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Cp being added to BG !! ( as of now )

  • Feanor
    The amount of e-peen stroking in this thread is as hilarious as the notion of CP BGs.


    I don't know what you consider a good PC player, but I have yet to encounter anyone playing BGs regularly on PC EU who was hyped at the prospect of CP BGs.
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 50 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1900+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • Avnr
    all i want to say is:

    welcome zerg teams to bg
  • RouDeR
    I just cannot wait to 1v8 with my broken Warden Tank ^^
  • Thogard
    Avnr wrote: »
    all i want to say is:

    welcome zerg teams to bg

    oh gosh, we should all be so lucky... they'll get stomped, but then they'll retreat back to cyrodil and the BGs will be worse off than they are now.
    PC NA - @dazkt - Dazk Ardoonkt / Sir Thogalot / Dask Dragoh’t / Dazk Dragoh’t / El Thogardo


  • Magdalina
    They're opening a GIANT can of worms with this change that so far they have successfully kept closed by disabling CP. I'd say I hope I know what they're doing but given it's ZOS I'm 101% sure they have no idea so rip Battlegrounds.

    Also OP...did you...really just say that cp has no effect on sustain? This is best thing I've read on the forums whole last week, thanks for the laugh :D
  • damarky
    I vote no for CP BG's it wont be fun. Vote yes to letting any one BG (dont have to sub) and Vote yes for a ranking system. Thanks.
    Edited by damarky on September 20, 2017 2:29PM
  • red_emu
    Ok... so Battle Grounds is now only for Elitist Meta Unkillable Tanks. Thank you ZoS for supporting only those players who play 20 hours a day and have billions of gold to constantly buy new gold gear.
    PC - EU:
    Falathren Noctis - AD MagNecro
    Falathren - AD StamSorc
    Falathren Eryndaer - AD StamDen
    Falathren Irimion - AD MagPlar
    Talagan Falathren - AD StamDK
    Falathren Infernis - AD MagDK
    Your-Ex - AD MagBlade
  • RouDeR
    red_emu wrote: »
    Ok... so Battle Grounds is now only for Elitist Meta Unkillable Tanks. Thank you ZoS for supporting only those players who play 20 hours a day and have billions of gold to constantly buy new gold gear.

    BGs is already a place for unkillable tanks , actualy the CPs will offer more counterplay trough Befaul , if you dont know how to smart distribute ur CPs u need l2p mate .
  • Lexxypwns
    bubbygink wrote: »
    I pretty much agree with what HEBREWHAMMER and LOKO have said in this thread. Both of you are exactly on point.

    Just want to add that it is so funny seeing all these zerglings who tried out BGs on day one and got absolutely crushed, who then stopped doing BGs because of that, now be like "oh hey now that CP is enabled I'll actually try BGs again" - as if it was totally the no-CP holding them back all along. If BGs do switch to CP there is going to be another reality check for these players: it isn't the no-CP that is causing you to get wrecked or not be able to make your build work, it's that your used to running over players in a zerg and you can't do that in BGs. It isn't the no-CP that is "limiting your theory crafting" or w/e BS is consistently being spewed. You just aren't that good.

    If CP BGs go live I wonder what the next excuse is going to be from these guys? The one positive of actually adding CP to BGs would be to see all these zerglings squirm to come up with a new excuse for why they get crushed in BGs other than the old "well my build doesn't work in no-CP" that they all pull now. As others have said, the BG population would spike at first if CP was added before all these zerglings find that they are still getting wrecked just as bad and go back to their 50 man cyrodiil groups (or their 14 man tower farm group that's "totally not a zerg man!!!11"). And then BGs will be ruined for those of us who actually like the balanced competition. Not to mention the issues it will cause those with low CP.

    I implore ZOS to reconsider there position on this and at least offer up some kind of explanation for the potential change- there was no dev note or anything.

    Wanna know why nobody does non cp bg? You cant negate as much damage which makes proc sets aids in bg. Its all about burst and i know i have played with the best on xbox. Stam Nb rule BG atleast until viper nerf and they are still kings of Bg period unless cp was added. Looks like devs know more than you and its a good thing they know how to phase out the nonsense that goes on in some of these forums.

    Just L2P man you will be fine

    Stamblade is *** in BGs. I'm not sure you can claim any class is top dog, but if I had to I'd say Magplar rules BGs on Xbox NA. If two teams are generally equal, the team with the better magplar tends to win.

    I'm with @bubbygink and @HEBREWHAMMERRR here, I need that GT bruh.

    I think we are all more worried about low CP players getting pug stomped more than they already do and telling any of us to l2p is a big joke. As it stands half the BGs population is below the CP cap, you're going to take some of the best competition on the server and eliminate them simply because I've had more time to grind CP than them? Ok, yeah, that's a reflection of skill for sure.
    Edited by Lexxypwns on September 20, 2017 5:21PM
    I couldn't be bothered to read the whole thing but it's patentedly obvious that the whole "people like no CP more" thing is a straight up myth.

    If there was even a shred of evidence that it was true one of the non-CP campaigns would be busy but they never are and Vivek is pop locked for like 12 hours each day.
  • bubbygink
    RouDeR wrote: »
    red_emu wrote: »
    Ok... so Battle Grounds is now only for Elitist Meta Unkillable Tanks. Thank you ZoS for supporting only those players who play 20 hours a day and have billions of gold to constantly buy new gold gear.

    BGs is already a place for unkillable tanks , actualy the CPs will offer more counterplay trough Befaul , if you dont know how to smart distribute ur CPs u need l2p mate .

