There are a few more skills but the point is that the only class that you will shut down if you perma relfect projectiles is magicka NBs and bow gankers.
Toc de Malsvi wrote: »
The idea that bow is only for gankers is obnoxious, inaccurate, and extremely biased.
Not everyone is a ganker, not everyone wants to gank. How is it fair that one skill can completely lock you out of an entire weapons tool kit?
There are a few more skills but the point is that the only class that you will shut down if you perma relfect projectiles is magicka NBs and bow gankers.
To be fair having a button that you press that shuts down entire builds or classes is not cool. If we're suggesting to going back to reflecting everything it's gotta be pretty short duration and situational. Something you can use when going full defensive, but not something you can keep up with an offensive rotation. Having 4"-6" of reflecting everything against a mageblade build for example means you can go offensive while taking 0 damage and that's not a healthy design.
If it stays as it is, then it could do with another base effect. Like either Minor Heroism or Expedition. Maybe give reflective plate Minor Heroism and Dragon Fire Scales Expedition instead of damage buff to projectiles.
3 out of 5 skills are reflectable, so it is not alls skills.
I have never seen a bow build in PvP which is not for gankers. You want to say that you will play 1 vs 1 and you will use your bow? I am not talking about back bar bow for poison injection.
I said in order to counter a bow build it should be a ganker, otherwise the player should be a big masochist if he/she tries to play with a bow as a main weapon.
Toc de Malsvi wrote: »
Bow is greatly hindered and unbalanced. Doesnt mean you cannot have success with it. Especially in BGs, some of the limitations are exacerbated by PC addons.
My proposal long time ago, before the warden was introduced, was one offensive morph as it is now and one defensive morph (reflective plate) to be changed to absorb the projectiles and give major heroism. Sadly wardens got the skill.
Anyway I dont find this serious for competitive PvP. If you want to be not a stealthy bower the least problem for you will be the reflect DKs. That weapon line is designed for a support use not for main weapon.
I really don't understand the question. I've asked 3 times in this thread already and no one responds. Besides Warden birds and Meteor what else is not reflected?
There are a few more skills but the point is that the only class that you will shut down if you perma relfect projectiles is magicka NBs and bow gankers.
Yeah such is life.
Major Heroism would be extremely potent on the DK due to Battle Roar. More than it is on Warden and it's extremely strong there already. Might actually make Stam Dks broken because stacking Major and Minor Heroism with Heroic Slash would make them near unkillable. They'd be popping off Spell Walls on cooldown.
However, Reflective Plate with Minor rather than Major Heroism on top of its current buffs would be very good for DKs, I believe. It brings them on par with Stam DKs and Heroic Slash as far as ult generation goes. And if Stam DKs use it, they can be freed of Heroic Slash and move to Deep Slash. It also procs the Burning Heat passive to get 12% extra healing for 20". So with 2 Minor Passives (Ward and Heorism) as well as proc'ing Burning Heat it'd be very useful to have on your bar as a buff. On top of reflecting ranged CC while retreating.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.
DK shouldn't be balanced around broken ultimates like Spell Wall. If you want to talk DK balance, then talk DK balance. But don't "balance" a class around an ability that is in desperate need of a nerf.
Even taking Spell Wall out of the equation, a DK with Minor and Major Heroism is pretty much doubling his base ult generation which will make sustain near infinite, or at least remarkably better than any other class. It's a Dragon Leap every 20" when you don't kill anyone, even faster when you do. I think it's pretty predictable that it will lead to requests to nerf Battle Roar again and that's not a path you wanna go down.
Well press one key to use that skill and some classes are rendered useless for 6 seconds now lol
Reduce its duration to 3 seconds, reflect infinite projectiles
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.
I'd take it, sure, but it would be outrageously OP. I dunno why people are petitioning Wings to reflect infinite projectiles again, it was way too strong an ability when it did that. Does the ability suck now? Yes, it absolutely sucks. But that's what happens when you take a god-like ability and completely nerf it rather than redesign it.
As I've suggested previously, make Wings an AoE Missile Dampening ability: Flap your wings, buffeting the air 10m around you reducing the incoming damage of projectiles by 35% for yourself and allies.
