Judas Helviaryn wrote: »Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.
Just lock accounts to a faction per campaign. You join Vivec for a season as DC, have to pay the switch cost in AP or wait for the season end to be an EP/AD player on that campaign.Anybody that PvPs on more than 3 max level characters would run out of campaigns to home on. Then what?
In my opinion, we shouldn't be able to play in the same campaign with different alliance characters.
Just lock accounts to a faction per campaign. You join Vivec for a season as DC, have to pay the switch cost in AP or wait for the season end to be an EP/AD player on that campaign.
Your guest campaign can however be a different alliance.
Probably a nightmare for them to code, but would solve most of the issues we see now.
They'd simply have a common home campaign. That is, all your DC alts would be in DC only campaigns (as far as your account is concerned), your AD in AD only, etc.Anybody that PvPs on more than 3 max level characters would run out of campaigns to home on. Then what?
But, we don't know what the ZOS code looks like or how much work it would be to do this.
It would be rudimentary to code and implement something like this.
Personally I felt Cyrodiil was a better place when it was locked. Yes there was a work around for it, but at least you didn't get rewards on every character and every faction.I´ve never seen the problem with alliance swapping. It´s not like it´s ruining the overall PvP experience anyway.
IcyDeadPeople wrote: »
On PC NA, there is only one campaign that is fairly active. Considering you get transmute crystals from every character, you are going to see a lot more people spending at least a little time in PVP on all their characters in Vivec.
No other place to go and if you mainly PVP on one faction, there is no way to switch those other characters to your main faction.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »They'd simply have a common home campaign. That is, all your DC alts would be in DC only campaigns (as far as your account is concerned), your AD in AD only, etc.
It doesn't mean you could have two different characters of the same Alliance restricted from PvP.
Judas Helviaryn wrote: »Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.
Perhaps it's time to toss out the "lore" book and change the colors in Cyrodiil.i'm a faction hopper...i have no desire to play my characters on dead campaigns, i want everyone on a 30 day map - cuz, it gives me time to rotate all 10 characters through the campaign and reach 100k AP (tier 3 rewards) for all...that's my playstyle...
Nor will I rant about the people taking scrolls, and running it to the enemy - because they are really on their side. I and several other's have reported what they do several times, but ZOS doesn't care. And no, it shouldn't be seen as "roleplaying" or "part of the game". In real life you can kill traitors. The fact that you can't kill allies is very frustrating in these cases.
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »your account should be one campaign. people should not be allowed to campaign multiple.
Vilestride wrote: »Faction loyalty should be encouraged and incentivised but cannot be forced. Balance will always take precident. To many, faction loyalty would mean taking pride in seeing their faction push the others back to their gates all night while they dominate the score board. This is exponentially worse for the health of the game than a few 'traitors' here and there.
Publius_Scipio wrote: »
People get hate massages, are called out as traitors in zone chat and so on. It causes a quite harsh and unfriendly jagon that scares quite some people away from PVP. Some people are actually bullied, because they switched alliance and what not. Maybe rightfully so (if bullying can ever be "right"), but you could still easily avoid all this, by limiting your participation in Cyrodiil to one alliance per campaign. At the end of every campaign, you'd be free to switch to whatever alliance when you enter the new one. As simple as that.
Joy_Division wrote: »
No. Just no.
Bullying is always always always unacceptable. Just by using the words "traitor" is more than tolerating this ugly behavior.
It's a game. Not real life. Not real war. The are no real stakes here to use such words, let alone countenance bullying.
I do nothing of the trash you are talking about and neither do most people who play multiple factions. Newsflash: your faction diehards are sitting on those walls waiting for the tick just like everyone else. And you can lock the factions all you want, players who have come to resepct each other who play different factions aren't all of a sudden going to start zerging each other down because that's what you think PvP should be all about.
The only people who think that people are multiple faction are bandwagon hoppers who jump to the winning side are ignorant people such as yourself who don't have a clue why we play different factions in the first place.
Here are some pictures so I can explain it so anyone who is 5 can understand:
This childish behavior of spamming forward camps was done was a diehard EP faction loyalist in an attempt to sabotage another diehard EP faction loyalist who was emperor. And you have the audacity to claim that crap like this happens because of people like myself can switch factions? No, this nonsense is done by the fanatics who see this game as real life war, who call people out as traitors and deem it acceptable to bully others simply because they do not share their fanaticism. I have ZERO desire to partake in such childish behavior. So once I saw what was happening I immediately logged off my EP character and onto my DC to help put an end to this crap and restore the campaign to some semblance of normalcy. If you lock factions, I'd have to log out and not even play because there are no other active campaigns.
And then there's this crap:
Not content to night cap emperor, EP sought to gate-camp DC and proceeded to do so.
And the "opposition"?
Pitiful. It was NOT the faction hoppers who were responsible for this. Oh, no. It was the EP die-hard faction loyalists who cheered and called loudly to roll DC back to the gates and take their scrolls to pay them back for some perceived "green alliance" nonsense. We multi-faction payers are not the problem. The die-hard fanatics who interpret every move by the other alliances as collusion caused by "traitors" and must be avenged are. We log off EP and to fight those fanatics who lustily cheer pushing an outnumbered faction to their gates, even though they'll deny it on these forums.
Before you point fingers and type up unsubstantiated nonsense about how people like myself are ruining the PvP experience, why don;t you take a look at the very people you are championing as paragons of what PvP ought to be all about.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »
Right now faction loyalty is only incentivized through the 3.3K gold reward for campaign loyalty and getting at least some play in every month in the same campaign with the same character.
It's pretty paltry and none of the campaign reward gold rewards have kept pace with the rate of inflation in game.
A little under 30K gold per month? Really? That's pocket change at this point in the game. There are plenty of players who have millions upon millions of gold now.
And the garbage that comes in RFTW hasn't been worth selling for more than pennies in a long time. I break most of it down because the mats are more valuable.
Just lock accounts to a faction per campaign. You join Vivec for a season as DC, have to pay the switch cost in AP or wait for the season end to be an EP/AD player on that campaign.
Your guest campaign can however be a different alliance.
Probably a nightmare for them to code, but would solve most of the issues we see now.
Vilestride wrote: »
Yeah I feel you. And that's what I am getting at. The reward system would definitely have to change for this incentive to be worthwhile.
Also everything Joy said is pretty much on point.
Just lock accounts to a faction per campaign. You join Vivec for a season as DC, have to pay the switch cost in AP or wait for the season end to be an EP/AD player on that campaign.
Your guest campaign can however be a different alliance.
Probably a nightmare for them to code, but would solve most of the issues we see now.