    The irony of comments like this always cracks me up. Somebody telling another to L2P when their comment shows they clearly don't have a good understanding of the game. If you think adding CP will make tanks easier to kill then you are out of your mind. I really don't even know how to respond to a comment that far off-base but I'll try.

    If you put 71 points into Befoul (which is a lot) then you increase your healing debuff by 50%. So even if you have 100% uptime on major and minor defile (difficult to do) you will have 22.5% more reduced healing on the target (typically it is 45% and you get 50% more). Well if the tank has 43 into Quick Recovery they get 10% increased healing so that already cancels a good chunk of that out. Now the tank only has 12.5% additional decreased healing received in CP from your Befoul. But guess what? You can bet that their healer (and they themselves) are going to have a lot of points into Blessed. 75 gives them 14% healing done. That is going to cancel out the remainder 12.5% of the decreased healing from Befoul. And because the tank is going to have 100% uptime on his healing buffs and will likely be purging off your debuffs frequently (not to mention how difficult it would be for you to keep 100% uptime), the tanks healing will be much improved in CP over no-CP.

    That is just healing. Now when you factor in stuff like Shadoward pretty easily giving 22-23% reduced block cost (a HUGE amount), Warlord reducing their break free cost, and other beneficial CP trees, tanks are going to be MUCH harder to kill. Not to mention in CP they will get more max stats. Their health will be higher, their off-resource stat (which is important for tanks) will be much higher too.

    My math may not be perfect but the point is that ultimately you won't have any player with a decent knowledge of the game tell you that a tank is easier to kill in CP than no-CP. What a ludicrous assertion.

    Edited by bubbygink on September 20, 2017 5:34PM
  • Lexxypwns
    I couldn't be bothered to read the whole thing but it's patentedly obvious that the whole "people like no CP more" thing is a straight up myth.

    If there was even a shred of evidence that it was true one of the non-CP campaigns would be busy but they never are and Vivek is pop locked for like 12 hours each day.

    Its not about what people like. Its about a balanced competitive environment. At present, some of the BG game modes already allow for lopsided things that avoid actual open combat. Now you're implementing a whole world full of builds that can either 1 shot squishies or tank forever or can tank for prolonged periods of time and still have insane burst damage. Most people that have an issue with this change aren't concerned from a popularity standpoint, there's no doubt that CP enabled BGs will have higher pop initially, but from a long term health of the environment standpoint.

    All the lower CP players or any new player that enters BGs will simply be fodder for CP capped players, exacerbating the already glaring issue of pug stomping. Unlike in cyrodiil, there is no way for a CP 100 player to reliably contribute anywhere near as much to his team as an equally skilled CP 690 player, he can't hide behind numbers and his stats are simply too low for him to be able to effectively contribute relative to what a capped player would. Now, 1/4 of his team is significantly weaker than the capped players on the other team, this DRASTICALLY alters his teams chances of winning.

    The only way adding CP into BGs and NOT giving an option of 50+ non-CP battlegrounds without exacerbating the issues that already plague BGs is to add some sort of ELO or MMR system.
    Edited by Lexxypwns on September 20, 2017 5:31PM
  • bubbygink
    I couldn't be bothered to read the whole thing but it's patentedly obvious that the whole "people like no CP more" thing is a straight up myth.

    If there was even a shred of evidence that it was true one of the non-CP campaigns would be busy but they never are and Vivek is pop locked for like 12 hours each day.

    This is a false-equivalency. Just because people may like CP better in Cyrodiil doesn't mean they also like CP better in BGs. BGs involve smaller, coordinated groups and are fast-paced and more objective based. For that reason, CP slows them down and makes them less fun. In fact, the poll made on the matter tends to show that players, in fact, do not want CP in BGs at all:

    And here is another poll that shows very few find that making BGs CP is a good change - the pluarlity prefers no-CP as is and another sizeable amount of people would accept both a no-CP and CP queue: .
    Edited by bubbygink on September 20, 2017 5:58PM
  • Cinbri
    Right now when you have teammates with 60 cp vs enemies with 1000cp and vice versa - it wont make any difference. Next update tho it will mean unavoidable defeat or win. Many new players who didn't grind cp like crazy will be just a meatbags in 50lvl bgs and ruin gameplay for rest of team. Don't wana low cp players - go premade :/
    Edited by Cinbri on September 20, 2017 5:40PM
  • bubbygink
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    Stamblade is *** in BGs. I'm not sure you can claim any class is top dog, but if I had to I'd say Magplar rules BGs on Xbox NA. If two teams are generally equal, the team with the better magplar tends to win.

    I'm with @bubbygink and @HEBREWHAMMERRR here, I need that GT bruh.

    I think we are all more worried about low CP players getting pug stomped more than they already do and telling any of us to l2p is a big joke. As it stands half the BGs population is below the CP cap, you're going to take some of the best competition on the server and eliminate them simply because I've had more time to grind CP than them? Ok, yeah, that's a reflection of skill for sure.

    This is spot on. I mentioned earlier in the thread that the BG meta is to have a good Magplar and then perhaps Magwarden. So much more utility from the magic classes, those in particular. And I'll reiterate again that Stamblade is my favorite class to come across in BGs when I'm on my Magblade. Pretty much an easy kill unless they sprint away.

