Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Are you happy with how PVP is currently performing?

  • whiteshadow711jppreub18_ESO
    the LAG is still there....
    Signed, Kotaro Atani.PS5 NA
    VR16/ CP 160 Khajiit Nightblade of the Aldmeri Dominion, Guildmaster and Assassin of the Queen's Hand guild on NA PC. PvP Officer in the WOLF guild on NA PS5, and of course Master Thief. Currently 3120 CP out of 3600 CP on NA PS5. Currently 810 CP on NA PC (used for PTS testing purposes only). On PS5 I am also a Master Crafter, all traits done and learned, Jewelry crafting done. all Motifs learned on PS5 except for maybe two-three Motifs. Both Companions are Max level as are their Skills.Warrior, Lover, Thief.... Nightblade. Aldmeri Dominion For Life! For the Queen!! Go Dominion or go home ! "I have no hatred for the races of Man, but they are young. Like all children, they are driven by emotion. They lack the wisdom that comes with age. I would sooner place an Altmer infant on the Ruby Throne than surrender Tamriel to their capricious whims. The Altmer, the Bosmer and the Khajiit share the common traits of intelligence, patience and reason. We do not seek riches or plunder. Domination is not our goal, nor is the acclamation of power for its own sake. Today we make our stand. Today we take back the Ruby Throne, which is ours by ancient right and the blessings of the Divines. Stand with us." ―Your Queen Commands, Ayrenn Arana Aldmeri.(All 18 characters are AD only! This one is a AD Loyalist)Member of ESO Since January 29, 2014, started early Access 3/30/14 on PC, currently subbed on NA PS5 and on NA PC. Note- I only use PC for PTS testing purposes, the PS5 is my dedicated Game Platform.Note- for those that don't know how to say Kotaro Atani it's "Ko tar row Ah ta ni" (Ko with a Oh sound, tar which sounds like the sticky black tar stuff, row like rowing a boat, Ah with a AHHHH sound, Ta with a Tahhh sound, Neeee which sounds like knee)"The blowing sands of time wipe clean the footprints of the past...""Moonsugar may be the key to paradise, but it is through a false door...""A perfect society is always elsewhere..."- Unknown book of Khajiiti proverbs.
  • Ley
    I enjoy PvP. That doesn't mean that it's perfect and that there isn't room for improvement.
    Leylith - MagSorc | Leyloth - StamPlar | Leynerd - MagPlar | Leylit - StamBlade | Ley Eviticus - StamDK | Leydor - MagDen | Leylum - StamSorc | Leylux - MagBlade
  • barshemm
    It's fun earlier in the day. Prime time though getting wrecked over and over again because my skills won't go off due to lag sucks. I am the point of considering just not entering cyrodil after 6pm est.
  • Dracan_Fontom
    It's really not fun anymore. Everyone plays the same way, with the same skills, and the armor. It's a miracle to see a templar who isn't using Wizard's Riposte or a stamden not using the same same burst combo.

    They are using there class/gear effectively but there's no diversity anymore.
    Edited by Dracan_Fontom on May 1, 2018 4:08PM
  • huschdeguddzje
    Balance pve and pvp separately we are ruining each others experiences
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    Here's what needs to happen from a big picture perspective.

    ZOS needs to be up front and honest as to what really happened. Why did the game function so well for the first 6 months or so in 2014 and then just take a nosedive in 2015? I've heard all the theories, but now I want the official answer.

    The prevailing theory to why performance is so bad is that server side checks were put in to combat cheating. But there is another way. The game needs to get an actual anti-cheat software such as VAC or Punkbuster. Some software with memory scanning capabilities that can respond automatically to cheating reports. That way you could have less server side checks and the original intent of cyro being a massive 100v100v100 game can be realized again.

    Anyone caught cheating needs to be IP banned and told they are not welcome in the game ever again. No coming back. No creating a new account with a similar name to profit from past notoriety. If you use an external program to modify the game, you're gone. End of story. The PvP community needs to regain it's confidence in ZOS's stance against cheating.

