Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Are you happy with how PVP is currently performing?

  • settinrecords
    Soul Shriven
    Ps4 na

    The lag/loadscreens are unbearable.

    Its very tedious, generally all we are doing is getting emp titles for ap farmers. The ideas presented in the op's podcast are very intriguing and i feel would revitalize pvp by giving groups more objectives.

    HEAVY ARMOR NEEDS TO HAVE DAMAGE NERFED. Wrath needs to go. Heavy armor builds should never even put out an equal amount of dps compared to light/medium builds let alone more dps. Where is the trade off? Light armor builds at least have shields but there is no incentive to run medium armor.
  • dem0n1k
    Totally love the game & the AvA gameplay... but lag, terrible ping to server, load screens just when I really want to get somewhere quickly, skill not firing after a few button pushes..... so frustrating. The biggest kicker for me though... these issues have made all my ESO playing friends leave for other games. :(

    I can handle the balance issues, the tank meta & even the zergs.. but I can't handle the bad performance.
    NA Server [PC] -- Mostly Ebonheart Pact, Mostly.
  • Fur_like_snow
    Anybody out there? Zeni??
  • Synfaer
    TBH, I have never heard of a game where the majority of PvP players are happy with the state of PvP
  • Bhaal5
    90% of the complaints is just the LAG.
  • MakoFore
    Performance is still terrible but the four things I ajdbmany others really wanted and should have had in this game by now are
    1: ability to create custom bg matches and tournaments.
    2. Cp amd non cp bg
    3. More sophisticated ranking systems for teams and individuals that took into account wins and losses, a proper kda ratio that wasnt as simple as death blows and time played. Rewarding skill over axtivity. Mobas woukd have been an easy reference.
    4. Similarky the abilty to have ranked and.unranked matches, create teams for rankings so we.could have a leaderboard of top four mams and so on.

    The game had a real potential there to create an environment for competitive team play but theyve fumbled it at every patch. These are relatively simple additions yet they have shown no interest or entgusiasm for giving us what we have asked for yet have the audadoty to sit there grinning with lride at some crappu bg mode tjat nobody asked for. The gake needs to gice us end gamers more to do with competitive gameplay. Not giving us custiom duel or tournamemts and bgs is just lazy and shoetsighted. Give us the tools and at least let us do it then. Im no pro player but even as a spectator who woHeapsiesnt be excited to see a deathmatch with sypher, kodi , essa, fengrush againdt kena, faso,etc. Im not asking for esports just at least a way the game can show off its best gameplay, yhat means the best players being ablebyo play agimst the best plauers, and a fair way to determine whos best. Trust me, if they did it it eould return the game to past glory and push it up there among top twitch games, bevause it wouof be entertaining as hell. , But no...... Another patch another disappointment.

    Sorry about typos, typing this frofm my iphone.
  • MakoFore
    We just want the ability to play, and be asjudicated and ranked ina fair manner, thats what every competitive gamer wantss and what every game shoukd provide. The performance and balance iaaues are princuple concern, but this is a featuee that is funwntal to any modern mp game and embarrasingly overlooked. If we could at least have custom matches we would do the rest, the organsising ourselves, and if wenciukd have a fair way of calculating kda (kill death assist) tjat also considered healing and tanking perhaps healing outout againdst deaths or damage inout against death ratios, then other rolea would be similarly given the chance to show off what thye could do. Its like zos has a game like basketball a great game, a fun game, for both plauers and viewrrs but has no idea how to organize it into a league or event so that it can give the players an arena to play and show off their skills andbbuikds or a league. Please zos give it to us hy the new year. Theyre four things that chould be coded hy a few guys over a fortnight, not asking for a notger xrappy quest
    zone here, but something that is simple programming wise and woukd boost this gane I guarantee it to the goldem days .

    Oh amd fix the lag and gice us an oceania server . Coa tge gane still performa like beta. Which occurs to me perhaps the reason they dont or havent given us a way to play pvp competitively and make tournaments is because it woukd only expose how poorly the gane performs server wise. I could easily foresee a tournament being held and everyone gwtting kicked to a loading screen or being discinnected or blaming loseses on poor sever performance. In fact thats probably the only good reason I can think of as to why we haventvgot it, they know it woukd only embarrass them.

  • Jade1986
    Lettigall wrote: »
    [Snip] lag, loading screens(while in loading screen you can get married, rise children, become grandparent and find successor from your great-grandchildren who will take your place to watching loading screen) and dev love for zergs!

