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The Current Destro Pain Train Meta Needs To Die

  • Publius_Scipio
    I will fix this thread. Scipio story time.
  • Adenoma
    Do it, please.
  • Satiar
    Make sure I’m in the story.
    Vehemence -- Commander and Raid Lead -- Tri-faction PvP
    Knights Paravant -- Co-GM and Raid Lead -- AD Greyhost

  • Elong
    Pubes don't leave me out fam.
  • Ixtyr
    Oh, oh, oh, put me in too! I love stories.
    Ixtyr Falavir - Bosmer Nightblade - Daggerfall Covenant
    Reya Falavir - Dunmer Nightblade - Aldmeri Dominion
    Kaylin Falavir - Dunmer Nightblade - Ebonheart Pact
    Alyna Falavir - Dunmer Dragonknight - Daggerfall Covenant
    Aernah Falavir - Altmer Templar - Daggerfall Covenant
    Aranis Falavir - Bosmer Sorcerer - Daggerfall Covenant
    Aerin Falavir - Bosmer Warden - Daggerfall Covenant
    Rhys Falavir - Orc Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion
    Rhiannon Falavir - Altmer Templar - Aldmeri Dominion
    Nenara Falavir - Argonian Warden - Aldmeri Dominion
    Neera Falavir - Orc Warden - Aldmeri Dominion
    The Ska'vyn Exchange - Guild Master
    Vehemence - Officer
    Nightfighters - Member
    Ømni - Guild Master (Retired)
    Moderator of /r/elderscrollsonline
  • Rainingblood
    I'm all for having better counters than nerfing something. An active counter, not another dang proc... *cough EG....

    What if something like Negate removed the effect when the EotS moved into the area (only within the area of the casted Negate)?
    Phoebe Anderson
  • Ghostbane
    Its been a whole day, this story better be a greek (yogurt) epic.
    {★★★★★ · ★★★★★ · ★★ · ★★★★★}
    350m+ AP PC - EU
    AD :: Imported Waffles [37]EP :: Wee ee ee ee ee [16]DC :: Ghostbane's DK [16], Impending Loadscreen [12]PC - NA
    AD :: Ghostbane [50], yer ma [43], Sir Humphrey Winterbottom 2.0 [18], robotic baby legs [18]EP :: Wee Mad Arthur [50], avast ye buttcrackz [49], Sir Horace Foghorn [27], Brother Ballbag [24], Scatman John [16]DC :: W T B Waffles [36], Morale Boost [30], W T F Waffles [17], Ghostbanë [15]RIPAD :: Sir Humphrey Winterbottom 1.0 [20]
  • Agrippa_Invisus
    Best part about keeping up with this thread and the forums?

    Better PVP than in game.
    Agrippa Invisus / Indominus / Inprimis / Inviolatus
    DragonKnight / Templar / Warden / Sorcerer - Vagabond
    Once a General, now a Citizen
    Former Emperor of Bloodthorn and Vivec
    For Sweetrolls! FOR FIMIAN!
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    I'm all for having better counters than nerfing something. An active counter, not another dang proc... *cough EG....

    What if something like Negate removed the effect when the EotS moved into the area (only within the area of the casted Negate)?

    It would be better if negate functioned as it did before. Could break free from it but it continued to absorb ground casted stuff.

    Well I'm not perfect. After three plus years of frustration and also having to put up with you and Rin's snide remarks condemning VE for things your own guild does, yes I insulted the those tactics that we both use. The horror! Someone get my forum account banned for such a travesty.

    Thanks for admitting your comments changed, I know it was hard for you to admit we were right that the language you used when discussing groups changed :)

    Now for the rest of your post. It was nice to finally see a couple of different answers from you, at the start of your post I wasnt sure but we finally got to them about half way through so I'll stick to the same format.

    You have no comprehension how pejorative and deprecating what you write is. Yet you are so keen to point out how other people insult you.

    I pointed it out because you mentioned "how quick we are to insult you" whilst insulting us yourself. I don't believe I've ever said that I personally minded being insulted or using insulting language. Perhaps you should stop misrepresenting me >:)

    "Meanwhile, what you and Rin have against me is directed at me personally. That's another level entirely."

    I believe I have shown adequately the insults directed at us by both you and your first responders (I know you love that description :P). Again, if you don't like it don't dish it out.