    Stop nerfing class abilities. Just stop. The balance problem was always with the power creep caused by other factors. Removing softcaps, putting so much power and raw stat enhancement behind the champion system. Counters are more important than nerfs. Many nerfs could have been prevented if smart counter-skills were placed in the game.

    Stop "Shaking up the Meta." Changing how PvP works drastically from a skill and resource perspective every six months isn't fun. We want more content, more to do in Cyrodiil. Making towns capturable was a great addition but it shouldn't stop there. You should be able to upgrade the towns and add defenses around them. Also some quality of life things like letting wall repair kits stack to 200, getting access to your guild stores from cyro banker, and putting some guild traders in the base camps that you can hire for AP. The current system of guild traders at keeps just doesn't work. We go out there to fight, not trade.

    Rich Lambert's famous words need to be considered in the reverse. Does HE actually want US here? Does ZOS actually care about the PvP community? Several key events in the history of this game has led us to doubt strongly that it does. There has been a TON of ZOS sponsored RP events, PvE events, but ZOS has been pretty hands off with the PvP community. They even had a policy at one point not to feature PvP builds on Buildmasters corner if they showed players killing other players. What? I don't even. We desperately need the air cleared publicly. It sucks to feel like the *** sons of ESO. I guess I know how the Orsimer feel now. But something's gotta give. There are plenty of great PvP MMO's on the horizon. ZOS won't have the monopoly on open world based PvP forever. So its time for them to decide if PvP has a place in their game, or just board up cyrodiil and turn it into a PvE zone so we can all move on for good.
    Edited by Yolokin_Swagonborn on May 1, 2018 5:06PM
  • Sagranax
    ^^ Excellent post
    Here's what needs to happen from a big picture perspective.

    ZOS needs to be up front and honest as to what really happened. Why did the game function so well for the first 6 months or so in 2014 and then just take a nosedive in 2015? I've heard all the theories, but now I want the official answer.

    The prevailing theory to why performance is so bad is that server side checks were put in to combat cheating. But there is another way. The game needs to get an actual anti-cheat software such as VAC or Punkbuster. Some software with memory scanning capabilities that can respond automatically to cheating reports. That way you could have less server side checks and the original intent of cyro being a massive 100v100v100 game can be realized again.

    Anyone caught cheating needs to be IP banned and told they are not welcome in the game ever again. No coming back. No creating a new account with a similar name to profit from past notoriety. If you use an external program to modify the game, you're gone. End of story. The PvP community needs to regain it's confidence in ZOS's stance against cheating.

    Stop nerfing class abilities. Just stop. The balance problem was always with the power creep caused by other factors. Removing softcaps, putting so much power and raw stat enhancement behind the champion system. Counters are more important than nerfs. Many nerfs could have been prevented if smart counter-skills were placed in the game.

    Stop "Shaking up the Meta." Changing how PvP works drastically from a skill and resource perspective every six months isn't fun. We want more content, more to do in Cyrodiil. Making towns capturable was a great addition but it shouldn't stop there. You should be able to upgrade the towns and add defenses around them. Also some quality of life things like letting wall repair kits stack to 200, getting access to your guild stores from cyro banker, and putting some guild traders in the base camps that you can hire for AP. The current system of guild traders at keeps just doesn't work. We go out there to fight, not trade.

    Rich Lambert's famous words need to be considered in the reverse. Does HE actually want US here? Does ZOS actually care about the PvP community? Several key events in the history of this game has led us to doubt strongly that it does. There has been a TON of ZOS sponsored RP events, PvE events, but ZOS has been pretty hands off with the PvP community. They even had a policy at one point not to feature PvP builds on Buildmasters corner if they showed players killing other players. What? I don't even. We desperately need the air cleared publicly. It sucks to feel like the *** sons of ESO. I guess I know how the Orsimer feel now. But something's gotta give. There are plenty of great PvP MMO's on the horizon. ZOS won't have the monopoly on open world based PvP forever. So its time for them to decide if PvP has a place in their game, or just board up cyrodiil and turn it into a PvE zone so we can all move on for good.

    Post of the year. Kudos
  • Hurtfan
    For the Pact!
    Keyboard not found, press any key to continue
  • Hurtfan
    Nogawd wrote: »
    This playerbase (that whine in the forums at least) would never be happy. They have issues that go well beyond the game.

