class can play multiple roles and sure many more roles and playstyles could be created but still waiting for proper argument what exactly such necromancer class would offer except being downgraded sorc who walks around with scrappy skeletons instead deadras.
SydneyGrey wrote: »OK, well here's another argument then. Role-players would love it. Some people might want to run around pretending they're a necromancer, even if other people might think that's silly. So now you have two arguments why a necromancer class would be awesome. I'm not a role-player, but I have to admit, I do make stories for my characters in my head sometimes and have a character that I'd LOVE to turn into a necromancer if I could. It would just be fun.
Personally, I'm just in favor of more options, period. I'd love a new skill line, or a new class, even if it's not a necromancer class. (I'd prefer it was a skill line like Dark Brotherhood rather than a class.)
I understand fully rp reasons, but from game mechanic point of view such class would offer really little benefit and a lot of copied mechanics of existing classes. On top of that, skeletons would be rather weak, so they would have to be compensated by bigger amount of them and we all know how well game runs with more chars around.
And if we start adding classes purely on rp merit, theres hundred more options that somebody else could request.
No, i'm tired of this game catering to evil characters, throw a bone to people 'being good' and it'd be fair, until then forget it.
No, i'm tired of this game catering to evil characters, throw a bone to people 'being good' and it'd be fair, until then forget it.
No, i'm tired of this game catering to evil characters, throw a bone to people 'being good' and it'd be fair, until then forget it.
ThePrinceOfBargains wrote: »
Is this a joke? Every single quest in the game places your character in the role of the one-dimensional heroic protagonist except the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild questlines, neither of which fully commit to letting your character be the villain of the storyline. You just can’t quest as an evil character.
The Warden is a DLC class and it’s geared towards good characters, and don’t even get me started on the Templar “Jesus” magic.
SydneyGrey wrote: »OK, well here's another argument then. Role-players would love it. Some people might want to run around pretending they're a necromancer, even if other people might think that's silly. So now you have two arguments why a necromancer class would be awesome. I'm not a role-player, but I have to admit, I do make stories for my characters in my head sometimes and have a character that I'd LOVE to turn into a necromancer if I could. It would just be fun.
Personally, I'm just in favor of more options, period. I'd love a new skill line, or a new class, even if it's not a necromancer class. (I'd prefer it was a skill line like Dark Brotherhood rather than a class.)
It’s not that they’re not evil; it’s that ZOS constantly tries to downplay it by painting the Order of the Hour as being just as bad or even worse at times. I know some people liked that “morally grey” thing, but I wasn’t a fan. It felt like cop-out storytelling. None of the factions are perfect in morality, but it felt like ZOS was going out of their way to make the Order of the Hour look despicable. Then all the people we assassinated for the story were equally despicable, unlikable ***, which I again saw as an attempt to somewhat cushion the fact that we’re murdering people. Then you have to consider the fact the entire storyline revolves around getting revenge for deaths in the “family,” again making us more sympathetic.VaranisArano wrote: »
Dark Brotherhood is pretty evil. Its just a Chaotic Evil protagonist who's loyal to the family vs. a Lawful Evil antagonist claiming to be acting for the greater good. My rise to Silencer still involved murdering an awful lot of relative innocents.
Thieves Guild now - that's pretty much the Rogue with a heart of gold archetype - so I'll give you that one.
VaranisArano wrote: »
Sure. The God of Life and Death, who holds sway of rightful burials and whose blessing prevents necromancers from raising the bodies of the blessed dead or capturing their souls, is going to suddenly change his millennia-old stance on necromancy because someone is going to raise the spirits and bodies of the dead "for good."
No. Seriously. Not how that works.
Arkay says: Honor the earth, its creatures, and the spirits, living and dead. Guard and tend the bounties of the mortal world, and do not profane the spirits of the dead. — Ten Commands: Nine Divines
In another hand, I realy would like to know why Demons is ok to summon and the dead isn't. I mean, what's the hype? I don't want to start a war, saying the Dead is way cooler, I just want that they have a time on the spotlight as any other class already have. Why all the glory of summoners class have to go to the Demon Worship dude. Give the dead some acklogment, damit.
Also, Necromancers was one of the primordial classes of D&D who basically founded this RPG nonsense.
No, they can't.Necromancer doesn't just raise the dead. They can animate pretty much anything.
More like... make ghostly skeleton hands to grab and impede their enemies.They bend life AND death to their will. They can make giant skeleton hands from the corpses of their enemies to purge more enemies and make even more corpse.
No, they can't.They can use their blood and the blood from their enemies to forge unholly weapons.
Ghost constructs and curses to trap and slow, yes.They can make flesh and bones construct to trap and slown their enemies.
No they can't.They can mix and realse several types of toxic miasma to poison and erase all life and existance on several meters
TheShadowScout wrote: »In TES, "necromancer" - IS all about death magic and nothing else. Imbuing corpses with daedric spirits to animate them. Using "negative life energy" type of magics. Summoning the souls of the departed and bending them to your will. Gaining power from your enemies death. Bending over for Molag Bal and singing his praises.
That sort of thing.
No blood magic (nightblades and vampires), no poison magic, no life control magic, no ice magic, no unholy (aka, daedric summoning) magic (though an argument can be made that necromancy itself is pretty unholy in the eyes of most tamrieltastic religions!).
xenowarrior92eb17_ESO wrote: »again this?...get real.
Arkay isn't the only divine in town!And yes, I don't know much of the lore on general. I don't like it very much to be honest. Because of the abuse, mistreate and the negligence and underrate of my beloved Necromancers. I dispise Arkay and its choices...