    "deliberately misquote me numerous times."
    Every quote of yours has been unedited other than to bold particular sections to highlight a response. I have never "Misquoted" you.
    If what you typed isn't what you think then thats your issue not mine :)

    "called me a hypocrite on the basis of these wrong assumptions."
    That is what makes you a hypocrite, not the fact necessarily that you once played in them <...> now you no longer have the option you have stepped up your attacks on that style to try and get it removed.
    See the first paragraph of this post, you admit changing your language when attacking organised groups. The fact that you then later "joined an organised group that evening" doesn't change the fact that when you posted this you didn't have one. Its also evidence that you have calmed down since supposedly now "having a group and MANY INVITES YOU DECLINED".

    "And then I have to sit here and listen to you and Rin tell me why I made my own video, my motivations behind it, and what I was criticizing."
    You posted the video as proof of your language towards groups not changing. Why are you so "Incredibly insulted" when we analyse your 'proof' and find it doesn't amount to anything.
    Should I just post a picture of a cat and say "it proves my argument that you are a hypocrite but don't analyse it because its my picture?

    "How would you like it if I posted in your video threads:

    "Hi Brian Wheeler, Eric Wrobel, and Rich Lambert. You see, Rin and Izzy and the rest of Drac claim <...>"

    I would love it if you tried to do it :)
    The difference is that I don't come and post a video of mine to try and prove something it doesn't relate to.

    But then you lecture me about why I made my video and then post a disparaging picture as if I somehow couldn't not comprehend your brilliance.
    You really don't like Monkey pictures do you.
    Actually the picture (of a monkey scratching its head, the height of insult I agree XD) was a direct response to your quote:
    "when it's crystal clear to everyone that it's a metaphor and not meant to be taken literally." It was preceded by my comment "I thought that's what we did now on the forum." being a reply to the previous posts from your guild.

    "This false accusation was already put out in this thread and I made it clear that was not how I felt or what I wrote. Knowing this full well, you decided to write it again. This goes beyond insulting and heads toward libelous."
    I understand now that you consider a disparaging view of your comments insults. Thats why you consider that I have insulted you so much. Thanks for explaining. I disagree with your claim that you made it clear and you have typed previously that your words did not convey your true thoughts and accepted how they can be misconstrued so its actually you in the wrong

    9)You post
    "Because it's not my job to moderate Tex. Tex is not me. Tex does not speak for me. If you have an issue with Tex, either take it up with him or contact a ZoS moderater."
    but group my thoughts and views with all of Drac's. "You see, Rin and Izzy and the rest of Drac claim"
    There's a word for this.. (its one you don't like)

    10) I think this is the funniest denial you insist on repeting. My quote:
    you still ignore your own words and insist that you were insulting tactics
    you then type
    Not true. I wrote this in response.
    I can see how you and others may have taken my insults to the tactics you use personally.
    You also refused to answer the "tactics" you were referring to in each of the quotes a-h that I provided. Thanks confirming my view again.

    So let's get this straight. You actually read my acknowledgemnt of how what I said was insulting and how it was counterproductive and yet you still wrote that I "still ignore your own words and insist that you were insulting tactics." The words were not ignored and an admission was made.

    Again TACTICS is not PLAYERS. See 10.

    This is not a black and white issue, not an either or. ESO has improved with respect to certain things and devolved with others.

    I agree its not a black and white issue. but when you blame X and say "its good it was removed" to then say 2 paragraphs later removing "X was a bad thing"
    Its just poor consitency.

    So you are assuming that just because I wanted to fight other guilds that I approved of this meta, thought it was so wonderful for the game, and invalidated my criticism against it?
    "preferred fighting ball-groups" vs "I don't want to see them".
    Can you see the difference. its not a matter of if you "Liked this style" its the fact that your view changed from wanting to fight a group to not wanting to see them. Why do you keep avoiding this point.

    Because this particular tactic is too devastating against those that don't run it.
    Groups have ALWAYS been devastating to those that don't run in them. The current meta is actually HARDER on groups (excluding the introduction of earthgore) because they can be killed so quickly.

    "tons of evidence that many players believe that ball-groups and mass PBAoEs are a sore spot on the game
    Where are your facts that your stack-on-crown destro-bombing at Ash is so appreciated by the rest of the PvP community? Shall I take some screenshots of DC zone chat to give you some perspective from the other side?"
    Feel free to listen to some other guilds talk about how they enjoy playing together.
    btw Zone screenshots being given as proof of issues its hilarious.

    You still calling people out for using disparaging language? You talk the talk, but don't walk the walk.
    Notice the difference:
    its actually a big problem when people use disparaging language referring to either side and bias the discussion.
    Replying to someone off topic.
    The quote you linked wasn't related to any mechanics discussion or even the topic.

