Kali_Despoine wrote: »The game will only die when the devs stop supporting it.
Luigi_Vampa wrote: »The game will see a drop in users, but they will be back. Single player games are finite. I know for instance I'll still log on when TES 6 is out. I just won't be on as much as I am now.
This, yes it will be an significant drop in players and activity, but majority would come back, make sure to tune it with dlc and expansions.Luigi_Vampa wrote: »The game will see a drop in users, but they will be back. Single player games are finite. I know for instance I'll still log on when TES 6 is out. I just won't be on as much as I am now.
PlautisCarvain wrote: »Luigi_Vampa wrote: »The game will see a drop in users, but they will be back. Single player games are finite. I know for instance I'll still log on when TES 6 is out. I just won't be on as much as I am now.
Maybe for you, but me I just wait for ES6 to come out and then I uninstall ESO. The only reason why Bethesda don't work on ES6 is because they know it will eat ESO
Nemesis7884 wrote: »maybe, maybe not i mean at least you'd see a massive temporary drop in numbers, maybe they could try to time an expansion like 6-12 months after the release of TES 6 to get the players back...but remember, with mods, a GOOD tes game is usually played for up to hundreds of hours - for some even thousands...there are a lot of people who play skyrim to this date - or morrowind...
On the other hand if fallout 4 is an indication for tes 6...meh
And then again, think about that even if development of tes 6 now starts and pre production is done, its gonna take at least another 3-5 years... and thatas a looooooooooooong time for an mmo anyhow - mmo's are finite too...i doubt this game will be around by 2025
I agree. But personally all zones in ESP base game are boring and the quests are very very boring, I expected more than that but the only way to enjoy quests is by paying DLCSOne, I don't think ES6 is a given considering how similar single player Elder Scrolls and ESO are. They might want to continue pumping resources into ESO. Why release a single player Black Marsh or Elseweyr when you can build it into the existing game and give the player base that zone?
Of course, they might want to invest if they can push gaming forward in some way. Maybe they use it to roll a new combat system...like how ESO is a giant leap from Skyrim. Or they might want to push graphics forward...we haven't pushed the PS4 mush past the PS3 yet. Or...this is my hope...at some point they might want to revamp the game engine entirely, opening up new possibilities for future games. Every Bethesda / ZOS game since Morrowind has run on this engine...so the technology is a little (totally) outdated.
But assuming they do eventually release ES6, it won't likely kill the game. The same was asked about Fallout 4. For a while, people left to play Fallout. But it's a finite game, which can feel kinda lonely if you like MMOs. So people played, and then came back. And I think add'l releases can actually expand the ESO player base. A lot of people discovered ESO from being Fallout players.
Pseron_Wyrd wrote: »The single-player Elder Scrolls games did not "die" when ESO was released. And ESO will not "die" when the next single-player game is released.
I do not understand this "either-or" attitude that so many gamers have. It does not have to be one or the other. It can be both. Gaming is not a zero-sum proposition where the rise of one game means the downfall of another. We can play both games and enjoy both games. There is room in our lives for more than one game.
Mettaricana wrote: »If es6 is as boring as fallout 4 they'll be back sooner than later...
Fo4 was boring as hell lack of unique enemies items boring craft and settlement thing... if es6 tries anything less than skyrim which i found also lacking in many areas