I'd take it, sure, but it would be outrageously OP. I dunno why people are petitioning Wings to reflect infinite projectiles again, it was way too strong an ability when it did that. Does the ability suck now? Yes, it absolutely sucks. But that's what happens when you take a god-like ability and completely nerf it rather than redesign it.
As I've suggested previously, make Wings an AoE Missile Dampening ability: Flap your wings, buffeting the air 10m around you reducing the incoming damage of projectiles by 35% for yourself and allies.
Waffennacht wrote: »I take it you guys didn't play when it did all of what you said
Infinite projectiles is too harsh on counter play. Personally I think the excess dmg on dragon fire scale should be removed and it should instead remove snares (on cast, not an immunity) while granting minor expedition (only for the ability's 6 second duration). This allows for defensive counter play while still not being faster than the speed classes, which DKs should not be faster.
Infinite is too harsh I agree. It should remain the 4 it is now. But the projectile limit should be per person. Doesn't shut down ranged builds, doesn't turn to *** v groups.
If they add snare removal, (which is honestly a necessity on a slow class) they need to add immunity too. Else it'd be useless. Cleanse snare, get 3 snares on you again...
DK shouldn't have an expedition or even a gapcloser IMO. It shouldn't be necessary.. If they make wings/chains/petrify a worthwhile counter to range.
It's a melee damage class, and the slowest class. It needs a gap closer.
Infinite is too harsh I agree. It should remain the 4 it is now. But the projectile limit should be per person. Doesn't shut down ranged builds, doesn't turn to *** v groups.
If they add snare removal, (which is honestly a necessity on a slow class) they need to add immunity too. Else it'd be useless. Cleanse snare, get 3 snares on you again...
DK shouldn't have an expedition or even a gapcloser IMO. It shouldn't be necessary.. If they make wings/chains/petrify a worthwhile counter to range.
Toc de Malsvi wrote: »
While I appreciate the idea and thought to increase the power of wings without making infinte reflect. 4 to each player does shut down ranged builds. 6 seconds is more than enough time for you to buff or setup your burst and go back to wings.
During that time players with projectiles as a significant component of their output ie mag NB, bow will only be able to use tertiary weak aoes or buffs. Burning through your reflect kills them or uses up all resources which then kills them.
I think yall way underestimate its power vs ranged builds. You are not simply mitigating 100% of the damage from projectiles. You are forcing your opponent to eat 100%(120% depending on morph) of that damage or to dodge roll their own attacks on top of your attacks. Which means either you are completely reversing their primary damage while taking nothing, or you are taking no damage and forcing them to use up their stam pool.
The power of reflect is why it was nerfed.
Nothing has changed with relation to the power of reflect. Players have moved away from using reflectable skills, making reflect stronger does not help you vs the vast majority of the playerbase. If you want better defenses to stand your ground, you need to come up with better ideas for mitigating the 80-90% of cyrodiil that dont run projectile based damage.
It is only weak right now because most players dont use projectiles. And if they do, several players can all attack to burn through reflect. Buffing it against projectiles further will not make more players use projectiles, and it will only make you stronger vs the builds you can already kill reliably.
Hence why i suggested removing the bonus damage and adding a snare removal and minor expedition. It increases defensive counterplay for DKs by lessening the ability of faster classes to dance circles around them while rolling endlessly. Also it makes the ability useful even if no projectile is used against you. It gives more incentive for projectile abilities to be used as the damage is lessened. It would work as a not quite as powerful mist form replacement without pigeonholing DKs into vampire.
I don't agree with a 4 projectile per enemy either, it's too strong.
I question how that would affect anything different in 1v1s. The damage increase morph is eh. I see how it could be a problem for mainly squishy builds but 2 lightattacks into a dodge and you are half way through, eating light attack damage isn't that strong. Hell, even spend that time debuffing etc
4s, 4 projectiles per target means that it can either be waited out or bruteforced. But not be decimated by groups how it is now, seems perfectly fair. The big thing is its not going to completely shut down a build as some say, 3.4k (higher in heavy) is very expensive, and 2 counters to it is quite big.
(This is presuming they fix the *** thing to not be assaulted with status effects and stop pulse ignoring it. [bird/meteor is fine because one is a summon, the other is an AoE.])