Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Main Thread for Long Loading Screens

  • Vahrokh
    Long loading screen (until you ALT+F4 and restart client) is really alive and kicking in Cyrodill.

    This thread shows computer specs and detailed log of what happens.
  • bottleofsyrup
    PC NA, still getting infinite load screens on Shor.
  • Zihif
    Soul Shriven
    The recent adjustment has worked well I am not dealing with long load screens anymore thanks for the fix
  • gabormezo
    I'm on PC EU, haven't got LSOD after the patch. It was very frequent in Cyro during respawns, so I consider that case as fixed. Atleast it got improved for sure.

    However there are more noticable after CWC patch issues remaining.

    CWC notes stated that loading times improved. LSOD aside they are not. It's the opposite actually, they took longer. Especially after a BG match I have to wait for 2-3 minutes to get back to Tamriel.

    CWC improved fps in Cyro definitely. Cyro performance was fine for a few weeks after CWC patch. But nowadays it's totally unplayable, because we have a smooth game that runs in 2 seconds in the past. Ping is fine, fps is great, but the skills doesn't get started when a button gets pressed, only 2 seconds after. If u have a ranged or a dot build, u are the king, if anything else, u funked. Guys, in its current state, u can delete Cyro.exe for good.

    Anyway, thanks for the crowns. Now gotta race change ... :)
    Edited by gabormezo on December 14, 2017 8:10PM
  • Iselin
    As long as they continue pumping out new textures to sell in the cash shop or Clown Crates performance will always get worse, not better. Dress-up online will never have the performance that legacy ESO once had... bad as that was.
  • Kuramas9tails
    Dear Player,

    We're writing to let you know we recently added 1500 crowns to your ESO account as a small token of appreciation for assisting us with the recent long loading screens issue. By providing the information we requested in a constructive manner, you helped us to more quickly pinpoint the issue and roll out a fix for everyone. We're still working on additional issues related to long load screens, and will continue to reference the valuable information that you supplied.

    Thank you!

    Anyone else get this?

    I got this!
    Miswar wrote: »

    This is flat out bad joke is it not?

    First their customerservice flat out ignores straight forward tickets as mentioned above.

    I know they read this thread so respond via email about issue or have I NOT spend enough euros for you to bother? Last I check have unfortunately spend more than few hundred but who is counting,

    Enough of this bs just handle the ticket and I'am done. That should NOT be too much to ask from customerservice.

    It's not a joke. If you had responded to their request they asked for in the forum post, you should have received this. I had a ticket in wait for almost a month and I went to the forums and created my own topic and got a response from someone from ZOS who then put my ticket at the top of the line for service and a fast response (note: ticket was about a crown store item, not load screens). I believe my ticket on an item I bought was delayed because of everyone putting in tickets about the load screens because it's never been that bad for me.

    If you put a ticket in about the load screens, you probably wont get a direct response because it's an issue known, addressed, being discussed at ZOS and finding a plan/solution. Putting in a ticket about load screens was not the best route to take if you wanted a response from ZOS.

    Customer service is a completely different department with limitations who do not respond on forums.
      Your friendly neighborhood crazy cat lady of ESO
      New PSN name: SundariTheLast. Proud seller in RedEye Empire, PURPLE GANG and Backalley Trading.
      AD High Elf Mageblade DPS (General)(Former Empress) -- Stormproof/VMOL, VHOF, VDSA completion
      AD Khajiit Mageblade DPS -- Flawless Conquerer
    • Koteikins
      Soul Shriven
      I keep stumbling upon this bug, when loading indicator (the uroboros animation in the lower right corner) disappears and I'm getting stuck in the loading screen. I can hear people moving, familiars roaring, messages appering in my inbox, but the static picture of loading screen still wont go and I have to restart the game.

      I often get this when farming dolmens in Alik'r and chaotically teleporting between its wayshrines, but a few minutes ago got it while teleporting to Shadowfen from Eastmarch.

