Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Deconstruct all your heavy armour it's useless again.

  • Anti_Virus
    Valencer wrote: »
    Anti_Virus wrote: »
    Jawasa wrote: »
    @Rex-Umbra but heavy outperforms medium on every stamina build unless it's a gankblade pretty much for magicka it's more balanced more a question of what role you plan to play.

    Lets wait and see what they replace wrath with.

    No it doesn't not in PVP or in PVE.

    In what universe?

    The current meta is pretty much heavy >>> medium unless youre a stamblade.

    So is heavy armor meta? Or is DK meta? If heavy was so OP then mag Sorcs and stam/mag NBs would run it.
    Power Wealth And Influence.
  • Savos_Saren
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    Lol guys, you realize it's going to be replaced with a defensive passive that makes trolls tanks even more annoying, right?

    As it should. ;) Isn't that what tanks are supposed to be in PVP? Just hard-to-kill trolls aggroing unorganized people.
    Want to enjoy the game more? Try both PvP (crybabies) and PvE (carebears). You'll get a better perspective on everyone's opinion.

    PC NA AD
    Savos Saren
  • killimandrosb16_ESO
    why bring wardens into this? Its like wardens are the pvp gods? They have one decent ultimate, the heal. The other ine is very subpar to eots, as an example, and you CANT pop both ultimates at same time. So you can choose between a weak AoE heal ultimate (meaning you wont have bear up) or the red haired cousin of eots. Ok, then for damage. If I am scorrect, any nerfs to HA will indeed affect wardens as well, so it puzzles me why even bring that class to the table. If anything, nerf sorcs :D theyll still have their shield and damage potential, movability and group utilities. Until wardens actually is a desireable class to bring to anything hitting them would be outrageous. Its freaking hard bringing anything at all to any party, pvp or pve as warden other classes cant do tonnes better
  • Doctordarkspawn
    So, do we know if bracing is replacing it? Do we know what is replacing it?
  • Luckylancer
    I would make medium armor more tanky rather than nerf HA. No one likes to die to a soul assault click :/

    And there is a "cant be dodged" madness going on. Birds, aoes, destro ults(it is not aoe, it is something next level) etc. We should at least evade half of aoe dmg by rolling, in baldurs gate you can dodge a fireball and evade half of dmg as result. It was a good idea.
  • Kr3do
    If anything they should nerf stamina DKs.
  • Malamar1229
    Belongs in the trash can or PvE anyway.....
  • Chronicburn
    Why wear armor at all? The most dangerous enemy in this game are the out-of-control-nerfing-devs ... and they ignore all armor 100%
  • Vaoh
    These PvPers make no sense to me....

    Since Heavy armor was massively buffed, it killed off solo play by ushering in the "everyone is a tank" zerg meta. Unless you fight really bad players with low CP, you won't be 1vXing anymore. The 1H/S Ult made this even worse.

    Our PvP population has shrunk so much overtime thanks to this. The increased strength of ball groups and tankiness of an individual player by only wearing Heavy Armor has killed off all hope of running solo and even causes most of the small groups to get decimated.

    The result = zerg or gtfo of Cyrodiil

    .....and people chose to either zerg (more lag) or leave PvP entirely (which is why we see only 1 campaign with population on PS4 NA)

    Finally ZOS decided to nerf these things in hopes of prioritizing skilled play over becoming an effective Tank/DPS/Healer by wearing Heavy Armor, yet we now have people on the Forums complaining about it all.

    PvP is screwed tbh. Not completely because of performance, but because you all have completely forgotten what made ESO PvP so great and enjoyable. It wasn't Heavy Armor or the 1H/S ult. Now many players who were unsatisfied have left and too many those who remain support bad balance decisions since they capitalize on them.
  • Rex-Umbra
    Cyrodiil population decline could be more options for pvp with dueling and battlegrounds and the fact nothing new has been added since launch except couple town captures. Cyrodiil is called alliance war and is meant for large groups.
    Edited by Rex-Umbra on October 16, 2017 10:30AM
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • Malmai
    Elder Staves Online all over again...
  • Mayrael
    I just hope that new passive wont buff heavy armor resource returns, but will leave it at the same lvl as it will be pointless. 200 sd/wd but more sustain? Nice Ill just drop recovery glyph for damage one and Im still ok... If it will be really a nerf I think Ill like it.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • Biro123
    Vaoh wrote: »
    These PvPers make no sense to me....