    Edited by Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO on January 3, 2018 11:14PM
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast Podcast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Roleplay Circle (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Banana Squad)
  • frostbreeze
    There was a counter to every single bomb group that could ever be formed. It was called dynamic ultimate and it was what made eso pvp balanced( no I don't play dk I main sorc) giving lower numbers a bit of advantage when fighting huge ones. Zos removed it 2 years ago and pvp is dying slowly but surely since then cause the developer wants superior numbers to have guaranteed win no matter the skill involved. Catering to casuals always destroys pvp cause of the obscure nefs to mechanics that have a high skillcap and the buffs to xv1 skillplay. Eso is a casual game so y don't even bother being competitive in it anymore
  • Xsorus
    Dynamic ultimate would do exactly zero right now against a zergball.
  • bmesi
    Hi Steve
  • Joy_Division

    Keep living in your own world.

    Go right on thinking because you quote me in some respects that gives you thee justification to deliberately misrepresent me in a public forum, go right on thinking that the rest of the PvP community is so glad that stack-on-crown destro-bomb groups are out there making Cyrodiil a fun and fair environment for everyone to compete and play.

    Oh, and a big difference between you and Rin Vs. me and Tex. You quoted Rin, contended it's the truth (even though it wasn't), and said anyone who does not see things her way does not have a full brain and writes stuff that isn't worth reading. You willingly tied yourself to Rin. I have not quoted Tex, not indicated that I agreed with him, did not mock people who disagreed with him

    Go right on deluding yourself that you and that destro ball groups represent all groups in PvP, as if every group agrees with you or your assessments about destro ball-groups. Since you seem it so important that I make amends for insulting people, let me start: @Texas I apologize for calling you a mindless bot.

    Anyway, I'm done here as all you are doing is trying to weasel your way out and justify what you censure other people for doing. As you don't appreciate my longer posts, I'll keep my farewell short and sweet.

    Edited by Joy_Division on January 4, 2018 6:36AM
  • Joy_Division
  • Sharee
    Well I'm not perfect. After three plus years of frustration and also having to put up with you and Rin's snide remarks condemning VE for things your own guild does, yes I insulted the those tactics that we both use. The horror! Someone get my forum account banned for such a travesty.

    Thanks for admitting your comments changed, I know it was hard for you to admit we were right that the language you used when discussing groups changed :)

    He admitted he insulted the tactics you both use. For that to constitute a change of language, he would need to have praised them before. He did not.

    Thus, his comments have not changed. He admitted to no such thing. And you were not right.

    But, keep on trucking. Maybe someday people will get tired of pointing out your misinterpretations and how you put words into people's mouths that they never said, and you will have the whole thread just for yourself.
  • Derra
    Xsorus wrote: »
    Dynamic ultimate would do exactly zero right now against a zergball.

    it would in terms of players running in a zergball not doing it anymore bc they could run smaller groups.
    Most ppl i know personally running zergballs do it bc there is no other way to play the game in the evening.
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • techprince
  • Ghostbane
    {★★★★★ · ★★★★★ · ★★ · ★★★★★}
    350m+ AP PC - EU
    AD :: Imported Waffles [37]EP :: Wee ee ee ee ee [16]DC :: Ghostbane's DK [16], Impending Loadscreen [12]PC - NA
    AD :: Ghostbane [50], yer ma [43], Sir Humphrey Winterbottom 2.0 [18], robotic baby legs [18]EP :: Wee Mad Arthur [50], avast ye buttcrackz [49], Sir Horace Foghorn [27], Brother Ballbag [24], Scatman John [16]DC :: W T B Waffles [36], Morale Boost [30], W T F Waffles [17], Ghostbanë [15]RIPAD :: Sir Humphrey Winterbottom 1.0 [20]
  • Rainraven
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO

    Anyway, I'm done here as all you are doing is trying to weasel your way out and justify what you censure other people for doing. As you don't appreciate my longer posts, I'll keep my farewell short and sweet.

    Thanks for deciding to go back to not replying to any of my points again always nice when someone gives up arguing once they can see they are wrong :)
    justification to deliberately misrepresent me in a public forum
    See point 3 of my previous post. I've never misquoted you and you agreed you misrepresented yourself.
    Go right on deluding yourself that you and that destro ball groups represent all groups in PvP, as if every group agrees with you or your assessments about destro ball-groups
    I don't believe I've ever said this, Infact i've said the opposite. Cyro flourishes when groups of all types (including soloers and zergsurfers) are all participating. It would be better if more groups could strive out on their own away from their faction because that creates more fights and spreads out combat which in turn could lead to higher pop locks etc.

