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Main Thread for Long Loading Screens

  • cheemers
    Normal PS4, EU, first party hard drive.

    Like many people who work full time, I have limited time to spend on playing video games.

    Today I got home from work and thought I could do some pvp and get transmutation crystals. I logged on to my first character and queued up for battlegrounds. The queue didn't take very long, but the loading screen going into Ald Carac immediately gave me the message "This may be an unusually long load time". I waited for 10+ minutes looking at the same screen before deciding to close the application and try again. I log back into my character and notice I can't requeue for battlegrounds - I have a 17 minute deserter penalty.

    That's fine, I have four other pvp-ready characters. I log into character number 2 and queue for battlegrounds. The queue is slightly longer this time, but the loading screen into the Arcane University Chaosball game is mercifully over within 30 seconds. We get into the game and it is immediately obvious that there is a degree of lag, with abilities firing about 0.5 - 1 seconds after they are pressed. That's fine, I can try and compensate for that a little bit with my gameplay. We play for a couple of minutes uneventfully, I get some kills, and then I get taken down by the opposing team. There are only 2 seconds left on the respawn counter so I think myself lucky. Not so. I get into a loading screen instead of respawning, with the all-too-familiar and not at all unusual message emblazoned in white across the top. I can hear battle music but cannot do anything as I look helplessly at this loading screen. I look at this screen for a further 5 minutes before closing application yet again.

    This time I'm smart enough to know that there's no point logging into that same character again, since I've obviously broken the rules of the battlegrounds and, for my sins, will have been hit with the deserter penalty again. I log into character number 3 and decide to go into cyrodiil instead. 2 bars across the board on the main campaign, as to be expected just before primetime. I get the ballistas out the bank and use the transitus shrine to move to a remote keep, not even on the frontline, to get my bearings. Immediately we have an unusually long load time again. Exasperated, I stare at this screen for nearly another 10 minutes, until I get up out of my chair and give up on ESO for the night.

    I had ESO running for nearly an hour, in which time I was able to get about 5 minutes of gametime. By all accounts, this is NOT acceptable.

    I've played this game for over two years on PS4 EU, have twelve maxed characters, have regrettably spent hundreds of pounds on the crown store... and this is the closest I have come to vowing to never return to this malfunctioning mess ever again. The player experience is currently atrocious, there's no two ways about it.

    You guys need to sort this out quickly before more long-term players get completely disillusioned and quit for good. Please focus on providing an experience that is even bordering on playable instead of simply pushing out new content from the pipeline. I have cancelled my ESO+, I'm not going to pay money just to have my time wasted. Anyone sharing my sentiments - vote with your wallet.
    Edited by cheemers on November 14, 2017 7:41PM
    Youtube channel:

    PS4 EU - 18 characters, all DC
  • LukosCreyden
    I'll throw my experiences in, as requested:

    PS4, EU, On-board hard drive.

    Endless loading screen after death in Cyrodiil, resetted game and reloaded character. Character dead in Deshaan, hit another endless loading screen on attempting respawn at local wayshrine. These occurences seem to be 90% likely and upward.

    Frequent "ELS" when attempting to enter the "three crows" world boss room in the Clockwork City, I'd say 50% chance of getting one.

    porting to another player using the friends or guild list has a chance to produce an "ELS". This one seems to be not quite so common.

    Porting to somewhere that is in the same zone I am currently in seems to be the worst offender.

    That is all I can really add to the discussion, really glad you guys are working on this! <3

    Struggling to find a new class to call home.Please send help.
  • Taysa

    Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 1600 six-core
    No SSD
    Loading screens are in abundance everywhere, but Cyrodiil is especially bad. Activities done while these loading screens occur include:

    - Rezzing at a keep
    - Rezzing at an outpost
    - Rezzing at a forward camp
    - Rezzing at a town (especially Bruma)
    - Repairing a wall (inner or outer, doesn't matter)
    - Repairing a door (inner or outer, doesn't matter)
    - Running between objectives (NOT using a transitus. Just riding my horse and I get smacked with a loading screen. BRK to Chal, Ales to Glade seem to be the worst)
    - Using the wayshrine to get in/out of Cyrodiil
    - Using the transitus to port around Cyrodiil
    - Zoning into or out of delves (Toadstool Hollow is especially bad)
    - Large scale fights inside a keep will sometimes trigger a random loading screen.
    - Zoning anywhere within Imperial City.

    Vivec is by far the worst, but I've experienced these load screens on Shor and Sotha as well.
    Edited by Taysa on November 14, 2017 8:23PM
    5/24/18: The day ZoS suspended my forum account for trolling a troll.
  • MornaBaine
    About every third time I teleport to my player house (usually Mournoth Keep in Bangkorai) I get stuck in an eternal loading screen and have to shut down the game. Oh and I am on PC, NA megaserver. No SSD drive, no external drive.
    Edited by MornaBaine on November 14, 2017 9:04PM
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Ruckly
    I'm currently in an infinite loading screen after porting from one keep to another in cyrodiil.