    Since Heavy armor was massively buffed, it killed off solo play by ushering in the "everyone is a tank" zerg meta. Unless you fight really bad players with low CP, you won't be 1vXing anymore. The 1H/S Ult made this even worse.

    Our PvP population has shrunk so much overtime thanks to this. The increased strength of ball groups and tankiness of an individual player by only wearing Heavy Armor has killed off all hope of running solo and even causes most of the small groups to get decimated.

    The result = zerg or gtfo of Cyrodiil

    .....and people chose to either zerg (more lag) or leave PvP entirely (which is why we see only 1 campaign with population on PS4 NA)

    Finally ZOS decided to nerf these things in hopes of prioritizing skilled play over becoming an effective Tank/DPS/Healer by wearing Heavy Armor, yet we now have people on the Forums complaining about it all.

    PvP is screwed tbh. Not completely because of performance, but because you all have completely forgotten what made ESO PvP so great and enjoyable. It wasn't Heavy Armor or the 1H/S ult. Now many players who were unsatisfied have left and too many those who remain support bad balance decisions since they capitalize on them.

    Nerfs always get complained about - no matter what it is. I mean its logical when you think about it..:

    1. Why does stuff get nerfed? Because its overperforming.
    2. In an MMO, do people gravitate to the underperforming, or the overperforming stuff? Obvs the overperforming..
    3. Therefore whatever gets nerfed always impacts a sizable part of the games population.
    4. Most people only look at themselves in a bubble rather than within the grand scheme of things - so all they see is their current build getting worse.. They often don't see the impact to the game overall, or the impact to their opponents.. just themselves.
    5. Therefore most complaints about nerfs are usually quite selfish and shortsighted - and there are a lot of them.
    Minalan owes me a beer.

    PC EU Megaserver
    Minie Mo - Stam/Magblade - DC
    Woody Ron - Stamplar - DC
    Aidee - Magsorc - DC
    Notadorf - Stamsorc - DC
    Khattman Doo - Stamblade - Relegated to Crafter, cos AD.
  • ccfeeling
    Light win again lol
  • FloppyTouch
    This will hurt my mdk a little but I'm still going to use heavy armor. With the change to passives I'll be able to block longer. Something like they are adding more resource return for heavy attacks. My ult already fills my stam bar on my mdk plus now 1 or 2 heavy attacks and I can break free role dodge or just hold block longer I'm okay with the lost of sd.

    Just going to have to switch gear a little to get more sd. I change my build so much bc of the nerfs to dk and gear and skills that I just don't care anymore. Just going to have to find a new way to play.
  • Ulfgarde
    Rex-Umbra wrote: »
    HA has never been OP, certain proc sets mostly stamina based ones added to much burst to tanky builds.

    With this one sentence you showed that you know nothing about the current state of PvP. Not even the Black Rose meta rings a bell?

    HA is super OP because of how it is built to withstand damage so incredibly well yet has sets dedicated to HA (like seventh legion), which are also stupidly OP in CP. You can craft any set you want in HA (like hunding's) and reach like 4k weapon damage with 45% crit and burst people down in no time, not to mention being so tanky, and we haven't even gotten into sustain, especially with DK.

    Why was Evasion gated from HA users? Why is Wrath being removed? These questions can be easily observed if you watch any HA user do what they do.
    Edited by Ulfgarde on October 16, 2017 11:24AM
    Very athletic eso player
    PC EU
  • Doctordarkspawn
    Vaoh wrote: »
    These PvPers make no sense to me....

    Since Heavy armor was massively buffed, it killed off solo play by ushering in the "everyone is a tank" zerg meta. Unless you fight really bad players with low CP, you won't be 1vXing anymore. The 1H/S Ult made this even worse.

    Our PvP population has shrunk so much overtime thanks to this. The increased strength of ball groups and tankiness of an individual player by only wearing Heavy Armor has killed off all hope of running solo and even causes most of the small groups to get decimated.