    And I agree the fact that lower CP players can't compete is actually the biggest problem for me (even though I've focused a lot on the gameplay being worse in general in CP). I have a friend who only has like 185 CP but has focused pretty much exclusively on PVP so he does quite well in BGs currently. It will take him months and months of nothing but grinding for him to get enough CP to be as competitive as he currently is if BGs switched to CP. He wouldn't want to do that. It creates such a huge barrier of entry for so many players who enjoy BGs currently. Us max-CP players shouldn't be afraid of more competition. I want the lower CP guys to be on the same playing field as me. It makes BGs much more balanced, fun, and popular.
    I couldn't be bothered to read the whole thing but it's patentedly obvious that the whole "people like no CP more" thing is a straight up myth.

    If there was even a shred of evidence that it was true one of the non-CP campaigns would be busy but they never are and Vivek is pop locked for like 12 hours each day.
    If I could go in to the NonCP campaign and actually find consistent fights I would be in there for sure, it's just not the case. Why? Because people feel the need to use the crutch of CP in cyrodill coupled with their giant zergs to minimize death. The problem with this is this type of gameplay minimize the fun for the handful of actual competitive players who want an even playing field to showcase their class and their ability to perform on an even slate with everyone. This, NonCP is the best platform for this as it adds resource management, conscious timing of burst and coordination of your team to achieve victory.

    The people running around in CP are going to come back in to BGs, get slapped around because they aren't as good as they thought they were and CP doesn't provide an inch of leverage over skill when the playing field is even.

    It's the experienced players who are begging not to create this kind of advantage gap on the most competitive platform we've seen to date. It will literally ruin the game for anyone not max CP and then when those people who remain get destroyed by the same people currently destroying NonCP BG what're those players(who didn't want CP in BGs to begin with) are left forced to play CP BGs.

    Just all around not a good solution. At all.

    If you want to increase population of BGs add a MMR system and increase the rewards for playing battlegrounds. Simple.
  • Lexxypwns
    I couldn't be bothered to read the whole thing but it's patentedly obvious that the whole "people like no CP more" thing is a straight up myth.

    If there was even a shred of evidence that it was true one of the non-CP campaigns would be busy but they never are and Vivek is pop locked for like 12 hours each day.
    If I could go in to the NonCP campaign and actually find consistent fights I would be in there for sure, it's just not the case. Why? Because people feel the need to use the crutch of CP in cyrodill coupled with their giant zergs to minimize death. The problem with this is this type of gameplay minimize the fun for the handful of actual competitive players who want an even playing field to showcase their class and their ability to perform on an even slate with everyone. This, NonCP is the best platform for this as it adds resource management, conscious timing of burst and coordination of your team to achieve victory.

    The people running around in CP are going to come back in to BGs, get slapped around because they aren't as good as they thought they were and CP doesn't provide an inch of leverage over skill when the playing field is even.

    It's the experienced players who are begging not to create this kind of advantage gap on the most competitive platform we've seen to date. It will literally ruin the game for anyone not max CP and then when those people who remain get destroyed by the same people currently destroying NonCP BG what're those players(who didn't want CP in BGs to begin with) are left forced to play CP BGs.

    Just all around not a good solution. At all.

    If you want to increase population of BGs add a MMR system and increase the rewards for playing battlegrounds. Simple.

    MMR would go a long way.

    But ultimately it has to be untied from the price tag of morrowind as well
  • Ihatenightblades
    Mihael wrote: »
    Mihael wrote: »
    LokoMatic wrote: »
    LokoMatic wrote: »
    Worst idea of all time. I have won 38 BG matches in a row with a pre-made group, this will only make things 10x worse. If you think CP can save you, then you are already lost.

    Nobody wants cp to save them. We want cp because we earned them and our sets/builds are built using them because why wouldnt we make our builds with the thought of our cp in them?

    95% of this game allowe CP usage get with the program buddy and L2P

    I earned my CP too, but I don't want BG's to be ruined by ZOS opening the door for more aids group comps. 2 Magplars / Mag Warden's can tank 8 players in NON CP BG's. Imagine how much worse this will be with CP.

    Aids was addressed last patch man if you still struggling its a L2P issue.

    I play this game religiously and have yet to experience cheese by another player.

    Yes i have been killed plenty times but does that mean its cheese?

    1vx isnt easy and you shouldnt feel you have the power to do it at all time.

    If you are talking about cheese solo builds then I strongly disagree i have bumped into some unkillable tanks but they also had 0 dmg so i cant be mad its what they do.

    Viper is weak proc sets arent as strong and sustain is harder than ever.

    I honestly love the current state of the game ( pvp wise )

    Pve magplar and magdk need love ❤️
    The point is, premade group comps are a handful to deal with in current live, nonCP. This is going to be amplified so much more if CP gets introduce in BGs. The reason we like BGs is because there is no CP. You don't just run around aimlessly spamming abilities, you have to be conscious of your resource management. You have to coordinate with your team to make target switches, time burst, etc. This takes that away. You will have way more sustain, mitigation and utility, which will slightly scale with damage but not enough when you multiply this by 4 people all running similar AIDs builds. I'm not sure what game you're playing but you keep telling Loko to l2p and I've seen the guy open world 1vX better than any player I've seen in the game on a magDK. It's not that we are concerned of the changes, we just don't want them because it ruins the enticement of battlegrounds as a whole. The competitive format that BGs offers is what makes it fun. If it goes live, whatever, it sucks but I already know my build is meant for CP and I tweaked it to be more formidable for BGs. AKA : my build will be better, but I DONT want that at all. It will discourage the lower CP from the current even playing field and turn a lot of people off when they run in to the referenced aids premades of unkillable group comps.