      And while I really appreciate the artwork in those screens and don't mind to look at it for some time, I also would like to know if there is a possible way to prevent this.
    • Elsonso
      Koteikins wrote: »
      I keep stumbling upon this bug, when loading indicator (the uroboros animation in the lower right corner) disappears and I'm getting stuck in the loading screen. I can hear people moving, familiars roaring, messages appering in my inbox, but the static picture of loading screen still wont go and I have to restart the game.

      I often get this when farming dolmens in Alik'r and chaotically teleporting between its wayshrines, but a few minutes ago got it while teleporting to Shadowfen from Eastmarch.

      And while I really appreciate the artwork in those screens and don't mind to look at it for some time, I also would like to know if there is a possible way to prevent this.

      This happened to me today when zoning into Eastmarch on PC/NA. I was wondering if a 2 minute timeout would kick in, but that came and went. I could hear everything that was going on, but was staring at the loading screen with no ouroboros at the bottom. Eventually, I went to ALT-F4 to kill the game, and the game did not die. It just kept playing the sound like I had done nothing. I had to CTRL-ALT-DEL to get control back from the game.
      The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

      PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
      XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
      X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
    • madeeh91rwb17_ESO
      I have been facing these unending load-screens since mid November on ZONE CHANGE(within a zone works fine). It always worked fine before that.
      I am not sure what is the problem here, but perhaps you can take a look at it.

      It has something to do with the following function
      function LoadingScreen_Base:QueueShow(...)
          self:Log("Load Screen - Queue Show")
          if self:IsPreferredScreen() then
              if not self.hasShownFirstTip then
                  self:Log("Load Screen - Queue Show - Show")
                  self.hasShownFirstTip = true
                  self.lastUpdate = GetFrameTimeMilliseconds()
                  self:Log("Load Screen - Queue Show - Added to Pending")
                  table.insert(self.pendingLoadingTips, {...})

      From my interface log:
      Successful Jump:
      Load Screen - OnPrepareForJump
      Load Screen - Queue Show
      Load Screen - Queue Show - Show
      Load Screen - Show
      Load Screen - OnAreaLoadStarted
      Load Screen - Queue Show
      Load Screen - Queue Show - Added to Pending
      Load Screen - GAME_DATA Complete

      Failed Jump:
      Load Screen - OnPrepareForJump
      Load Screen - Queue Show
      Load Screen - Queue Show - Show
      Load Screen - Show
      Infinite Load Screen Without Any Timeout
      Edited by madeeh91rwb17_ESO on December 14, 2017 8:59PM
    • Waffennacht
      I have been facing these unending load-screens since mid November on ZONE CHANGE(within a zone works fine). It always worked fine before that.
      I am not sure what is the problem here, but perhaps you can take a look at it.

      It has something to do with the following function
      function LoadingScreen_Base:QueueShow(...)
          self:Log("Load Screen - Queue Show")
          if self:IsPreferredScreen() then
              if not self.hasShownFirstTip then
                  self:Log("Load Screen - Queue Show - Show")
                  self.hasShownFirstTip = true
                  self.lastUpdate = GetFrameTimeMilliseconds()
                  self:Log("Load Screen - Queue Show - Added to Pending")
                  table.insert(self.pendingLoadingTips, {...})

      From my interface log:
      Successful Jump:
      Load Screen - OnPrepareForJump
      Load Screen - Queue Show
      Load Screen - Queue Show - Show
      Load Screen - Show
      Load Screen - OnAreaLoadStarted
      Load Screen - Queue Show
      Load Screen - Queue Show - Added to Pending
      Load Screen - GAME_DATA Complete

      Failed Jump:
      Load Screen - OnPrepareForJump
      Load Screen - Queue Show
      Load Screen - Queue Show - Show
      Load Screen - Show
      Infinite Load Screen Without Any Timeout

      They only care about the first 5 pages or so
      Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
      1300+ CP
      Battleground PvP'er

      Waffennacht' Builds
    • Elsonso
      I have been facing these unending load-screens since mid November on ZONE CHANGE(within a zone works fine). It always worked fine before that.
      I am not sure what is the problem here, but perhaps you can take a look at it.

