Prince_of_all_Pugs wrote: »I simply do not understand.
Its not shunned by ignorance, your half baked conclusions are whats ignorant. Plenty of small scalers use VD once the groups get big enough. But you seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding for how small scale works so let me educate you. Small scale in general and 1vX in particular is by nature a more spread out and single target oriented play style. Ergo, the effectiveness of VD is greatly diminished. No group of 4 is running around consistently killing 20 stacked zerglings to get the most out of the set. The MO is not to huddle on crown and stack aoes with copious group support, the scenario where VD shines. Its to engage in outnumbered rights and win through tactile use of terrain and precise, targeted, burst damage. Furthermore, 1vXers are probably not likely to run a set that is gonna gimp them in 1v1 situations. When you never play outside group support however, and can stack with other VD users, the set is a lot more appealing.
Hope you understand a bit better now. Its not rocket science.
Prince_of_all_Pugs wrote: »okay arya, Im not taking about using VD to 1vX, the only people who really use VD to 1v X are Bomb blades, i understand if a small man group has to spread out or LOS to get more favorable position, VD aint the best. However Im talking about when a group of 4 or so attacks a stacked group'd thats in a breach/choke or close together, its a good idea to have atleast 1 guy with VD , if the small man grp has good single target dps and manage to kill a guy in the enemy stack while the Friendly VD user is using destro or some aoe, that massive burst of dmg will kill others and if there are more than 3-4 VD procs in a tight spot not even earthgore will save that stack.
P.S. i do understand small scale , that comment was very toxic.
Speed_Kills wrote: »VD lost a lot of appeal after it stopped critting.
Prince_of_all_Pugs wrote: »I humbly request the opinion of a notable bomb blade.
See the problem is they nerfed Prox Det and made VD no longer crit
When they did that they basically removed any chance of a player killing a Ball Group who stacked up
Now add in other changes like Earthgore and such and you have even less chance of getting kills
So what was once a set that you could use to punish Ball Groups now only gets used by Ball Groups because they just run people with it cause who cares if that person sucks at other things...He's got 23 other people backing him up.
Prince_of_all_Pugs wrote: »I humbly request the opinion of a notable bomb blade.
Its not shunned by ignorance, your half baked conclusions are whats ignorant. Plenty of small scalers use VD once the groups get big enough. But you seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding for how small scale works so let me educate you. Small scale in general and 1vX in particular is by nature a more spread out and single target oriented play style. Ergo, the effectiveness of VD is greatly diminished. No group of 4 is running around consistently killing 20 stacked zerglings to get the most out of the set. The MO is not to huddle on crown and stack aoes with copious group support, the scenario where VD shines. Its to engage in outnumbered rights and win through tactile use of terrain and precise, targeted, burst damage. Furthermore, 1vXers are probably not likely to run a set that is gonna gimp them in 1v1 situations. When you never play outside group support however, and can stack with other VD users, the set is a lot more appealing.
Hope you understand a bit better now. Its not rocket science.
Publius_Scipio wrote: »
The meta-obsessed stopped using it because it was no longer as strong as their "op" hearts desired it to be. The conductor signaled the engineer, and the meta train pulled away from the VD Station chugging along to the next stop.
VD and siege weapons are a marriage made in oblivion...