    You know cp has nothing to do with sustain right.... i lose like 100-200 recovery max without cp. nice try tho. L2P
    So let me get this're telling me that CP has nothing to do with sustain but in the same sentence telling me you lose 200 recovery without CP. This logic is mind blowing.

    I guess I just need to l2p like you

    Yes 200 max if that. Most people lose about 80-150 regen and if thats too much for you too handle then you definitely need to L2P :D

    You do realize you get sustain from tenacity (increase resource on heavy attacks), warlord reduces cost of break free, you can reduce the cost of dodge roll, block, and sprint so no it's actually a lot more than 200 recovery that you lose with no cp, but if you knew how to play you would know this

    lmao break free cost and sprint. Please stop. If those are the things stopping you from competing you definitely need to L2P buddy.

    Il teach you something about cp. the MAIN things that get buffed and makes strong impact with cp is damage and damage mitigating. Thats all. Period.

    The rest is small potatoes

    Lol as a max cp player who plays vivec and sotha I like no cp bgs better, so no it's not stopping me from competing, but sure let's act like you didn't forget what half of the green cp tree does lol,

    Also you are crying because you played no cp bgs and got rekt because you couldn't stay alive with out your cp crutch damage mitigation lol.

    If you put as much effort into the game as you do at making irrelevant post that don't make sense and hiding your lack of game knowledge by saying "L2P" then maybe just maybe you would be able to appreciate no cp bgs

    Non cp BG is the same to me with just less damage mitigating. Every bg match i play i get atleast 8 more kills than deaths minimum. And at times i have gone 20-0 18-1 12-0 10-0 mannnnny times especially when you Q with friends that are prettty good also.

    You seem to be one of the people who is scared of cp. my only guess would be because you cant kill anything in CP pvp LOL. That's usually it xD just learn to play man if you dont like CP play another game this game is for mmorpg fans not first person shooter even playing field. Go to halo or overwatch or something if you want that or stay on eso and keep getting wrekt ;) il take the ap
    Still waiting for you to drop that gamertag....

    U wish like anything good would come out of dropping my gamertag. Il just stick to dropping people like you in BG's ;) ( all jokes
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    bubbygink wrote: »
    I pretty much agree with what HEBREWHAMMER and LOKO have said in this thread. Both of you are exactly on point.

    Just want to add that it is so funny seeing all these zerglings who tried out BGs on day one and got absolutely crushed, who then stopped doing BGs because of that, now be like "oh hey now that CP is enabled I'll actually try BGs again" - as if it was totally the no-CP holding them back all along. If BGs do switch to CP there is going to be another reality check for these players: it isn't the no-CP that is causing you to get wrecked or not be able to make your build work, it's that your used to running over players in a zerg and you can't do that in BGs. It isn't the no-CP that is "limiting your theory crafting" or w/e BS is consistently being spewed. You just aren't that good.

    If CP BGs go live I wonder what the next excuse is going to be from these guys? The one positive of actually adding CP to BGs would be to see all these zerglings squirm to come up with a new excuse for why they get crushed in BGs other than the old "well my build doesn't work in no-CP" that they all pull now. As others have said, the BG population would spike at first if CP was added before all these zerglings find that they are still getting wrecked just as bad and go back to their 50 man cyrodiil groups (or their 14 man tower farm group that's "totally not a zerg man!!!11"). And then BGs will be ruined for those of us who actually like the balanced competition. Not to mention the issues it will cause those with low CP.

    I implore ZOS to reconsider there position on this and at least offer up some kind of explanation for the potential change- there was no dev note or anything.

    Wanna know why nobody does non cp bg? You cant negate as much damage which makes proc sets aids in bg. Its all about burst and i know i have played with the best on xbox. Stam Nb rule BG atleast until viper nerf and they are still kings of Bg period unless cp was added. Looks like devs know more than you and its a good thing they know how to phase out the nonsense that goes on in some of these forums.

    Just L2P man you will be fine

    Stamblade is *** in BGs. I'm not sure you can claim any class is top dog, but if I had to I'd say Magplar rules BGs on Xbox NA. If two teams are generally equal, the team with the better magplar tends to win.

    I'm with @bubbygink and @HEBREWHAMMERRR here, I need that GT bruh.

    I think we are all more worried about low CP players getting pug stomped more than they already do and telling any of us to l2p is a big joke. As it stands half the BGs population is below the CP cap, you're going to take some of the best competition on the server and eliminate them simply because I've had more time to grind CP than them? Ok, yeah, that's a reflection of skill for sure.

    This is a mmorpg not a first person shooter go play cod or something why would u pay 60$ for one game mode? Sorry but you're the one with the problem here since you cant kill any decent cp players. Go to overwatch buddy everybody is same level there.

    Or L2p and stop crying and man up
  • Lexxypwns
    Mihael wrote: »
    Mihael wrote: »
    LokoMatic wrote: »
    LokoMatic wrote: »
    Worst idea of all time. I have won 38 BG matches in a row with a pre-made group, this will only make things 10x worse. If you think CP can save you, then you are already lost.

    Nobody wants cp to save them. We want cp because we earned them and our sets/builds are built using them because why wouldnt we make our builds with the thought of our cp in them?

    95% of this game allowe CP usage get with the program buddy and L2P

    I earned my CP too, but I don't want BG's to be ruined by ZOS opening the door for more aids group comps. 2 Magplars / Mag Warden's can tank 8 players in NON CP BG's. Imagine how much worse this will be with CP.

    Aids was addressed last patch man if you still struggling its a L2P issue.

    I play this game religiously and have yet to experience cheese by another player.

    Yes i have been killed plenty times but does that mean its cheese?