    Sharee wrote: »
    Well I'm not perfect. After three plus years of frustration and also having to put up with you and Rin's snide remarks condemning VE for things your own guild does, yes I insulted the those tactics that we both use. The horror! Someone get my forum account banned for such a travesty.

    Thanks for admitting your comments changed, I know it was hard for you to admit we were right that the language you used when discussing groups changed :)

    He admitted he insulted the tactics you both use. For that to constitute a change of language, he would need to have praised them before. He did not.

    Thus, his comments have not changed. He admitted to no such thing. And you were not right.

    But, keep on trucking. Maybe someday people will get tired of pointing out your misinterpretations and how you put words into people's mouths that they never said, and you will have the whole thread just for yourself.

    You're welcome to reply to any of the points I made on Joys behalf if you wish to, Specifically point 10 about not insulting tactics and insulting players would be of interest for me to hear your views.

    btw you may wish to use this in your "didn't insult players reply"
    Since you seem it so important that I make amends for insulting people, let me start: @Texas I apologize for calling you a mindless bot.

    Edited by Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO on January 4, 2018 6:21PM
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast Podcast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Roleplay Circle (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Banana Squad)
  • Publius_Scipio
    Rainraven wrote: »


    Right now NYC is more like northern Skyrim than the good ole Big Apple. But fear not! I will (as always) shovel and defeat the snow, and I will place a story here in this thread as promised.
  • technohic
    Xsorus wrote: »
    Dynamic ultimate would do exactly zero right now against a zergball.

    I agree. To much is making old ultimates that helped worthless on them. Negate being one of them.
  • Joy_Division
    I've never misquoted you and you agreed you misrepresented yourself.
    "Your mission to remove tools to deal with faction stacks by trying to remove organised group play"


    Not candid or sincere, typically by having an intended meaning altered or misrepresented or by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.

    synonyms: insincere, dishonest, untruthful, false, deceitful, duplicitous, lying, mendacious; hypocritical
  • Tillalarrien
    Hahah why did I only just found this tread? Ok lets dip our toe in the water:

    Nerf destros, guild groups will just adapt to new meta. You basicly asking to nerf good organisation and teamwork :)
    Edited by Tillalarrien on January 4, 2018 11:49PM
    Valkynaz of the Daedric Order
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    I've never misquoted you and you agreed you misrepresented yourself.
    "Your mission to remove tools to deal with faction stacks by trying to remove organised group play"


    Not candid or sincere, typically by having an intended meaning altered or misrepresented or by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.

    synonyms: insincere, dishonest, untruthful, false, deceitful, duplicitous, lying, mendacious; hypocritical

    do you mean like posting:
    Anyway, I'm done here

    and then continuing to reply? ;)
    Edited by Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO on January 5, 2018 2:33AM
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast Podcast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Roleplay Circle (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Banana Squad)
  • vanzan
    Our current group build is with 0 destros, 1 earthgore and 1 negate. You don't have to follow the current meta if you start a new one.

    Here is the result
    Vanzan Lizardman - TKG

  • Texas

    I'm honestly trying to figure out who the 1 person is who keeps AWESOMING your posts. Must be your gal pal. I can feel that guild love!
    Vehemence Mindless Zergling
    All Classes and All Factions
  • Texas
    vanzan wrote: »
    Our current group build is with 0 destros, 1 earthgore and 1 negate. You don't have to follow the current meta if you start a new one.

    Here is the result

    Solid play from a solid guild!
    Vehemence Mindless Zergling
    All Classes and All Factions
  • HoloYoitsu
    Edited by HoloYoitsu on January 5, 2018 5:10AM
  • HoloYoitsu
    I've never misquoted you and you agreed you misrepresented yourself.
    "Your mission to remove tools to deal with faction stacks by trying to remove organised group play"


    Not candid or sincere, typically by having an intended meaning altered or misrepresented or by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.

    synonyms: insincere, dishonest, untruthful, false, deceitful, duplicitous, lying, mendacious; hypocritical

    do you mean like posting:
    Anyway, I'm done here

    and then continuing to reply? ;)
    It's generally expected that people reply when you try to defame them in a public forum.

    I swear, reading this thread is like watching the wizard and the kitty in DC /zone.
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