    I think that people that play PvE, which is essentially the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over, finding it enjoyable, have issues :P
    For the Pact!
    Keyboard not found, press any key to continue
  • Bhaal5
    For the people that think this is irrelevant, is eso lag free yet? If the answer is no for over half the community, Poll is still relevant.
  • Duukar
    Load screens and crashes in BG leading to deserter penalty. I've never run from a fight in my life. Oh wait according to ZoS I have.

    Break free seeming to not fire. Perhaps it's a CC lock paired with lag. Hard to say. Annoying to get CCed, break free, stand up, and no skills will fire and wham dead....

    Some classes/builds have too much sustain and DPS and high mobility and burst and heals and and and... I'm looking at you stam source and stamblades and stamdens.

    Still fun, but can be very frustrating especially in high level competition in BGs. Which is like 1in 5 BGs. Fixed soon I hope.
  • Juhasow
    I dont know how is it possible but every time I say "it cant be worse then this" about some broken stuff , Zenimax proves me I am wrong :joy: This state last for quite some time already.

    Actually it would be nice to see this pool revitalized since lot of "NO" votes back then when it was created was due to weak performance.
    Edited by Juhasow on May 2, 2018 5:19AM
  • amir412
    Here's what needs to happen from a big picture perspective.

    ZOS needs to be up front and honest as to what really happened. Why did the game function so well for the first 6 months or so in 2014 and then just take a nosedive in 2015? I've heard all the theories, but now I want the official answer.

    The prevailing theory to why performance is so bad is that server side checks were put in to combat cheating. But there is another way. The game needs to get an actual anti-cheat software such as VAC or Punkbuster. Some software with memory scanning capabilities that can respond automatically to cheating reports. That way you could have less server side checks and the original intent of cyro being a massive 100v100v100 game can be realized again.

    Anyone caught cheating needs to be IP banned and told they are not welcome in the game ever again. No coming back. No creating a new account with a similar name to profit from past notoriety. If you use an external program to modify the game, you're gone. End of story. The PvP community needs to regain it's confidence in ZOS's stance against cheating.

    Stop nerfing class abilities. Just stop. The balance problem was always with the power creep caused by other factors. Removing softcaps, putting so much power and raw stat enhancement behind the champion system. Counters are more important than nerfs. Many nerfs could have been prevented if smart counter-skills were placed in the game.

    Stop "Shaking up the Meta." Changing how PvP works drastically from a skill and resource perspective every six months isn't fun. We want more content, more to do in Cyrodiil. Making towns capturable was a great addition but it shouldn't stop there. You should be able to upgrade the towns and add defenses around them. Also some quality of life things like letting wall repair kits stack to 200, getting access to your guild stores from cyro banker, and putting some guild traders in the base camps that you can hire for AP. The current system of guild traders at keeps just doesn't work. We go out there to fight, not trade.

    Rich Lambert's famous words need to be considered in the reverse. Does HE actually want US here? Does ZOS actually care about the PvP community? Several key events in the history of this game has led us to doubt strongly that it does. There has been a TON of ZOS sponsored RP events, PvE events, but ZOS has been pretty hands off with the PvP community. They even had a policy at one point not to feature PvP builds on Buildmasters corner if they showed players killing other players. What? I don't even. We desperately need the air cleared publicly. It sucks to feel like the *** sons of ESO. I guess I know how the Orsimer feel now. But something's gotta give. There are plenty of great PvP MMO's on the horizon. ZOS won't have the monopoly on open world based PvP forever. So its time for them to decide if PvP has a place in their game, or just board up cyrodiil and turn it into a PvE zone so we can all move on for good.

    Make a thread with this comment pls.
    PC | EU | AD | "@Saidden"| 1700 CP|
  • Gilvoth
    amir412 wrote: »
    Here's what needs to happen from a big picture perspective.

    ZOS needs to be up front and honest as to what really happened. Why did the game function so well for the first 6 months or so in 2014 and then just take a nosedive in 2015? I've heard all the theories, but now I want the official answer.