    1vx isnt easy and you shouldnt feel you have the power to do it at all time.

    If you are talking about cheese solo builds then I strongly disagree i have bumped into some unkillable tanks but they also had 0 dmg so i cant be mad its what they do.

    Viper is weak proc sets arent as strong and sustain is harder than ever.

    I honestly love the current state of the game ( pvp wise )

    Pve magplar and magdk need love ❤️
    The point is, premade group comps are a handful to deal with in current live, nonCP. This is going to be amplified so much more if CP gets introduce in BGs. The reason we like BGs is because there is no CP. You don't just run around aimlessly spamming abilities, you have to be conscious of your resource management. You have to coordinate with your team to make target switches, time burst, etc. This takes that away. You will have way more sustain, mitigation and utility, which will slightly scale with damage but not enough when you multiply this by 4 people all running similar AIDs builds. I'm not sure what game you're playing but you keep telling Loko to l2p and I've seen the guy open world 1vX better than any player I've seen in the game on a magDK. It's not that we are concerned of the changes, we just don't want them because it ruins the enticement of battlegrounds as a whole. The competitive format that BGs offers is what makes it fun. If it goes live, whatever, it sucks but I already know my build is meant for CP and I tweaked it to be more formidable for BGs. AKA : my build will be better, but I DONT want that at all. It will discourage the lower CP from the current even playing field and turn a lot of people off when they run in to the referenced aids premades of unkillable group comps.

    You know cp has nothing to do with sustain right.... i lose like 100-200 recovery max without cp. nice try tho. L2P
    So let me get this're telling me that CP has nothing to do with sustain but in the same sentence telling me you lose 200 recovery without CP. This logic is mind blowing.

    I guess I just need to l2p like you

    Yes 200 max if that. Most people lose about 80-150 regen and if thats too much for you too handle then you definitely need to L2P :D

    You do realize you get sustain from tenacity (increase resource on heavy attacks), warlord reduces cost of break free, you can reduce the cost of dodge roll, block, and sprint so no it's actually a lot more than 200 recovery that you lose with no cp, but if you knew how to play you would know this

    lmao break free cost and sprint. Please stop. If those are the things stopping you from competing you definitely need to L2P buddy.

    Il teach you something about cp. the MAIN things that get buffed and makes strong impact with cp is damage and damage mitigating. Thats all. Period.

    The rest is small potatoes

    Lol as a max cp player who plays vivec and sotha I like no cp bgs better, so no it's not stopping me from competing, but sure let's act like you didn't forget what half of the green cp tree does lol,

    Also you are crying because you played no cp bgs and got rekt because you couldn't stay alive with out your cp crutch damage mitigation lol.

    If you put as much effort into the game as you do at making irrelevant post that don't make sense and hiding your lack of game knowledge by saying "L2P" then maybe just maybe you would be able to appreciate no cp bgs

    Non cp BG is the same to me with just less damage mitigating. Every bg match i play i get atleast 8 more kills than deaths minimum. And at times i have gone 20-0 18-1 12-0 10-0 mannnnny times especially when you Q with friends that are prettty good also.

    You seem to be one of the people who is scared of cp. my only guess would be because you cant kill anything in CP pvp LOL. That's usually it xD just learn to play man if you dont like CP play another game this game is for mmorpg fans not first person shooter even playing field. Go to halo or overwatch or something if you want that or stay on eso and keep getting wrekt ;) il take the ap
    Still waiting for you to drop that gamertag....

    U wish like anything good would come out of dropping my gamertag. Il just stick to dropping people like you in BG's ;) ( all jokes
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    bubbygink wrote: »
    I pretty much agree with what HEBREWHAMMER and LOKO have said in this thread. Both of you are exactly on point.

    Just want to add that it is so funny seeing all these zerglings who tried out BGs on day one and got absolutely crushed, who then stopped doing BGs because of that, now be like "oh hey now that CP is enabled I'll actually try BGs again" - as if it was totally the no-CP holding them back all along. If BGs do switch to CP there is going to be another reality check for these players: it isn't the no-CP that is causing you to get wrecked or not be able to make your build work, it's that your used to running over players in a zerg and you can't do that in BGs. It isn't the no-CP that is "limiting your theory crafting" or w/e BS is consistently being spewed. You just aren't that good.

    If CP BGs go live I wonder what the next excuse is going to be from these guys? The one positive of actually adding CP to BGs would be to see all these zerglings squirm to come up with a new excuse for why they get crushed in BGs other than the old "well my build doesn't work in no-CP" that they all pull now. As others have said, the BG population would spike at first if CP was added before all these zerglings find that they are still getting wrecked just as bad and go back to their 50 man cyrodiil groups (or their 14 man tower farm group that's "totally not a zerg man!!!11"). And then BGs will be ruined for those of us who actually like the balanced competition. Not to mention the issues it will cause those with low CP.

    I implore ZOS to reconsider there position on this and at least offer up some kind of explanation for the potential change- there was no dev note or anything.

    Wanna know why nobody does non cp bg? You cant negate as much damage which makes proc sets aids in bg. Its all about burst and i know i have played with the best on xbox. Stam Nb rule BG atleast until viper nerf and they are still kings of Bg period unless cp was added. Looks like devs know more than you and its a good thing they know how to phase out the nonsense that goes on in some of these forums.

    Just L2P man you will be fine

    Stamblade is *** in BGs. I'm not sure you can claim any class is top dog, but if I had to I'd say Magplar rules BGs on Xbox NA. If two teams are generally equal, the team with the better magplar tends to win.