    The result = zerg or gtfo of Cyrodiil

    .....and people chose to either zerg (more lag) or leave PvP entirely (which is why we see only 1 campaign with population on PS4 NA)

    Finally ZOS decided to nerf these things in hopes of prioritizing skilled play over becoming an effective Tank/DPS/Healer by wearing Heavy Armor, yet we now have people on the Forums complaining about it all.

    PvP is screwed tbh. Not completely because of performance, but because you all have completely forgotten what made ESO PvP so great and enjoyable. It wasn't Heavy Armor or the 1H/S ult. Now many players who were unsatisfied have left and too many those who remain support bad balance decisions since they capitalize on them.


    These people will never be satisfied with anything. Hence why they should cease to be a development focus.
  • Doctordarkspawn
    Biro123 wrote: »
    Vaoh wrote: »
    These PvPers make no sense to me....

    Since Heavy armor was massively buffed, it killed off solo play by ushering in the "everyone is a tank" zerg meta. Unless you fight really bad players with low CP, you won't be 1vXing anymore. The 1H/S Ult made this even worse.

    Our PvP population has shrunk so much overtime thanks to this. The increased strength of ball groups and tankiness of an individual player by only wearing Heavy Armor has killed off all hope of running solo and even causes most of the small groups to get decimated.

    The result = zerg or gtfo of Cyrodiil

    .....and people chose to either zerg (more lag) or leave PvP entirely (which is why we see only 1 campaign with population on PS4 NA)

    Finally ZOS decided to nerf these things in hopes of prioritizing skilled play over becoming an effective Tank/DPS/Healer by wearing Heavy Armor, yet we now have people on the Forums complaining about it all.

    PvP is screwed tbh. Not completely because of performance, but because you all have completely forgotten what made ESO PvP so great and enjoyable. It wasn't Heavy Armor or the 1H/S ult. Now many players who were unsatisfied have left and too many those who remain support bad balance decisions since they capitalize on them.

    Nerfs always get complained about - no matter what it is. I mean its logical when you think about it..:

    1. Why does stuff get nerfed? Because its overperforming.
    2. In an MMO, do people gravitate to the underperforming, or the overperforming stuff? Obvs the overperforming..
    3. Therefore whatever gets nerfed always impacts a sizable part of the games population.
    4. Most people only look at themselves in a bubble rather than within the grand scheme of things - so all they see is their current build getting worse.. They often don't see the impact to the game overall, or the impact to their opponents.. just themselves.
    5. Therefore most complaints about nerfs are usually quite selfish and shortsighted - and there are a lot of them.

    Honestly with the ammount of people who'd love for Bow to be viable or Twohanded in PVE, some people gravitate toward underperforming.

    Also. Is it nerfed because it's overperforming? Not -allways-.
  • Azurya
    this is so stupid, nothing more to say.................
    and I have only one char wearing that stuff!
  • Rex-Umbra
    I never complained about loss of evasion that was obviously needed and cheesy for HA to use. Wrath is needed gor niche builds and doesn't affect the op sets at all.
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • Azurya
    Biro123 wrote: »
    Nerfs always get complained about - no matter what it is. I mean its logical when you think about it..:

    1. Why does stuff get nerfed? Because its overperforming.
    2. In an MMO, do people gravitate to the underperforming, or the overperforming stuff? Obvs the overperforming..
    3. Therefore whatever gets nerfed always impacts a sizable part of the games population.
    4. Most people only look at themselves in a bubble rather than within the grand scheme of things - so all they see is their current build getting worse.. They often don't see the impact to the game overall, or the impact to their opponents.. just themselves.
    5. Therefore most complaints about nerfs are usually quite selfish and shortsighted - and there are a lot of them.