    Megaserver: America?

    PC processor: i-7 @ 3.4

    SSD: Yes. Both SSD and a 2TB disk

    Only time I can recollect getting an infinite loading screen is testing this out in cyrodill now.

    CPU usage fluctuates between 18-25 with the mean probably about 20 in task manager. I don't have a 3rd party program to analyse what each processor load is.

    My computer is very stable and secure. I conjecture you have a DOS worm problem between ISP and client. From there the problem could be anything.

    There is also no great disparity between data sent and received on my network so I assume the program is crashed but thinks it's loading with a placeholder host maybe.
    Edited by Ruckly on November 14, 2017 8:54PM
  • Zyjin
    PCNA: Running an AMD Fx-6300

    I don't encounter much in the way of infinite load screens, but I encounter some long ones occasionally, I think primarily when going into dungeons. I think the only infinite load screens I get are actually when logging on or switching characters, but I haven't got too many I can say.

    Most encounters are traveling to new areas, i.e new dungeon, new area on the map. Going from one location to another within the same area using a wayshrine usually loads pretty well(atleast in Auridon I haven't had many issues) can't say I have spent a ton of time elsewhere however.

    Not running on an SSD, just standard HDD.

    Glad to see the initiative ZoS! Here's to hoping we can solve this together and fix the issues of infinite load screens once and for all!
  • x_t7ink_x
    **EDIT long standing eso plus member on ps4 paying for god knows what**

    Load screens are a joke they have been bad for 2 years but youre are royally taking the michael now pve content ie trials the only thing left for me to do isnt playable... pvp isnt playable... dungeons arent playable as you end up 4 meters back from where you were. STOP addidng whimsical features like glasses next to armour for research and for the love of god FIX THE BASICS!!!!!
    Edited by x_t7ink_x on November 14, 2017 9:19PM
    PS4 EU AD

    Vet 16 DK High Elf Tank
    Vet 16 Templar High Elf
    Vet 2 Sorc High Elf
    Vet 1 Mageblade Breton
    Baby Stamplar Redguard
    Baby Stamblade R.I.P.

    'If your looking for Whit, I'd say you're half way there''

    Raiders of the Lost Maw GM -
    Community Page owner 1.2k members -
  • AleTaras
    Ps4 pro standard, eu server
    Everytime loading screen u have 90% stuck...
    In vSA we are in progress for hm.. Ppl freeze then they come back stuck in loading screen when try to join again in arena...
    All is *** atm.. All trial, cyrodiil, all loading screen
    Edited by AleTaras on November 14, 2017 9:21PM
  • pzschrek
    Mine...are not as bad as described by some others.

    I5 6600k
    SSD: Yes

    I really only get game-breaking ones in Cyrodiil.

    1. For the groups I run with, if the group exercises tight "visibility checks" at the beginning of the raid and each time someone joins the group, the loadscreen issues are rare. Also if good discipline is maintained on kicking offline people. If the group does not, they are much more likely to occur.

    2. They normally happen on transitus, but also happen when a keep flips or when a wall is repaired and there are a lot of people present. For the non-transitus cases, lots of people around make it more likely, and if active fighting is also occuring when it flips/repairs then it also seems even more likely.

    3. I occasionally run in a group that has a lot of oceanic members and members from other places in the world. Load screens/crashes are a GREAT many times more likely even with viz checks with this group than with the NA groups, where following the viz checks rule eliminates a lot of the loadscreen problems.

    All of RUIN gaming got stuck in a load screen when a keep flipped last night. A few of us murdered all 20 of them as they just stood there, it was hilarious. I was so happy! Normally I'm on the receiving end of that BS.
    “The enemy is anybody who's going to get you killed, no matter which side he is on.”
  • Rex-Umbra
    Xbox NA
    Xbox One S.

    Just got my first permanent load screen after leaving group after fiinshing random dungeon.
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • Bobby_V_Rockit
    PS4 EU
    Regular PS4
    Factory installed hard drive

    Only in trials when using doors that have a load screen.
  • Get_Blazed613
    Ps4 Na/digital copy installed on HD no SSD.

    anytime I am in cyro using transitus shrine or die seems to always trigger loadscreen however I am able to play in IC without it happening getting killed by player or moving from one district to another doesn't seem to trigger the problem there hope this helps.
  • agegarton
    iMac (5K, 27 inch, 2017)
    EU server.