    I make lunch sometimes during them. xD

    [Edited for quote]
    Edited by ZOS_KatP on October 17, 2017 7:06PM
  •  Czirne
    No. No, no, God no. No.

    Lag is bad.
    Big zergs and game mechanics that encourage zerg play are bad. There is no reason to spread out. There is no downside when playing in big group - its safer, you get more ap, aoe caps promote massive group play.
    I'm not saying there should not be big groups in cyrodiil, but zenimax has to promote small group play, small skirimishes and encourage people to spread out. Give more ap people in groups 8 and less people.
    Reverse how aoe caps works - more people should recieve more damage. That way people may actualy spread.
    Edited by Czirne on October 12, 2017 1:31PM
    I believe in lagless Cyrodiil!
  • Bhaal5
    Wonder if this is actually going to get an official. response?
  • kwisatz
    ckbud wrote: »
    Need Live events in Cyrodiil or IC, like a Group boss is spawning in X location in 5 mins, which awards a lot of AP. Then people will know where to go and given something to fight over. Can occur more often during prime time, and less often during other hours.

    Hell no, we dont go to Cyrodiil to have PvE events!
    Edited by kwisatz on October 13, 2017 7:20AM
  • kwisatz
    Create more incentives and more objectives.

    Make cities and other places' control count to have the emperor crowned, create reasons to fight elsewhere than the central ring, reasons to think new strategies and split groups all over this great map.
    Make Imperial City actually play a role in the Alliance War: make its districts count to have the emperor crowned ; open that bridge on the road to Alessia, create a new access from the surface; IC deserves to be more than a sad farming spot.
    (copy/paste of another post I wrote in another thread)
  • olsborg
    How could I be, let me explain the last week of pvp.

    Get home, start up the game, check my ingame mail, queue for cyrodiil, 5-15 minutes later I get in (vivec eu), play for about 10-20 minutes, logged out because lagg totally ruined the experience.

    Now you would say "why not queue for one of the less populated campaings like Shor?"

    Well, any of the 7day camps are empty, apart from the one zergblob that uses the camp as their buffservers and keep the camp in one color so they can farm telvar easily.

    Case Closed.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Bhaal5
    olsborg wrote: »
    How could I be, let me explain the last week of pvp.

    Get home, start up the game, check my ingame mail, queue for cyrodiil, 5-15 minutes later I get in (vivec eu), play for about 10-20 minutes, logged out because lagg totally ruined the experience.

    Now you would say "why not queue for one of the less populated campaings like Shor?"

    Well, any of the 7day camps are empty, apart from the one zergblob that uses the camp as their buffservers and keep the camp in one color so they can farm telvar easily.

    Case Closed.

    This sums up the stale current system
  • Krayzie
    Bhaal5 wrote: »
    Wonder if this is actually going to get an official. response?

    lol they don't care, their main priority is selling cosmetic changes to PVE roleplayers
    I'm a PVE roleplayer concerned about my vampires stage 4 skin tone and keep getting load screens so I came here to distract people from major issues with a rant thread about my characters cosmetic appearance.
  • randomkeyhits
    play on PS4 EU

    overall its fun but when on Vivec the lag does hurt at times.

    Just tried one of the 7 days and it wasn't good for different reasons. Log in to a single colour map and be jumped by a group with all bonuses, didn't realise how much that would hurt :s . Fight and turn part of the map, come back next day, back to single colour. With each alliance, less than 100 characters on the leader boards and even less accounts, some players were play across alliances even there.

    So right now there is absolutely no need for three different 7 day campaigns, reducing it back to one might possibly see a more normal alliance dynamic.

    Seeing accounts in multiple alliances even in such a small campaign..... either make PvP alliance choice account wide or for any given campaign restrict access to that campaign to only characters of the same alliance as the one that picked it.

    So I get a choice, a campaign with lots of lag but operates more how its intended or a campaign with little lag which in terms of game mechanics has been pretty much gimped. Not the best choices in the world.
    EU PS4
  • maboleth
    olsborg wrote: »
    How could I be, let me explain the last week of pvp.

    Get home, start up the game, check my ingame mail, queue for cyrodiil, 5-15 minutes later I get in (vivec eu), play for about 10-20 minutes, logged out because lagg totally ruined the experience.

    Now you would say "why not queue for one of the less populated campaings like Shor?"

    Well, any of the 7day camps are empty, apart from the one zergblob that uses the camp as their buffservers and keep the camp in one color so they can farm telvar easily.

    Case Closed.

    But why aren't people spreading more into the 7 day cp campaigns if the lag is that terrible in Vivec? Why everyone sticks to Vivec in the first place?