    you are wrong, let me explain to you point by point:
    1. It only gets nerfed due to PvP, nobody else wants/needs NERFS and have to get new gear every update (I almost wrote downdate^^)
    2. ppl in this MMO who play PvP, are wrecking this game, while they always get killed by something, which in their opinion is overperforming, otherwise they wouldn´t get killed. And due to this childlike reasoning all must get adjusted, cauze they are normally NOT killable!
    3. And therefor all who don´t go to Cyrodill, have to suffer all these nerfs to stuff which ONLY overperforms in Cyrodill, and nowhere else (strange facts(!), but is proven that stuff only is OP in Cyro, no one else complains in a raid or dungeon about stuff that is OP, Molag Kena never post here that he is killed by this or that and therefor that needs a nerf! Nor does anyone in any raid or group I am in!)
    4. Exactly, you mean ofc the PvP-community, which is a rather small base in the ESO-community! It is the only group always complaining and ALWAYS gets all they want from ZOS!
    5. And all of the above leads to the fact that YOU are totally wrong with your conclusion, all other palyers in all the other Zones of ESO are so sick of this small PvP-Base always getting all and everything NERFED due to their own incompetent way of playing a game in a PvP-zone and don´t get it, that you get killed there by other players!

    cia dude
    Edited by Azurya on October 16, 2017 11:25AM
  • Valencer
    Anti_Virus wrote: »
    Valencer wrote: »
    Anti_Virus wrote: »
    Jawasa wrote: »
    @Rex-Umbra but heavy outperforms medium on every stamina build unless it's a gankblade pretty much for magicka it's more balanced more a question of what role you plan to play.

    Lets wait and see what they replace wrath with.

    No it doesn't not in PVP or in PVE.

    In what universe?

    The current meta is pretty much heavy >>> medium unless youre a stamblade.

    So is heavy armor meta? Or is DK meta? If heavy was so OP then mag Sorcs and stam/mag NBs would run it.

    ...what makes you think stamblades arent running heavy?

    And what about every other stamina spec running heavy by default now? Your argument seems to be that mag sorcs (the only class in the game that doesnt rely on healing and resistances to survive) arent running heavy armour (which synergises with builds relying on outhealing and absorbing hits) en mass yet and therefor heavy armour isnt meta.

    If anything, the fact there are or might be some mag sorcs that are making heavy armour work would suggest the exact opposite of what youre trying to say (that heavy armour is so good that a spec that doesnt synergise with it at all can make it work fine)
    Azurya wrote: »
    Biro123 wrote: »
    Nerfs always get complained about - no matter what it is. I mean its logical when you think about it..:

    1. Why does stuff get nerfed? Because its overperforming.
    2. In an MMO, do people gravitate to the underperforming, or the overperforming stuff? Obvs the overperforming..
    3. Therefore whatever gets nerfed always impacts a sizable part of the games population.
    4. Most people only look at themselves in a bubble rather than within the grand scheme of things - so all they see is their current build getting worse.. They often don't see the impact to the game overall, or the impact to their opponents.. just themselves.
    5. Therefore most complaints about nerfs are usually quite selfish and shortsighted - and there are a lot of them.

    you are wrong, let meexplain to you point by point:
    1. It only gets nerfed due to PvP, nobody else wants/needs NERFS and have to get new gear every update (I almost wrote downdate^^)
    2. ppl in this MMO who play PvP, are wrecking this game, while they always get killed by something, which in their opinion is overperforming, otherwise they wouldn´t get killed. And due to this childlike reasoning all must get adjusted, cauze they are normally NOT killable!
    3. And therefor all who don´t go to Cyrodill, have to suffer all these nerfs to stuff which ONLY overperforms in Cyrodill, and nowhere else (strange facts(!), but is proven that stuff only is OP in Cyro, no one else complains in a raid or dungeon about stuff that is OP, Molag Kena never post here that he is killed by this or that and therefoe that needs a nerf! Nor does anyone in any raid or group I am in!)
    4. Exactly, you mean ofc the PvP-community, which is a rather small base in the ESO-community! It is the only group always complaining and ALWAYS gets all they want from ZOS!
    5. And all of the above leads to the fact that YOU are totally wrong with your conclusion, all other palyers in all the other Zpnes of ESO are so sick of this small PvP-Base always getting all and everything NERFED due to their own incompetent way of playing a game in a PvP-zone and don´t get it, that you get killed there by other players!

    cia dude

    Yeah, PvPers always get what they want and this whole game is getting balanced around PvP.