    Long loading screens while part of a large group in Alik’r running Dolmens. Switch from wayshrine to wayshrine caused delays of 4-6 mins on average.
  • LiquidPony
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom

    Had an odd occurrence last night that I think is worth noting since it was unique and might offer a good opportunity to look at the logs and troubleshoot.

    Group on XB/NA, running vMoL. Pretty smooth run except we had 1 player get stuck in a long load screen at the hallway before Rakkhat.

    Due to that screwing up our time, we decided to reset the instance and run it again. However, when trying to port out of MoL (either by walking out the door or fast-traveling somewhere), the entire group, all 12 people, got stuck in a long load screen and had to force-quit the game.

    Usually in Trials it's been a handful of people at most affected by the load screen of doom, but in this case the whole group had to reset.
  • geonsocal
    Ballcap wrote: »
    NA PS4 Standard with Factory HD. Primarily in Cyrodiil with transit shrines or death respawn gets a load screen that doesn’t end.

    at this point - i'm gonna go out on a limb and guess just about every single iteration of the loading screen bug has been described ad nauseam...

    taking a break from pvp at the moment...soon, probably taking a break from the game...

    if anything - i'd just like to add:
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • doslekis
    PS4 NA regular ps4

    First Party Hard Drive

    The problem is in PVP, both battlegrounds and Cyrodiil.

    Porting in to either is quick 20 seconds. Using a wayshrines will spark endless load screen in cyrodiil. Resurrecting in either battlegrounds or cyrodiil will spark endless load screen.

    THIS IS CONSISTENT. Previous to clockwork city patch this would happen once every hour or so. Now it is unplayable. Vivec NA is dead at primetime because of this, cannot que for battlegrounds because everyone knows they will get stuck in a load screen.

    I would threaten to unsubscribe like I've seen others doing. But you guys did such a beautiful job on clockwork city that I can wait this bug out.

    But seriously after you fix this, you need to reset the campaigns, the only ones winning are zergs who can revive each other.
    Edited by doslekis on November 15, 2017 1:06AM
    I don't normally use daggers, but when I do, I choose dos Lekis.
  • GossiTheDog
    It happens for me near every time I respawn after death in Cyrodiil on Xbox One X. It's so bad the player population on Cyrodiil (EU megaserver) has gone so low that, even at peak time, no faction population is near full on any campaign.
  • Jade1986
    • Let us know which system and megaserver you’re on if you’re currently having this issue.
        PC EU
      • If you’re on PS4, please specify if you’re on a regular PS4 or PS4 Pro.
      • If on Xbox, please specify if you’re using an Xbox One, Xbox One S, or Xbox One X.
      • If you’re a PC player, let us know what sort of processor you’re running.
      Intel I7 - 3820 @4,2 ghz
    • Is there any specific area or zone you consistently see a long loading screen? Cyrodiil for the last 4 years
    • What are you doing when you experience a long loading screen?
      • I.e.: Using a wayshrine, resurrecting, looting, etc.
      Resurrecting, repairing a wall, door, anything at keeps, going from shrine to shrine, pretty much every thing. Heck there are even times when you get a loading screen for no good reason in cyro for 5-15 minutes
    • Are you utilizing any sort of SSD? Hybrid HDD / SSD
    • If you play on Xbox, is the game installed on the internal hard drive or an external hard drive?
    • If you’re on PS4, are you using the first party hard drive or a replacement?

  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Hey everyone, thanks so much for contributing your info to this thread. To give you all an update, our QA team has been hard at work continually testing the different scenarios we mentioned at the start of this thread, which has given our engineers a lot of data to work with. One of the things they found is it seems like there may be an issue with some textures failing to load, which in turn is causing seemingly-infinite loading screens. We're going to be testing some potential fixes for this, in addition to determining exactly which textures are causing an issue. This isn't to say this is the exact or only thing causing the loading screens, but it's certainly a promising lead.

    Thanks again for your continued patience, and we'll be sure to give you another update when we get some news.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • geonsocal
    Hey everyone, thanks so much for contributing your info to this thread. To give you all an update, our QA team has been hard at work continually testing the different scenarios we mentioned at the start of this thread, which has given our engineers a lot of data to work with. One of the things they found is it seems like there may be an issue with some textures failing to load, which in turn is causing seemingly-infinite loading screens. We're going to be testing some potential fixes for this, in addition to determining exactly which textures are causing an issue. This isn't to say this is the exact or only thing causing the loading screens, but it's certainly a promising lead.

    Thanks again for your continued patience, and we'll be sure to give you another update when we get some news.

