zParallaxz wrote: »
Stop that nonsense dude destro is the highest single target damage u can get because of ancient knowledge passive and then dual wield with the twin blade and blunt passive. This idea of using any besides destro or dual wield is pointless and will only kill low skilled people. I don’t know where u get this idea that 2h has more burst than destro.
What about using pelinal's? I've been considering that option from a while in a 2H and destro option.
Of course, you need to build towards WD and pelinals must be 5 LA to retain certain penetration. A 4 pieces DKS or even Morag Tong could help. Even that crap of Ice Furnace seems a decent option in 4 pieces.
And you get a monster available
Amberplasm is better than pelinals if you are a mag build imo, far better.
Waffennacht wrote: »Jumped on my Mag blade last night (love the available abilities)
Just couldn't get that "death knight" thread outta my Head.
So what I'm using is:
Troll king - cuz it makes u tanky
Axiom - because I don't wanna gold anything out any time soon and it's very useful
Transmutation - one of the best defensive sets
Heavy armor cuz I'm a death knight lol
Front bar is: swallow soul, ele drain, Merc, the Execute ability, cripple ult Soul tether
Back bar is resto staff (maybe 2h for BGs) healing ward (or FM) cloak, entropy, refreshing path (yay expedition and heals) siphon, ult Champion
Mad resistance and heals, (4k impenetrable) hots via Swallow, refreshing and entropy (yay TK triggers) burst is Merc + Tether into Execute using cripple and swallow to work em down.
No shades cuz it gives my xbox a nervous break down.
Buffed is something like 3.3k ish spell DMG? 1800 Regen + ele drain and siphon
It's got everything, plus perma invisibility!
Loads o fun (I highly recommend not perma invisibility in duels - it's not cool)
My experience so far has been a good one, but not because I feel like the heavy/snb has been all that strong. But it feels NATURAL. A lot of things just flow with this build compared to a meta style ranged/kite destro/resto build.
A lot of people try and think of magblade as an offensive class, but I would argue the opposite. We have no burst heal. The way to get the most out of hots is to slow the rate at which your health depletes. You wont survive burst some of these guys are putting out on the hots alone. By building defensively, I think you really maximize the sapping nature of the class, wearing them down slowly with sustained damage rather than bursting up front like a magDK.
Concealed weapon keeps major ward/prot up 100% of the time (not to mention stealth bonus). You dont have to worry about how you are going to gap close to pop your incap when you have tried the whole fight to keep the enemy away from you. You dont have to use the clunkiest weave in the game. You dont have to remember to lay down refreshing path every 6 seconds just to keep major ward/prot up when as soon as you lay it down you have to evacuate anyways bc you are getting pressured, rendering the damage/heals from the ability useless. A ranged raw damage magblade just doesnt make sense to me and it wasnt til I played a magDK that made me realize that ultra burst dps isnt the only way to play this class. Not to say there are not some very talented players out there doing it and making it work flawlessly, who I do commend, but I believe based on the way this class is designed they are fighting an uphill battle and this class needs to be reworked in order to better support that style of play if thats how its intended.
I dont know how many of you magblades have stamblades, but if you want to see pure burst, readily available at almost any time, lots of utility, burst heals and strong hots, it will really make you scratch your head and wonder where the hell magblade fell so far short of its stamina counterpart.
Again, this is all my opinion, and I am no elite 1vX'er, but finding a build with my magblade after struggling so long to try and force a playstyle that always just seemed like a crappy sorc was extremely refreshing, and I wish more people were open to building for melee magblade instead of the will proc meta we have right now.
Thats a good question. I am vamp mainly for the recovery and undeath. Tbh I have a hard time telling how well TK is working for me and since my damage is considerably lower, something like skoria to pack more punch might be more useful. I would love to make a frost knight build out of this. I will probably stick with heavy unless I can find the same mitigation in light (which I doubt), but I am a sucker for RP builds. I chose SnB for the utlity of running two sets and the extra stats, but an ice staff build would def have me interested.
While we are theory crafting, has anyone run a twice born star build? They buffed the mundus stones right? Maybe like a twice born star with a defensive set like trans with some regen and get spell and crit or max mag mundus.
Thoughts? Ideas? Experience?
After getting more playtime with my heavy SnB NB, he is struggling a little. The survivability is great but I am having a pretty hard time putting out enough pressure. Really my only offensive capability is coming from cripple, concealed weapon, incap, and refreshing path. Cripple ticks away for around 800-1200 on most targets, and my concealed is hitting for around 4k. Refreshing path is so damn situational, which is why i hate that skill, so I cant really rely on it. I can take down a scrub ok by just keeping them locked down/confused with cc, but a good player I just cant beat their mitigation. Considering adding a damage set but with just one dot ticking and ani canceling concealed weapon, I'm not sure that will ever be enough to wear anyone down into incap/execute combo range. I think skoria might help set up a combo and ditch TK since Im rocking heavy already. Keep war maiden obviously but maybe move to clever alch or julianos for my heavy set. Thoughts?
Skoria procs very will with just cripple and degeneration. Adds a good bit of pressure. Do you run mark target at all? I'm not a big fam because I'm destro resto and use ele drain, but it might help you deal more damage
Oh my, rattlecage
I'm trying this set out on my magblade today and finding it underwhelming although it did double my weapon dmg
Or maybe a lot of weapon damage isn't all it's cracked up to be thoughts?
What I've been wondering about lately is ele drain vs mark target/piercing mark?
Is ele drain really a viable source of resources as people are claiming?
Mark target would eliminate the need for detect pots, maybe?
Right now I'm not running either but I feel the extra penetration is hard to pass up
Anyone here running a 2h/resto build? Was messing with it the other night and just felt conflicted.
The way I tried to play it is like sustain bar and burst bar. Weave swallow cripple degeneration and siphon while keeping up shield till mercy procs the. Lotus to incap and mercy for the burst and a la conceal strike for the follow up.
what I found though is alot of times I end up fighting meele weaving concealed till mercy procs because the damage is more. The heals from swallow seemed more on resto which is nice.
Maybe I just need to find a few good 1v1s to see how this build really works Idk just felt off, but it was 1st run so maybe it will feel more natural. But my initial impression was, is forward momentum really worth it over dw and an extra set passive.