    Like Velocious Curse stacking and re-applying itself automatically after exploding, Like Backlash being stackable and storing damage from allies. Like destro ulti getting buffed into the sky because it wasnt pulling enough deeps. Much requested by PvPers and hated by PvEers across the board.

    Nerfs to beloved PvE sets like viper, selene and tremorscale which everyone was running in PvE. Thanks, PvPers.

    And now theyre taking away spell/weapon damage from PvE tanks (who are the only ones that should really be running heavy armour in PvE, right?) who don't need spell/weapon damage at all. Good job, PvPers. You just got PvE tanking nerfed into the ground.
    Edited by Valencer on October 16, 2017 11:43AM
  • BohnT
    Valencer wrote: »
    Anti_Virus wrote: »
    Valencer wrote: »
    Anti_Virus wrote: »
    Jawasa wrote: »
    @Rex-Umbra but heavy outperforms medium on every stamina build unless it's a gankblade pretty much for magicka it's more balanced more a question of what role you plan to play.

    Lets wait and see what they replace wrath with.

    No it doesn't not in PVP or in PVE.

    In what universe?

    The current meta is pretty much heavy >>> medium unless youre a stamblade.

    So is heavy armor meta? Or is DK meta? If heavy was so OP then mag Sorcs and stam/mag NBs would run it.

    ...what makes you think stamblades arent running heavy?

    And what about every other stamina spec running heavy by default now? Your argument seems to be that mag sorcs (the only class in the game that doesnt rely on healing and resistances to survive) arent running heavy armour (which synergises with builds relying on outhealing and absorbing hits) en mass yet and therefor heavy armour isnt meta.

    If anything, the fact there are or might be some mag sorcs that are making heavy armour work would suggest the exact opposite of what youre trying to say (that heavy armour is so good that a spec that doesnt synergise with it at all can make it work fine)
    Azurya wrote: »
    Biro123 wrote: »
    Nerfs always get complained about - no matter what it is. I mean its logical when you think about it..:

    1. Why does stuff get nerfed? Because its overperforming.
    2. In an MMO, do people gravitate to the underperforming, or the overperforming stuff? Obvs the overperforming..
    3. Therefore whatever gets nerfed always impacts a sizable part of the games population.
    4. Most people only look at themselves in a bubble rather than within the grand scheme of things - so all they see is their current build getting worse.. They often don't see the impact to the game overall, or the impact to their opponents.. just themselves.
    5. Therefore most complaints about nerfs are usually quite selfish and shortsighted - and there are a lot of them.

    you are wrong, let meexplain to you point by point:
    1. It only gets nerfed due to PvP, nobody else wants/needs NERFS and have to get new gear every update (I almost wrote downdate^^)
    2. ppl in this MMO who play PvP, are wrecking this game, while they always get killed by something, which in their opinion is overperforming, otherwise they wouldn´t get killed. And due to this childlike reasoning all must get adjusted, cauze they are normally NOT killable!
    3. And therefor all who don´t go to Cyrodill, have to suffer all these nerfs to stuff which ONLY overperforms in Cyrodill, and nowhere else (strange facts(!), but is proven that stuff only is OP in Cyro, no one else complains in a raid or dungeon about stuff that is OP, Molag Kena never post here that he is killed by this or that and therefoe that needs a nerf! Nor does anyone in any raid or group I am in!)
    4. Exactly, you mean ofc the PvP-community, which is a rather small base in the ESO-community! It is the only group always complaining and ALWAYS gets all they want from ZOS!
    5. And all of the above leads to the fact that YOU are totally wrong with your conclusion, all other palyers in all the other Zpnes of ESO are so sick of this small PvP-Base always getting all and everything NERFED due to their own incompetent way of playing a game in a PvP-zone and don´t get it, that you get killed there by other players!

    cia dude

    Yeah, PvPers always get what they want and this whole game is getting balanced around PvP.

    Like Velocious Curse stacking and re-applying itself automatically after exploding, Like Backlash being stackable and storing damage from allies. Like destro ulti getting buffed into the sky because it wasnt pulling enough deeps. Much requested by PvPers and hated by PvEers across the board.

