Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

How Are You Enjoying Midyear Madness?

  • Damianos
    I am hating it, because...
    it's borked, char stuck in cyro, can't log in... ugh so much hate right now
  • Zouni
    I am hating it, because...
    nothing is working!

    ZOS - go back to ignoring PVP!
    Nyxtes - NB
    Nyxta - Sorc
    Mastrofonoss - DK
    Gr Blue - Temp
  • DrkHunter86
    I am hating it, because...
    Livvy wrote: »
    ...because everything about it, thus far, has been horrible.

    Horrible is only because as is typical the clowns at zos cant keep the tin can servers up yet again. Its insane that we pay for this. I'm done for a while, anyone else quitting this mockery of the franchise? Zos can suck it soooo hard.... Idiots
  • ZarosA
    I am hating it, because...
    hate it, too much lag
  • Pink_Violinz
    I am hating it, because...
    Gave up on Cyro when everyone started gliding around. Thought to myself, well, if PvP is bad PvE must be fine right now. Right?

    We have a fully skinned group unable to complete normal maw because of the atrocious lag.
  • HighPlainz
    I am hating it, because...
    The game is unplayable. Very poor anticipation that people might want to PVP during a PVP event.
  • Bazeric
    Other (please explain)
    Can't tell the 10 minutes I've had my feet in Cyrodiil it has been waiting for the server to crash
    Looking for broken things in hopes they may be fixed. I've given up, my game literally works differently from yours.
    64M+ AP across 9 toons... kinda makes me a GO
  • Stingray_67
    I am hating it, because...
    Hard to enjoy with constant downtime/lag... of course according to the big red banner (above) it's all fixed, or it's my client's fault... WHAT!?

    Is it too much to expect that more server loading should be anticipated for these events? And with the last several weeks of infamous lag and server drops anyway... I guess I should have expected unplayable performance at least during prime hours.
  • cambergang
    I am hating it, because...
    The server are trash non stop lag and big ball groups everywhere it's kinda said people have the group just because there trash and it makes it less fun for everyone else trying to play without out 5 fps
  • LadyNalcarya
    I'm undecided, because...
    Well... I just tried bgs for the first time, with a random team. It was quite hectic, but we somehow managed to win... And then I found out that the bg achievement is bugged. :D
    Then I fought some random people in Cyrodiil and immediately got a hatemail accusing me in using macro and "auto shield"(?some kind of hack I guess?) People in Cyro are friendly as usual. :)
    So yeah, it was a mess... But it was surprisingly fun to play pvp for a change.
    But I really wish it would be more thought-out.
    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason

  • Dr.NRG
    I am hating it, because...
    I cant play it lol lag and disconnects all day so I had to find something else to do:(
  • malcolmhagger
    I am hating it, because...
    its just how much AP can i get before i crash again
  • phairdon
    Other (please explain)
    Not involved. Trying to level a night blade.
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • Militan1404
    I am hating it, because...
    Because its the worlds biggest lag fest, and after i have qued for about an hour just to see like 90% of the players just standing afk.. and spent like 2 hours in battlegrounds just trying to get a little decent group so i could get the achievement just to find out its broken and wont be fixed before the 26/7.. feel stupid becouse i always excited when events and dlcs but they kind of always screws it up and make feel more angry than happy..
    Edited by Militan1404 on July 21, 2017 3:17AM
  • Some_Guy
    I am hating it, because...
    Let's take a zone that can barely handle the day-to-day normal players without crapping on us and attract as many people to it.
    Genius idea.
    How do you still have jobs?
    We Wipe On Trash
    Vivian Naiviv CP Altmer Sorcerer
    Shivnado the Potato CP Redguard Sorcerer
    Cüddle Mönster CP Argonian Sorcerer
    Ebonheart Pact Spy CP Dunmer Dragonknight
    Delilah Blackheart CP Redguard Dragonknight
    My Best Friend CP Argonian Dragonknight
    Sensual Heals CP Dunmer Templar
    Daggerfall Covenant Spy CP Redguard Templar
    Föcùs-Thê-Hælèr CP Argonian Templar
    Goes-the-Wrong-Way CP Dunmer Nightblade
    Anu'Thir Phuh'Kinspy CP Redguard Nightblade
    Works-in-Sweatshop CP Argonian Nightblade
    Anu'thir Phuh'kin Bearpun CP Altmer Warden
    Bubble Crumbles CP Redguard Warden
    A'driån Kin'hör CP Argonian Warden
    Clearly, your egg was left in the shade too long.
  • Lexynide
    I am hating it, because...
    Got kicked about 10 times from the chillest campaign (Xarxes) there is right now due to lag issues, couldn't even finish the introduction quest. Had enough and closed the game. Awesome! I really appreciate 3 years of hard work improving PvP experience!
  • Grim13
    I'm undecided, because...
    I'm both loving and hating this event.

