Rude people can be ignored, and cheating people can be reported. You are using a minority player-bases behaviour as justification to prevent an open platform in which some players can choose how they want to spend their play session.
Lock people to one alliance per campaign, we've been there. Bad behaviour and poor sportsmanship is still going to happen.
It´s not interesting to discuss what the people that behave does. Never was, and never will be. They´re not a part of the issue.The issue are those who abuse the alliance-swap to set the agenda for a campaign. Balance-changes/fixes etc often occur due to exploits and people who abuse certain mechanics. At the moment, alliance swapping is abused. In bigger campaigns that are pop-locked 24/7, like Vivec, it´s a little more difficult but still possible. But on smaller campaigns like Shor people are controlling who gets emp, who controls the map by swapping back and forth between alliances. This has a huge impact on the quality of the campaign.
When I whisper the players that swap back and forth why they´re doing they respond with something like: "We´re doing it for the sake of balancing the campaign"........This is so much ***, at least be honest and say that you farm emp for your guildies or something.
I think 1 alliance/campaign needs to be brought back. Sure it would still be possible to "rig"/control a campaign, but at least you´ve to communicate with people on the opposite faction to do so, which I´m more ok with.
That's all stupid. "Can be ignored". Should that be a necessity in a game?
Furthermore, ZOS doesn't care a tiny little bit about cheaters, nor about people being overtly racist and what not (and I don't mean like nowadays "That's racist", but that they actually mean to to be as as obnoxious as possible).
All this could easily be avoided, going back to one alliance in every campaign. But no, you really enjoy jumping around between different alliances from one hour to another; because your friends went online - or because "the action is somewhere else". You know, that's really self centered. And I highly doubt that this is the original idea behind a AvAvA 30 day campaign. I really do.,
That's all stupid. "Can be ignored". Should that be a necessity in a game? Furthermore, ZOS doesn't care a tiny little bit about cheaters, nor about people being overtly racist and what not (and I don't mean like nowadays "That's racist", but that they actually mean to to be as as obnoxious as possible). All this could easily be avoided, going back to one alliance in every campaign. But no, you really enjoy jumping around between different alliances from one hour to another; because your friends went online - or because "the action is somewhere else". You know, that's really self centered. And I highly doubt that this is the original idea behind a AvAvA 30 day campaign. I really do.,
Its been a feature since launch, so..
I'm sure ZoS take all reports seriously on cheating and racism. I've seen and heard plenty of examples of temporary and permanent bans on accounts.
Eh, if you are not going to read my responses or even digest them, what is the point in a civil debate. By all means, bring back locked campaigns.
I do Alliance Swap but I swap every week or 2 never in between sessions. I am a AD Sorc for this week or 2 depending on how long I want to be on for. I then will switch to EP or DC Which are tanks and Healers, I don't really care who is winning or loosing I just want to play on my characters in a populated campaign. I am not fond of people who are on their (for example) AD Character for 20 minutes and then suddenly are on EP, but I can also understand if you have friends on the other alliance and you want to join them then fair enough. People in Cyrodiil seem understanding enough, probably because most of us have characters on all alliances now.
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »I remember plying PvP Cyrodiil back in 2015 (or maybe even 2014, it was long time ago) and... re-loggers/Alliance switchers/traitors (whatever you call it) was not a problem because back then campaigns were alliance - locked. Later it was changed and now people have possibility to "switch teams" re-log from lets say AD to DC, or EP to DC or whatever - switch alliance while still playing the same camping.
And what are the consequences ? Well lets just say those are "global". Just look at campaigns population balance. We have this campaigns where one side is constantly winning over & over again. Why ? Because if a 50 people guild can switch sides just like it was nothing - it basically makes the final scoreboard (and the whole camping) rigged. - Log in, paint the map on your alliance colour, get AP, re-log to different alliance, re-paint the map on your alliance colour, get AP, repeat & repeat...
(not to mentions just by doing so it almost always leads to 2 vs 1 alliance siltation).
There was no such thing as one side constantly winning over & over again back in the day when campaigns were alliance locked. Sometimes DC would win, sometimes AD would win, sometimes EP would win etc.
That is why before ZOS start to fix any class / gear / skill balance - they need to fix population exploits caused by this (ability to switch alliance on the fly while still in the same campaign).
Thalmor-Nordmaster wrote: »OP
Going back to locked campaigns will stop nothing. And what I mean by that is if someone wants to switch the old way will still work. And if that is fixed then they will just wait until the game goes on sale and buy another copy and have another account. I know people with 4 accounts. I am sure that there are those with more.