    Nerfs to beloved PvE sets like viper, selene and tremorscale which everyone was running in PvE. Thanks, PvPers.

    And now theyre taking away spell/weapon damage from PvE tanks (who are the only ones that should really be running heavy armour in PvE, right?) who don't need spell/weapon damage at all. Good job, PvPers. You just got PvE tanking nerfed into the ground.

    Don't forget the sustain changes that we only got because of PvPers.
    If this game would be balanced around pvp we wouldn't have such a low pvp player base.
    The Devs want to balance pve and pvp at the same time that means if something is overperforming in PvE and fine for pvp it will still be nerfed for both and vice versa.

    All the people saying that our damage shrinks with every patch, compare good dps from Thieves guild to good dps today.
    Many guilds were happy if you could achieve 24k dps single target, no good guild will invite you with under 35k single target self buffed today.
  • VaranisArano
    OMG those terrible PVPers! Oh, wait. I am one. You know, some of us realize that the answer to overperforming sets, builds, and tactics is....better tactics. Except that, Cyrodiil really does contain multitudes, from solo players to 24-man organized raids, so I'm not surprised that something that looks balanced from the perspective of me who runs in a raid looks different from a small-man group PVPer's perspective...and looks entirely different from a PVEer's perspective who's never seen these skills, builds, or tactics in combat for longer than it took to get vigor or caltrops.

    Yeah, everyone in the community thinks of themselves in a bubble. That's, like, human nature or something. But? That's also true of the PVE side of things too. For every PVP solo player, small group player, or organized raid player, or zerg-surfer who thinks their playstyle is the be-all, end-all playstyle around which Cyrodiil should be balanced, there's a PVEer screaming that content is too easy or a PVEer screaming that content is too hard. I mean, we can all read the forums. There's no part of this community that doesn't complain in order to get something. There's no part of the community that ZOS completely ignores as they try to balance a very multi-faceted game.

    My thoughts:

    At one point, I was a PVEer who would never go into Cyrodiil too. Until I needed those skyshards. Until I needed to PVE quest there. Until I started following some groups around and decided I liked it. Until now I'm running regularly with a organized raid. The connection between PVE and PVP is necessary nor are the PVP and PVE communities as separate as you treat them.

    ZOS has clearly adopted a strategy of keeping players in the game through grinding, and that necessitates constant changes to force us to adapt, change, and grind for new gear in order to remain meta with BIS gear. That's how we "progress" in this game now. These effects both PVE and PVP.

    So are you poor PVEers getting nerfed because of those mean terrible PVPers complaining about people having the nerve to kill them in Player vs. Player combat? Sometimes, sure. ZOS does look to see if stuff is "overperforming" in aspects fo Cyrodiil. Is part of the reason we keep getting sweeping changes to how things work because PVE players keep claiming they are bored with the game, they've done everything and nothing is new and exciting anymore? Yep. When you've done all the comntent, how is ZOS supposed to keep you occupied without a grind for new gear? Are these the main cause of the nerfs? Not really, its just really handy for ZOS.

    See, are we all having to join in the same grind when ZOS decides to change a few traits and stuff in order to force us to regrind? YES. This time its the Armor skills and passives. This isn't the end, nor was it the beginning. From Tava's Blessing to Clever Alchemist, the sharpened nerfs, the trait changes, the proc set changes, to everything else, ZOS consistently changes things to force us to regrind for the gear we the player base decide we NEED in order to complete content. Something will always change because that's how ZOS keeps us in this game.

    But whatever. Blame PVPers while we ALL put our noses to the hamster wheel and grind out that new meta.