    Hating it because I wanted to pvp tonight with double ap.

    Loving it due to the schadenfreude from all of the "I told you so's" and "what were you thinkings" I know Zeni are receiving.
  • Lifix
    Soul Shriven
    I am hating it, because...
    I'm stuck in group no matter how many times i restart patch. The crashes and lag have stopped. Just gonna stop playing for now and try some other games until it gets better.
  • Rygonix
    Other (please explain)
    It's a massive breeding ground for Zerglings. Perfect conditions. However defending a keep and finding a graveyard's worth of enemy corpses littered everywhere is..slightly satisfying.

    Edit: I am also worried Hakeijo runes, and what they make, are going to tank in price. One of the few things that made IC worthwhile, financially.

    Edit 2: This is obviously a bg and Cyrodiil stress-test session in disguised. Don't be fooled.
    Edited by Rygonix on July 21, 2017 3:23AM
    Ceres Des Mortem-Dark Elf Templar, EP
  • MusekininKanchou
    Had fun killing pvp noobs. Ripped though a group of 10 dc with my tank. Got killing blow on about 7 and i kind of suck. Good times. Logged off just before the,server crapped.
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Just cancel this event ZoS . Everything is so broken . Reset the server to yesterday .
  • rootimus
    StormWylf wrote: »
    give us some time to see what's up.

    Apart from everyone's ping rate? :P
    Even on the internet, clear communication is important; it can be the difference between "helping your Uncle Jack off a horse" and "helping your uncle jack off a horse"; the difference between "knowing your s***" and "knowing you're s***".
    Greybeards & Gals - Civilised, laid-back, mature gamers. Beards optional. |
  • Leogon
    I am hating it, because...
    - Very long queues
    - The Pelinavant the Scourge achievement is bugged
    - Can't leave the group I was in

    I'm having the time of my life.
  • Ostonoha
    Other (please explain)
    The AP and rewards from the event are great. The long Q from the event is terrible. But its not like the lag, bugs that have been in game since beta, perma load screens, spiking ping, and crashing in pvp is any different from any other night of pvp. Servers cant take the number of people in one area.
  • HeathenDeacon
    gotta say this event sorta pisses me off cause 2x ap from BGs is a bad joke.
  • Azramel
    I am hating it, because...
    Ping and crashes, nothing new. Same old BS we've been getting taken to the extreme.
  • Ch4mpTW
    Other (please explain)
    Well then... This is certainly a rather insightful poll. I sure hope you guys are paying attention to this thread at ZOS HQ. Because this threads speaks volumes about how your consumers feel about an event created to bring happiness and entertainment. I'd be paying reeeeal close attention to the feedback, bruhs. >_> @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_MattFiror @ZOS_BrianWheeler @Wrobel
  • NukeAllTheThings
    I am loving it, because...
    I am loving it because.....I am a big fan of disasters and this has been a beautiful disaster. It is rare that I can have expectations so thoroughly met so kudos to you ZoS. You knocked it out of the park. How epic has it been? Well, within 2 hours all servers are pop locked with astronomical queues (thank goodness you opened a new one because that filled up within 2 hours as well on PC NA). Achievement for the event is so screwed up everyone has to wait 3-5 days for you to fix it. And best of all, the predictable server meltdown across all platform. And to top it off, it melts down within 10 minutes of you guys posting that the connection issues have been resolved. You guys don't half ass failure, you whole ass it and it is glorious.


    "it's important to state that our decision to go with subscriptions is not a referendum on online game revenue models. F2P, B2P, etc. are valid, proven business models - but subscription is the one that fits ESO the best, given our commitment to freedom of gameplay, quality and long-term content delivery. Plus, players will appreciate not having to worry about being "monetized" in the middle of playing the game, which is definitely a problem that is cropping up more and more in online gaming these days." - Matt Firor
  • fioskal
    I've had a ton of fun while I've been in but.... between crashes/long queue times it's been a rough start to the event.
    PC - NA
  • NBrookus
    Other (please explain)
    On one hand, seeing all the campaigns populated and action everywhere is awesome. Look at the number of potential PVPers! Sure, many will farm achieves and leave, but some will stay. PVP is the motherlode of user generated content. Make pvp'ers happy and they'll stick around for a fraction of the dev time versus new dungeons, zones, etc. that PvE'ers desire to stay engaged.

    But at the point where I logged in and crashed within 30 seconds 6 times in a row long after the connection issues were "resolved" ended my pvp for the night. I crashed about 10 times tonight. That's ridiculous. And people were crashing in PVE land tool so this wasn't a Cyrodiil issue.

    I'm sure we'll be told it was DDOS... but that excuse is wearing very thin.
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