      It has something to do with the following function
      function LoadingScreen_Base:QueueShow(...)
          self:Log("Load Screen - Queue Show")
          if self:IsPreferredScreen() then
              if not self.hasShownFirstTip then
                  self:Log("Load Screen - Queue Show - Show")
                  self.hasShownFirstTip = true
                  self.lastUpdate = GetFrameTimeMilliseconds()
                  self:Log("Load Screen - Queue Show - Added to Pending")
                  table.insert(self.pendingLoadingTips, {...})

      From my interface log:
      Successful Jump:
      Load Screen - OnPrepareForJump
      Load Screen - Queue Show
      Load Screen - Queue Show - Show
      Load Screen - Show
      Load Screen - OnAreaLoadStarted
      Load Screen - Queue Show
      Load Screen - Queue Show - Added to Pending
      Load Screen - GAME_DATA Complete

      Failed Jump:
      Load Screen - OnPrepareForJump
      Load Screen - Queue Show
      Load Screen - Queue Show - Show
      Load Screen - Show
      Infinite Load Screen Without Any Timeout

      They only care about the first 5 pages or so

      Huh. :disappointed:

      @madeeh91rwb17_ESO ... interesting, but the execution of the code probably goes into "self:Show(...)" before it hangs, given that it actually displays the loading screen.

      Edit: needs more emoticons.
      Edited by Elsonso on December 14, 2017 10:59PM
      The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

      PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
      XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
      X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
    • itscompton
      infinite load screen going from Davon's Watch transit to Ebonheart transit while doing New Life Festival mission. On a PS4 pro.
    • Ruckly
      Infinite load screen tanking vaults of madness. Got knocked of edge and relogged and ended up rejoining same group with super long load screen. Other people went offline. People tried to join and got infinite load screens.
    • Glurin
      Just got an infinite load screen while traveling from Vulkel Guard to Davon's Watch via boat. Interesting note, I had sound like everything had loaded just fine as I could hear the wave sound effects and people nearby casting spells or getting on mounts and such. I tried a few things like pressing the mount button or casting spells and such to see if I got any sound effects from it, but there was nothing.

      Also got one last week that I didn't think anything of at the time. Chalked it up to a random glitch or something. Was in Elden Root. Accidentally stole an item and the guard chased me. Had some other stolen stuff I didn't want to lose at the time so I ran. Took a wrong turn, got killed and decided to res at the wayshrine. That's when I got the infinite load screen where I could hear people doing things around me, but I couldn't to my knowledge do anything.

      I'm on PC NA. Processor is an i7-6700. Not using a SSD.
      "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."
    • Miswar
      I got my ticket closed...

      Since posted here just a friendly information how these digital product issues are handled.

      Unless these types of issues happen in 1st 14 days of subscription than than console manufacturer is not responsible for the product like eso+ and state that game developers are the responsible ones... and vice versa.

      Basically either avoid longer than 1 month subscriptions or ignore them completely are ways to go about it.

      Each one of their own decisions ofc not recommending eiher way.

      Lessons learned here and I'am done with eso+ or similar products for foreseeable future.

      These type of digital addons are like old wild west where anything goes. As said at the moment done with eso+ and also with these forums.

      Too much hassle and time spend sorting these kind of things out.

      Anyways just info for those still tangled with this issue just wanted to share since it affected so many console users.