  • Biro123
    Azurya wrote: »
    Biro123 wrote: »
    Nerfs always get complained about - no matter what it is. I mean its logical when you think about it..:

    1. Why does stuff get nerfed? Because its overperforming.
    2. In an MMO, do people gravitate to the underperforming, or the overperforming stuff? Obvs the overperforming..
    3. Therefore whatever gets nerfed always impacts a sizable part of the games population.
    4. Most people only look at themselves in a bubble rather than within the grand scheme of things - so all they see is their current build getting worse.. They often don't see the impact to the game overall, or the impact to their opponents.. just themselves.
    5. Therefore most complaints about nerfs are usually quite selfish and shortsighted - and there are a lot of them.

    you are wrong, let me explain to you point by point:
    1. It only gets nerfed due to PvP, nobody else wants/needs NERFS and have to get new gear every update (I almost wrote downdate^^)
    2. ppl in this MMO who play PvP, are wrecking this game, while they always get killed by something, which in their opinion is overperforming, otherwise they wouldn´t get killed. And due to this childlike reasoning all must get adjusted, cauze they are normally NOT killable!
    3. And therefor all who don´t go to Cyrodill, have to suffer all these nerfs to stuff which ONLY overperforms in Cyrodill, and nowhere else (strange facts(!), but is proven that stuff only is OP in Cyro, no one else complains in a raid or dungeon about stuff that is OP, Molag Kena never post here that he is killed by this or that and therefor that needs a nerf! Nor does anyone in any raid or group I am in!)
    4. Exactly, you mean ofc the PvP-community, which is a rather small base in the ESO-community! It is the only group always complaining and ALWAYS gets all they want from ZOS!
    5. And all of the above leads to the fact that YOU are totally wrong with your conclusion, all other palyers in all the other Zones of ESO are so sick of this small PvP-Base always getting all and everything NERFED due to their own incompetent way of playing a game in a PvP-zone and don´t get it, that you get killed there by other players!

    cia dude

    No you are wrong. Let me explain.

    Balance is important. I know you don't like it - but do you remember that time when only sorcs could get a spot as a trial dps?

    Now its not the case - why? cos they did balancing - and yes, that means nerfs. Please stop blaming PVPers for your lack of understanding.

    Minalan owes me a beer.

    PC EU Megaserver
    Minie Mo - Stam/Magblade - DC
    Woody Ron - Stamplar - DC
    Aidee - Magsorc - DC
    Notadorf - Stamsorc - DC
    Khattman Doo - Stamblade - Relegated to Crafter, cos AD.
  • Countcalorie
    stam wardens have crappy heals.still no reason to unslot rally
    Edited by Countcalorie on October 16, 2017 12:38PM
  • Doctordarkspawn
    Biro123 wrote: »
    Azurya wrote: »
    Biro123 wrote: »
    Nerfs always get complained about - no matter what it is. I mean its logical when you think about it..:

    1. Why does stuff get nerfed? Because its overperforming.
    2. In an MMO, do people gravitate to the underperforming, or the overperforming stuff? Obvs the overperforming..
    3. Therefore whatever gets nerfed always impacts a sizable part of the games population.
    4. Most people only look at themselves in a bubble rather than within the grand scheme of things - so all they see is their current build getting worse.. They often don't see the impact to the game overall, or the impact to their opponents.. just themselves.
    5. Therefore most complaints about nerfs are usually quite selfish and shortsighted - and there are a lot of them.

    you are wrong, let me explain to you point by point:
    1. It only gets nerfed due to PvP, nobody else wants/needs NERFS and have to get new gear every update (I almost wrote downdate^^)
    2. ppl in this MMO who play PvP, are wrecking this game, while they always get killed by something, which in their opinion is overperforming, otherwise they wouldn´t get killed. And due to this childlike reasoning all must get adjusted, cauze they are normally NOT killable!
    3. And therefor all who don´t go to Cyrodill, have to suffer all these nerfs to stuff which ONLY overperforms in Cyrodill, and nowhere else (strange facts(!), but is proven that stuff only is OP in Cyro, no one else complains in a raid or dungeon about stuff that is OP, Molag Kena never post here that he is killed by this or that and therefor that needs a nerf! Nor does anyone in any raid or group I am in!)
    4. Exactly, you mean ofc the PvP-community, which is a rather small base in the ESO-community! It is the only group always complaining and ALWAYS gets all they want from ZOS!
    5. And all of the above leads to the fact that YOU are totally wrong with your conclusion, all other palyers in all the other Zones of ESO are so sick of this small PvP-Base always getting all and everything NERFED due to their own incompetent way of playing a game in a PvP-zone and don´t get it, that you get killed there by other players!

    cia dude

    No you are wrong. Let me explain.