    However, these are definitely not the best days for eso pvp, blobs quit, sypher quit. While I couldn't care less for those guys or anyone at twitch, it's sort of sad and strange that the Es:Online doesn't have a dedicated player base there. It shows how the game is performing, at least a bit.
    I have checked the ES:Legends and it already has a huge fanbase at twitch. Larger than ESO ever had. People would rather watch cards flip than real battles in Cyrodiil. :(
  • ezeepeezee
    play on PS4 EU

    overall its fun but when on Vivec the lag does hurt at times.

    Just tried one of the 7 days and it wasn't good for different reasons. Log in to a single colour map and be jumped by a group with all bonuses, didn't realise how much that would hurt :s . Fight and turn part of the map, come back next day, back to single colour. With each alliance, less than 100 characters on the leader boards and even less accounts, some players were play across alliances even there.

    So right now there is absolutely no need for three different 7 day campaigns, reducing it back to one might possibly see a more normal alliance dynamic.

    Seeing accounts in multiple alliances even in such a small campaign..... either make PvP alliance choice account wide or for any given campaign restrict access to that campaign to only characters of the same alliance as the one that picked it.

    So I get a choice, a campaign with lots of lag but operates more how its intended or a campaign with little lag which in terms of game mechanics has been pretty much gimped. Not the best choices in the world.

    There used to be a restriction on playing the same campaign with characters on different factions. They lifted the restriction a while back.

    To this day I completely disagree with the decision.
  • Caff32
    Unplayable on console
  • maboleth

    Just listen to Fengrush's rant, 100% true. ZOS could learn, but as he says "they don't give a crap for pvp/cyrodiil".
  • br0steen
    Unplayable lag on xbox na during prime time. Pvp population is too low to warrant multiple campaigns at the moment.
  • alainjbrennanb16_ESO
    oh god, no!!!!!!!! to many cheat engines and to many using macro's, plus other stuff it needs fixing, for god sake zos put a anti cheat guard on game
    Main character dk - Vanikifar whitestrike
  • alainjbrennanb16_ESO
    Everybody is way too tanky and it feels like we need a zerg just to kill one player. As mostly a solo player, the current state of the game is really bad when the best strategy for killing somebody is to pop the cheesy sword and board ulti and run around a tree until your team shows up to wipe whoever you were fighting

    you cant take them down easly enough you just have to use the right stuff, ie: poisons
    Main character dk - Vanikifar whitestrike
  • Nihilos
    ConstanKar wrote: »
    Me and my guild "blackswords PVP" really enjoy the PVP and RP ninjas! we really like sneaking around.

  • Grim13
    maboleth wrote: »
    Just listen to Fengrush's rant, 100% true. ZOS could learn, but as he says "they don't give a crap for pvp/cyrodiil".

    My problem with Fengrush is that he makes valid complaints about pvp but then turns around and abuses the exact same things he was complaining about. Lol

    Kind of difficult to take him seriously in that light.
  • ezeepeezee
    Grim13 wrote: »
    maboleth wrote: »
    Just listen to Fengrush's rant, 100% true. ZOS could learn, but as he says "they don't give a crap for pvp/cyrodiil".

    My problem with Fengrush is that he makes valid complaints about pvp but then turns around and abuses the exact same things he was complaining about. Lol

    Kind of difficult to take him seriously in that light.

    I'm not trying to defend Fengrush specifically, but the reality is that you can either swallow your pride and use the - arguably broken - things that work and result in success, or you can opt out and accept the failure that comes with that choice. The fact is, you can't enforce your own sense of morality on the players. It's up to ZOS and ZOS alone to fix what's broken, so that people can have a fair game. It is just human nature to exploit the available resources to ensure success. It's part of what we enjoy about gaming.
  • Grim13
    ezeepeezee wrote: »
    Grim13 wrote: »
    maboleth wrote: »
    Just listen to Fengrush's rant, 100% true. ZOS could learn, but as he says "they don't give a crap for pvp/cyrodiil".

    My problem with Fengrush is that he makes valid complaints about pvp but then turns around and abuses the exact same things he was complaining about. Lol

    Kind of difficult to take him seriously in that light.

    I'm not trying to defend Fengrush specifically, but the reality is that you can either swallow your pride and use the - arguably broken - things that work and result in success, or you can opt out and accept the failure that comes with that choice. The fact is, you can't enforce your own sense of morality on the players. It's up to ZOS and ZOS alone to fix what's broken, so that people can have a fair game. It is just human nature to exploit the available resources to ensure success. It's part of what we enjoy about gaming.