    The prevailing theory to why performance is so bad is that server side checks were put in to combat cheating. But there is another way. The game needs to get an actual anti-cheat software such as VAC or Punkbuster. Some software with memory scanning capabilities that can respond automatically to cheating reports. That way you could have less server side checks and the original intent of cyro being a massive 100v100v100 game can be realized again.

    Anyone caught cheating needs to be IP banned and told they are not welcome in the game ever again. No coming back. No creating a new account with a similar name to profit from past notoriety. If you use an external program to modify the game, you're gone. End of story. The PvP community needs to regain it's confidence in ZOS's stance against cheating.

    Stop nerfing class abilities. Just stop. The balance problem was always with the power creep caused by other factors. Removing softcaps, putting so much power and raw stat enhancement behind the champion system. Counters are more important than nerfs. Many nerfs could have been prevented if smart counter-skills were placed in the game.

    Stop "Shaking up the Meta." Changing how PvP works drastically from a skill and resource perspective every six months isn't fun. We want more content, more to do in Cyrodiil. Making towns capturable was a great addition but it shouldn't stop there. You should be able to upgrade the towns and add defenses around them. Also some quality of life things like letting wall repair kits stack to 200, getting access to your guild stores from cyro banker, and putting some guild traders in the base camps that you can hire for AP. The current system of guild traders at keeps just doesn't work. We go out there to fight, not trade.

    Rich Lambert's famous words need to be considered in the reverse. Does HE actually want US here? Does ZOS actually care about the PvP community? Several key events in the history of this game has led us to doubt strongly that it does. There has been a TON of ZOS sponsored RP events, PvE events, but ZOS has been pretty hands off with the PvP community. They even had a policy at one point not to feature PvP builds on Buildmasters corner if they showed players killing other players. What? I don't even. We desperately need the air cleared publicly. It sucks to feel like the *** sons of ESO. I guess I know how the Orsimer feel now. But something's gotta give. There are plenty of great PvP MMO's on the horizon. ZOS won't have the monopoly on open world based PvP forever. So its time for them to decide if PvP has a place in their game, or just board up cyrodiil and turn it into a PvE zone so we can all move on for good.

    Make a thread with this comment pls.

    that truely is an awesome comment he made, and its all truth.
    your right, someone needs make a thread with it.
  • jhall03
    PS4 NA

    Cyrodiil lag & disconnects.
    (Partial) Solution - let us turn down effects

    Cyrodiil and IC could use some tweaking
  • Xvorg
    This game is not fun anymore... there's little to no develpoment and everyone runs a cookie cutter build. The development team believes that introducing new sets every patch is the way to solve how boooooring this has become, but it's just an illusion they make to give you a reason to keep on playing (and paying)

    Everything is so standard it looks like clone wars. And when you come out with an out of the box idea, the development team takes little to no time to change that feature... forcing you to do the same the others do...

    Generic, that's the main feeling when playing ESO... if at least it was generic but without lag and zergs, it would be somewhat entertaining... but no... it's zergy, laggy and generic...

    And the industry is full of generic titles...
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Marcus684
    Lag and inability to trust that ZOS can prevent cheating.
  • Irylia
    Need to incentivize groups to spread out and not stack so hard. Should be dozens of small fights around the map for key objectives not 3 choke points that raids run back and forth between (gate/bridge)
    Not to mention the amount of crutch with eg/mobile aoe ults/defile/stacking hp
  • Killset
    Here's what needs to happen from a big picture perspective.

    ZOS needs to be up front and honest as to what really happened. Why did the game function so well for the first 6 months or so in 2014 and then just take a nosedive in 2015? I've heard all the theories, but now I want the official answer.

    The prevailing theory to why performance is so bad is that server side checks were put in to combat cheating. But there is another way. The game needs to get an actual anti-cheat software such as VAC or Punkbuster. Some software with memory scanning capabilities that can respond automatically to cheating reports. That way you could have less server side checks and the original intent of cyro being a massive 100v100v100 game can be realized again.