    Balance is important. I know you don't like it - but do you remember that time when only sorcs could get a spot as a trial dps?

    Now its not the case - why? cos they did balancing - and yes, that means nerfs. Please stop blaming PVPers for your lack of understanding.

    Lack of understanding has *** all to do with it.

    PVP does. I know you dont like it, but stop being blind to the obvious problems PVP keeps causing for this game.
    Edited by Doctordarkspawn on October 16, 2017 12:50PM
  • TequilaFire
    One sentence sums up why PvE gets nerfed as well.

    The developers care that PvE players face roll end game content they work on to be challenging.
  • Biro123
    Biro123 wrote: »
    Azurya wrote: »
    Biro123 wrote: »
    Nerfs always get complained about - no matter what it is. I mean its logical when you think about it..:

    1. Why does stuff get nerfed? Because its overperforming.
    2. In an MMO, do people gravitate to the underperforming, or the overperforming stuff? Obvs the overperforming..
    3. Therefore whatever gets nerfed always impacts a sizable part of the games population.
    4. Most people only look at themselves in a bubble rather than within the grand scheme of things - so all they see is their current build getting worse.. They often don't see the impact to the game overall, or the impact to their opponents.. just themselves.
    5. Therefore most complaints about nerfs are usually quite selfish and shortsighted - and there are a lot of them.

    you are wrong, let me explain to you point by point:
    1. It only gets nerfed due to PvP, nobody else wants/needs NERFS and have to get new gear every update (I almost wrote downdate^^)
    2. ppl in this MMO who play PvP, are wrecking this game, while they always get killed by something, which in their opinion is overperforming, otherwise they wouldn´t get killed. And due to this childlike reasoning all must get adjusted, cauze they are normally NOT killable!
    3. And therefor all who don´t go to Cyrodill, have to suffer all these nerfs to stuff which ONLY overperforms in Cyrodill, and nowhere else (strange facts(!), but is proven that stuff only is OP in Cyro, no one else complains in a raid or dungeon about stuff that is OP, Molag Kena never post here that he is killed by this or that and therefor that needs a nerf! Nor does anyone in any raid or group I am in!)
    4. Exactly, you mean ofc the PvP-community, which is a rather small base in the ESO-community! It is the only group always complaining and ALWAYS gets all they want from ZOS!
    5. And all of the above leads to the fact that YOU are totally wrong with your conclusion, all other palyers in all the other Zones of ESO are so sick of this small PvP-Base always getting all and everything NERFED due to their own incompetent way of playing a game in a PvP-zone and don´t get it, that you get killed there by other players!

    cia dude

    No you are wrong. Let me explain.

    Balance is important. I know you don't like it - but do you remember that time when only sorcs could get a spot as a trial dps?

    Now its not the case - why? cos they did balancing - and yes, that means nerfs. Please stop blaming PVPers for your lack of understanding.

    Lack of understanding has *** all to do with it.

    PVP does. I know you dont like it, but stop being blind to the obvious problems PVP keeps causing for this game.

    So what does this particular change break in PVE? Tanks doing a little less damage? I can't see that being a major problem since they're not really gonna be spamming high-damage abilities, are they?
    Or are you talking about solo overland? where the fights aren't long enough to build up a meaningful amount of wrath?

    Or is this whole thread just the standard 'we hate PVPers' thread regardless of actual common-sense?

    It may surprise you, but PVPers hate to grind new gear because of nerfs a LOT more than PVEers hate it. - but we kind of understand that nerfs and balance is necessary.
    Minalan owes me a beer.

    PC EU Megaserver
    Minie Mo - Stam/Magblade - DC
    Woody Ron - Stamplar - DC
    Aidee - Magsorc - DC
    Notadorf - Stamsorc - DC
    Khattman Doo - Stamblade - Relegated to Crafter, cos AD.
  • Cherryblossom
    Were heavy armour users really relying on the wrath passive!

    I thought it was to stop from being one shot by other builds.
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