      Good luck to all and enjoy forthcoming holidays.
    • ravendies
      Still have some long loading screens, some endless that only closing ESO will fix. Now I also have game crashes and freezing as well after the "fix" that was done. I can still play as it only occasional but my wife has freezes and crashing multiple times a day. We are both using the same system to run it on so I don't think it is the computer we are using causing this.
      Edited by ravendies on December 15, 2017 5:40PM
    • OutLaw_Nynx
      I haven’t come across the long loading screens personally since the patch. Just the usual lag for me.
    • MrGraves
      Still getting them here. Usually when I'm logging in for the first time each day. or if I close the game and come back.
    • LylleatheBlue
      Soul Shriven
      PC, Windows 10 (fully updated), both EU and NA servers, no solid state hard drive
      I had some eternal loading screens (both going from outside to inside a dungeon and when first trying to load a character after selected in the character select screen) before the patch (but just put it down to an interrupted connection to the server), but after the patch was completely unable to get to the character load screen. I believe it was constantly stalling at SHARED_CHARACTER_OBJECT, but I forgot to back up the log before I did a full uninstall and reinstall, sorry. I do know it didn't matter whether I was trying to connect to the NA or EU server, the same thing occurred. Repair didn't help, hence the reinstall. I also removed all my add-ons, just to see if that made a difference, and nope.

      On the plus side, the full uninstall and reinstall seems to have fixed it for the moment (fingers crossed). I was able to log in, get crafting mail, and log back out, no problems, even in Vivec. If I run into the eternal loading screen, I'll try to remember to jot down what I was doing at the time. I'm only level 14 and don't group atm, so it'll probably be while questing and moving around zones.

      "You aren't allowed to look confused yet. We haven't started physics." - a quote from my physics 216 professor, who'll deny she said it till her dying day.
      "Where's the healer?"
      "Over there mining."
      "Gorram it, why did we recruit a priest who's completely incapable of leaving a mining node behind?"'
      "Because she bubbles and melts face like a champ."
      ->Guild convo between raid while waiting for me to show for one of the Cataclysm raids
    • RMerlin
      Still experiencing endless load screens while trying to revive in Cyrodiil unfortunately...
    • madeeh91rwb17_ESO
      I have been facing these unending load-screens since mid November on ZONE CHANGE(within a zone works fine). It always worked fine before that.
      I am not sure what is the problem here, but perhaps you can take a look at it.

      It has something to do with the following function
      function LoadingScreen_Base:QueueShow(...)
          self:Log("Load Screen - Queue Show")
          if self:IsPreferredScreen() then
              if not self.hasShownFirstTip then
                  self:Log("Load Screen - Queue Show - Show")
                  self.hasShownFirstTip = true
                  self.lastUpdate = GetFrameTimeMilliseconds()
                  self:Log("Load Screen - Queue Show - Added to Pending")
                  table.insert(self.pendingLoadingTips, {...})

      From my interface log:
      Successful Jump:
      Load Screen - OnPrepareForJump
      Load Screen - Queue Show
      Load Screen - Queue Show - Show
      Load Screen - Show
      Load Screen - OnAreaLoadStarted
      Load Screen - Queue Show
      Load Screen - Queue Show - Added to Pending
      Load Screen - GAME_DATA Complete

      Failed Jump:
      Load Screen - OnPrepareForJump
      Load Screen - Queue Show
      Load Screen - Queue Show - Show
      Load Screen - Show
      Infinite Load Screen Without Any Timeout

      They only care about the first 5 pages or so

      Huh. :disappointed:

      @madeeh91rwb17_ESO ... interesting, but the execution of the code probably goes into "self:Show(...)" before it hangs, given that it actually displays the loading screen.

      Edit: needs more emoticons.

      Yesterday I had no problems.
      I looked at the interface and noticed that the difference between a failed and successful inter-zone jumps is this one line:
      Load Screen - OnAreaLoadStarted

      I have many SUCCESSFUL jumps like this WITHOUT that "Added to Pending" line
      2017-12-16T00:38:30.543+05:00 Load Screen - Hide
      2017-12-16T00:38:43.608+05:00 Load Screen - OnAreaLoadStarted
      2017-12-16T00:38:43.608+05:00 Load Screen - Queue Show
      2017-12-16T00:38:43.608+05:00 Load Screen - Queue Show - Show
      2017-12-16T00:38:43.608+05:00 Load Screen - Show
      2017-12-16T00:38:43.669+05:00 Load Screen - GAME_DATA Complete

      Somehow that one function, OnAreaLoadStarted, fails to initiate sometimes. And then nothingness follows.