    Anyone caught cheating needs to be IP banned and told they are not welcome in the game ever again. No coming back. No creating a new account with a similar name to profit from past notoriety. If you use an external program to modify the game, you're gone. End of story. The PvP community needs to regain it's confidence in ZOS's stance against cheating.

    Stop nerfing class abilities. Just stop. The balance problem was always with the power creep caused by other factors. Removing softcaps, putting so much power and raw stat enhancement behind the champion system. Counters are more important than nerfs. Many nerfs could have been prevented if smart counter-skills were placed in the game.

    Stop "Shaking up the Meta." Changing how PvP works drastically from a skill and resource perspective every six months isn't fun. We want more content, more to do in Cyrodiil. Making towns capturable was a great addition but it shouldn't stop there. You should be able to upgrade the towns and add defenses around them. Also some quality of life things like letting wall repair kits stack to 200, getting access to your guild stores from cyro banker, and putting some guild traders in the base camps that you can hire for AP. The current system of guild traders at keeps just doesn't work. We go out there to fight, not trade.

    Rich Lambert's famous words need to be considered in the reverse. Does HE actually want US here? Does ZOS actually care about the PvP community? Several key events in the history of this game has led us to doubt strongly that it does. There has been a TON of ZOS sponsored RP events, PvE events, but ZOS has been pretty hands off with the PvP community. They even had a policy at one point not to feature PvP builds on Buildmasters corner if they showed players killing other players. What? I don't even. We desperately need the air cleared publicly. It sucks to feel like the *** sons of ESO. I guess I know how the Orsimer feel now. But something's gotta give. There are plenty of great PvP MMO's on the horizon. ZOS won't have the monopoly on open world based PvP forever. So its time for them to decide if PvP has a place in their game, or just board up cyrodiil and turn it into a PvE zone so we can all move on for good.
    Slow clap...... Well said.
  • JWKe
    I'd like 1 team vs 1 team pvp. Tri-team is fun for the gimmick but i prefer the traditional.
  • ReverseVenom
    I put this in another thread about pvp but feel it still applies and has a greater chance to be seen by devs here

    I've cancelled my Eso+ subscription because of how *** ridiculous the PvP is. I've done 90% of PVE content so there is no reason to keep PVEing and frankly the most engaging thing in PVE is walking around farming and reading dialogue/written pieces. Dungeons are so ridiculously easy and I've farmed all my gear so there is zero incentive.

    which left me with PVP.

    I've always enjoyed PvP. In fact literally all my characters made start out with a PvP role in mind (the projects that failed were turned into a PVE healer, tank, and DPS. Noticeably less failures in that regard) PvP has always been big for me in gaming and elder scrolls themed PVP is what got me hooked. Now I'm utterly disgusted with the constant infinite load screens, communication failings, rediculous lag/crashes, and sheer neglect at obvious faults in the AvA system. Now to learn that most of the problems stemmed from a *** lighting patch. God dammit Zenimax.

    You guys do not release enough PVE incentives to keep someone hooked on the game solely for that and I swear to god this is not a sentence for you to twist into "so we need more PVE" this is a plea for you to look at your original plan for the game (90 day campaigns, multiple campaigns, FACTION LOCK, IC, pre one tamriel) and return cyrodiil to what you orginially marketed eso for.

    Remember this
    Edited by ReverseVenom on May 4, 2018 6:39PM
    Nerf mudcrabs
  • Ramber
    load screens and the lag while fighting is really a pain and why i dont push pvp in my guild much at all :/
  • GreenhaloX

  • Gargis
    Lets be honest, the pvp in this game is a joke.

  • Brutusmax1mus
    Wooooooow, 85% no on 700 votes. Lol

    Minus server lag, i love the asymmetrical balance for the most part. I play every class and resource type, many different ways.
    Edited by Brutusmax1mus on May 9, 2018 4:20PM
  • Metemsycosis
    Bgs yes, cyrodiil no.
    Terethea Magdalena, Breton Nightblade
    A Dark-Adapted Eye, Imperial Necromancer

    sanguinare vampiris

  • a1i3nz
    Way to farm the forums
  • TheBonesXXX
    Here's what needs to happen from a big picture perspective.

