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Orsinium is bigger and better than Morrowind

  • morrowjen
    Beardimus wrote: »
    Orsinium was and is awesome, as too was Imperial City with it's longevity / replayability. I did everything in Orc land, every single thing. I bought TG and did nothing but starter quest so far. Then got ESO+ haven't started DB, nor Vvardenfell no real appetite. Wrothgar was a real stand out DLC.

    The only annoying thing was the crafting writ hand in bugs on Xbox.

    As much as it pains me to say, Wrothgar was better. Maybe because it didn't have the same expectations or controversy but it was a pleasant surprise whereas Morrowind had tons of expectations and plenty of controversy. My main complaint though is that Morrowind is far too short, especially for a DLC/Expansion/Chapter/Whatever calling itself after one of the largest, and most beloved games in TES. I loved what content we did get but it was wayyyy too short for both the name and the price.

    Also, not being able to join the Morag Tong??!
    Edited by morrowjen on July 10, 2017 9:18AM
  • Wreuntzylla
    Out of all the additions post base game, Orsinium has been my favorite. I still spend time in that zone. TG/DB were not designed well in my opinion, it wasn't fun to level the skill lines for each of those at all. I did not enjoy the go do these boring things until you hit the next level and can do the next actual quest in the story. MW has been ok, I liked a lot of the quests, enjoyed the area, have done all the WB's and hunting achievements on one character and working on the second now (like fetching all the tomb rubbings etc). I like to spend time in Wrothgar, I don't have that same pull to hang out in Vvardenfell.

    I really like Craglorn. The main questline was a little fairytale for me but otherwise, love that zone.
  • jordthesantaman
    World map of morrowind is larger, even when not counting the inaccessible areas, as someone stated earlier there is a whole thread about it, Vvardenfell is bigger. Morrowind has more to do in replayable content, more dailes, and more reasons to go around exploring and opening chests and finding things. Whether or not the quests story was good or bad is left to each individual player, but Morrowind has more replayabilty in terms of dailies and reason to do quests(to get better drop chance on motifs) and it does have a 12 man Trial while orsinium had the hell that is Maelstrom. I rank the Morrowind update above Orsinium personally cause of these reasons.
    0.002% is much better than 0.001%, sure.

    Morrowind map is bigger but empty as Syberia is bigger than most of the countries. Bigger doesn't mean it's full of activities and quests.
    The better replayability has Dark Brotherhood: people literally swarm the road from the Gold Coast Wayshrine to the DB base.

    Once again: the storyline is extremely short and boring, side quests are mostly boring and unmemorable, area is big but empty.
    BTW, Orsinium has a story variations: you can save High Priestess Solgra or make her die.
    Any same in Morrowind?

    Why the spoiler? D:
    Sweet Mother, Sweet Mother. Send your child unto me for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear.
  • Chadak
    I enjoyed both, though Morrowind doesn't feel expansive enough to be treated like a full-blown expansion. And calling Vvardenfell bigger than Orsinium means nothing when the vast middle of Vvardenfell is an unexplorable volcano.

    Actual explorable terrain in which you can find things to do? Orsinium actually felt bigger to me. That's a matter of level design and the illusion of scale, not actual size.

    The level design isn't bad in Vvardenfell. Its just a big island dominated by a big volcano that soaked up the lion's share of the actual real estate. Not useful to say 'Oh, but its SO MUCH BIGGER' when you can't walk on half of it and, even if you glitched the game and did, you're not supposed to and there'll be nothing to do there.

    Morrowind's questlines tend very strongly to drag on and on and on before you finally get to a reward as well. This whole push to level new characters there...I can't get behind it.

    And whoever thought it was brilliant to go ramrodding stealth requirements and all the G**DA*N TRESPASSING AREAS all over the blinking place in what I feel are core storylines to the expansion should be punched, repeatedly, in the solar plexus.