    I enforce my own sense of morality on myself, and myself only,... but giving in to the BS because it provides “success” just makes someone a hypocrite and part of the problem.
  • ezeepeezee
    Grim13 wrote: »
    ezeepeezee wrote: »
    Grim13 wrote: »
    maboleth wrote: »
    Just listen to Fengrush's rant, 100% true. ZOS could learn, but as he says "they don't give a crap for pvp/cyrodiil".

    My problem with Fengrush is that he makes valid complaints about pvp but then turns around and abuses the exact same things he was complaining about. Lol

    Kind of difficult to take him seriously in that light.

    I'm not trying to defend Fengrush specifically, but the reality is that you can either swallow your pride and use the - arguably broken - things that work and result in success, or you can opt out and accept the failure that comes with that choice. The fact is, you can't enforce your own sense of morality on the players. It's up to ZOS and ZOS alone to fix what's broken, so that people can have a fair game. It is just human nature to exploit the available resources to ensure success. It's part of what we enjoy about gaming.

    I enforce my own sense of morality on myself, and myself only,... but giving in to the BS because it provides “success” just makes someone a hypocrite and part of the problem.

    I agree, but it's just a matter of taste for both of us. I don't go to Cyro to farm AP, I go to try and have fun. I only run s/b on one of my toons (and I have a stam type of every class), and I've been trying to do a no-cloak NB as well. But I recognize that I am doing something according to my own taste. Some people's taste is that they either win or leave. That's why there's so much focus on META, so many easy-mode chasers out there, and so on. Lately it feels more like people are in Cyro to farm AP, not to compete. So be it. I'm not going to say it's right or wrong, because many of them will tell you that the objective of the game in Cyrodiil is to make AP, nothing more or less (it used to be common to hear people say they were "only loyal to the AP"). In the same way that there are BiS gear setups and raid compositions, there are BiS choices in PVP as well. You either use them or your performance is inherently sub-par. It's part of why people get so heated about class changes, and why people have been screaming for nerfs to certain classes, playstyles, etc. for a long time. No class should be BiS. But that's not a debate I'm trying to have here, and I digress.

    I want to make it clear that I am not accusing you, or anybody, of anything here. Except for ZOS. They need to take a hard look at the game they are creating. They need to compare the game's mechanics to successful titles. ESO is actually a really great game, but there are some things that cheapen and ruin the experience for a majority of players when they go to try PVP (of course there is also the lag, but that's a technical issue, not an issue with game mechanics, related though they may be). I don't think anybody denies it at this point. My interest in them fixing this stuff is for the sake of the game's longevity; it has little to do with what I do when I play, as I already knowingly put myself at a disadvantage. I would really like for people to stick with and enjoy PVP, but so much of it turns people away that it has lost its appeal to all but the most dedicated. And you typically see the most dedicated people using the most 'broken' setups, i.e. setups that drastically outperform other available options (but I am not discounting their skill as individual players).

    That's just how I see it, and all I really have to say about it anymore. I haven't spoken with any dedicated PVPers that don't see the problems, don't recognize that this game could be so much more than it is right now. It's disappointing.
  • Emmagoldman
    I still like pvp but i agree, there have been almost no changes to the zone. There is that big of a map and thats the limit of creativity?

    Also on balance, the game is way out of balance and every class outside of what I play needs a nerf.

    I actually feel the game has been moving slowly towards balance and there are way more viable builds then a year ago
    Edited by Emmagoldman on October 13, 2017 10:34PM
  • maboleth
    Grim13 wrote: »
    maboleth wrote: »
    Just listen to Fengrush's rant, 100% true. ZOS could learn, but as he says "they don't give a crap for pvp/cyrodiil".

    My problem with Fengrush is that he makes valid complaints about pvp but then turns around and abuses the exact same things he was complaining about. Lol

    Kind of difficult to take him seriously in that light.

    You didn't watch this. He wasn't talking about the mechanics, but of the lag and how there was 5 servers/campaigns yet only 1 was fully overused and almost unplayable in prime time, while others were either empty or had at least one low pop faction like Sotha Sil.

    So he was like - merge those pure empty servers, lower the cap numbers of Vivec, depending how much server can tolerate non-lag and move those extra players to other campaign(s). Create something so people can spread out.

    But no, ZOS really doesn't seem to give time to Cyrodiil or IC at all. Even newly made BGs are not heading in the right direction with CP-only play AND inability to fight with same-level players... There's zero coverage in Twitch about BGs and only a bit of Cyrodiil.
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