    ZOS needs to be up front and honest as to what really happened. Why did the game function so well for the first 6 months or so in 2014 and then just take a nosedive in 2015? I've heard all the theories, but now I want the official answer.

    The prevailing theory to why performance is so bad is that server side checks were put in to combat cheating. But there is another way. The game needs to get an actual anti-cheat software such as VAC or Punkbuster. Some software with memory scanning capabilities that can respond automatically to cheating reports. That way you could have less server side checks and the original intent of cyro being a massive 100v100v100 game can be realized again.

    Anyone caught cheating needs to be IP banned and told they are not welcome in the game ever again. No coming back. No creating a new account with a similar name to profit from past notoriety. If you use an external program to modify the game, you're gone. End of story. The PvP community needs to regain it's confidence in ZOS's stance against cheating.

    Stop nerfing class abilities. Just stop. The balance problem was always with the power creep caused by other factors. Removing softcaps, putting so much power and raw stat enhancement behind the champion system. Counters are more important than nerfs. Many nerfs could have been prevented if smart counter-skills were placed in the game.

    Stop "Shaking up the Meta." Changing how PvP works drastically from a skill and resource perspective every six months isn't fun. We want more content, more to do in Cyrodiil. Making towns capturable was a great addition but it shouldn't stop there. You should be able to upgrade the towns and add defenses around them. Also some quality of life things like letting wall repair kits stack to 200, getting access to your guild stores from cyro banker, and putting some guild traders in the base camps that you can hire for AP. The current system of guild traders at keeps just doesn't work. We go out there to fight, not trade.

    Rich Lambert's famous words need to be considered in the reverse. Does HE actually want US here? Does ZOS actually care about the PvP community? Several key events in the history of this game has led us to doubt strongly that it does. There has been a TON of ZOS sponsored RP events, PvE events, but ZOS has been pretty hands off with the PvP community. They even had a policy at one point not to feature PvP builds on Buildmasters corner if they showed players killing other players. What? I don't even. We desperately need the air cleared publicly. It sucks to feel like the *** sons of ESO. I guess I know how the Orsimer feel now. But something's gotta give. There are plenty of great PvP MMO's on the horizon. ZOS won't have the monopoly on open world based PvP forever. So its time for them to decide if PvP has a place in their game, or just board up cyrodiil and turn it into a PvE zone so we can all move on for good.


    When Cyrodiil gears performance is subpar to gear outside Cyrodiil, theres a problem. When Cyrodiil does not have Asylum and Master Weapons equivalents, theres a problem.

    When Zenimax prioritizes everything about Cyrodiil, that just tells me they dont give a [Snip].

    [Edit to remove profanity]

    Edited by [Deleted User] on November 6, 2021 1:00AM
  • Kewpie
    I just dont like this one-shot style combat, huge amount of dmg in sec. This is not pvp. I mean small-scale
  • IZZEFlameLash
    Relevant still in 2018. I am not happy with the current state of the game. It always swings too much to one side. Sure, balance can swing to one side but not like how this game is. This game creates so much powergap that it is sorta pointless trying to overcome the gap with what limited abilities we have as players other than playing that class yourself.
    Lag is also a killer. Most of the times, I die a lot because I drop block or whatever defense for a second or 2 due to the lag even though on my client I am told I was performing defensive action. Or from skills never going off until I respawn. It gets really annoying. I understand that distance is a factor but I cannot understand why ZOS cannot try to decrease the severity of lag's impacy experienced by Asia/Pacific (including Australia) players when they try to play on NA server because there are no other options to play this game. Other games at least try to compensate for the lag.

    Also, there is no variety. Almost everyone is running the exact clone builds. Don't even need build videos for that to happen because there are only few viable sets and only few high up there classes that completely dominate in every aspect. Stamblade and stamden comes to mind. I do not blame people for running fotm builds but what I do blame is lack of variety in builds this game has. Yes, other games do have this problem and I acknowledge this problem will never go away but well balanced game would have a lot lesser gap between builds which means viability of other builds that are not fotm. This game? Does not allow it if you want to remain competitive. It gets really boring.
    Imperials, the one and true masters of all mortal races of Tamriel
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