    I'm with @bubbygink and @HEBREWHAMMERRR here, I need that GT bruh.

    I think we are all more worried about low CP players getting pug stomped more than they already do and telling any of us to l2p is a big joke. As it stands half the BGs population is below the CP cap, you're going to take some of the best competition on the server and eliminate them simply because I've had more time to grind CP than them? Ok, yeah, that's a reflection of skill for sure.

    This is a mmorpg not a first person shooter go play cod or something why would u pay 60$ for one game mode? Sorry but you're the one with the problem here since you cant kill any decent cp players. Go to overwatch buddy everybody is same level there.

    Or L2p and stop crying and man up

    Again, if you think this is a l2p issue you're obviously just a joke. You'd drop the GT if you weren't a trash can
  • Zendran
    Personally, I think this is a terrible idea. And no, it's not a l2p issue by me. I just don't want to be fighting people while I have a distinct advantage against them due to my capped CP. They'll end up giving up and not coming back to BGs. People already complain enough about getting stomped. And why are you bragging about those scores? They're incredibly average even when running solo.
  • inthecoconut
    As a new player that doesn't understand, can someone please explain?
  • Ihatenightblades
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    Mihael wrote: »
    Mihael wrote: »
    LokoMatic wrote: »
    LokoMatic wrote: »
    Worst idea of all time. I have won 38 BG matches in a row with a pre-made group, this will only make things 10x worse. If you think CP can save you, then you are already lost.

    Nobody wants cp to save them. We want cp because we earned them and our sets/builds are built using them because why wouldnt we make our builds with the thought of our cp in them?

    95% of this game allowe CP usage get with the program buddy and L2P

    I earned my CP too, but I don't want BG's to be ruined by ZOS opening the door for more aids group comps. 2 Magplars / Mag Warden's can tank 8 players in NON CP BG's. Imagine how much worse this will be with CP.

    Aids was addressed last patch man if you still struggling its a L2P issue.

    I play this game religiously and have yet to experience cheese by another player.

    Yes i have been killed plenty times but does that mean its cheese?

    1vx isnt easy and you shouldnt feel you have the power to do it at all time.

    If you are talking about cheese solo builds then I strongly disagree i have bumped into some unkillable tanks but they also had 0 dmg so i cant be mad its what they do.

    Viper is weak proc sets arent as strong and sustain is harder than ever.

    I honestly love the current state of the game ( pvp wise )

    Pve magplar and magdk need love ❤️
    The point is, premade group comps are a handful to deal with in current live, nonCP. This is going to be amplified so much more if CP gets introduce in BGs. The reason we like BGs is because there is no CP. You don't just run around aimlessly spamming abilities, you have to be conscious of your resource management. You have to coordinate with your team to make target switches, time burst, etc. This takes that away. You will have way more sustain, mitigation and utility, which will slightly scale with damage but not enough when you multiply this by 4 people all running similar AIDs builds. I'm not sure what game you're playing but you keep telling Loko to l2p and I've seen the guy open world 1vX better than any player I've seen in the game on a magDK. It's not that we are concerned of the changes, we just don't want them because it ruins the enticement of battlegrounds as a whole. The competitive format that BGs offers is what makes it fun. If it goes live, whatever, it sucks but I already know my build is meant for CP and I tweaked it to be more formidable for BGs. AKA : my build will be better, but I DONT want that at all. It will discourage the lower CP from the current even playing field and turn a lot of people off when they run in to the referenced aids premades of unkillable group comps.

    You know cp has nothing to do with sustain right.... i lose like 100-200 recovery max without cp. nice try tho. L2P
    So let me get this're telling me that CP has nothing to do with sustain but in the same sentence telling me you lose 200 recovery without CP. This logic is mind blowing.

    I guess I just need to l2p like you

    Yes 200 max if that. Most people lose about 80-150 regen and if thats too much for you too handle then you definitely need to L2P :D

    You do realize you get sustain from tenacity (increase resource on heavy attacks), warlord reduces cost of break free, you can reduce the cost of dodge roll, block, and sprint so no it's actually a lot more than 200 recovery that you lose with no cp, but if you knew how to play you would know this

    lmao break free cost and sprint. Please stop. If those are the things stopping you from competing you definitely need to L2P buddy.

    Il teach you something about cp. the MAIN things that get buffed and makes strong impact with cp is damage and damage mitigating. Thats all. Period.

    The rest is small potatoes

    Lol as a max cp player who plays vivec and sotha I like no cp bgs better, so no it's not stopping me from competing, but sure let's act like you didn't forget what half of the green cp tree does lol,

    Also you are crying because you played no cp bgs and got rekt because you couldn't stay alive with out your cp crutch damage mitigation lol.

    If you put as much effort into the game as you do at making irrelevant post that don't make sense and hiding your lack of game knowledge by saying "L2P" then maybe just maybe you would be able to appreciate no cp bgs

    Non cp BG is the same to me with just less damage mitigating. Every bg match i play i get atleast 8 more kills than deaths minimum. And at times i have gone 20-0 18-1 12-0 10-0 mannnnny times especially when you Q with friends that are prettty good also.

    You seem to be one of the people who is scared of cp. my only guess would be because you cant kill anything in CP pvp LOL. That's usually it xD just learn to play man if you dont like CP play another game this game is for mmorpg fans not first person shooter even playing field. Go to halo or overwatch or something if you want that or stay on eso and keep getting wrekt ;) il take the ap
    Still waiting for you to drop that gamertag....