    And then fined 92 gold pieces for trespassing on my sanity.
  • Invincible
    Zos is the best. Morrowind is the best. Morrowind is bigger than cyrodil. I can't wait to spend another $60 for 2 hours worth of quests.
  • Mojmir
    Invincible wrote: »
    Zos is the best. Morrowind is the best. Morrowind is bigger than cyrodil. I can't wait to spend another $60 for 2 hours worth of quests.

    Thanks rich Lambert
  • Rex-Umbra
    Orsinium was better. Morrowind was good but should have more meat to it.
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • GreenhaloX
    I agree that Orsinium seem to be developed quite fairly well. I had enjoyed going through the questline and even collecting those relics and getting the costumes. Yes, although Craglorn is a good farming zone; however, I prefer farming for mats in Worthgar. It is smoother farming in Wrothgar with fewer distraction and interruption than in Craglorn. Comparatively, I cannot comment on Morrowind, as I have not purchase it yet. Yes, I am standing by as a black sheep who still refused to get Morrowind; for principle, as a personal boycott to all the nerfing and expulsion of Warlord/Magician skill cost reduction. Yeah, like I will make a dent to Zen/ZOS's production or continuous profit-making venue, but still.. take that, Zen/ZOS!
  • Tubben
    Darlgon wrote: »
    Sorry OP. you are clueless on both size and time to do both zones if you <THINK> you completed them that fast.

    All quests.
    All bosses.
    All costumes.
    UPD.: All titles

    Everything but trial and maelstrom.

    I have done it all.

    No doubt, but not in 2 hours.

  • ParaNostram
    "Your mistake is you begged for your life, not for mercy. I will show you there are many fates worse than death."

    Para Nostram
    Bosmer Sorceress
    Witch of Evermore

    "Death is a privilege that can be denied by it's learned scholars."
    Order of the Black Worm
  • SoLooney
    Orsinium has Maelstrom. I hate doing it and farming it, but RNG has blessed me with sharpened weapons so im mostly happy.
  • Faulgor
    Morrowind's land mass might be larger, but in all other aspects, Orsinium seemed to have more and better quality content.
    I'm really curious how Clockwork City will work out.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • drakhan2002_ESO
    I like both for different reasons.

    Orsinium has such sentimental value for me. I have done all of the content several times and it feels comfortable and I always feel good doing it. It feels large.

    Morrowind is new and exciting. I enjoy the story and questlines. However, from a pure scale of land, that volcano pretty much only allows for a large circle of land mass to be available for exploration. It just doesn't feel as large as Orsinium - it may be my perception. But overall, I look forward to making this part of each of my characters progression...and I have several that still need to do the for me it's all good...
  • Elsonso
    However, from a pure scale of land, that volcano pretty much only allows for a large circle of land mass to be available for exploration. It just doesn't feel as large as Orsinium - it may be my perception. But overall, I look forward to making this part of each of my characters progression...and I have several that still need to do the for me it's all good...

    I was thinking the opposite, on size. To me, Vvardenfell feels large because getting from the east side to the west side requires going around the mountain. Meanwhile, going from the north part of Wrothgar to the south part of Wrothgar is only impeded by The Cliff, and there are several ways through that. That makes Wrothgar feel smaller. East to west in Wrothgar feels about the same as north to south in Vvardenfell, to me. Vvardenfell is a little longer.

    I have to be clear about one thing, though. For the first two weeks, everything I did in Vvardenfell was on foot. No wayshrines, no horses, no Silt Striders. After that, I started using the Silt Striders, mainly because it just took too long to get anywhere. I added a mount to the list, and the island seems manageable now. I do not use the wayshrines.

    In Wrothgar, I have no problem doing travel in the entire zone on foot.

