Okay, I confess, I am a crazy person. I have 14 max CP characters and would desire to create even more characters.
I like to have a stamina version and a magicka version of every class for PvE. That's 5 classes times two resources equaling 10 characters.
I would also like to have dedicated PvP characters. That would be a healer, tanky build, and two dps builds for each alliance. That's four builds times 3 alliances equaling 12 character slots. Also, I don't want to create an alt account and regrind CP.
So, in summary, I am a recovering Altaholic (addicted to alt characters) and would like to have 22 character slots made available as free or for purchase.
Are you a fellow recovering Altaholic (addicted to alts; not Altmers) who would like additional character slots?
Edited by Galenus_of_Pergamon on September 28, 2017 4:27PM 14 AD Characters all 730CP+ (more info coming soon)
Vivat Veritas
Do you want more than 14 characters? 156 votes
Yes, sell us up to 30 character slots in the Crown Store and we'll buy them up!
Yes, give us 16 free characters slots if we buy up to 14!
No, you Altaholics need mental health services. Please contact your nearest psychiatrist immediately!
I have my own opinion, not represented by the three options above, and I will share it in the comments section below.