    U wish like anything good would come out of dropping my gamertag. Il just stick to dropping people like you in BG's ;) ( all jokes
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    bubbygink wrote: »
    I pretty much agree with what HEBREWHAMMER and LOKO have said in this thread. Both of you are exactly on point.

    Just want to add that it is so funny seeing all these zerglings who tried out BGs on day one and got absolutely crushed, who then stopped doing BGs because of that, now be like "oh hey now that CP is enabled I'll actually try BGs again" - as if it was totally the no-CP holding them back all along. If BGs do switch to CP there is going to be another reality check for these players: it isn't the no-CP that is causing you to get wrecked or not be able to make your build work, it's that your used to running over players in a zerg and you can't do that in BGs. It isn't the no-CP that is "limiting your theory crafting" or w/e BS is consistently being spewed. You just aren't that good.

    If CP BGs go live I wonder what the next excuse is going to be from these guys? The one positive of actually adding CP to BGs would be to see all these zerglings squirm to come up with a new excuse for why they get crushed in BGs other than the old "well my build doesn't work in no-CP" that they all pull now. As others have said, the BG population would spike at first if CP was added before all these zerglings find that they are still getting wrecked just as bad and go back to their 50 man cyrodiil groups (or their 14 man tower farm group that's "totally not a zerg man!!!11"). And then BGs will be ruined for those of us who actually like the balanced competition. Not to mention the issues it will cause those with low CP.

    I implore ZOS to reconsider there position on this and at least offer up some kind of explanation for the potential change- there was no dev note or anything.

    Wanna know why nobody does non cp bg? You cant negate as much damage which makes proc sets aids in bg. Its all about burst and i know i have played with the best on xbox. Stam Nb rule BG atleast until viper nerf and they are still kings of Bg period unless cp was added. Looks like devs know more than you and its a good thing they know how to phase out the nonsense that goes on in some of these forums.

    Just L2P man you will be fine

    Stamblade is *** in BGs. I'm not sure you can claim any class is top dog, but if I had to I'd say Magplar rules BGs on Xbox NA. If two teams are generally equal, the team with the better magplar tends to win.

    I'm with @bubbygink and @HEBREWHAMMERRR here, I need that GT bruh.

    I think we are all more worried about low CP players getting pug stomped more than they already do and telling any of us to l2p is a big joke. As it stands half the BGs population is below the CP cap, you're going to take some of the best competition on the server and eliminate them simply because I've had more time to grind CP than them? Ok, yeah, that's a reflection of skill for sure.

    This is a mmorpg not a first person shooter go play cod or something why would u pay 60$ for one game mode? Sorry but you're the one with the problem here since you cant kill any decent cp players. Go to overwatch buddy everybody is same level there.

    Or L2p and stop crying and man up

    Again, if you think this is a l2p issue you're obviously just a joke. You'd drop the GT if you weren't a trash can

    Like i said go play Cod or just keep getting rekt in eso OR quit cryin like s baby and man up and L2P. 99.9 percent of the game included cp in every content. Why change that? L2p fam if i had to take a guess you are one of those people who cant kill anything in pvp so you ONLY do non cp bg so you can put on proc sets and burst people 50/50. That would be the only reason someone is as salty as you are for adding cp Bg and removing non cp. back to call of duty you go leave eso for the big boys ;) ( haha jokes )
  • Thogard
    CP is not easier or harder than No CP, but it does allow for more specialization. Build strats become more exaggerated.

    This will be more of a problem for pugs fighting premades... if I'm running a four man that specifically allocated CPs to match our group roles (I.e. A dedicated healer, a guard tank, a dedicated DPS, and a float focus/CC spot) then we're going to have an even larger advantage because our synergies will be enhanced.
    PC NA - @dazkt - Dazk Ardoonkt / Sir Thogalot / Dask Dragoh’t / Dazk Dragoh’t / El Thogardo


  • bubbygink
    Like i said go play Cod or just keep getting rekt in eso OR quit cryin like s baby and man up and L2P. 99.9 percent of the game included cp in every content. Why change that? L2p fam if i had to take a guess you are one of those people who cant kill anything in pvp so you ONLY do non cp bg so you can put on proc sets and burst people 50/50. That would be the only reason someone is as salty as you are for adding cp Bg and removing non cp. back to call of duty you go leave eso for the big boys ;) ( haha jokes )

    You are throwing around "L2P" at other players when you apparently keep dying to FREAKING PROC SETS??? HAHAHA If you are getting wrecked by proc sets, even after the nerf, then you are the one who desperately needs to L2P because I have friends who just picked up the game a month ago who don't have any problem dealing with proc sets in their nerfed state. And then the fact that you say that those who "cant kill anything in pvp" go to BGs for easy kills. LOL too funny. BGs are even competition, it is the most fair things can be. You are just used to running around in a huge Zerg in Cyro killing low-CP pug groups and are counting that as getting kills even though it takes no skill. Lets see your gamertag and videos/screenshots of you 1vXing in Cyro and dominating BGs if you're so good at killing in PVP...