    My thinking is that a person can't get a feel for the size of a zone by zipping around and flying over it. For me, that takes a couple weeks. Once I have that size figured out, then that changes.
    Edited by Elsonso on July 10, 2017 1:51PM
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Farscape76
    Orsinium is an amazing zone in fact its my favorite, but for me all the time spent avoiding it (due to game crashes that would sometimes leave your character stranded for days on end) really hampers my ability to call it the best zone...I still get slightly nervous approaching the city. :p
    CP 1200+ Xbox - NA - Ebonheart Pact
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    Talon Crichton - lvl 50 Stamsorc
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    Erza Crichton - lvl 50 MagDK
  • Wifeaggro13
    Greetings, Warlords!

    With the Morrowind release I got 2 more toons, 2 new wardens. I played them through start game locations to reach lvl 45 and 41. Then I decided I should finally complete both Morrowind and Orsinium.
    So I started Morrowind with my level 45 Warden and completed it finally (done everything but trial) with 10k of XP to reach lvl50. Some questline were kewl, plottwist was good and interesting.
    But it took me only 2 hours to complete actual storyline. Sidequests were not bad but I can't remember anything special about them.

    Then I played with my lvl41 Warden and completed Orsinium (same story: everything but Maelstrom Arena) with 70k of XP to reach lvl 50. The main questline is a masterpiece, the best ever been in ES series (yeah, I'm overreacting), side quests had tonns of characters I met before, lots of lines in dialogues were connected to those quests. Can't say anything special about sidequests (same Dren, sure).

    I'm not a good friend of words and phrases so I want to make the conclusion:
    Morrowind is smaller, shorter, duller, less interesting, has little common with old Morrowind and it's way worser than Orsinium.
    Orsinium is a winner without doubts.

    So, whaddya think of it?

    Truthfully before the details were released on Morrowind and Zos was claiming it a expansion at 40$. I was thrilled. I had been disillusioned with eso for a very long time. I thought finally Zos had wised up and even had some positive things to say about the the details came out and the whole community realised the awful truth. ZOS was charging 40 dollars for a dlc and calling it a expac . The warden was a old class from alpha that was pulled out prior to beta. The whole thing was a scam to force a buy to the plus members. ZOS has lost the faith of their long term player and abondoned them they are creating content for a churn base player that does not pla the game just the ken and barbie features
    Edited by Wifeaggro13 on July 10, 2017 2:03PM
  • grizzledcroc
    I just wish I wasnt running into lock doors and inaccessible ruins all over the place :c
  • WarMasterCyp
    Yeah it is better than Morrowind for sure. I think ZOS is just lazy and wants to make a quick buck. After morrowind being such a failure I decided I won't support or buy any new content for ESO.

  • Jubilee_Cake
    Tubben wrote: »
    Darlgon wrote: »
    Sorry OP. you are clueless on both size and time to do both zones if you <THINK> you completed them that fast.

    All quests.
    All bosses.
    All costumes.
    UPD.: All titles

    Everything but trial and maelstrom.

    I have done it all.

    No doubt, but not in 2 hours.

    Well, can you point me where am I talking about I have done it all in 2 hours please.
    EU: Qa-ra ... Redfurred ... Mourith ... Vinelle ... Jearati
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    Francatstein ... Fluffy Bluff ... Eridium Blight
    NA: Riddle-dar ... Dra's al Ghul
  • neverwalk
    i believe the warden was in early beta, but didn't release at launch, and now we know why=future plan to scam more money out of the people
  • Integral1900
    Morrowind main quest in two hours.... err no.... video proof before I will swallow that one

    Unless you have maxed out speed, avoided every none quest fight, never picked up and loot and skipped all the luxurious dialogue I'm calling total cobblers on that one :D
  • Kodrac
    Why do some of you get so upset that someone liked Orsinium better than Morrowind that you whip out your shiny white armor and go to town?
  • GeneralPardon
    nMA nDSA nSO nAA nHRC nMoL nHoF nAS
  • Rainwhisper
    But, I do believe that if Orsinium came out today it would be a chapter.

    I agree. The only thing it really lacks is an additional class.