I stopped caring about the traitor/spai thing a long time ago.
I have always played AD and I have seen many people from EP and DC hop onto an AD alt and play. And it don't bother me. Maybe if I try hard enough and play well enough then they may just stay a little longer and help. Although I was shocked to see Joy beside me on a wall!
I have seen a few players log off of AD characters and onto EP/DC alts. The reasons are bigger than what they appear. I have seen DC folks work with EP I have seen AD work with EPDC. Nothing will change this. Accept what we cannot change.
We have people in our guild who play all three factions. I Created separate sections in the discord just for them no cross talk allowed.
Another poster put it best there is nothing faction specific outside of Cyrodiil anymore. Remember those nice scroll and keep buffs people had in PVE? Complaints about buff servers got the "empty" campaigns removed. And the buffs were removed as well. Sounds nice but it hurt PVP. How? Well people could look at their buff bar and say wow my faction is kicking butt. And if they lost a buff some would come into the campaign and help out. No reason for them to do that now.
As PVP'ers we are a small fraction of the game. We need to be uniting and sticking together to push to ZOS our requests for fixes. Not creating animosity and sowing discord among our ranks. All of the infighting is making Cyro an empty place. And server stats don't lie. This is why we have less and less servers. Anger/bullying/hate/threats/accusations. Just drive people away.
When I see a friend on a different faction character I just smile because I know that win, lose, or draw the fight will be a good one and it is a friend on the other end of that pix-elated rendition.
Have fun in Cyrodiil. And I may know where the Last Deer is !!!
Thalmor-Nordmaster wrote: »op you might want to do a search in the general threads some peeps have 8 accounts.
And you have a reading and comprehension problem
I am AD and only AD
your post
"If you're that dedicated to being unfair, it's alright. Honestly. So yes, this would solve the problem, most of it."
if you stick around another year maybe you might get to know some of the people you are slamming on in the forums.
Or enjoy more tea bags your choice.
I see why your own faction disses you.
October 15th you came aboard you haven't been here since 1.6 up. My statements and ethics have withstood the test of haderus/trueflame and god knows how many other campaigns and servers. Many experienced players some from Beta times to present have explained to you why things are the way they are now.
I am going to mark this down as a troll post from a scrub . Even after explanation you still fail to see why things are the way they are.I will not attempt to explain why ZOS made PVP the way it is. Email a Dev maybe they will respond.
To my most favorite pact foes
Joy, Xylena,Meth i will see you around. If peggy moe is about let em know I am still going to trip them down the stairs.
and to my DC nemesis Essa-k I will gank you outside of roe when you least expect it.
Something that occurred Saturday 11/11/2017 on the Shor campaign:
>Vivec overflow players populated prime time.
>EP faction had captured DC scrolls.
>DC attempts a retrieval effort for said DC scrolls.
>Primarily AD players log into their DC characters and assist in retrieving the DC scrolls EP had ownership of.
>DC is successful in eliminating EP players in possession of the DC Scrolls.
>Noted Primary AD players on their DC Characters manage to grab the scroll, and proceed to run them into the moat/water surrounding Imperial City.
>A considerable DC faction effort was completely wasted, AD players on their DC characters are taunting and inflammatory in DC zone chat.
Again: too much potential for abuse is present in the current system. Faction allegiance must be locked per account per campaign cycle.
Except YOU ASKED FOR IT! PVPers are the ones who asked and whined and BEGGED for other campaigns to be shut down.
Ta Daaa!
allstarplayergk wrote: »@Beardimus Certainly can’t hurt worse than ignoring the problem. Since these muppets went on this spree in vivec, and subsequently everyone’s realized every leaderboard Cozmic and these guys have been on has mysteriously had all scrolls disappeared in the middle of the night for months now, everyone’s gone from pvp. Viv went from EP and AD being pop locked almost all day every day apart from the wee hours of the morning(dc usually maintaining 2 bars). Now, it’s a 1 bar AD farm server. They literally cleared the 30 day campaign. AD pop locked last night very late but part from that most alliances never getting above 1 bar. Sad, all the guilds walked out. How can faction lock hurt any worse than that lol?
Anybody that PvPs on more than 3 max level characters would run out of campaigns to home on. Then what?
allstarplayergk wrote: »@rfennell_ESO they actually had faction locked accounts at release but that extended to all of Tamriel. People complained so they unlocked all alliance walls pvp and pve. And participation has declined since(also attributable to the games age, not just that). Once they dropped 1Tamriel eliminating the pve barriers, pvp should have gone back to 1 alliances per campaign for the account.