    Obviously, you are a big zerger who went into BGs and got wrecked (again, by proc sets? LMAO too funny) and are now blaming it on no-CP. If CP is added you are still going to get wrecked by players like me and the others in this thread. Then you'll go crying back to your Cyro zerg with another excuse and us actual competitive players will be left with BGs in a worse state with CP. This is exactly what we don't want and the point we are trying to make - those of you whining to get CP in BGs because you're getting wrecked need to realize that CP isn't going to help you but it will make BGs worse for those of us actually interested in some competition. But by all means, if you aren't a big zerger who struggles in BGs just let us know what your gamertag is or show us a couple videos or screenshots. I know you won't though because it would just prove us right.
  • Lexxypwns
    bubbygink wrote: »
    Like i said go play Cod or just keep getting rekt in eso OR quit cryin like s baby and man up and L2P. 99.9 percent of the game included cp in every content. Why change that? L2p fam if i had to take a guess you are one of those people who cant kill anything in pvp so you ONLY do non cp bg so you can put on proc sets and burst people 50/50. That would be the only reason someone is as salty as you are for adding cp Bg and removing non cp. back to call of duty you go leave eso for the big boys ;) ( haha jokes )

    You are throwing around "L2P" at other players when you apparently keep dying to FREAKING PROC SETS??? HAHAHA If you are getting wrecked by proc sets, even after the nerf, then you are the one who desperately needs to L2P because I have friends who just picked up the game a month ago who don't have any problem dealing with proc sets in their nerfed state. And then the fact that you say that those who "cant kill anything in pvp" go to BGs for easy kills. LOL too funny. BGs are even competition, it is the most fair things can be. You are just used to running around in a huge Zerg in Cyro killing low-CP pug groups and are counting that as getting kills even though it takes no skill. Lets see your gamertag and videos/screenshots of you 1vXing in Cyro and dominating BGs if you're so good at killing in PVP...

    Obviously, you are a big zerger who went into BGs and got wrecked (again, by proc sets? LMAO too funny) and are now blaming it on no-CP. If CP is added you are still going to get wrecked by players like me and the others in this thread. Then you'll go crying back to your Cyro zerg with another excuse and us actual competitive players will be left with BGs in a worse state with CP. This is exactly what we don't want and the point we are trying to make - those of you whining to get CP in BGs because you're getting wrecked need to realize that CP isn't going to help you but it will make BGs worse for those of us actually interested in some competition. But by all means, if you aren't a big zerger who struggles in BGs just let us know what your gamertag is or show us a couple videos or screenshots. I know you won't though because it would just prove us right.

    Obvious troll is obvious, just stop feeding him until he mans up and drops that GT. Otherwise he's just another loud mouthed nobody like oh so many loud mouthed nobodies on our platform man.

    @Thogard with the eloquent explanation
    Edited by Lexxypwns on September 20, 2017 7:32PM
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    RouDeR wrote: »
    Tell me again how Unkillable tanks are dealing no dmg and CP is needed for trolling when if u know what are you doing in NO CP as a real tank (AKA Wardens) you can DESTROY your enemies .

    Nice opportunity for self promotion I suppose...Would you like a cookie?

    The point I was making is that one of the arguments made for removing CP and for the recent re balance of CP is that it allows for what are known as "troll" tanks. Tanks that arent killing anything but can soak up nearly limitless amounts of damage. They used to be very common in cyro, but are a little more scarce these days. We certainly dont want them in BGs That is not the same thing as a skilled tanky player that is getting kills.
    RouDeR wrote: »
    Tell me again how Unkillable tanks are dealing no dmg and CP is needed for trolling when if u know what are you doing in NO CP as a real tank (AKA Wardens) you can DESTROY your enemies .

    Nice opportunity for self promotion I suppose...Would you like a cookie?

    The point I was making is that one of the arguments made for removing CP and for the recent re balance of CP is that it allows for what are known as "troll" tanks. Tanks that arent killing anything but can soak up nearly limitless amounts of damage. They used to be very common in cyro, but are a little more scarce these days. We certainly dont want them in BGs That is not the same thing as a skilled tanky player that is getting kills.
    You're missing it..this IS a current tank build. I've seen a magwarden kick out insane over a million damage, a million healing all while having 55k health in Non CP BGs. Adding CP to this makes my head hurt.
  • bigelle.x3_ESO
    Just want to reiterate this is a bad change. Match outcomes will be predetermined the majority of the time. Whoever has the highest cp will most likely win. They not only will probably have the skill and gear advantage from being long time players, they'll take less damage, dish out considerably more damage, and have tons more sustain from increased regen and reduced cost for pretty much every action in the game from cp. Someone like me with only a fraction of the passive stat buffs will stand absolutely no chance regardless of how skilled i am. This is not how a competitive game mode operates.

    It's like a high school basketball team trying to play the knicks; obviously the knicks will win because they are veteran players. But wait, because the knicks have earned it, whatever that means, and because of a forum user's false sense of char progression, they get to wear sneakers. The high school team has to go without. Well that would be a bad game now wouldn't it?
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    RouDeR wrote: »
    Tell me again how Unkillable tanks are dealing no dmg and CP is needed for trolling when if u know what are you doing in NO CP as a real tank (AKA Wardens) you can DESTROY your enemies .

    Nice opportunity for self promotion I suppose...Would you like a cookie?

    The point I was making is that one of the arguments made for removing CP and for the recent re balance of CP is that it allows for what are known as "troll" tanks. Tanks that arent killing anything but can soak up nearly limitless amounts of damage. They used to be very common in cyro, but are a little more scarce these days. We certainly dont want them in BGs That is not the same thing as a skilled tanky player that is getting kills.
    You're missing it..this IS a current tank build. I've seen a magwarden kick out insane over a million damage, a million healing all while having 55k health in Non CP BGs. Adding CP to this makes my head hurt.

    I get you can still do it, but it takes a lot more skill to pull it off. As you stated, throw in CP and the problem becomes worse.
  • Riggsy
    lol, ZOS couldn't handle the negative reactions to adding CP so they moved this thread to the BG forum to bury it.
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