      I don't really have any clues as to why that may be occurring. But I have a slight suspicion that it happens when a lag spike occurs at the exact same time that function is being called or something. The time runs out and the system fails
      Edited by madeeh91rwb17_ESO on December 16, 2017 6:21AM
    • Elsonso
      Added to Pending happens when the load takes long enough for there to be more than one tip displayed.

      Edit: the snippet of code you are showing there is part of the code that displays the tips at the bottom of the loading screen.
      Edited by Elsonso on December 16, 2017 2:44PM
      The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

      PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
      XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
      X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
    • method__01
      endless loading screen outside Roebeck during battle...... great fix zos :p
      PC EU/NA /// PS4 EU/NA

      This one hears nothing. Sees nothing. This one only sweeps.
    • madeeh91rwb17_ESO
      Added to Pending happens when the load takes long enough for there to be more than one tip displayed.

      Edit: the snippet of code you are showing there is part of the code that displays the tips at the bottom of the loading screen.

      Didn't face any load screen problem today and yesterday.
      I also remember thinking "dont change them so quick, i was reading"

      Not sure what was going on earlier. Why it appeared out of nowhere and has now disappeared all of a sudden.
      But I do believe it has something to do with that "OnAreaLoadStarted" function, or the function that calls that function,

      For now, I hope it never returns.
      Edited by madeeh91rwb17_ESO on December 17, 2017 9:38AM
    • x_t7ink_x
      So some people are receiving crowns for giving information.. whilst others that also provided information get nothing...
      Edited by x_t7ink_x on December 17, 2017 11:22AM
      PS4 EU AD

      Vet 16 DK High Elf Tank
      Vet 16 Templar High Elf
      Vet 2 Sorc High Elf
      Vet 1 Mageblade Breton
      Baby Stamplar Redguard
      Baby Stamblade R.I.P.

      'If your looking for Whit, I'd say you're half way there''

      Raiders of the Lost Maw GM -
      Community Page owner 1.2k members -
    • Waffennacht
      So, um, r you guys really just gonna hope we forget about the mystery box promise?
      Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
      1300+ CP
      Battleground PvP'er

      Waffennacht' Builds
    • Pink_E_808
      PS4 NA. I just went back into Cyrodiil last week and have only had occasional problems with the long load screens, but they did keep me from PvP for almost the entire month of November. No biggie at the time as I had subbed for a month so was mostly doing DLC stuff and I didn't complain as I saw others addressing the same issues I had the few times I did try PvP. Now I'm just trying to do New Life, and I can hardly play. I couldn't do the festival on the second day at all with my alt because I couldn't even log in. I got dc'd in Stonetooth Fortress today right after I finished the quest and over an hour later, am still not able to log back in for more than a few seconds (aside from the few minutes I got in to withdraw something from my bank to send to a guildmate, but crashed again almost immediately after I sent it). I'm also getting long load screens between the announcements and character select pages, which I can't recall ever seeing before. I had wanted to sub again this month, but was unable to and now I'm glad for that because even the amazing craft bag isn't worth it when I can't log in to fill it with stuff.
      Edited by Pink_E_808 on December 17, 2017 9:45PM
    • Nebthet78
      Getting very tired of these infinite load screen on PC NA. Every time I switch a character or port from wayshrine to wayshrine.
      Far too many characters to list any more.
    • radiostar
      I don't know, do you THINK you could let us at least log in and move?
      "Billions upon Billions of Stars"
    • Bobby_V_Rockit
      Issue seems to be gone completly from Cyrodiil and trials for me, Cyrodiil never been smoother actually (PS4 EU.)
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