    @Thogard ...okay thogard, you're up...obviously miss gina needs to be careful with her words...

    so tell me - what does this really mean, and, any guesses on the length of time it'll take to fix...

    my understanding if the fix involves updating something within the platforms xbox and PlayStation themselves it'll take an additional 2 weeks...
    Edited by geonsocal on November 14, 2017 11:38PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • AnviOfVai
    Ah thanks for the update! it is much appreciated and keeps everyone in the loop on what is actually happening.

    Occasionaly before all these loading screens became an Issue, in Cyrodiil I sometimes got an issue where you have just respawned and the textures don't load (especially the dirt areas) and when you walk into them your character gets stuck and continously runs until the texture reloads, did anyone else experience this?
    "I appear at my lord's behest, or perhaps I was always here, and you merely lacked the ability to see me."

    PS4 - EU

    AD - Pet Sorcerer - Damage Dealer - 160
    DC - Warden - Werewolf - in - progress - 160
    DC - Templar - Tank - 160
    DC - Sorcerer - Damage Dealer - in - progress
    EP - Dragon Knight -Fire Tank - 160
    EP - Nightblade - Damage Dealer - 160

  • Korpsy666
    Ps4 Pro
    NA serveur, Shor realms, never play on other one
    Eso is install on main 1to hard drive.
    Playing east na zone from quebec canada.
    Eso+ member.

    Got 5 min to infinite loading screen only in campain.
    Never got in PVE
    Never got on main loading when I enter campain zone.

    Got it every time I die, or move to an other keep. Got it on ramdom loading screen in Cyrodiil, you know this loading screen no one know why we got it.
  • rafaelcsmaia
    Ps4 na, cyrodiil currently is on a load screen extravaganza, if I die i might aswell close the app, cuz its a sure load screen
  • Slyjinxy
    PS4 Destiny The Taken King Edition.

    Original stock hard drive.

    NA server

    It happens to me in Clockwork City using wayshrines and the portals that take you to a delve or world boss. It just happened both going in and coming out out of the portal to Exarch's Egress.
  • LordSlif
    Xbox one Na. PvP, DG, on cities... me and all of my brazilians friends.
  • NinchiTV
    Hey everyone, thanks so much for contributing your info to this thread. To give you all an update, our QA team has been hard at work continually testing the different scenarios we mentioned at the start of this thread, which has given our engineers a lot of data to work with. One of the things they found is it seems like there may be an issue with some textures failing to load, which in turn is causing seemingly-infinite loading screens. We're going to be testing some potential fixes for this, in addition to determining exactly which textures are causing an issue. This isn't to say this is the exact or only thing causing the loading screens, but it's certainly a promising lead.

    Thanks again for your continued patience, and we'll be sure to give you another update when we get some news.

    That's it. I was killing DC in their keep and notice they could respawn with no problem at all because all the textures of the keep already loaded. I can only hope for this fix to come out in a day or 2. But this was a *** nightmare.
  • Vesper_BR
    Xbox One, NA
    Game saved on internal hard drive
    Load screen in the following:
    - Cirodill 100% of the time when Respawn after death.
    -Cyrodiil using transitus wayshrines (50%)

    -wayshrines in Alik'r, almost always
    -50% of the time immediately after successfully porting to a wayshrine in a busy zone (mournhold, raw'l kha, wayrest)
    -Severe lag everywhere but especially in the busy zones and in Grahtwood, Elden Root
    -Sound cuts in and out
    -frequently, guild chat channels fail to work

    Unrelated: after porting to a wayshrine, players are those black silhouettes for apprx 3-5mns, and my character is completely invisible for about a minute or two.

  • woe
    Before the update i had less than 2 second load screens to go anywhere. Now i'm on my level 7 char and it took me 3min to load into the harborage.

    PC NA

    CPU: i7-7700k @ 4.2GHz + NZXT Kraken x62 v2
    RAM: G.Skill Ripjaws V 16GB DDR4 @ 3200
    HDD: Samsung 850 EVO 250GB + Samsung 850 EVO 500GB
    OS: Windows 10 Pro
  • Airyus
    PC NA - i7 - 16 gb ram - 1080 vid - win 10 is my main machine but have successfull reproduced the issue in multiple machines. When in a group and one of the players are invisible (only see their chevron but not the player) and someone ports to or away from the group, this will result in a loading screen. Happens about 80% of the time anywhere in cyrodiil or 50% of the time anywhere else outside cyrodiil.
  • eso_lags
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom I am going to give you a scenario that you can pass on to your team and they can get a load screen, almost guaranteed, 99% of the time....

    Go into cyrodil on xbox (maybe ps4 as well) and let someone kill you.. Then try to respawn at a keep.. 99/100 times you will get the infinite load screen.. Other than that i get then when traveling in pve around 60% of the time.. Mostly in CwC but thats where i spend most of my time unless im dueling or in BGs or at my house..
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