    The issue, I think, isn't so much that Vvardenfel is lacking, it's that Orsinium set the bar too high.
  • Alex_Lex
    Morrowind main quest in two hours.... err no.... video proof before I will swallow that one

    Unless you have maxed out speed, avoided every none quest fight, never picked up and loot and skipped all the luxurious dialogue I'm calling total cobblers on that one :D

    I approve. I have done the main story of Morrowind 10 times (10/14) already and the fastest was lesser than 1 hour and 30 minutes with mount fully fed.
    Not sure if I had more than 90 items looted during that time so it's never an issue.
    You can add time for dialogues, but in the end you'd still be limited to 2 hours of gameplay, no more.
    EU: Beatrice gra-Brog, Rebellie, Yshterie, Jearra , Lirielline
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    Éternelle, Burns-all-the-babies, Jyggurag
    NA: Dice Twice, Nikka from the barrel
  • Ermiq
    Sometimes pro-Morrowind arguments made me laughing.
    "You've missed a lot", "I doubt you've got all motifs"... Haha.
    Are you guys wanna say that learning traits is the biggest content of ESO? :smiley:
    One of the two of us definitely has gone mad. It only remains to define whether this one is the whole world or just me.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    Sick&tired of being kicked off from your house when you complete a dungeon? ComingBackHome addon is what you need!
    Me is russian little bad in english :b
  • Elloa
    BraidasNM wrote: »
    morrowind definitely doesnt deserve to be called an expansion. zos just released a new class alongside a normal dlc zone. thieves guild came with a new trial and IC came with a different pvp mode so its no different in that regard either (if more effort was put into BG's I'd have a diff opinion).

    and i agree wrothgar was really good, probably the best zone in the game

    That's why Morrowind is not called an expansion but a Chapter. ;) Orsinium would have been released as Chapter today. It was developed when ESO was a sun game and Zenimax repeated several time they would not develop DLC the size of Orsinium anymore as it was not meant to be a DLC
  • redshirt_49
    This again? Actually, size-wise Vvardenfell is bigger even if you remove all the bits that cannot be explored (Red Mountain, Sheogorad etc.) it's still bigger than Orsinium. Number of quests is about the same. Time to complete is more or less the same.
    People are saying they really loved Orsinium storyline while I personally found it quite dreadful, dull and blandly predictable. But that's just differing tastes and nothing worth arguing about.
    But if you're saying that you're certain Wrothgar was bigger, you need to take your rose-colored glasses off and really really pay attention next time you're speeding through it.
  • Maximo3rdb14_ESO
    Mojmir wrote: »
    Orsinium was better in alot of ways, morrowind should have been a dlc with warden as part of the base game.

    I don't think it should be considered an expansion. Orsinium recognizes your character as an Orc if you're playing as one, and there's content that's reactive to that racial choice. In contrast, Morrowind almost entirely ignores your character being Dunmer, with you being called 'Outlander' even though you're not a Cyrodillic Dunmer (which was the case in the game Morrowind if you played as one). Even the Pact storyline accomplishments seem to be ignored by members of the Houses who are part of the Pact. It just feels so lazy when an 'expansion' seems to show less work than a prior DLC.
    PS4 User.
  • Megabear
    I prefer Morrowind over Orsinium by a lot. But I do think they are about the same size.
    Guide to making $$$ in Tamriel:
    Cost analysis for potential ESO players:
    Warden Bow Healer/DPS Hybrid Build:
    Warden "The Warladin" Healer/Tank Hybrid Build:
    Warden Stamina DPS Build:
    Server - PC/NA
    Vhevet - (S) Night Blade/Female/Orsimer
    Ecaer - (M) Templar/Female/Breton
    Captain Beaster Bunny - (S) Warden/Male/Red Guard
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    Ecaeri - (M) Warden/Female/Argonian
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    What Can Go Wong - (S) Night Blade/Male/Bosmer
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