RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »They killed any semblance of faction loyalty when they killed The 3 Banners War lore with One Tamriel
Stormhaven is overrun with known AD and EP soldiers and races, Auridon is flooded with known DC and EP soldiers and races, Windhelm might as well be an elven capital in Skyrim as it’s overrun with elves and orcs.
What are the 3 Factions even fighting for anymore..known soldiers ofsn opposing alliance would be killed on sight...Emeric, Joruun, and Ayrenn display their hatred for the other Alliances plain as day yet they roam their cities without a care in the world
Caldwell Silver and Gold made sense because Merida puts you in a”what if scenario” that’s more like an illusion to show you what would happen if your on the other side..One Tamriel three all that in the trash and pretty much killed every reason the factions were fighting for in the first place
Story wise Cyrodiil has no meaning..the cause the factions were fighting for had been cut off at the knees, and AD crowing Argonians and Bretons, EP Crowning Orcs and Khajiit, and DC crowning Altmer and Dunmer goes against all the games in game books and lore about the factions. The story and the 3 Banners war is pretty much dead by lore all to make a better pve game...that’s why pvp is ignored for the most part
Ill say it every single time the topic is brought up: faction 'loyalty' (in a video game lmao), just like nationalism irl, are mental crutches for irrelevant people to have some semblance of meaning and value in their life. Since they have no personal achievements or value to be proud of, they outsource that sense of self-worth to the collective. Wether that be screaming "make america great again" or "DC/EP/AD Rulez"....its the same underlying psycho-social dynamics.
Ill say it every single time the topic is brought up: faction 'loyalty' (in a video game lmao), just like nationalism irl, are mental crutches for irrelevant people to have some semblance of meaning and value in their life. Since they have no personal achievements or value to be proud of, they outsource that sense of self-worth to the collective. Wether that be screaming "make america great again" or "DC/EP/AD Rulez"....its the same underlying psycho-social dynamics.
TequilaFire wrote: »And people without these values are why the world is so messed up.
No sense of identity or self worth.
For the SJW's/world citizens, we have duels and battlegrounds. Or crafting...
TequilaFire wrote: »
And people without these values are why the world is so messed up.
No sense of identity or self worth.
@Joy_Division I was told Unruh dropped all those camps. Who, as you know, is most certainly not loyal. But either way, if he didn't do it, I would have. Why? Because you have this guy who runs raids to take resources for ticks for like two weeks. Not even before eval, mind you. ppl have seen him get fed. A group of people who can't even troll oils to 20/20 when we pushed Frozn emp. He and several KUSH people talking in zone about Frozns mom (and they know she just died) calling her a dead wh0re and all kinds of stuff. I could go on...
Ill say it every single time the topic is brought up: faction 'loyalty' (in a video game lmao), just like nationalism irl, are mental crutches for irrelevant people to have some semblance of meaning and value in their life. Since they have no personal achievements or value to be proud of, they outsource that sense of self-worth to the collective. Wether that be screaming "make america great again" or "DC/EP/AD Rulez"....its the same underlying psycho-social dynamics.
An interesting point to makue for sure, but I'm not so certain it translates into roleplaying as easily. Yet it still might work better than comparing stealing from NPCs or killing enemy players to real world equivalents, considering NPCs aren't people (and the player is aware of it) and enemy players never truly die.
Regardless, you must have known this couldn't go over well without going off-topic. Not that I mind.
I've spent hundreds on this game, tell me why I shouldn't be able to play with my friends because they arbitrarily picked a different alliance to start in?
Anybody that PvPs on more than 3 max level characters would run out of campaigns to home on. Then what?
1) You can't be a faction traitor if you play on all factions.
2) We have done a variety of locked camp nonsense, no one liked it, including the majority of the 'loyalists'. ZoS gave up due to the contrary whinging, and justly so.
3) Why blame players for their playing choices to get the best possible personal playing experience for them to play on? Sounds like a system problem to make the experience better. cite whinging
4) If certain players/guilds didn't swap to whatever when they did, the alliance war would have been over years ago. Over. Fin.
5) Lets constructively get the game to be as enjoyable as possible before we jump to how we can obstruct it.
6) Hamburgers.
1) You can't be a faction traitor if you play on all factions.
2) We have done a variety of locked camp nonsense, no one liked it, including the majority of the 'loyalists'. ZoS gave up due to the contrary whinging, and justly so.
3) Why blame players for their playing choices to get the best possible personal playing experience for them to play on? Sounds like a system problem to make the experience better. cite whinging
4) If certain players/guilds didn't swap to whatever when they did, the alliance war would have been over years ago. Over. Fin.
5) Lets constructively get the game to be as enjoyable as possible before we jump to how we can obstruct it.
6) Hamburgers.
So, after you read how I perceive (and many others) the problem, you still think it's a really good idea - just because you want to be able of jumping around alliances in every campaign? I mean, it doesn't just ruin the game, it creates actual real life conflicts; it's an ability to cheat, it creates a really bad attitude in area chat (usual AD/DC guys go into EP chat and spam crap, and the other way around I'm sure). I mean, I was targeted for racist slurs for half an hour and so on just a couple of days ago, however wrongly so as they had a weird idea I was non-white (it ended when another guy pointed out I am indeed Nordic and white). And all that for the sake of your "right to chose" different alliances whenever you like? I mean, are you by any chance a millennial?
There is a difference to having the ability to go to another faction, and then choosing what to do with your time there. Endorsing the ability to change isn't the same as endorsing with what said players would do there. The majority of players I know who like to hop, would hop from one, to then one, for one play session. If you are on one faction, you are there for a few hours till the fights die up, or other friends log on.
Players who choose to hoppity hop from one to another to call out siege, troll siege, troll camp, chat hate, in general negative behaviour, am I endorsing that? No. I have hopped between AD and EP the past few months to wonderful and creative banter in respective zone chats ( you'll get the tryhards ofc ) and the experience has always been great catching up with people, or complimenting them on memorable fights.
Racism? That is down to the braindead individuals who would rather spew out that crap than play the game. That has nothing to do with faction hopping or the game in general, the ignore and report features are there for a reason.
What I am endorsing, is choice. If a poplocked EP and DC are double teaming a 2 bar AD all the way to their gates, you bet your breeches I want to be on AD. But a few hours later, when AD have from BRK to Ash, and some of my EP friends log on, yup, I think I'll hop over there for a bit.
According to Wikipedia, Millennials are people born from the early 1980s to the early 2000s. Then indeed, I would be a Millennial. A better question yet, what exactly is the significance to any of your or my points as to what age I am?
It doesn't matter what you endorse or do, it's the end result that's interesting. I don't do any of that either - yet I can of course do so. I'm not a loser, nor do I give up easily, and I don't play dirty. It's not in my nature. However it is, for a large number of people. That's why we have laws, and that's why we have law enforcement in real life.
There is, or at least was, such a thing as freedom. But the more people misuse their freedom, the less freedom we get. Laws are made, because of obvious violations to the freedom we are granted. This is such a case. I wouldn't care **** if you could do this, and people didn't obviously cause loads of problems and even harass people - but now they do, and people who don't put up with rude or cheating people are leaving. That's a far greater loss than if some crybabies leave because they can't pick any alliance they want from one day to another.
Rude people can be ignored, and cheating people can be reported. You are using a minority player-bases behaviour as justification to prevent an open platform in which some players can choose how they want to spend their play session.
Lock people to one alliance per campaign, we've been there. Bad behaviour and poor sportsmanship is still going to happen.