It only works if you manage to have a killing blow.
Prince_of_all_Pugs wrote: »I humbly request the opinion of a notable bomb blade.
It was run aplenty back in the day. But nerfs to it and proxy /inevitable det really hit it hard.
With the destro train issues of the moment a buff to both would be nice.
Prince_of_all_Pugs wrote: »I humbly request the opinion of a notable bomb blade.
kyle.wilson wrote: »Most ball groups are build around NB's that wear this set.
You wont get many kills with this in an organized group, it's main use is bombing groups of pugs.
This is another thing ZOS added to fight large group's and all it did was help ball groups more.
I'm not a bomblade... But have done it when my group asks me too. VD is an awesome thing to have with you if you and like 3 other people are fighting zergs. I will almost never wear it as a primary set. With the constant nerfs to Eye of the storm it makes bombing harder and harder. I'm not that good at it to begin with
EdmundTowers wrote: »VD is ignored? Well I don't participate or keep up with the destro ball group meta, but I thought thats what they used. I thought ball groups were all just mag builds running vd, proxy and destro w/ healing and negate support. So if the ball groups are not running VD, then what are they running instead?
ComboBreaker88 wrote: »Blazing shield builds were the true zerg busters. And ZoS nerfed them into the ground. And then buried them alive. Sure they were annoying, but they couldn't hurt small groups and demolished zergs. ZoS loves zergs. Every move they make is to encourage zergs play.
Prince_of_all_Pugs wrote: »I humbly request the opinion of a notable bomb blade.
Master_Kas wrote: »They nerfed VD to hard. Used to be a time when this set was deadly to even organised good groups, but no longer. Unless you run in a organised group yourself ^^
asneakybanana wrote: »
Vd is good but honestly 1 bomber wearing it is going to be ineffective against ball groups because even if you kill one or 2 ppl to proc VD earthgore will have already procced and healed everyone else to full. It's a great anti Zerg set when you sit there and prox tether an unaware blob on a resource flag or destro bomb the Zerg at chal milegate or the bridge but for the most part it isn't going to really effect ball groups, such as my own, due to them running higher health, having enough heals to counter your damage and Earth Gore to proc and save them when they do get low.
I am not sure if VD was directly nerfed. It was more of Detonation nerf and Heavy Armor Meta combined with way higher HP polls.
Detonation should hit as hard it used to, especially now. With way bigger cap on amount of enemies it can hit.